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/ distributed / _tensor / ops / view_ops.py

# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Callable, cast, Dict, Iterable, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union

import torch

from torch import Tensor
from torch.distributed._tensor.api import Shard
from torch.distributed._tensor.op_schema import OpSchema, OutputSharding
from torch.distributed._tensor.ops.utils import (

from torch.distributed._tensor.placement_types import DTensorSpec, Placement, Replicate

aten = torch.ops.aten

Shape = Tuple[int, ...]

class DimSpec:
    """Specifies how an output dimension maps to an input dimension."""

    def inputs(self) -> Iterable["DimSpec"]:
        return ()

# Rules that map each dimension of the output to dimensions of the input tensor
DimMap = Tuple[DimSpec, ...]

class Singleton(DimSpec):
    """Output dimension is a singleton"""


class InputDim(DimSpec):
    """Output dimension maps directly to an input dimension."""

    input_dim: int

class Broadcast(DimSpec):
    """Output is the broadcast of a singleton input dimension."""

    dim: DimSpec
    dim_size: int

    def new(cls, dim: DimSpec, dim_size: int) -> DimSpec:
        return Broadcast(dim, dim_size)

    def inputs(self) -> Iterable[DimSpec]:
        return (self.dim,)

class NewDim(DimSpec):
    """This is a new dimension created by the op."""

    size: int

    def new(cls, size: int) -> DimSpec:
        return Singleton() if size == 1 else NewDim(size)

class Repeat(DimSpec):
    """Output dimension is the input dimension repeated n-times."""

    input_dim: DimSpec
    times: int

    def new(cls, dim: DimSpec, times: int) -> DimSpec:
        if times == 1:
            return dim
        elif isinstance(dim, Singleton):
            # repeating a singleton is the same as broadcasting it
            return Broadcast(dim, times)
            return Repeat(dim, times)

    def inputs(self) -> Iterable[DimSpec]:
        return (self.input_dim,)

class Flatten(DimSpec):
    Output dimension is a set of input dimensions flattened, keeping
    right-most adjacent elements adjacent in the output.

    input_dims: Sequence[DimSpec]

    def new(cls, dims: Sequence[DimSpec]) -> DimSpec:
        if len(dims) == 0:
            # flattening a scalar leads to a singleton
            return Singleton()
        elif len(dims) == 1:
            # flattening a single dimension is no-op
            return dims[0]
            return Flatten(dims)

    def inputs(self) -> Iterable[DimSpec]:
        return self.input_dims

class Split(DimSpec):
    This dimension is a member of a decomposition of the input dim.
    Note that input_dim itself could be a Flattened set of input dims.

    input_dim: DimSpec
    group_shape: Shape
    split_id: int

    def new(cls, dim: DimSpec, group_shape: Tuple[int, ...], idx: int) -> DimSpec:
        assert len(group_shape) > 0
        if len(group_shape) == 1:
            # not really a group, just return the input dim back
            assert idx == 0
            return dim
        elif group_shape[idx] == 1:
            return Singleton()
            # remove singletons from group
            # group_mapping = [(new_index, (shape, old_index)) ...]
            group_mapping = list(
                enumerate((s, i) for i, s in enumerate(group_shape) if s != 1)
            new_group_shape = tuple(m[1][0] for m in group_mapping)
            new_idx = next(filter(lambda x: x[1][1] == idx, group_mapping))[0]
            return Split(dim, new_group_shape, new_idx)

    def inputs(self) -> Iterable[DimSpec]:
        return (self.input_dim,)

def dim_pad_left(ndim: int, min_dims: int) -> DimMap:
    return (Singleton(),) * max(0, min_dims - ndim) + tuple(
        InputDim(i) for i in range(ndim)

def dim_atleast_3d(ndim: int) -> DimMap:
    if ndim == 0:
        return (Singleton(), Singleton(), Singleton())
    elif ndim == 1:
        return (Singleton(), InputDim(0), Singleton())
    elif ndim == 2:
        return (InputDim(0), InputDim(1), Singleton())
        return tuple(InputDim(i) for i in range(ndim))

def expand(input_shape: Shape, shape: Shape) -> DimMap:
    """Implements broadcast on multiple dimensions"""
    assert len(shape) >= len(input_shape)

