#pragma once
#include <ATen/SequenceNumber.h>
#include <ATen/core/boxing/KernelFunction.h>
#include <ATen/core/boxing/impl/boxing.h>
#include <ATen/core/dispatch/OperatorEntry.h>
#include <ATen/core/dispatch/CppSignature.h>
#include <ATen/core/dispatch/RegistrationHandleRAII.h>
#include <ATen/record_function.h>
#include <c10/util/Exception.h>
#include <c10/util/LeftRight.h>
#include <list>
#include <mutex>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <type_traits>
#include <ATen/core/grad_mode.h>
#include <ATen/core/enum_tag.h>
namespace c10 {
TORCH_API bool show_dispatch_trace();
TORCH_API void dispatch_trace_nesting_incr();
TORCH_API void dispatch_trace_nesting_decr();
TORCH_API int64_t dispatch_trace_nesting_value();
struct DispatchTraceNestingGuard {
DispatchTraceNestingGuard() { dispatch_trace_nesting_incr(); }
~DispatchTraceNestingGuard() { dispatch_trace_nesting_decr(); }
class TORCH_API OperatorHandle;
template<class FuncType> class TypedOperatorHandle;
* Implement this interface and register your instance with the dispatcher
* to get notified when operators are registered or deregistered with
* the dispatcher.
* NB: registration events only occur when a 'def' occurs; we don't trigger
* on 'impl' or 'fallback' calls.
class TORCH_API OpRegistrationListener {
virtual ~OpRegistrationListener();
virtual void onOperatorRegistered(const OperatorHandle& op) = 0;
virtual void onOperatorDeregistered(const OperatorHandle& op) = 0;
namespace detail {
class RegistrationListenerList;
class SchemaRegistrationHandleRAII;
* Top-level dispatch interface for dispatching via the dynamic dispatcher.
* Most end users shouldn't use this directly; if you're trying to register
* ops look in op_registration
class TORCH_API Dispatcher final {
// For direct access to backend fallback information
friend class impl::OperatorEntry;
struct OperatorDef final {
explicit OperatorDef(OperatorName&& op_name)
: op(std::move(op_name)) {}
impl::OperatorEntry op;
// These refer to the number of outstanding RegistrationHandleRAII
// for this operator. def_count reflects only def() registrations
// (in the new world, this should only ever be 1, but old style
// registrations may register the schema multiple times, which
// will increase this count). def_and_impl_count reflects the number
// of combined def() and impl() registrations. When the last def() gets
// unregistered, we must immediately call the Deregistered listeners, but we
// must not actually delete the handle as there are other outstanding RAII
// destructors which will try to destruct and they had better still have a
// working operator handle in this case
size_t def_count = 0;
size_t def_and_impl_count = 0;
friend class OperatorHandle;
template<class> friend class TypedOperatorHandle;
// Implementation note: this class abstracts over the fact that we have per-operator
// dispatch tables. This could be easily adjusted to have a single global hash
// table.
static Dispatcher& realSingleton();
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE static Dispatcher& singleton() {
#if !defined C10_MOBILE
// Implemented inline so that steady-state code needn't incur
// function-call overhead. We can't just inline `realSingleton`
// because the function-local static would get duplicated across
// all DSOs that include & use this header, leading to multiple
// singleton instances.
static Dispatcher& s = realSingleton();
return s;
// For C10_MOBILE, we should never inline a static function that
// has a static member, since the generated code calls
// __cxa_guard_acquire and __cxa_guard_release which help
// implement exactly once semantics for the initialization of the
// static Dispatcher& s above (for the non-mobile case). That
// additional code when duplicated across all operator stubs
// for every backend results in a lot of additional code
// being generated by the compiler.
return realSingleton();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Accessing operators by schema
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Looks for an operator schema with the given name and overload name
* and returns it if it is registered WITH A SCHEMA.
* Returns nullopt otherwise.
c10::optional<OperatorHandle> findSchema(const OperatorName& operator_name);
* Variant of findSchema that results in less code generated at the call site.
