#pragma once
#include <c10/macros/Macros.h>
#include <c10/util/ArrayRef.h>
#include <c10/util/Deprecated.h>
#include <c10/util/Exception.h>
#include <c10/util/irange.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cstddef>
namespace at {
// The PtrTraits argument to the TensorAccessor/GenericPackedTensorAccessor
// is used to enable the __restrict__ keyword/modifier for the data
// passed to cuda.
template <typename T>
struct DefaultPtrTraits {
typedef T* PtrType;
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__HIPCC__)
template <typename T>
struct RestrictPtrTraits {
typedef T* __restrict__ PtrType;
// TensorAccessorBase and TensorAccessor are used for both CPU and CUDA tensors.
// For CUDA tensors it is used in device code (only). This means that we restrict ourselves
// to functions and types available there (e.g. IntArrayRef isn't).
// The PtrTraits argument is only relevant to cuda to support `__restrict__` pointers.
template<typename T, size_t N, template <typename U> class PtrTraits = DefaultPtrTraits, typename index_t = int64_t>
class TensorAccessorBase {
typedef typename PtrTraits<T>::PtrType PtrType;
C10_HOST_DEVICE TensorAccessorBase(
PtrType data_,
const index_t* sizes_,
const index_t* strides_)
: data_(data_), sizes_(sizes_), strides_(strides_) {}
C10_HOST IntArrayRef sizes() const {
return IntArrayRef(sizes_,N);
C10_HOST IntArrayRef strides() const {
return IntArrayRef(strides_,N);
C10_HOST_DEVICE index_t stride(index_t i) const {
return strides_[i];
C10_HOST_DEVICE index_t size(index_t i) const {
return sizes_[i];
C10_HOST_DEVICE PtrType data() {
return data_;
C10_HOST_DEVICE const PtrType data() const {
return data_;
PtrType data_;
const index_t* sizes_;
const index_t* strides_;
// The `TensorAccessor` is typically instantiated for CPU `Tensor`s using
// `Tensor.accessor<T, N>()`.
// For CUDA `Tensor`s, `GenericPackedTensorAccessor` is used on the host and only
// indexing on the device uses `TensorAccessor`s.
template<typename T, size_t N, template <typename U> class PtrTraits = DefaultPtrTraits, typename index_t = int64_t>
class TensorAccessor : public TensorAccessorBase<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> {
typedef typename PtrTraits<T>::PtrType PtrType;
C10_HOST_DEVICE TensorAccessor(
PtrType data_,
const index_t* sizes_,
const index_t* strides_)
: TensorAccessorBase<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t>(data_,sizes_,strides_) {}
C10_HOST_DEVICE TensorAccessor<T, N - 1, PtrTraits, index_t> operator[](index_t i) {
return TensorAccessor<T,N-1,PtrTraits,index_t>(this->data_ + this->strides_[0]*i,this->sizes_+1,this->strides_+1);
C10_HOST_DEVICE const TensorAccessor<T, N-1, PtrTraits, index_t> operator[](index_t i) const {
return TensorAccessor<T,N-1,PtrTraits,index_t>(this->data_ + this->strides_[0]*i,this->sizes_+1,this->strides_+1);
template<typename T, template <typename U> class PtrTraits, typename index_t>
class TensorAccessor<T,1,PtrTraits,index_t> : public TensorAccessorBase<T,1,PtrTraits,index_t> {
typedef typename PtrTraits<T>::PtrType PtrType;
C10_HOST_DEVICE TensorAccessor(
PtrType data_,
const index_t* sizes_,
const index_t* strides_)
: TensorAccessorBase<T, 1, PtrTraits, index_t>(data_,sizes_,strides_) {}
C10_HOST_DEVICE T & operator[](index_t i) {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(clang-analyzer-core.NullDereference)
return this->data_[this->strides_[0]*i];
C10_HOST_DEVICE const T & operator[](index_t i) const {
return this->data_[this->strides_[0]*i];
// GenericPackedTensorAccessorBase and GenericPackedTensorAccessor are used on for CUDA `Tensor`s on the host
// and as
// In contrast to `TensorAccessor`s, they copy the strides and sizes on instantiation (on the host)
// in order to transfer them on the device when calling kernels.
// On the device, indexing of multidimensional tensors gives to `TensorAccessor`s.
// Use RestrictPtrTraits as PtrTraits if you want the tensor's data pointer to be marked as __restrict__.
