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Version: 2.0.1+cpu 

/ include / ATen / core / CheckMemoryFormat.h

#include <c10/core/TensorOptions.h>

namespace c10 { namespace impl {

inline c10::optional<MemoryFormat>
    const TensorOptions& options,
    c10::optional<MemoryFormat> memory_format) {
      options.requires_grad_opt() == c10::nullopt ||
      options.requires_grad_opt().value() == false,
      "Operators taking TensorOptions cannot take a TensorOptions with "
      "options.requires_grad set as true. This isn't implemented yet.");
      !(options.has_memory_format() && memory_format.has_value()),
      "Cannot set memory_format both in TensorOptions and explicit argument; please delete "
      "the redundant setter.");
  if (memory_format.has_value()) {
    return memory_format;
  } else {
    return options.memory_format_opt();

}} // namespace impl namespace c10