* It (1) takes const char* pointer rather than OperatorName (so we skip
* generating std::string constructor calls at the call site), and (2)
* it raises an exception if the operator is not found (so we skip
* generating exception raising code at the call site)
* Irritatingly, we still have to generate the handful of instructions
* for dealing with an exception being thrown during static initialization
* (e.g. __cxa_guard_abort). If we could annotate this method noexcept we
* could avoid this code too, but as the name of the function suggests,
* it does throw exceptions.
OperatorHandle findSchemaOrThrow(const char* name, const char* overload_name);
// Like findSchema, but also returns OperatorHandle even if there is no schema
c10::optional<OperatorHandle> findOp(const OperatorName& operator_name);
// Returns a list of all operator names present in the operatorLookupTable_
const std::vector<OperatorName> getAllOpNames();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Invoking operators
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class Return, class... Args>
Return call(const TypedOperatorHandle<Return (Args...)>& op, Args... args) const;
template<class Return, class... Args>
static Return callWithDispatchKeySlowPath(const TypedOperatorHandle<Return (Args...)>& op, at::StepCallbacks& stepCallbacks, DispatchKeySet dispatchKeySet, const KernelFunction& kernel, Args... args);
// Like call, but intended for use in a redispatch in kernels that have explicitly performed the DispatchKey update calculatulation.
// This will take the DispatchKeySet completely as is and dispatch to the kernel of the corresponding highest priority key in the set.
// Note that this version of redispatch treats the inputted DispatchKeySet *as is*, and does NOT mask out the highest priority key.
// See Note [Plumbing Keys Through The Dispatcher]
template<class Return, class... Args>
Return redispatch(const TypedOperatorHandle<Return (Args...)>& op, DispatchKeySet currentDispatchKeySet, Args... args) const;
// Invoke an operator via the boxed calling convention using an IValue stack
void callBoxed(const OperatorHandle& op, Stack* stack) const;
void callBoxedForDispatchKey(const OperatorHandle& op, DispatchKey dk, Stack* stack) const;
// TODO: This will only be useful if we write a backend fallback that plumbs dispatch keys (currently there are none)
// See Note [Plumbing Keys Through The Dispatcher]
void redispatchBoxed(const OperatorHandle& op, DispatchKeySet dispatchKeySet, Stack* stack) const;
bool hasBackendFallbackForDispatchKey(DispatchKey dk) {
auto dispatch_ix = getDispatchTableIndexForDispatchKey(dk);
if (dispatch_ix < 0) return false;
return backendFallbackKernels_[dispatch_ix].kernel.isValid();
// Used by torchdeploy/multipy for multiple interpreters racing.
void waitForDef(const FunctionSchema& schema);
void waitForImpl(const OperatorName& op_name, c10::optional<DispatchKey> dispatch_key);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Performing registrations (NON user public; use op_registration)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Register a new operator schema.
* If a schema with the same operator name and overload name already exists,
* this function will check that both schemas are exactly identical.
RegistrationHandleRAII registerDef(FunctionSchema schema, std::string debug, std::vector<at::Tag> tags = {});
* Register a kernel to the dispatch table for an operator.
* If dispatch_key is nullopt, then this registers a fallback kernel.
* @return A RAII object that manages the lifetime of the registration.
* Once that object is destructed, the kernel will be deregistered.
// NB: steals the inferred function schema, as we may need to hold on to
// it for a bit until the real schema turns up
RegistrationHandleRAII registerImpl(OperatorName op_name, c10::optional<DispatchKey> dispatch_key, KernelFunction kernel, c10::optional<impl::CppSignature> cpp_signature, std::unique_ptr<FunctionSchema> inferred_function_schema, std::string debug);
* Register a new operator by name.
RegistrationHandleRAII registerName(OperatorName op_name);
* Register a fallback kernel for a backend.
* If an operator is called but there is no concrete kernel for the dispatch
* key of the given operator arguments, it will check if there is such a
* fallback kernel for the given dispatch key and, if yes, call that one.
