#pragma once
#include <ATen/core/DimVector.h>
#include <ATen/core/TensorBody.h>
#include <ATen/core/blob.h>
#include <ATen/core/custom_class.h>
#include <ATen/core/ivalue_to.h>
#include <ATen/core/jit_type_base.h>
#include <ATen/core/type_factory.h>
#include <c10/core/SymFloat.h>
#include <c10/macros/Export.h>
#include <c10/util/C++17.h>
#include <c10/util/MaybeOwned.h>
#include <c10/util/intrusive_ptr.h>
#include <typeindex>
#include <utility>
namespace torch {
class TORCH_API CustomClassHolder : public c10::intrusive_ptr_target {};
namespace jit {
using ::torch::CustomClassHolder;
struct Function;
struct CompilationUnit;
struct Module;
} // namespace jit
} // namespace torch
namespace c10 {
template <class Key, class Value>
class Dict;
template <class T>
class List;
template <class T>
class IListRef;
struct IValue;
struct ClassType;
struct Type;
class RRefInterface;
struct ClassType;
using ClassTypePtr = std::shared_ptr<ClassType>;
TORCH_API bool _fastEqualsForContainer(const IValue& lhs, const IValue& rhs);
TORCH_API torch::jit::Function* checkObjectSortSchema(
const c10::ClassTypePtr& t,
std::stringstream& why_not);
// A comparator that checks ordering of two IValues of same type.
typedef std::function<bool(const IValue& a, const IValue& b)> IValueComparator;
TORCH_API IValueComparator getLessThanComparator(const IValue& v);
TORCH_API IValueComparator getGreaterThanComparator(const IValue& v);
namespace ivalue {
struct Tuple;
struct Future;
struct Await;
struct ConstantString;
struct GenericDict;
struct Object;
struct PyObjectHolder;
struct EnumHolder;
// We need a ComplexHolder because currently the payloads in the Union
// only take 64 bits. Since ComplexDouble takes up 128 bits, and is too big
// to fit in the IValue directly, we indirect complex numbers through an intrusive
// pointer to ComplexHolder (which contains a c10::complex).
struct ComplexHolder : c10::intrusive_ptr_target {
template <typename T>
ComplexHolder(c10::complex<T> c) {
val = convert<decltype(val), c10::complex<T>>(c);
ComplexHolder() = default;
c10::complex<double> val;
// Similar to ComplexHolder, for StreamData3
struct StreamData3Holder : c10::intrusive_ptr_target {
StreamData3Holder(struct c10::StreamData3 d) {
val = d;
StreamData3Holder() = delete;
struct c10::StreamData3 val;
} // namespace ivalue
// This is an owning wrapper for a c10::optional<std::vector<T>>
// that can be implicitly converted to a (non-owning) optional<ArrayRef<T>>.
// Its purpose is to be used in generated code to keep the vector alive
// either until the end of a statement (as a temporary), or as a saved arg
// in autograd.
template <typename T>
struct OptionalArray {
c10::optional<std::vector<T>> list;
OptionalArray()= default;
OptionalArray(std::vector<T> val) : list(std::move(val)) {}
// Used when saving an argument for the backwards pass.
OptionalArray& operator=(c10::optional<ArrayRef<T>> ref) {
if (ref) {
list = std::vector<T>(ref->begin(), ref->end());
} else {
list = nullopt;
return *this;
// Used when saving an argument for the backwards pass.
OptionalArray& operator=(c10::OptionalArrayRef<T> ref) {
if (ref) {
list = std::vector<T>(ref->begin(), ref->end());
} else {
list = nullopt;
return *this;
operator c10::optional<c10::ArrayRef<T>>() {
if (!list) {
return nullopt;
return *list;
operator c10::OptionalArrayRef<T>() {
if (!list) {
return nullopt;
return *list;
// Capsule is an internal implementation detail of custom C++ classes. We
// define it as an owning wrapper for
// c10::intrusive_ptr<torch::CustomClassHolder> This wrapper is here to serve as
// an abstraction of the type erased custom class object pointer. It also allow
// pybind11 to treat this as a standalone class to register as a separate type
// caster, instead of a custom pointer holder which the pointer holder type
// caster try to "unwrap" it automatically.
struct Capsule {
c10::intrusive_ptr<torch::CustomClassHolder> obj_ptr;
explicit Capsule(c10::intrusive_ptr<torch::CustomClassHolder> ptr)
: obj_ptr(std::move(ptr)) {}
// IValue is the generic tagged union used by the interpreter to hold
// all value types.
