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/ distributed / optim / zero_redundancy_optimizer.py

# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the BSD license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import collections
import copy
import enum
import inspect
import io
import logging
from itertools import chain
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Type, Union

import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
from torch.distributed.algorithms.join import Join, Joinable, JoinHook
from torch.distributed.optim.utils import functional_optim_map
from torch.optim import Optimizer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["ZeroRedundancyOptimizer"]

# Credits:  classy_vision/generic/distributed_util.py
def _recursive_copy_to_device(
    value: Any,
    non_blocking: bool,
    device: torch.device,
) -> Any:
    Recursively searches lists, tuples, dicts and copies tensors to device if
    possible. Non-tensor values are passed as-is in the result.

    .. note:  These are all copies, so if there are two objects that reference
    the same object, then after this call, there will be two different objects
    referenced on the device.
    if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor):
        return value.to(device, non_blocking=non_blocking)

    if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
        values = [
            _recursive_copy_to_device(val, non_blocking=non_blocking, device=device)
            for val in value
        return values if isinstance(value, list) else tuple(values)

    if isinstance(value, collections.abc.Mapping):
        return {
            key: _recursive_copy_to_device(
                val, non_blocking=non_blocking, device=device
            for key, val in value.items()

    return value

def _is_trainable(param: torch.Tensor) -> bool:
    Returns if a parameter is trainable, where trainability is equivalent to
    requiring a gradient.
    return param.requires_grad

def _broadcast_object(
    obj: Any,
    src_rank: int,
    group: object = dist.group.WORLD,
    device: torch.device = torch.device("cpu"),
) -> Any:
    Broadcasts an object to the given group, sending the object if called from
    the source rank and receiving the object otherwise.

        obj: object to broadcast; only used if called on the source rank.
        src_rank (int): source rank.
        group (``ProcessGroup``, optional): group used for the broadcast
            (default: ``dist.group.WORLD``).
        device (``torch.device``, optional): device to send from or receive
            to (default: ``torch.device("cpu")``).

        The broadcasted object.
    if dist.get_rank() == src_rank:
        # Send the object
        buffer = io.BytesIO()
        torch.save(obj, buffer)
        data = bytearray(buffer.getbuffer())
        length_tensor = torch.LongTensor([len(data)]).to(device)
        data_send_tensor = torch.ByteTensor(data).to(device)
        dist.broadcast(length_tensor, src=src_rank, group=group, async_op=False)
        dist.broadcast(data_send_tensor, src=src_rank, group=group, async_op=False)
        # Receive the object
        length_tensor = torch.LongTensor([0]).to(device)
        dist.broadcast(length_tensor, src=src_rank, group=group, async_op=False)
        data_recv_tensor = torch.empty(
            [int(length_tensor.item())], dtype=torch.uint8, device=device
        dist.broadcast(data_recv_tensor, src=src_rank, group=group, async_op=False)
        buffer = io.BytesIO(data_recv_tensor.cpu().numpy())
        obj = torch.load(buffer, map_location=device)
    return obj

class _ZeROJoinHook(JoinHook):
    def __init__(self, zero):
        assert isinstance(zero, ZeroRedundancyOptimizer), (
            "ZeRO join hook requires passing in a ZeroRedundancyOptimizer "
            "instance as the state"
        self.zero = zero

    def main_hook(self):
        Performs an optimizer step, which updates the joined process's shard of
        the parameters and broadcasts those parameters.

class _DDPBucketAssignment:
    This represents a :class:`DistributedDataParallel` bucket assignment,
    meaning a (possibly non-strict) subset of the parameters corresponding to
    a DDP bucket assigned to a rank to update.

        bucket_index (int): index of the bucket determined by the DDP gradient
            bucket all-reduce order.
        parameters (List[torch.Tensor]): model parameters in the bucket
            assigned to this rank.
        offset (int): offset into the :class:`GradBucket` 's :meth:`parameters`
            giving the index of the first element in the passed-in
            ``parameters``; this equivalently indexes into the
            :class:`GradBucket` 's :meth:`gradients`.
        device (torch.device): device on which the parameters are stored.
        tensor (torch.Tensor): flattened tensor giving the data of the
            parameter subset assigned to the rank.

