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/ distributed / algorithms / _comm_hooks / default_hooks.py

import functools
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist

class DefaultState:
    Stores state needed to perform the default communication algorithm
    within a communication hook.

        process_group (ProcessGroup): The process group to be used.

    __slots__ = [

    def __init__(
        process_group: dist.ProcessGroup
        if process_group is None:
            raise ValueError(f"Expected to pass in an explicit ProcessGroup to {self}.")
        self.process_group = process_group
        self.world_size = dist.get_world_size(process_group)
        # Setting two factors `self.gradient_predivide_factor`
        # and `self.gradient_postdivide_factor` to avoid underflow and overflow
        self.gradient_predivide_factor = self._get_gradient_predivide_factor(
        self.gradient_postdivide_factor = self.world_size / self.gradient_predivide_factor

    def _get_gradient_predivide_factor(self, world_size: int) -> float:
        factor: int = 1
        while world_size % factor == 0 and world_size / factor > factor:
            factor *= 2
        return float(factor)

class LowPrecisionState(DefaultState):
    Stores state needed to perform gradient communication in a lower precision
    within a communication hook. Communication hook will cast gradients back
    to the original parameter precision specified by ``parameter_type`` (default: torch.float32).
    Builds on top of the :class:`DefaultState`.

        parameter_type (torch.dtype): The precision of model's parameters.
        Required for a hook to cast gradients back to a parameter's precision.

    __slots__ = [

    def __init__(
        self.parameter_type = parameter_type

def _decompress(state: LowPrecisionState, grad: torch.Tensor):
    Casts gradients back to full parameter precision so that
    further computation happens in full precision.
    orig_grad_data = grad.data
    grad.data = grad.data.to(state.parameter_type)
    # Don't let this memory get reused until after the transfer.
    orig_grad_data.record_stream(torch.cuda.current_stream())  # type: ignore[arg-type]

def allreduce_hook(state: DefaultState, grad: torch.Tensor):
    This FSDP communication hook implements ``all_reduce`` algorithm
    and a necessary pre- and post-division of gradients.

        state (DefaultState): State information, configures pre- and post-division factors.
        grad (torch.Tensor): A gradient for the local batch that needs to be communicated across ranks.
    # Average grad by pre-division factor. Together pre- and post-division factors
    # lead to an overall averaging by world_size, required for consistency with PyTorch DDP.
    # This is a two-step process to avoid potential underflow and overflow.
    if state.gradient_predivide_factor > 1:
    dist.all_reduce(grad, group=state.process_group)
    # Average grad by post-division factor.
    if state.gradient_postdivide_factor > 1:

def reduce_scatter_hook(state: DefaultState, grad: torch.Tensor, output: torch.Tensor):
    This FSDP communication hook implements ``reduce_scatter`` algorithm for
    sharded FSDP strategies and a necessary pre- and post-division of gradients.

        state (DefaultState): State information, configures pre- and post-division factors.
        grad (torch.Tensor): An unsharded gradient for the local batch that needs to be
        communicated across ranks.
        output (torch.Tensor): Stores a single shard of the gradient after ``reduce_scatter``.
    # Average grad by pre-division factor.
    if state.gradient_predivide_factor > 1:
        output, grad, group=state.process_group
    # Average grad's shard by post-division factor.
    if state.gradient_postdivide_factor > 1:

def _low_precision_hook(prec: torch.dtype, state: LowPrecisionState, grad: torch.Tensor, output: torch.Tensor):
    if grad.dtype != prec:
        grad.data = grad.data.to(prec)
    if output is not None:
        if output.dtype != prec:
            output.data = output.data.to(prec)
        reduce_scatter_hook(state, grad, output)
        _decompress(state, output)
        allreduce_hook(state, grad)
        _decompress(state, grad)

def fp16_compress_hook(state: LowPrecisionState, grad: torch.Tensor, output: torch.Tensor = None):
    This FSDP communication hook implements a simple gradient compression
    approach that casts ``grad`` to half-precision floating-point format (``torch.float16``).
    It also averages gradients by ``world_size`` in two steps: first it pre-divides gradients by a
    ``state.gradient_predivide_factor``, and after a communication step (``all_reduce`` or ``reduce_scatter``)
    gradients are averaged by a ``state.gradient_postdivide_factor``.
    Once post-division is done, compressed gradients are casted back to parameters' precision.

        state (LowPrecisionState): State information, configures pre- and post-division factors, parameters' precision.
        grad (torch.Tensor): A gradient for the local batch that needs to be communicated across ranks in a lower precision.
        output (torch.Tensor): Stores a single shard of the gradient after ``reduce_scatter``.
    fp16_hook = functools.partial(_low_precision_hook, torch.float16)
    return fp16_hook(state, grad, output)

def bf16_compress_hook(state: LowPrecisionState, grad: torch.Tensor, output: torch.Tensor = None):
    This FSDP communication hook implements a simple gradient compression
    approach that casts ``grad`` to half-precision floating-point format (``torch.float16``).
    It also averages gradients by ``world_size`` in two steps: first it pre-divides gradients by a
    ``state.gradient_predivide_factor``, and after a communication step (``all_reduce`` or ``reduce_scatter``)
    gradients are averaged by a ``state.gradient_postdivide_factor``.
    Once post-division is done, compressed gradients are casted back to parameters' precision.

        state (LowPrecisionState): State information, configures pre- and post-division factors, parameters' precision.
        grad (torch.Tensor): A gradient for the local batch that needs to be communicated across ranks in a lower precision.
        output (torch.Tensor): Stores a single shard of the gradient after ``reduce_scatter``.
    bf16_hook = functools.partial(_low_precision_hook, torch.bfloat16)
    return bf16_hook(state, grad, output)