RegistrationHandleRAII registerFallback(DispatchKey dispatch_key, KernelFunction kernel, std::string debug);
* Use to register whenever we had a TORCH_LIBRARY declaration in the frontend
* API. These invocations are only permitted once per program, so we raise
* an error if this is called again for the same namespace.
RegistrationHandleRAII registerLibrary(std::string ns, std::string debug);
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Listeners on registrations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Add a listener that gets called whenever a new op is registered or an existing
* op is deregistered. Immediately after registering, this listener gets called
* for all previously registered ops, so it can be used to keep track of ops
* registered with this dispatcher.
RegistrationHandleRAII addRegistrationListener(std::unique_ptr<OpRegistrationListener> listener);
void checkInvariants() const;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assertions
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
* For testing purposes.
* Returns a list of all operators that were created through calls to registerImpl(),
* without any corresponding calls to registerDef(). After static initialization
* is done this is almost certainly a bug, as the created OperatorHandle won't have
* any schema associated with it and users calling the op through the dispatcher
* won't be able to access it
* Note that we cannot enforce this invariant "as we go" during static initialization,
* due to undefined static initialization order- we have no guarantees over the order
* in which .def() and .impl() calls are registered in the dispatcher at static
* initialization time. So this function should only be called after static initialization.
std::vector<OperatorHandle> findDanglingImpls() const;
* Useful for inspecting global Dispatcher registration state.
* Returns the names of all operators with a kernel registered for the specified DispatchKey.
* If no DispatchKey is specified, it returns all registered operators.
std::vector<OperatorName> getRegistrationsForDispatchKey(c10::optional<DispatchKey> k) const;
static int64_t sequenceNumberForRunningRecordFunction(DispatchKey dispatchKey);
static void runRecordFunction(at::RecordFunction& guard, at::RecordFunction::schema_ref_t schema_ref, DispatchKey dispatchKey);
static void runRecordFunction(at::RecordFunction& guard, at::RecordFunction::schema_ref_t schema_ref, DispatchKey dispatchKey, c10::ArrayRef<const c10::IValue> args);
OperatorHandle findOrRegisterSchema_(FunctionSchema&& schema);
OperatorHandle findOrRegisterName_(const OperatorName& op_name);
void deregisterDef_(const OperatorHandle& op, const OperatorName& op_name);
void deregisterImpl_(
const OperatorHandle& op,
const OperatorName& op_name,
c10::optional<DispatchKey> dispatch_key,
impl::OperatorEntry::AnnotatedKernelContainerIterator kernel_handle);
void deregisterName_(const OperatorHandle& op, const OperatorName& op_name);
void deregisterFallback_(DispatchKey dispatchKey);
void deregisterLibrary_(const std::string& ns);
void cleanup(const OperatorHandle& op, const OperatorName& op_name);
void checkSchemaCompatibility(const OperatorHandle& op, const FunctionSchema& schema, const std::string& debug);
std::list<OperatorDef> operators_;
#if !defined(C10_MOBILE)
LeftRight<ska::flat_hash_map<OperatorName, OperatorHandle>> operatorLookupTable_;
RWSafeLeftRightWrapper<ska::flat_hash_map<OperatorName, OperatorHandle>> operatorLookupTable_;
// Map from namespace to debug string (saying, e.g., where the library was defined)
ska::flat_hash_map<std::string, std::string> libraries_;
std::array<impl::AnnotatedKernel, num_runtime_entries> backendFallbackKernels_;
std::unique_ptr<detail::RegistrationListenerList> listeners_;
// This mutex protects concurrent access to the dispatcher
std::mutex mutex_;
// This condition variable gets notified whenever we add a new def/impl to the
// dispatch table. This is primarily used by multipy/torchdeploy, when
// we have multiple interpreters trying to register to the dispatch table.
// In this situation, whenever the non-primary interpreter would have tried
// to register to the dispatch table, instead it will check to see if the
// expected registration has already been made, and if it hasn't, wait on
// this condition variable to see if it was just racing with the primary
// interpreter.
// We expect it to be rare for there to be any waiters on this condition
// variable. This is mostly just to help give better diagnostics if
// something goes horribly wrong
std::condition_variable cond_var_;
* This is a handle to an operator schema registered with the dispatcher.