    # 1. create padded input dimensions
    padded_input = dim_pad_left(len(input_shape), len(shape))
    # 2. check that input shapes are compatible
    mapping = []
    for p, desired_s in zip(padded_input, shape):
        if isinstance(p, Singleton):
            actual_s = 1
            assert desired_s >= 0
            assert isinstance(p, InputDim), f"DimSpec not supported in expand: {p}"
            actual_s = input_shape[p.input_dim]
            assert actual_s == 1 or desired_s == -1 or desired_s == actual_s
            if desired_s in (1, -1) or desired_s == actual_s
            else Broadcast.new(p, desired_s)
    return tuple(mapping)

def normalize_sizes(sizes: Union[Shape, Tuple[Shape]]) -> Shape:
    if isinstance(sizes[0], int):
        return cast(Shape, sizes)
    elif len(sizes) == 1:
        return cast(Shape, sizes[0])  # type: ignore[redundant-cast]
        raise RuntimeError("Size must be int... or tuple")

def dim_flatten(ndim: int) -> DimMap:
    if ndim == 0:
        return (Singleton(),)
    elif ndim == 1:
        return (InputDim(0),)
        return (Flatten.new(tuple(InputDim(i) for i in range(ndim))),)

def dim_movedim(
    ndim: int,
    input: Union[int, Sequence[int]],
    destination: Union[int, Sequence[int]],
) -> DimMap:
    input = normalize_dims(input, ndim)
    destination = normalize_dims(destination, ndim)

    assert len(input) == len(destination)
    input_set = set(input)
    assert len(input_set) == len(input), "Found repeated input dims"
    assert len(set(destination)) == len(destination), "Found repeated output dims"
    assert max(input) < ndim
    assert max(destination) < ndim

    dest = [-1] * ndim
    for i, d in zip(input, destination):
        dest[d] = i

    unused_inputs_iter = iter(i for i in range(ndim) if i not in input_set)
    for i in range(ndim):
        if dest[i] == -1:
            dest[i] = next(unused_inputs_iter)

    return tuple(InputDim(i) for i in dest)

def dim_repeat(ndim: int, sizes: Shape) -> DimMap:
    sizes = normalize_sizes(sizes)
    assert (
        len(sizes) >= ndim
    ), f"Number of dimensions of repeat dims {sizes} can not be smaller than number of dimensions of tensor {ndim}."
    pad = len(sizes) - ndim
    return tuple(Repeat.new(Singleton(), s) for s in sizes[:pad]) + tuple(
        Repeat.new(InputDim(i), s) for i, s in enumerate(sizes[pad:])

def infer_size(total_size: int, sizes: Shape) -> Shape:
    One dimension input to view may be "-1".
    Infer the size of this dimension given the total_size.
    infers = [i for i, s in enumerate(sizes) if s == -1]
    size = prod(sizes)
    assert len(infers) <= 1, "can only infer one size"
    if infers:
        size = -size
        missing_size = total_size // size
        assert (
            total_size % size == 0
        ), f"size inferred for -1 is not integral {sizes} should have {total_size} elements."
        return tuple(s if s != -1 else missing_size for s in sizes)
    assert size == total_size, f"sizes do not match {total_size} vs {size}"
    return sizes

def view_groups(from_size: Shape, to_size: Shape) -> DimMap:
    A view or reshape operation can be decomposed into a set of 3 types of smaller operations:
    1) Forward a dimension from input to output
    2) Flatten a set of dimensions into a single dimension
    3) Split one dimension into multiple dimensions

    view_groups identifies these operations and returns, for each output dimension, what
    is operation was performed in the input dimension. For example:

        view_groups([2, 3, 4], [2, 12]) -> (
            Flatten((InputDim(1), InputDim(2)))

    - ouptut dimension 0 maps to input dimension 0
    - output dimension 1 maps to a flattened input dimensions 1 and 2

        view_groups([2, 3], [3, 2]) -> (
            Split(Flatten((InputDim(0), InputDim(1))), (3, 2), 0),
            Split(Flatten((InputDim(0), InputDim(1))), (3, 2), 1),

    - in the above, input is flattened into a single dimension and then split
      into two separate dimensions with different sizes from the input.
    from_nelem = prod(from_size)
    to_size = infer_size(from_nelem, normalize_sizes(to_size))

    assert from_nelem == prod(to_size), "Total view shape does not add up"

    from_idx = 0
    to_idx = 0
    from_len = len(from_size)
    to_len = len(to_size)

    result_pp = []

    while from_idx < from_len or to_idx < to_len:
        from_group_dim, to_group_shape = [], []

        if from_idx >= from_len:
            f = 1
            f = from_size[from_idx]
            from_idx += 1

        if to_idx >= to_len:
            t = 1
            t = to_size[to_idx]
            to_idx += 1

        # if any of the groups is singleton, great, we need to backtrack though
        if f == 1 and t != 1:
            # produces ([1], [])
            to_idx -= 1
            to_group_shape = []
        elif f != 1 and t == 1:
            # produces ([], [1])
            from_idx -= 1
            from_group_dim = []
            # produces ([1], [1]),  ([2], [2]), ([2,3], [6])
            while f != t:
                if f < t:
                    nf = from_size[from_idx]
                    from_idx += 1
                    f *= nf
                    nt = to_size[to_idx]
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