from import Iterator # type: ignore[import]
from functools import partial
from .unification_tools import assoc # type: ignore[import]
from .utils import transitive_get as walk
from .variable import isvar
from .dispatch import dispatch
__all__ = ["reify", "unify"]
# Reificiation #
@dispatch(Iterator, dict)
def _reify(t, s):
return map(partial(reify, s=s), t)
# return (reify(arg, s) for arg in t)
@dispatch(tuple, dict) # type: ignore[no-redef]
def _reify(t, s):
return tuple(reify(iter(t), s))
@dispatch(list, dict) # type: ignore[no-redef]
def _reify(t, s):
return list(reify(iter(t), s))
@dispatch(dict, dict) # type: ignore[no-redef]
def _reify(d, s):
return {k: reify(v, s) for k, v in d.items()}
@dispatch(object, dict) # type: ignore[no-redef]
def _reify(o, s):
return o # catch all, just return the object
def reify(e, s):
""" Replace variables of expression with substitution
>>> # xdoctest: +SKIP
>>> x, y = var(), var()
>>> e = (1, x, (3, y))
>>> s = {x: 2, y: 4}
>>> reify(e, s)
(1, 2, (3, 4))
>>> e = {1: x, 3: (y, 5)}
>>> reify(e, s)
{1: 2, 3: (4, 5)}
if isvar(e):
return reify(s[e], s) if e in s else e
return _reify(e, s)
# Unification #
seq = tuple, list, Iterator
@dispatch(seq, seq, dict)
def _unify(u, v, s):
if len(u) != len(v):
return False
for uu, vv in zip(u, v): # avoiding recursion
s = unify(uu, vv, s)
if s is False:
return False
return s
# @dispatch((set, frozenset), (set, frozenset), dict)
# def _unify(u, v, s):
# i = u & v
# u = u - i
# v = v - i
# return _unify(sorted(u), sorted(v), s)
# @dispatch(dict, dict, dict)
# def _unify(u, v, s):
# if len(u) != len(v):
# return False
# for key, uval in iteritems(u):
# if key not in v:
# return False
# s = unify(uval, v[key], s)
# if s is False:
# return False
# return s
# @dispatch(object, object, dict)
# def _unify(u, v, s):
# return False # catch all
@dispatch(object, object, dict)
def unify(u, v, s): # no check at the moment
""" Find substitution so that u == v while satisfying s
>>> x = var('x')
>>> unify((1, x), (1, 2), {})
{~x: 2}
u = walk(u, s)
v = walk(v, s)
if u == v:
return s
if isvar(u):
return assoc(s, u, v)
if isvar(v):
return assoc(s, v, u)
return _unify(u, v, s)
@dispatch(object, object) # type: ignore[no-redef]
def unify(u, v):
return unify(u, v, {})