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/ fft / __init__.py

import sys

import torch
from torch._C import _add_docstr, _fft  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
from torch._torch_docs import factory_common_args, common_args

__all__ = ['fft', 'ifft', 'fft2', 'ifft2', 'fftn', 'ifftn',
           'rfft', 'irfft', 'rfft2', 'irfft2', 'rfftn', 'irfftn',
           'hfft', 'ihfft', 'fftfreq', 'rfftfreq', 'fftshift', 'ifftshift',

Tensor = torch.Tensor

# Note: This not only adds the doc strings for the spectral ops, but
# connects the torch.fft Python namespace to the torch._C._fft builtins.

fft = _add_docstr(_fft.fft_fft, r"""
fft(input, n=None, dim=-1, norm=None, *, out=None) -> Tensor

Computes the one dimensional discrete Fourier transform of :attr:`input`.

    The Fourier domain representation of any real signal satisfies the
    Hermitian property: `X[i] = conj(X[-i])`. This function always returns both
    the positive and negative frequency terms even though, for real inputs, the
    negative frequencies are redundant. :func:`~torch.fft.rfft` returns the
    more compact one-sided representation where only the positive frequencies
    are returned.

    Supports torch.half and torch.chalf on CUDA with GPU Architecture SM53 or greater.
    However it only supports powers of 2 signal length in every transformed dimension.

    input (Tensor): the input tensor
    n (int, optional): Signal length. If given, the input will either be zero-padded
        or trimmed to this length before computing the FFT.
    dim (int, optional): The dimension along which to take the one dimensional FFT.
    norm (str, optional): Normalization mode. For the forward transform
        (:func:`~torch.fft.fft`), these correspond to:

        * ``"forward"`` - normalize by ``1/n``
        * ``"backward"`` - no normalization
        * ``"ortho"`` - normalize by ``1/sqrt(n)`` (making the FFT orthonormal)

        Calling the backward transform (:func:`~torch.fft.ifft`) with the same
        normalization mode will apply an overall normalization of ``1/n`` between
        the two transforms. This is required to make :func:`~torch.fft.ifft`
        the exact inverse.

        Default is ``"backward"`` (no normalization).

Keyword args:


    >>> t = torch.arange(4)
    >>> t
    tensor([0, 1, 2, 3])
    >>> torch.fft.fft(t)
    tensor([ 6.+0.j, -2.+2.j, -2.+0.j, -2.-2.j])

    >>> t = torch.tensor([0.+1.j, 2.+3.j, 4.+5.j, 6.+7.j])
    >>> torch.fft.fft(t)
    tensor([12.+16.j, -8.+0.j, -4.-4.j,  0.-8.j])

ifft = _add_docstr(_fft.fft_ifft, r"""
ifft(input, n=None, dim=-1, norm=None, *, out=None) -> Tensor

Computes the one dimensional inverse discrete Fourier transform of :attr:`input`.

    Supports torch.half and torch.chalf on CUDA with GPU Architecture SM53 or greater.
    However it only supports powers of 2 signal length in every transformed dimension.

    input (Tensor): the input tensor
    n (int, optional): Signal length. If given, the input will either be zero-padded
        or trimmed to this length before computing the IFFT.
    dim (int, optional): The dimension along which to take the one dimensional IFFT.
    norm (str, optional): Normalization mode. For the backward transform
        (:func:`~torch.fft.ifft`), these correspond to:

        * ``"forward"`` - no normalization
        * ``"backward"`` - normalize by ``1/n``
        * ``"ortho"`` - normalize by ``1/sqrt(n)`` (making the IFFT orthonormal)

        Calling the forward transform (:func:`~torch.fft.fft`) with the same
        normalization mode will apply an overall normalization of ``1/n`` between
        the two transforms. This is required to make :func:`~torch.fft.ifft`
        the exact inverse.

        Default is ``"backward"`` (normalize by ``1/n``).

Keyword args:


    >>> t = torch.tensor([ 6.+0.j, -2.+2.j, -2.+0.j, -2.-2.j])
    >>> torch.fft.ifft(t)
    tensor([0.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 2.+0.j, 3.+0.j])

fft2 = _add_docstr(_fft.fft_fft2, r"""
fft2(input, s=None, dim=(-2, -1), norm=None, *, out=None) -> Tensor

Computes the 2 dimensional discrete Fourier transform of :attr:`input`.
Equivalent to :func:`~torch.fft.fftn` but FFTs only the last two dimensions by default.

    The Fourier domain representation of any real signal satisfies the
    Hermitian property: ``X[i, j] = conj(X[-i, -j])``. This
    function always returns all positive and negative frequency terms even
    though, for real inputs, half of these values are redundant.
    :func:`~torch.fft.rfft2` returns the more compact one-sided representation
    where only the positive frequencies of the last dimension are returned.