* This handle can be used to register kernels with the dispatcher or
* to lookup a kernel for a certain set of arguments.
class TORCH_API OperatorHandle {
template <typename T> friend struct std::hash;
OperatorHandle(OperatorHandle&&) noexcept = default;
OperatorHandle& operator=(OperatorHandle&&) noexcept = default;
OperatorHandle(const OperatorHandle&) = default;
OperatorHandle& operator=(const OperatorHandle&) = default;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(performance-trivially-destructible)
const OperatorName& operator_name() const {
return operatorDef_->op.operator_name();
bool hasSchema() const {
return operatorDef_->op.hasSchema();
const FunctionSchema& schema() const {
return operatorDef_->op.schema();
const std::string& debug() const {
return operatorDef_->op.debug();
std::string dumpState() const {
return operatorDef_->op.dumpState();
bool hasKernelForDispatchKey(DispatchKey k) const {
return operatorDef_->op.hasKernelForDispatchKey(k);
bool hasKernelForAnyDispatchKey(DispatchKeySet k) const {
return operatorDef_->op.hasKernelForAnyDispatchKey(k);
bool hasComputedKernelForDispatchKey(DispatchKey k) const {
return operatorDef_->op.hasComputedKernelForDispatchKey(k);
std::string dumpComputedTable() const {
return operatorDef_->op.dumpComputedTable();
void checkInvariants() const {
return operatorDef_->op.checkInvariants();
c10::ArrayRef<at::Tag> getTags() const {
return operatorDef_->op.getTags();
bool hasTag(const at::Tag& tag) const {
for(const auto& tag_: getTags()) {
if (tag == tag_) {
return true;
return false;
template<class FuncType>
TypedOperatorHandle<FuncType> typed() const {
// NB: This assert is not 100% sound: you can retrieve a typed() operator
// handle prior to ANY C++ signature being registered on the operator
// and the check will say everything is OK (at which point you can then
// smuggle in a kernel that is typed incorrectly). For everything
// in core library this won't happen, because all the static registrations
// will be done by the time a typed() handle is acquired.
#if !defined C10_MOBILE
return TypedOperatorHandle<FuncType>(operatorIterator_);
void callBoxed(Stack* stack) const {
c10::Dispatcher::singleton().callBoxed(*this, stack);
void callBoxed(Stack& stack) const {
void callBoxedForDispatchKey(DispatchKey dk, Stack& stack) const {
c10::Dispatcher::singleton().callBoxedForDispatchKey(*this, dk, &stack);
void redispatchBoxed(DispatchKeySet ks, Stack* stack) const {
c10::Dispatcher::singleton().redispatchBoxed(*this, ks, stack);
template <typename F>
PyObject* getPythonOp(c10::impl::PyInterpreter* self_interpreter, F slow_accessor) const {
return operatorDef_->op.getPythonOp(self_interpreter, slow_accessor);
bool operator==(const OperatorHandle& other) const {
return operatorDef_ == other.operatorDef_;
bool operator!=(const OperatorHandle& other) const {
return operatorDef_ != other.operatorDef_;
explicit OperatorHandle(std::list<Dispatcher::OperatorDef>::iterator operatorIterator)
: operatorDef_(&*operatorIterator), operatorIterator_(operatorIterator) {}
friend class Dispatcher;
template<class> friend class TypedOperatorHandle;
// Storing a direct pointer to the OperatorDef even though we
// already have the iterator saves an instruction in the critical
// dispatch path. The iterator is effectively a
// pointer-to-std::list-node, and (at least in libstdc++'s
// implementation) the element is at an offset 16 bytes from that,
// because the prev/next pointers come first in the list node
// struct. So, an add instruction would be necessary to convert from the
// iterator to an OperatorDef*.
Dispatcher::OperatorDef* operatorDef_;
// We need to store this iterator in order to make
// Dispatcher::cleanup() fast -- it runs a lot on program
// termination (and presuambly library unloading).
std::list<Dispatcher::OperatorDef>::iterator operatorIterator_;
* This is a handle to an operator schema registered with the dispatcher.
