#pragma once
// define constants like M_PI and C keywords for MSVC
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <math.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __CUDACC__
#include <cuda.h>
#include <ATen/core/Array.h>
#include <c10/macros/Macros.h>
#include <c10/util/Exception.h>
#include <c10/util/Half.h>
#include <cmath>
namespace at {
// typedefs for holding vector data
namespace detail {
typedef at::detail::Array<uint32_t, 4> UINT4;
typedef at::detail::Array<uint32_t, 2> UINT2;
typedef at::detail::Array<double, 2> DOUBLE2;
typedef at::detail::Array<float, 2> FLOAT2;
} // namespace detail
* Note [Philox Engine implementation]
* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* Originally implemented in PyTorch's fusion compiler
* Refer to: http://www.thesalmons.org/john/random123/papers/random123sc11.pdf
* for details regarding the engine.
* Note that currently this implementation of the philox engine is not used
* anywhere except for tests in cpu_generator_test.cpp. However, this engine
* will replace curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t in the future.
* The philox engine takes a seed value, a subsequeunce
* for starting the generation and an offset for the subsequence.
* Think of this engine as an algorithm producing a huge array. We are
* parallelizing this array by partitioning the huge array and assigning
* a thread index to each partition. In other words, each seed value
* (there are 2^64 possible seed values) gives a sub array of size
* 2^128 (each element in that array is a 128 bit number). Reasoning
* behind the array being of size 2^128 is, there are 2^64 possible
* thread index value and there is an array of size 2^64 for each of
* those thread index. Hence 2^64 * 2^64 = 2^128 for each seed value.
* In short, this generator can produce 2^64 (seed values) * 2^128 (number
* of elements in an array given by a seed value) = 2^192 values.
* Arguments:
* seed: Seed values could be any number from 0 to 2^64-1.
* subsequence: Subsequence is just the cuda thread indexing with:
* - blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x
* offset: The offset variable in PhiloxEngine decides how many 128-bit
* random numbers to skip (i.e. how many groups of 4, 32-bit numbers to skip)
* and hence really decides the total number of randoms that can be achieved
* for the given subsequence.
class philox_engine {
C10_HOST_DEVICE inline explicit philox_engine(uint64_t seed = 67280421310721,
uint64_t subsequence = 0,
uint64_t offset = 0) {
reset_state(seed, subsequence);
C10_HOST_DEVICE inline void reset_state(uint64_t seed = 67280421310721,
uint64_t subsequence = 0) {
key_[0] = static_cast<uint32_t>(seed);
key_[1] = static_cast<uint32_t>(seed >> 32);
counter_ = detail::UINT4(0);
counter_[2] = static_cast<uint32_t>(subsequence);
counter_[3] = static_cast<uint32_t>(subsequence >> 32);
STATE = 0;
* Produces a unique 32-bit pseudo random number on every invocation. Bookeeps state to avoid waste.
C10_HOST_DEVICE inline uint32_t operator()(int32_t n_rounds = 10) { // 10 here to preserve back-compat behavior
if(STATE == 0) {
detail::UINT4 counter = counter_;
detail::UINT2 key = key_;
output_ = rand(counter, key, n_rounds);
uint32_t ret = output_[STATE];
STATE = (STATE + 1) & 3;
return ret;
inline float randn(uint32_t n_rounds) {
#ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__
AT_ASSERT(false, "Unsupported invocation of randn on CUDA");
if(STATE == 0) {
detail::UINT4 counter = counter_;
detail::UINT2 key = key_;
output_ = rand(counter, key, n_rounds);
// TODO(min-jean-cho) change to Polar method, a more efficient version of Box-Muller method
// TODO(voz) We use std:: below, and thus need a separate impl for CUDA.
float u1 = 1 - uint32_to_uniform_float(output_[0]); // uint32_to_uniform_float returns [0,1), we need (0,1] to avoid passing 0 to log.
float u2 = 1 - uint32_to_uniform_float(output_[1]);
return std::sqrt(-2.0 * std::log(u1)) * std::cos(2.0 * M_PI * u2);
* Function that Skips N 128 bit numbers in a subsequence
C10_HOST_DEVICE inline void incr_n(uint64_t n) {
uint32_t nlo = static_cast<uint32_t>(n);
uint32_t nhi = static_cast<uint32_t>(n >> 32);
counter_[0] += nlo;
// if overflow in x has occurred, carry over to nhi
if (counter_[0] < nlo) {
// if overflow in nhi has occurred during carry over,
// propagate that overflow to y and exit to increment z
// otherwise return
counter_[1] += nhi;
if(nhi != 0) {
if (nhi <= counter_[1]) {
} else {
// if overflow in y has occurred during addition,
// exit to increment z
// otherwise return
counter_[1] += nhi;
if (nhi <= counter_[1]) {
if (++counter_[2])
* Function that Skips one 128 bit number in a subsequence
C10_HOST_DEVICE inline void incr() {
if (++counter_[0])
if (++counter_[1])
if (++counter_[2]) {
detail::UINT4 counter_;
detail::UINT4 output_;
detail::UINT2 key_;
uint32_t STATE;
C10_HOST_DEVICE inline uint32_t mulhilo32(uint32_t a, uint32_t b,
uint32_t *result_high) {
#ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__
*result_high = __umulhi(a, b);
return a*b;
const uint64_t product = static_cast<uint64_t>(a) * b;
*result_high = static_cast<uint32_t>(product >> 32);
return static_cast<uint32_t>(product);
C10_HOST_DEVICE inline detail::UINT4 single_round(detail::UINT4 ctr, detail::UINT2 in_key) {
uint32_t hi0;
uint32_t hi1;
uint32_t lo0 = mulhilo32(kPhiloxSA, ctr[0], &hi0);
uint32_t lo1 = mulhilo32(kPhiloxSB, ctr[2], &hi1);
detail::UINT4 ret;
ret[0] = hi1 ^ ctr[1] ^ in_key[0];
ret[1] = lo1;
ret[2] = hi0 ^ ctr[3] ^ in_key[1];
ret[3] = lo0;
return ret;
C10_HOST_DEVICE constexpr float uint32_to_uniform_float(uint32_t value) {
// maximum value such that `MAX_INT * scale < 1.0` (with float rounding)
constexpr float scale = 4.6566127342e-10;
return static_cast<float>(value & 0x7FFFFFFF) * scale;
C10_HOST_DEVICE inline detail::UINT4 rand(detail::UINT4& counter, detail::UINT2& key, uint32_t n_rounds) {
for (uint32_t round = 0; round < (n_rounds - 1); round++) {
counter = single_round(counter, key);
key[0] += (kPhilox10A); key[1] += (kPhilox10B);
return single_round(counter, key);
static const uint32_t kPhilox10A = 0x9E3779B9;
static const uint32_t kPhilox10B = 0xBB67AE85;
static const uint32_t kPhiloxSA = 0xD2511F53;
static const uint32_t kPhiloxSB = 0xCD9E8D57;
typedef philox_engine Philox4_32;
} // namespace at