    Supports torch.half and torch.chalf on CUDA with GPU Architecture SM53 or greater.
    However it only supports powers of 2 signal length in every transformed dimensions.

    input (Tensor): the input tensor
    s (Tuple[int], optional): Signal size in the transformed dimensions.
        If given, each dimension ``dim[i]`` will either be zero-padded or
        trimmed to the length ``s[i]`` before computing the FFT.
        If a length ``-1`` is specified, no padding is done in that dimension.
        Default: ``s = [input.size(d) for d in dim]``
    dim (Tuple[int], optional): Dimensions to be transformed.
        Default: last two dimensions.
    norm (str, optional): Normalization mode. For the forward transform
        (:func:`~torch.fft.fft2`), these correspond to:

        * ``"forward"`` - normalize by ``1/n``
        * ``"backward"`` - no normalization
        * ``"ortho"`` - normalize by ``1/sqrt(n)`` (making the FFT orthonormal)

        Where ``n = prod(s)`` is the logical FFT size.
        Calling the backward transform (:func:`~torch.fft.ifft2`) with the same
        normalization mode will apply an overall normalization of ``1/n``
        between the two transforms. This is required to make
        :func:`~torch.fft.ifft2` the exact inverse.

        Default is ``"backward"`` (no normalization).

Keyword args:


    >>> x = torch.rand(10, 10, dtype=torch.complex64)
    >>> fft2 = torch.fft.fft2(x)

    The discrete Fourier transform is separable, so :func:`~torch.fft.fft2`
    here is equivalent to two one-dimensional :func:`~torch.fft.fft` calls:

    >>> two_ffts = torch.fft.fft(torch.fft.fft(x, dim=0), dim=1)
    >>> torch.testing.assert_close(fft2, two_ffts, check_stride=False)


ifft2 = _add_docstr(_fft.fft_ifft2, r"""
ifft2(input, s=None, dim=(-2, -1), norm=None, *, out=None) -> Tensor

Computes the 2 dimensional inverse discrete Fourier transform of :attr:`input`.
Equivalent to :func:`~torch.fft.ifftn` but IFFTs only the last two dimensions by default.

    Supports torch.half and torch.chalf on CUDA with GPU Architecture SM53 or greater.
    However it only supports powers of 2 signal length in every transformed dimensions.

    input (Tensor): the input tensor
    s (Tuple[int], optional): Signal size in the transformed dimensions.
        If given, each dimension ``dim[i]`` will either be zero-padded or
        trimmed to the length ``s[i]`` before computing the IFFT.
        If a length ``-1`` is specified, no padding is done in that dimension.
        Default: ``s = [input.size(d) for d in dim]``
    dim (Tuple[int], optional): Dimensions to be transformed.
        Default: last two dimensions.
    norm (str, optional): Normalization mode. For the backward transform
        (:func:`~torch.fft.ifft2`), these correspond to:

        * ``"forward"`` - no normalization
        * ``"backward"`` - normalize by ``1/n``
        * ``"ortho"`` - normalize by ``1/sqrt(n)`` (making the IFFT orthonormal)

        Where ``n = prod(s)`` is the logical IFFT size.
        Calling the forward transform (:func:`~torch.fft.fft2`) with the same
        normalization mode will apply an overall normalization of ``1/n`` between
        the two transforms. This is required to make :func:`~torch.fft.ifft2`
        the exact inverse.

        Default is ``"backward"`` (normalize by ``1/n``).

Keyword args:


    >>> x = torch.rand(10, 10, dtype=torch.complex64)
    >>> ifft2 = torch.fft.ifft2(x)

    The discrete Fourier transform is separable, so :func:`~torch.fft.ifft2`
    here is equivalent to two one-dimensional :func:`~torch.fft.ifft` calls:

    >>> two_iffts = torch.fft.ifft(torch.fft.ifft(x, dim=0), dim=1)
    >>> torch.testing.assert_close(ifft2, two_iffts, check_stride=False)


fftn = _add_docstr(_fft.fft_fftn, r"""
fftn(input, s=None, dim=None, norm=None, *, out=None) -> Tensor

Computes the N dimensional discrete Fourier transform of :attr:`input`.

    The Fourier domain representation of any real signal satisfies the
    Hermitian property: ``X[i_1, ..., i_n] = conj(X[-i_1, ..., -i_n])``. This
    function always returns all positive and negative frequency terms even
    though, for real inputs, half of these values are redundant.
    :func:`~torch.fft.rfftn` returns the more compact one-sided representation
    where only the positive frequencies of the last dimension are returned.