    def __init__(
        bucket_index: int,
        parameters: List[torch.Tensor],
        offset: int,
        self.bucket_index = bucket_index
        self.parameters = parameters
        self.offset = offset
        if len(self.parameters) == 0:
            raise ValueError("Empty bucket assignment")
        # DDP guarantees all parameters in the bucket have the same device
        self.device: torch.device = self.parameters[0].device
        self.tensor: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None

class _OverlapStatus(enum.IntEnum):
    This defines the three possible statuses that
    :class:`ZeroRedundancyOptimizer` can be in when overlapping with

        ``UNINITIALIZED``: The ZeRO instance is effectively uninitialized and
            is waiting for DDP to finalize its bucketing.
        ``DDP_HAS_REBUILT_BUCKETS``: DDP has rebuilt its buckets, meaning that
            its bucketing is finalized. The ZeRO instance can now collect the
            necessary information about the DDP bucketing.
        ``INITIALIZED``: The ZeRO instance is fully initialized and can now
            optimize parameters.

class _OverlapInfo:
    This contains the information needed by :class:`ZeroRedundancyOptimizer`
    to overlap with :class:`DistributedDataParallel`.

        world_size (int): world size of the process group being used.

        shard_buckets (bool): if ``True``, then the assignment of each
            :class:`DistributedDataParallel` bucket is partitioned across
            possibly multiple :class:`ZeroRedundancyOptimizer` instances (i.e.
            across possibly multiple ranks) to approximate uniformity following
            a threshold given by the total parameter size divided by the world
            size; if ``False``, then each bucket is wholly assigned to a single
            :class:`ZeroRedundancyOptimizer` instance (i.e. to a single rank);
            this should be set to the value passed into the hook constructor.
        status (_OverlapStatus): current status; see :class:`_OverlapStatus`
            for more information.
        params_per_bucket (List[List[torch.Tensor]]): ``params_per_bucket[i]``
            gives the model parameters in the ``i``th bucket.
        params_per_rank (List[List[torch.Tensor]]): ``params_per_rank[i]``
            gives the model parameters assigned to the ``i``th rank, where the
            parameters are grouped by increasing bucket indices.
        offsets (Dict[int, int]): maps from bucket index to the offset in
            ``self.params_per_rank[rank]`` giving the index of the first
            parameter in that bucket, where ``rank`` is this process's own
            rank; the keys of this :class:`dict` are the bucket indices
            assigned to this rank.
        num_bucket_assignments (int): total number of bucket assignments across
            all ranks; this is equal to the number of
            :class:`DistributedDataParallel` gradient buckets if
            ``shard_buckets=False`` and possibly greater otherwise.
        total_size (int, optional): total size of all buckets (i.e. sum of
            ``param.numel()`` for all ``param`` across all buckets) if
            ``shard_buckets=True``; otherwise, ``None``.
        broadcast_handles (List[Work]): :class:`list` of async work handles for
            the parameter broadcasts.
        bucket_index_to_future (Dict[int, torch.futures.Future]):
            :class:`dict` mapping bucket index to the corresponding all-reduce
        bucket_index_to_bucket (Dict[int, dist.GradBucket]): :class:`dict`
            mapping bucket index to the corresponding bucket.
        bucket_indices_seen (List[int]): :class:`list` of the bucket indices
            seen on this iteration.

    def __init__(self, world_size) -> None:
        self.status: _OverlapStatus = _OverlapStatus.UNINITIALIZED
        self.shard_buckets: bool = False

        # Modified per bucket reconstruction
        self.params_per_bucket: List[List[torch.Tensor]] = []
        self.params_per_rank: List[List[torch.Tensor]] = [[] for _ in range(world_size)]
        self.offsets: Dict[int, int] = {}
        # Group Ranks
        self.assigned_ranks_per_bucket: List[Set[int]] = []
        self.num_bucket_assignments: int = 0
        self.total_size: Optional[int] = None