* It holds the same information as an OperatorHandle, but it is templated
* on the operator arguments and allows calling the operator in an
* unboxed way.
template<class FuncType>
class TypedOperatorHandle final {
static_assert(guts::false_t<FuncType>(), "FuncType in OperatorHandle::typed<FuncType> was not a valid function type");
template<class Return, class... Args>
class TypedOperatorHandle<Return (Args...)> final : public OperatorHandle {
TypedOperatorHandle(TypedOperatorHandle&&) noexcept = default;
TypedOperatorHandle& operator=(TypedOperatorHandle&&) noexcept = default;
TypedOperatorHandle(const TypedOperatorHandle&) = default;
TypedOperatorHandle& operator=(const TypedOperatorHandle&) = default;
// See [Note: Argument forwarding in the dispatcher] for why Args doesn't use &&
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE Return call(Args... args) const {
return c10::Dispatcher::singleton().call<Return, Args...>(*this, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// See [Note: Argument forwarding in the dispatcher] for why Args doesn't use &&
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE Return redispatch(DispatchKeySet currentDispatchKeySet, Args... args) const {
return c10::Dispatcher::singleton().redispatch<Return, Args...>(*this, currentDispatchKeySet, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
explicit TypedOperatorHandle(std::list<Dispatcher::OperatorDef>::iterator operatorIterator)
: OperatorHandle(operatorIterator) {}
friend class OperatorHandle;
namespace detail {
template <class... Args> inline void unused_arg_(const Args&...) {}
// CaptureKernelCall is intended to capture return values from Dispatcher
// unboxed kernel calls. A record function may request to get outputs from the
// kernel calls. For boxed kernels, it's straightforward, the returned values
// are in the stack object. The stack can be passed to record functions. For
// unboxed kernels, we need to handle different kinds of return values, cache
// them temporarily, then release the values for the actual function call
// return.
template <typename ReturnType>
struct CaptureKernelCall {
template <typename F, typename... Args>
const F& kernel,
const TypedOperatorHandle<ReturnType(Args...)>& op,
const DispatchKeySet& dispatchKeySet,
Args&&... args)
// Calls the kernel and capture the result in output_.
: output_{kernel.template call<ReturnType, Args...>(
std::forward<Args>(args)...)} {}
// Wraps the return values in a Stack.
Stack getOutputs() {
Stack stack;
impl::push_outputs<ReturnType, false>::copy(output_, &stack);
return stack;
// Since we are returning the output_, we don't expect the output_ to be used
// afterward. Copy elision and RVO do not apply to class data members. Using
// move semantic to avoid copies when possible.
ReturnType release() && {
return std::move(output_);
ReturnType output_;
// Handle the lvalue reference differently since it should not be moved.
template <>
inline at::Tensor& CaptureKernelCall<at::Tensor&>::release() && {
return output_;
// Handle case where the kernel returns void.
template <>
struct CaptureKernelCall<void> {
template <typename F, typename... Args>
const F& kernel,
const TypedOperatorHandle<void(Args...)>& op,
const DispatchKeySet& dispatchKeySet,
Args&&... args) {
// Calling the kernel and no need to capture void.
kernel.template call<void, Args...>(
op, dispatchKeySet, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
Stack getOutputs() {
return Stack();
void release() && {}
} // namespace detail
// See [Note: Argument forwarding in the dispatcher] for why Args doesn't use &&
template<class Return, class... Args>
inline Return Dispatcher::callWithDispatchKeySlowPath(const TypedOperatorHandle<Return(Args...)>& op, at::StepCallbacks& stepCallbacks, DispatchKeySet dispatchKeySet, const KernelFunction& kernel, Args... args) {
// If callbacks need inputs, we box the arguments and pass them to the guard.