    Supports torch.half and torch.chalf on CUDA with GPU Architecture SM53 or greater.
    However it only supports powers of 2 signal length in every transformed dimensions.

    input (Tensor): the input tensor
    s (Tuple[int], optional): Signal size in the transformed dimensions.
        If given, each dimension ``dim[i]`` will either be zero-padded or
        trimmed to the length ``s[i]`` before computing the FFT.
        If a length ``-1`` is specified, no padding is done in that dimension.
        Default: ``s = [input.size(d) for d in dim]``
    dim (Tuple[int], optional): Dimensions to be transformed.
        Default: all dimensions, or the last ``len(s)`` dimensions if :attr:`s` is given.
    norm (str, optional): Normalization mode. For the forward transform
        (:func:`~torch.fft.fftn`), these correspond to:

        * ``"forward"`` - normalize by ``1/n``
        * ``"backward"`` - no normalization
        * ``"ortho"`` - normalize by ``1/sqrt(n)`` (making the FFT orthonormal)

        Where ``n = prod(s)`` is the logical FFT size.
        Calling the backward transform (:func:`~torch.fft.ifftn`) with the same
        normalization mode will apply an overall normalization of ``1/n``
        between the two transforms. This is required to make
        :func:`~torch.fft.ifftn` the exact inverse.

        Default is ``"backward"`` (no normalization).

Keyword args:


    >>> x = torch.rand(10, 10, dtype=torch.complex64)
    >>> fftn = torch.fft.fftn(x)

    The discrete Fourier transform is separable, so :func:`~torch.fft.fftn`
    here is equivalent to two one-dimensional :func:`~torch.fft.fft` calls:

    >>> two_ffts = torch.fft.fft(torch.fft.fft(x, dim=0), dim=1)
    >>> torch.testing.assert_close(fftn, two_ffts, check_stride=False)


ifftn = _add_docstr(_fft.fft_ifftn, r"""
ifftn(input, s=None, dim=None, norm=None, *, out=None) -> Tensor

Computes the N dimensional inverse discrete Fourier transform of :attr:`input`.

    Supports torch.half and torch.chalf on CUDA with GPU Architecture SM53 or greater.
    However it only supports powers of 2 signal length in every transformed dimensions.

    input (Tensor): the input tensor
    s (Tuple[int], optional): Signal size in the transformed dimensions.
        If given, each dimension ``dim[i]`` will either be zero-padded or
        trimmed to the length ``s[i]`` before computing the IFFT.
        If a length ``-1`` is specified, no padding is done in that dimension.
        Default: ``s = [input.size(d) for d in dim]``
    dim (Tuple[int], optional): Dimensions to be transformed.
        Default: all dimensions, or the last ``len(s)`` dimensions if :attr:`s` is given.
    norm (str, optional): Normalization mode. For the backward transform
        (:func:`~torch.fft.ifftn`), these correspond to:

        * ``"forward"`` - no normalization
        * ``"backward"`` - normalize by ``1/n``
        * ``"ortho"`` - normalize by ``1/sqrt(n)`` (making the IFFT orthonormal)

        Where ``n = prod(s)`` is the logical IFFT size.
        Calling the forward transform (:func:`~torch.fft.fftn`) with the same
        normalization mode will apply an overall normalization of ``1/n`` between
        the two transforms. This is required to make :func:`~torch.fft.ifftn`
        the exact inverse.

        Default is ``"backward"`` (normalize by ``1/n``).

Keyword args:


    >>> x = torch.rand(10, 10, dtype=torch.complex64)
    >>> ifftn = torch.fft.ifftn(x)

    The discrete Fourier transform is separable, so :func:`~torch.fft.ifftn`
    here is equivalent to two one-dimensional :func:`~torch.fft.ifft` calls:

    >>> two_iffts = torch.fft.ifft(torch.fft.ifft(x, dim=0), dim=1)
    >>> torch.testing.assert_close(ifftn, two_iffts, check_stride=False)


rfft = _add_docstr(_fft.fft_rfft, r"""
rfft(input, n=None, dim=-1, norm=None, *, out=None) -> Tensor

Computes the one dimensional Fourier transform of real-valued :attr:`input`.

The FFT of a real signal is Hermitian-symmetric, ``X[i] = conj(X[-i])`` so
the output contains only the positive frequencies below the Nyquist frequency.
To compute the full output, use :func:`~torch.fft.fft`

    Supports torch.half on CUDA with GPU Architecture SM53 or greater.
    However it only supports powers of 2 signal length in every transformed dimension.

    input (Tensor): the real input tensor
    n (int, optional): Signal length. If given, the input will either be zero-padded
        or trimmed to this length before computing the real FFT.
    dim (int, optional): The dimension along which to take the one dimensional real FFT.
    norm (str, optional): Normalization mode. For the forward transform
        (:func:`~torch.fft.rfft`), these correspond to:

        * ``"forward"`` - normalize by ``1/n``
        * ``"backward"`` - no normalization
        * ``"ortho"`` - normalize by ``1/sqrt(n)`` (making the FFT orthonormal)
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