// Instantiation from data, sizes, strides is only needed on the host and std::copy isn't available
// on the device, so those functions are host only.
template<typename T, size_t N, template <typename U> class PtrTraits = DefaultPtrTraits, typename index_t = int64_t>
class GenericPackedTensorAccessorBase {
typedef typename PtrTraits<T>::PtrType PtrType;
C10_HOST GenericPackedTensorAccessorBase(
PtrType data_,
const index_t* sizes_,
const index_t* strides_)
: data_(data_) {
std::copy(sizes_, sizes_ + N, std::begin(this->sizes_));
std::copy(strides_, strides_ + N, std::begin(this->strides_));
// if index_t is not int64_t, we want to have an int64_t constructor
template <typename source_index_t, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<source_index_t, int64_t>::value>::type>
C10_HOST GenericPackedTensorAccessorBase(
PtrType data_,
const source_index_t* sizes_,
const source_index_t* strides_)
: data_(data_) {
for (const auto i : c10::irange(N)) {
this->sizes_[i] = sizes_[i];
this->strides_[i] = strides_[i];
C10_HOST_DEVICE index_t stride(index_t i) const {
return strides_[i];
C10_HOST_DEVICE index_t size(index_t i) const {
return sizes_[i];
C10_HOST_DEVICE PtrType data() {
return data_;
C10_HOST_DEVICE const PtrType data() const {
return data_;
PtrType data_;
index_t sizes_[N];
index_t strides_[N];
C10_HOST void bounds_check_(index_t i) const {
0 <= i && i < index_t{N},
"Index ",
" is not within bounds of a tensor of dimension ",
template<typename T, size_t N, template <typename U> class PtrTraits = DefaultPtrTraits, typename index_t = int64_t>
class GenericPackedTensorAccessor : public GenericPackedTensorAccessorBase<T,N,PtrTraits,index_t> {
typedef typename PtrTraits<T>::PtrType PtrType;
C10_HOST GenericPackedTensorAccessor(
PtrType data_,
const index_t* sizes_,
const index_t* strides_)
: GenericPackedTensorAccessorBase<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t>(data_, sizes_, strides_) {}
// if index_t is not int64_t, we want to have an int64_t constructor
template <typename source_index_t, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<source_index_t, int64_t>::value>::type>
C10_HOST GenericPackedTensorAccessor(
PtrType data_,
const source_index_t* sizes_,
const source_index_t* strides_)
: GenericPackedTensorAccessorBase<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t>(data_, sizes_, strides_) {}
C10_DEVICE TensorAccessor<T, N - 1, PtrTraits, index_t> operator[](index_t i) {
index_t* new_sizes = this->sizes_ + 1;
index_t* new_strides = this->strides_ + 1;
return TensorAccessor<T,N-1,PtrTraits,index_t>(this->data_ + this->strides_[0]*i, new_sizes, new_strides);
C10_DEVICE const TensorAccessor<T, N - 1, PtrTraits, index_t> operator[](index_t i) const {
const index_t* new_sizes = this->sizes_ + 1;
const index_t* new_strides = this->strides_ + 1;
return TensorAccessor<T,N-1,PtrTraits,index_t>(this->data_ + this->strides_[0]*i, new_sizes, new_strides);
/// Returns a PackedTensorAccessor of the same dimension after transposing the
/// two dimensions given. Does not actually move elements; transposition is
/// made by permuting the size/stride arrays. If the dimensions are not valid,
/// asserts.
C10_HOST GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> transpose(
index_t dim1,
index_t dim2) const {
GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t> result(
this->data_, this->sizes_, this->strides_);
std::swap(result.strides_[dim1], result.strides_[dim2]);
std::swap(result.sizes_[dim1], result.sizes_[dim2]);
return result;
template<typename T, template <typename U> class PtrTraits, typename index_t>
class GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T,1,PtrTraits,index_t> : public GenericPackedTensorAccessorBase<T,1,PtrTraits,index_t> {
typedef typename PtrTraits<T>::PtrType PtrType;
C10_HOST GenericPackedTensorAccessor(
PtrType data_,
const index_t* sizes_,
const index_t* strides_)
: GenericPackedTensorAccessorBase<T, 1, PtrTraits, index_t>(data_, sizes_, strides_) {}
// if index_t is not int64_t, we want to have an int64_t constructor
template <typename source_index_t, class = typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<source_index_t, int64_t>::value>::type>
C10_HOST GenericPackedTensorAccessor(
PtrType data_,
const source_index_t* sizes_,
const source_index_t* strides_)
: GenericPackedTensorAccessorBase<T, 1, PtrTraits, index_t>(data_, sizes_, strides_) {}
C10_DEVICE T & operator[](index_t i) {
return this->data_[this->strides_[0] * i];
C10_DEVICE const T& operator[](index_t i) const {
return this->data_[this->strides_[0]*i];
// Same as in the general N-dimensional case, but note that in the
// 1-dimensional case the returned PackedTensorAccessor will always be an
// identical copy of the original
C10_HOST GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, 1, PtrTraits, index_t> transpose(
index_t dim1,
index_t dim2) const {
return GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, 1, PtrTraits, index_t>(
this->data_, this->sizes_, this->strides_);
// Can't put this directly into the macro function args because of commas
#define AT_X GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, index_t>
// Old name for `GenericPackedTensorAccessor`
template <typename T, size_t N, template <typename U> class PtrTraits = DefaultPtrTraits, typename index_t = int64_t>
#undef AT_X
template <typename T, size_t N, template <typename U> class PtrTraits = DefaultPtrTraits>
using PackedTensorAccessor32 = GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, int32_t>;
template <typename T, size_t N, template <typename U> class PtrTraits = DefaultPtrTraits>
using PackedTensorAccessor64 = GenericPackedTensorAccessor<T, N, PtrTraits, int64_t>;
} // namespace at