// Note: For perf reasons we wouldn't want to prematurely box the arguments.
at::RecordFunction guard(std::move(stepCallbacks));
auto dispatchKey = dispatchKeySet.highestPriorityTypeId();
auto& schema = op.schema();
auto schema_ref = std::reference_wrapper<const FunctionSchema>(schema);
if (guard.needsInputs()) {
constexpr auto num_boxed_args = impl::boxed_size<Args...>();
// If we used std::array<IValue, num_boxed_args> here, we would
// have to spend time default constructing the IValues in
// boxedArgs. aligned_storage has no such requirement.
// Max to avoid zero-size array.`
std::aligned_storage_t<sizeof(IValue), alignof(IValue)> boxedArgs[std::max(num_boxed_args, static_cast<size_t>(1))];
// For debugging only; could be removed (but the compiler will do
// that for us and it's nice to have the extra assurance of
// correctness from our debug builds).
int lastArgIdx = 0;
impl::boxArgsToStack(boxedArgs, lastArgIdx, args...);
TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT_DEBUG_ONLY(lastArgIdx == num_boxed_args);
// I don't *think* we need std::launder here, because IValue has
// no subclasses and no const or reference fields. (We also
// couldn't use it even if we wanted to because we are currently
// stuck on C++14 rather than C++17, but we could do a backport
// similar to folly::launder if needed.)
runRecordFunction(guard, schema_ref, dispatchKey, c10::ArrayRef<const c10::IValue>(reinterpret_cast<IValue *>(boxedArgs), num_boxed_args));
for (size_t ii = 0; ii < num_boxed_args; ++ii) {
reinterpret_cast<IValue *>(&boxedArgs[ii])->~IValue();
} else {
runRecordFunction(guard, schema_ref, dispatchKey);
if (C10_UNLIKELY(guard.needsOutputs())) {
// Calls the kernel and capture the output temporarily to pass to
// RecordFunction.
detail::CaptureKernelCall<Return> captureKernelCall(
kernel, op, dispatchKeySet, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Releases the captured output to return to caller.
return std::move(captureKernelCall).release();
// keeping the guard alive while executing the kernel
return kernel.template call<Return, Args...>(op, dispatchKeySet, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// See [Note: Argument forwarding in the dispatcher] for why Args doesn't use &&
template<class Return, class... Args>
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE_UNLESS_MOBILE Return Dispatcher::call(const TypedOperatorHandle<Return(Args...)>& op, Args... args) const {
detail::unused_arg_(args...); // workaround for a false-positive warning about unused parameters in gcc 5
auto dispatchKeySet = op.operatorDef_->op.dispatchKeyExtractor()
.template getDispatchKeySetUnboxed<Args...>(args...);
#ifndef NDEBUG
DispatchTraceNestingGuard debug_guard;
if (show_dispatch_trace()) {
auto nesting_value = dispatch_trace_nesting_value();
for (int64_t i = 0; i < nesting_value; ++i) std::cerr << " ";
std::cerr << "[call] op=[" << op.operator_name() << "], key=[" << toString(dispatchKeySet.highestPriorityTypeId()) << "]" << std::endl;
const KernelFunction& kernel = op.operatorDef_->op.lookup(dispatchKeySet);
auto step_callbacks = at::getStepCallbacksUnlessEmpty(at::RecordScope::FUNCTION);
if (C10_UNLIKELY(step_callbacks.has_value() && op.operatorDef_->op.isObserved())) {
return callWithDispatchKeySlowPath<Return, Args...>(op, *step_callbacks, dispatchKeySet, kernel, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return kernel.template call<Return, Args...>(op, dispatchKeySet, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// See [Note: Argument forwarding in the dispatcher] for why Args doesn't use &&
template<class Return, class... Args>
inline Return Dispatcher::redispatch(const TypedOperatorHandle<Return (Args...)>& op, DispatchKeySet currentDispatchKeySet, Args... args) const {
detail::unused_arg_(args...); // workaround for a false-positive warning about unused parameters in gcc 5
// do not use RecordFunction on redispatch
#ifndef NDEBUG
DispatchTraceNestingGuard debug_guard;
if (show_dispatch_trace()) {
auto nesting_value = dispatch_trace_nesting_value();
for (int64_t i = 0; i < nesting_value; ++i) std::cerr << " ";
std::cerr << "[redispatch] op=[" << op.operator_name() << "], key=[" << toString(currentDispatchKeySet.highestPriorityTypeId()) << "]" << std::endl;
const KernelFunction& kernel = op.operatorDef_->op.lookup(currentDispatchKeySet);
return kernel.template call<Return, Args...>(op, currentDispatchKeySet, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
inline void Dispatcher::callBoxed(const OperatorHandle& op, Stack* stack) const {
// note: this doesn't need the mutex because write operations on the list keep iterators intact.
