#pragma once
#include <ATen/core/ivalue_to.h>
#include <c10/util/ArrayRef.h>
#include <c10/util/Exception.h>
#include <functional>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <iterator>
#include <type_traits>
* [Note: IListRef]
* Wrapper around different API containers (e.g. boxed and unboxed).
* What is it?
* ===========
* It is a tagged union of both boxed and unboxed API containers.
* Working implementations:
* - `IListRef<at::Tensor>`
* - `IListRef<at::OptionalTensorRef>`
* Note that `IListRef` is a view type. Meaning that it won't own the
* tensors it holds. It's intended to be used only as argument parameters.
* Specifically, where these 2 worlds overlap.
* What is this for?
* =================
* Historically, PyTorch has maintained 2 different APIs: the unboxed
* (called from C++ API and Python eager mode) and boxed APIs (called
* from the TorchScript JIT, mobile interpreter, and boxed fallbacks).
* Calling unboxed kernels from the boxed "world" and vice-versa may
* result in non-negligible overhead. Lists are one of those types:
* - Boxed world: `c10::List`
* - Unboxed world: `c10::ArrayRef`
* In this context, `c10::IListRef` solves this problem by wrapping those
* 2 container types, so that we don't need to convert from one to
* the other.
* (see https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/66328)
* What does it do?
* ================
* This container wraps around the different tagged containers
* (currently, only boxed and unboxed), without incurring in extra
* overhead for converting from one to another. It does so while
* exposing usual container methods, which dispatch to corresponding
* implementations.
* While it works with different container types, it introduces
* overhead for repeatedly calling member functions (since those will
* get dispatched, again). Therefore, you should only use it to iterate
* through the list up to one time. If you need to do more complex things,
* call `materialize()` first.
* Adding support for a new Tag
* ============================
* Suppose we want to add a new tag: `Chest`. Here are the steps
* we would have to go through:
* 1. Add a line for it in the macro `TORCH_ILISTREF_FORALL_TAGS`.
* #define TORCH_ILISTREF_FORALL_TAGS(_, ...) \
* ...
* _(Chest, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* 2. Add type aliases, union members, and constructors.
* template <typename T>
* class IListRef {
* ...
* using chest_type =
* typename detail::IListRefTagImpl<T, IListRefTag::Chest>::list_type;
* ...
* IListRef(...) : tag_(IListRefTag::Chest) {
* ...
* }
* ...
* union Payload {
* ...
* chest_type chest;
* ...
* };
* ...
* };
* 3. Add a default implementation for it (in 'IListRef_inl.h'). It's
* preferable to make the default implementation work for `T = Tensor`
* (both `Unboxed` and `Boxed` do it).
* template <typename T, typename ListElemT>
* class IListRefTagImplBase<IListRefTag::Chest, T, ListElemT> {
* public:
* using elem_type = ListElemT;
* using list_type = ChestContainer<elem_type>;
* static const list_type& unwrap(const IListRef<T>& ilist) { ... }
* static typename list_type::const_iterator& unwrap(
* IListRefIterator<T>& it) { ... }
* static const typename list_type::const_iterator& unwrap(
* const IListRefIterator<T>& it) { ... }
* static IListRefConstRef<T> iterator_get(
* const typename list_type::const_iterator& it) { ... }
* }
* 4. Add an specialization for each of the already supported types.
* Finally, for consistency, add them to the tracking list.
* (see [Note: IListRefTagImpl Specializations])
* template <>
* class IListRefTagImpl<IListRefTag::Chest, at::Tensor>
* : public IListRefTagImplBase<IListRefTag::Chest, at::Tensor> {};
* Adding support for a new Type
* =============================
* Suppose we want to add support for a new type: `Matrix`.
* Here are the steps we would have to go through:
* 1. Add an specialization for each of the existing tags.
* For consistency, add them to the tracking list.
* (see [Note: IListRefTagImpl Specializations])
* template <>
* class IListRefTagImpl<IListRefTag::Unboxed, Matrix>
* : public IListRefTagImplBase<IListRefTag::Unboxed, Matrix> {};
* template <>
* class IListRefTagImpl<Matrix, IListRefTag::Boxed>
* : public IListRefTagImplBase<IListRefTag::Boxed, Matrix> {};
* Common Problems
* ===============
* 1. One of `IListRef(Iterator)` methods are failing to compile.
* That may be happening because the container type you added
* is not compatible with the code written for that method. If
* that's true, then you might have to transform that code into
* a static method call (see `List::operator[]` method).
* 2. Can't make `IListRefIterator<T>::operator*` return a const-reference.