        # Modified per iteration
        self.broadcast_handles: List[Any] = []
        self.bucket_indices_seen: List[int] = []
        # Used by `hook_with_zero_step()`
        self.bucket_index_to_future: Dict[int, torch.futures.Future] = {}
        self.bucket_index_to_bucket: Dict[int, dist.GradBucket] = {}

    def wait_for_broadcasts(self) -> None:
        Waits for all parameter broadcasts. This should be called once all
        broadcasts have been scheduled, meaning ``self.broadcast_handles`` is
        filled. This clears ``self.broadcast_handles`` in preparation for the
        next iteration.
        assert (
            len(self.broadcast_handles) == self.num_bucket_assignments
        ), f"Missing at least one broadcast handle on rank {dist.get_rank()}"
        _ = list(map(lambda x: x.wait(), self.broadcast_handles))

    def clear_per_iter_info(self) -> None:
        Clears the data structures that are modified per-iteration. This should
        be called at the end of an iteration.

class ZeroRedundancyOptimizer(Optimizer, Joinable):
    This class wraps an arbitrary :class:`optim.Optimizer
    <torch.optim.Optimizer>` and shards its states across ranks in the group as
    described by ZeRO_. The local optimizer instance in each rank is only
    responsible for updating approximately ``1 / world_size`` parameters and
    hence only needs to keep ``1 / world_size`` optimizer states. After
    parameters are updated locally, each rank will broadcast its parameters to
    all other peers to keep all model replicas in the same state.
    ``ZeroRedundancyOptimizer`` can be used in conjunction with
    :class:`torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel` to reduce per-rank peak
    memory consumption.

    ``ZeroRedundancyOptimizer`` uses a sorted-greedy algorithm to pack a number
    of parameters at each rank. Each parameter belongs to a single rank and is
    not divided among ranks. The partition is arbitrary and might not match the
    the parameter registration or usage order.

        params (``Iterable``): an ``Iterable`` of :class:`torch.Tensor` s
            or :class:`dict` s giving all parameters, which will be sharded
            across ranks.

    Keyword Args:
        optimizer_class (:class:`torch.nn.Optimizer`): the class of the local
        process_group (``ProcessGroup``, optional): ``torch.distributed``
            ``ProcessGroup`` (default: ``dist.group.WORLD`` initialized by
        parameters_as_bucket_view (bool, optional): if ``True``, parameters are
            packed into buckets to speed up communication, and ``param.data``
            fields point to bucket views at different offsets; if ``False``,
            each individual parameter is communicated separately, and each
            ``params.data`` stays intact (default: ``False``).
        overlap_with_ddp (bool, optional): if ``True``, :meth:`step` is
            overlapped with :class:`DistributedDataParallel` 's gradient
            synchronization; this requires (1) either a functional optimizer
            for the ``optimizer_class`` argument or one with a functional
            equivalent and (2) registering a DDP communication hook
            constructed from one of the functions in ``ddp_zero_hook.py``;
            parameters are packed into buckets matching those in
            :class:`DistributedDataParallel`, meaning that the
            ``parameters_as_bucket_view`` argument is ignored.
            If ``False``, :meth:`step` runs disjointly after the backward pass
            (per normal).
            (default: ``False``)
        **defaults: any trailing arguments, which are forwarded to the local


        >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP
        >>> import torch.nn as nn
        >>> from torch.distributed.optim import ZeroRedundancyOptimizer
        >>> from torch.nn.parallel import DistributedDataParallel as DDP
        >>> model = nn.Sequential(*[nn.Linear(2000, 2000).to(rank) for _ in range(20)])
        >>> ddp = DDP(model, device_ids=[rank])
        >>> opt = ZeroRedundancyOptimizer(
        >>>     ddp.parameters(),
        >>>     optimizer_class=torch.optim.Adam,
        >>>     lr=0.01
        >>> )
        >>> ddp(inputs).sum().backward()
        >>> opt.step()

    .. warning::
        Currently, ``ZeroRedundancyOptimizer`` requires that all of the
        passed-in parameters are the same dense type.

    .. warning::
        If you pass ``overlap_with_ddp=True``, be wary of the following: Given
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