const auto& entry = op.operatorDef_->op;
auto dispatchKeySet = entry.dispatchKeyExtractor().getDispatchKeySetBoxed(stack);
#ifndef NDEBUG
DispatchTraceNestingGuard debug_guard;
if (show_dispatch_trace()) {
auto nesting_value = dispatch_trace_nesting_value();
for (int64_t i = 0; i < nesting_value; ++i) std::cerr << " ";
std::cerr << "[callBoxed] op=[" << op.operator_name() << "], key=[" << toString(dispatchKeySet.highestPriorityTypeId()) << "]" << std::endl;
const auto& kernel = entry.lookup(dispatchKeySet);
auto step_callbacks = at::getStepCallbacksUnlessEmpty(at::RecordScope::FUNCTION);
if (C10_UNLIKELY(step_callbacks.has_value() && entry.isObserved())) {
at::RecordFunction guard(std::move(*step_callbacks));
auto dispatchKey = dispatchKeySet.highestPriorityTypeId();
auto& schema = op.schema();
auto schema_ref = std::reference_wrapper<const FunctionSchema>(schema);
guard.needsInputs() ? runRecordFunction(guard, schema_ref, dispatchKey, c10::ArrayRef<const c10::IValue>(stack->data(), stack->size()))
: runRecordFunction(guard, schema_ref, dispatchKey);
// keeping the guard alive while executing the kernel
kernel.callBoxed(op, dispatchKeySet, stack);
if (C10_UNLIKELY(guard.needsOutputs())) {
kernel.callBoxed(op, dispatchKeySet, stack);
// NB: this doesn't count as a "true" dispatcher jump, so no instrumentation
inline void Dispatcher::callBoxedForDispatchKey(const OperatorHandle& op, DispatchKey dk, Stack* stack) const {
// note: this doesn't need the mutex because write operations on the list keep iterators intact.
const auto& entry = op.operatorDef_->op;
// We still compute this as we're obligated to pass it on to the internal
// kernel, if it is a boxed fallback
auto dispatchKeySet = entry.dispatchKeyExtractor().getDispatchKeySetBoxed(stack);
const auto& kernel = ([&]() {
if (op.hasKernelForDispatchKey(dk)) {
return entry.kernelForDispatchKey(dk);
} else {
auto idx = getDispatchTableIndexForDispatchKey(dk);
return backendFallbackKernels_[idx].kernel;
kernel.callBoxed(op, dispatchKeySet, stack);
inline void Dispatcher::redispatchBoxed(const OperatorHandle& op, DispatchKeySet dispatchKeySet, Stack* stack) const {
// note: this doesn't need the mutex because write operations on the list keep iterators intact.
const auto& entry = op.operatorDef_->op;
#ifndef NDEBUG
DispatchTraceNestingGuard debug_guard;
if (show_dispatch_trace()) {
auto nesting_value = dispatch_trace_nesting_value();
for (int64_t i = 0; i < nesting_value; ++i) std::cerr << " ";
std::cerr << "[redispatchBoxed] op=[" << op.operator_name() << "], key=[" << toString(dispatchKeySet.highestPriorityTypeId()) << "]" << std::endl;
const auto& kernel = entry.lookup(dispatchKeySet);
return kernel.callBoxed(op, dispatchKeySet, stack);
} // namespace c10
namespace std {
template <>
struct hash<c10::OperatorHandle> {
size_t operator()(c10::OperatorHandle op) const noexcept {
return std::hash<void*>{}(static_cast<void*>(op.operatorDef_));
} // namespace std