* First, keep in mind that we assume that boxed containers will
* have to deal with `IValue` (e.g. `c10::List`). In this context,
* what may be happening is that `IValue` doesn't store internally
* your type `T`. Instead, it constructs a type new `T` everytime
* you try to get `T` for it (see `IListRef<at::OptinalTensorRef>`).
namespace c10 {
template <typename T>
class IListRef;
* Applies arbitrary macros to each `IListRefTag`.
_(Unboxed, ##__VA_ARGS__) \
_(Boxed, ##__VA_ARGS__) \
_(Materialized, ##__VA_ARGS__)
* Defines a "switch-case" for `TAG`. Inside, it executes `BODY`,
* while bringing to scope:
* - `ImplT`: the implementation class for `TAG`
* - `this_`: the result of unwrapping `this`
case c10::IListRefTag::TAG: { \
using ImplT = c10::detail::IListRefTagImpl<IListRefTag::TAG, T>; \
auto& this_ = ImplT::unwrap(*this); \
} break;
* Dispatches the unwrap call, depending on `TAG`, followed by
* the execution of `BODY`. It aborts if `TAG` is not a `IListRefTag`.
* This macro is useful because it allows us to handle different
* types (that correspond to different tags) to be implemented
* only once. We can do it even when the implementation of the
* different tags aren't syntatically the same, by dispatching
* it to a function (e.g. `ImplT::<dispatch-function>(this_)`).
switch (TAG) { \
break; \
default: \
TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(false, "invalid IListRef tag."); \
enum class IListRefTag {
#define DEFINE_TAG(tag, ...) tag,
namespace detail {
* Type alias that specifies whether we return a reference or a copy of `T`.
* What is this for?
* =================
* Since values in the boxed world are represented by an `IValue`, we also
* depend on whether it can be converted to a const-reference (`Tensor`) or
* has to create a new copy of `T` (`OptionalTensorRef`).
template <typename T>
using IListRefConstRef = typename ivalue_to_const_ref_overload_return<T>::type;
* Interface that implements key functions for each `IListRefTag` type.
* What is this for?
* =================
* Given an `IListRef(Iterator)<T>`, some methods have to be implemented
* differently for each `TAG`. Therefore, the methods inside this class
* are used as dispatch targets for the different `IListRefTag` values.
* You should create an specialization of this class for each possible
* combination of `IListRefTag` type (except `None`) and element types
* (e.g. `Tensor`).
* What does it do?
* ================
* 1. defines static methods to be used as dispatch targets by both
* `IListRef<T>` and `IListRefIterator<T>` (see the implementation of
* `IListRefTagImplBase`).
* 2. defines the `elem_type` and `list_type` aliases that will be
* used in the definition of `IListRef<T>`. In general, we should do
* so by inheriting from `IListRefTagImplBase<TAG, T, ListElemT>`.
* [Note: IListRefTagImpl Specialization]
* ======================================
* For `IListRef(Iterator)<at::Tensor>`:
* - <IListRefTag::Unboxed, at::Tensor>
* - <IListRefTag::Boxed, at::Tensor>
* - <IListRefTag::Materialized, at::Tensor>
* For `IListRef(Iterator)<at::OptionalTensorRef>`:
* - <IListRefTag::Unboxed, at::OptionalTensorRef>
* - <IListRefTag::Boxed, at::OptionalTensorRef>
* - <IListRefTag::Materialized, at::OptionalTensorRef>
template <IListRefTag TAG, typename T>
class IListRefTagImpl {};
* Base implementation of `IListRefTagImpl<TAG, T>` methods.
* What is this for?
* =================
* This should make adding specializations for new types easier. For
* example, one should be able to add a new type just by making its
* `IListRefTagImpl` specialization inherit from `IListRefTagImplBase`.
* You should create a partial specialization for this class only if
* you introduce a new `IListRefTag`. The idea being that there is one
* default implementation for each possible value of `IListRefTag`.
* What does it do?
* ================
* 1. defines `elem_type` as an alias to `ListElemT`.
* 1. defines `list_type` as an alias to the default container type
* that will hold a collection of `elem_type`. The idea being that
* all types tagged as `TAG` will have `list_type` as its container,
* with different `elem_type`.
* 3. defines the default implementation for each of the methods that
* are supposed to be defined on `IListRefTagImpl` specializations.
* 4. inheriting from `IListRefTagImplBase<TAG, T, ListElemT>` also means
* that the payload of the type `IListRef<T>` will be of type `list_type`
* when it is tagged as `TAG`.
template <IListRefTag TAG, typename T, typename ListElemT = T>
class IListRefTagImplBase {};
* Materialized container for `IListRef<T>`.
* What is this for?
* =================
* Container that groups `T` references together. This exchanges the
* overhead of every method call from `IListRef<T>` for a dynamic allocation.
* You should use this container instead of `IListRef<T>` if:
* - You are going to iterate the list more than once
* - You need to repeatedly access arbitrary elements (using `operator[]`)
* What does it do?
* ================
* Removes the reference (&) from the type, and wraps it into a
* `std::reference_wrapper`. If `IListRefConstRef<T>` is not a
* reference type, then it's left unchanged.
template <typename T>
using _MaterializedIListRefElem = typename std::conditional<
typename std::reference_wrapper<typename std::remove_reference<T>::type>,
template <typename T>
using MaterializedIListRefElem = _MaterializedIListRefElem<IListRefConstRef<T>>;
template <typename T>
using MaterializedIListRef = std::vector<MaterializedIListRefElem<T>>;
} // namespace detail
* Iterator for `IListRef<T>`.
* What is it?
* ===========
* Currently, a `std::bidirectional_iterator` that wraps the iterator
* types defined for each of the `IListRefTag`.
* One should be able to use it, as if it were the unwrapped
* iterators themselves.
* What does it do?
* ================
* Similarly to `IListRef<T>`, this is a wrapper class. Specifically, it
* wraps each container's `const_iterator` type alias. So, for example,
* given that the container for `IListRefTag::Boxed` is `c10::List`, this
* iterator will wrap a `c10::List::const_iterator`.
* [Note: MSVC Iterator Debug]
* ===========================
* MSVC `vector<T>::iterator` implementation (used in the boxed variant)
* makes it so this union's destructor, copy-constructor (assignment), and
* move-constructor (assignment) are implicitly deleted.
* Therefore, we need to explicitly define them as needed. Follows a list
* of places where these are needed and their reason:
* - `Payload` destructor:
* it is deleted only if the macro `_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL` is set to 2.
* - `IListRefIterator` destructor:
* same as above. However, we need to explicitly call the variant
* destructor explicitly.
* - `IListRefIterator` copy-constructor:
* it is deleted only if the macro `_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL` is different
* than 0.
template <typename T>
class IListRefIterator {
friend class detail::IListRefTagImpl<IListRefTag::TAG, T>; \
friend class detail::IListRefTagImplBase< \
IListRefTag::TAG, \
T, \
typename detail::IListRefTagImpl<IListRefTag::TAG, T>::elem_type>;
// C++17 friendly std::iterator implementation
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
using value_type = T;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = T*;
using reference = T&;
using unboxed_iterator_type = typename detail::
IListRefTagImpl<IListRefTag::Unboxed, T>::list_type::const_iterator;
using boxed_iterator_type = typename detail::
IListRefTagImpl<IListRefTag::Boxed, T>::list_type::const_iterator;
using materialized_iterator_type =
typename detail::MaterializedIListRef<T>::const_iterator;
IListRefIterator() : tag_(IListRefTag::None) {}
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL != 0
// See [Note: MSVC Iterator Debug]
IListRefIterator(const IListRefIterator& iterator)
: tag_(iterator.tag_) {
switch (tag_) {
case IListRefTag::Boxed:
payload_.boxed_iterator = iterator.payload_.boxed_iterator;
case IListRefTag::Unboxed:
payload_.unboxed_iterator = iterator.payload_.unboxed_iterator;
case IListRefTag::Materialized:
payload_.materialized_iterator = iterator.payload_.materialized_iterator;
TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(false, "invalid IListRef tag.");
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL == 2
// See [Note: MSVC Iterator Debug]
~IListRefIterator() noexcept(false) {
switch (tag_) {
case IListRefTag::Boxed:
case IListRefTag::Unboxed:
case IListRefTag::Materialized:
TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(false, "invalid IListRef tag.");
IListRefIterator(boxed_iterator_type boxed) : tag_(IListRefTag::Boxed) {
payload_.boxed_iterator = boxed;
IListRefIterator(unboxed_iterator_type unboxed) : tag_(IListRefTag::Unboxed) {
payload_.unboxed_iterator = unboxed;
IListRefIterator(materialized_iterator_type materialized) : tag_(IListRefTag::Materialized) {
payload_.materialized_iterator = materialized;
detail::IListRefConstRef<T> operator*() const {
TORCH_ILISTREF_UNWRAP(tag_, { return ImplT::iterator_get(this_); });
IListRefIterator& operator++() {
TORCH_ILISTREF_UNWRAP(tag_, { ++this_; });
return *this;
IListRefIterator operator++(int) {
auto old = *this;
TORCH_ILISTREF_UNWRAP(tag_, { ++this_; });
return old;
IListRefIterator& operator--() {
TORCH_ILISTREF_UNWRAP(tag_, { --this_; });
return *this;
IListRefIterator operator--(int) {
auto old = *this;
TORCH_ILISTREF_UNWRAP(tag_, { --this_; });
return old;
bool operator==(const IListRefIterator& rhs) const {
if (tag_ != rhs.tag_) {
return false;
auto& rhs_it = ImplT::unwrap(rhs);
return this_ == rhs_it;
bool operator!=(const IListRefIterator& rhs) const {
return !(*this == rhs);
union Payload {
boxed_iterator_type boxed_iterator;
unboxed_iterator_type unboxed_iterator;
materialized_iterator_type materialized_iterator;
void* _init_ptr;
Payload() : _init_ptr(nullptr) {}
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
// See [Note: MSVC Iterator Debug]
~Payload() {}
Payload payload_;
IListRefTag tag_;
* See [Note: IListRef]
template <typename T>
class IListRef {
friend class detail::IListRefTagImpl<IListRefTag::TAG, T>; \
friend class detail::IListRefTagImplBase< \
IListRefTag::TAG, \
T, \
typename detail::IListRefTagImpl<IListRefTag::TAG, T>::elem_type>;
using unboxed_type =
typename detail::IListRefTagImpl<IListRefTag::Unboxed, T>::list_type;
using boxed_type =
typename detail::IListRefTagImpl<IListRefTag::Boxed, T>::list_type;
using materialized_type =
typename detail::MaterializedIListRef<T>;
using iterator = IListRefIterator<T>;
using const_iterator = IListRefIterator<T>;
using reverse_iterator = std::reverse_iterator<iterator>;
using value_type = typename iterator::value_type;
IListRef() : tag_(IListRefTag::None) {}
IListRef(const boxed_type& boxed) : tag_(IListRefTag::Boxed) {
payload_.boxed = &boxed;
IListRef(const unboxed_type& unboxed) : tag_(IListRefTag::Unboxed) {
payload_.unboxed = unboxed;
IListRef(const std::initializer_list<T>& list) : tag_(IListRefTag::Unboxed) {
payload_.unboxed = at::ArrayRef<T>(list);
template <
typename... UnboxedConstructorArgs,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
std::is_constructible<unboxed_type, UnboxedConstructorArgs...>::value>>
IListRef(UnboxedConstructorArgs&&... args) : tag_(IListRefTag::Unboxed) {
payload_.unboxed = unboxed_type(std::forward<UnboxedConstructorArgs>(args)...);
IListRef(const materialized_type& materialized) : tag_(IListRefTag::Materialized) {
payload_.materialized = &materialized;
size_t size() const {
TORCH_ILISTREF_UNWRAP(tag_, { return this_.size(); });
bool empty() const {
return size() == 0;
iterator begin() const {
TORCH_ILISTREF_UNWRAP(tag_, { return this_.begin(); });
iterator end() const {
TORCH_ILISTREF_UNWRAP(tag_, { return this_.end(); });
detail::IListRefConstRef<T> front() const {
TORCH_ILISTREF_UNWRAP(tag_, { return ImplT::front(this_); });
* Materializes the `IListRef` into a `std::vector`.
* This should be used when one wishes to either:
* - iterate over the list more than once: each `IListRefIterator`
* member function call has to go through a switch, introducing
* non-negligible overhead
* - randomly access an arbitrary element using `operator[]`:
* same reason as above
detail::MaterializedIListRef<T> materialize() const {
if (isMaterialized()) {
return toMaterialized();
detail::MaterializedIListRef<T> materialized;
for (const auto& t : *this) {
return materialized;
#define DEFINE_CHECK(TAG, ...) \
bool is##TAG() const { \
return tag_ == IListRefTag::TAG; \
bool isNone() const {
return tag_ == IListRefTag::None;
#define DEFINE_CASTING(TAG, ...) \
const typename detail::IListRefTagImpl<IListRefTag::TAG, T>::list_type& \
to##TAG() const { \
return detail::IListRefTagImpl<IListRefTag::TAG, T>::unwrap(*this); \
union Payload {
const boxed_type* boxed;
unboxed_type unboxed;
const materialized_type* materialized;
Payload() : boxed(nullptr) {}
~Payload() {}
Payload payload_;
IListRefTag tag_;
} // namespace c10
#include <ATen/core/IListRef_inl.h>