// It is a 16-byte object with an 8-byte payload and an 8-byte tag.
// The tag is currently 4 bytes to determine the type, and 1 byte
// to mark whether that type is a subtype of c10::intrusive_ptr_target and needs
// retain/release calls.
#define TORCH_FORALL_TAGS(_) \
_(None) \
_(Tensor) \
_(Storage) \
_(Double) \
_(ComplexDouble) \
_(Int) \
_(SymInt) \
_(SymFloat) \
_(Bool) \
_(Tuple) \
_(String) \
_(Blob) \
_(GenericList) \
_(GenericDict) \
_(Future) \
_(Await) \
_(Device) \
_(Stream) \
_(Object) \
_(PyObject) \
_(Uninitialized) \
_(Capsule) \
_(RRef) \
_(Quantizer) \
_(Generator) \
// [doxygen private]
// These methods are not actually private but we don't want to document them, so
// they are marked `@private`, which hides them on the doxygen documentation for
// this page.
/// IValue (Interpreter Value) is a tagged union over the types
/// supported by the TorchScript interpreter. IValues contain their
/// values as an `IValue::Payload`, which holds primitive types
/// (`int64_t`, `bool`, `double`, `Device`) and `Tensor` as values,
/// and all other types as a `c10::intrusive_ptr`. In order to
/// optimize performance of the destructor and related operations by
/// making the `Tensor` and `c10::intrusive_ptr` paths generate the
/// same code, we represent a null `c10::intrusive_ptr` as
/// `UndefinedTensorImpl::singleton()`, *not* `nullptr`.
/// IValues are used as inputs to and outputs from the TorchScript interpreter.
/// To retrieve the value contained within an IValue, use the `.toX()` methods,
/// where `X` is the type you are trying to get. Note that neither the `.toX()`
/// methods nor the templated `.to<T>` functions do any kind of casting, they
/// only unwrap the contained value. For example:
/// \rst
/// .. code-block:: cpp
/// // Make the IValue
/// torch::IValue my_ivalue(26);
/// std::cout << my_ivalue << "\n";
/// // Unwrap the IValue
/// int64_t my_int = my_ivalue.toInt();
/// std::cout << my_int << "\n";
/// // This will throw an error!
/// // `my_ivalue` is tagged as an int and cannot be used as another type
/// torch::Tensor my_tensor = my_ivalue.toTensor();
/// \endrst
struct TORCH_API IValue final {
IValue(const IValue& rhs)
: IValue(rhs.payload, rhs.tag) {
if (isIntrusivePtr() && payload.u.as_intrusive_ptr != c10::UndefinedTensorImpl::singleton()) {
IValue(IValue&& rhs) noexcept : tag(rhs.tag) {
/// @private [doxygen private]
~IValue() {
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE IValue& operator=(IValue&& rhs) & noexcept {
if (&rhs == this) {
return *this;
return *this;
IValue& operator=(IValue const& rhs) & {
*this = IValue(rhs);
return *this;
void dump() const;
* Equality comparison. The semantics are the same as Python's `==`:
* 1. Numerical types are compared by value.
* 2. Tensors compute element-wise equality, returning a BoolTensor (see:
* `torch.eq()`)
* 3. Strings are compared by value.
* 4. Sequence types (list, tuple) are compared lexicographically by
* comparing their elements. Different sequence types never compare equal.
* 5. Mappings (dict) must have equal (key, value) pairs.
* 6. If not listed above, the default behavior for is to test identity
* equality (e.g. pointer equality).
* Why does this return an IValue instead of a bool? Because in PyTorch,
* `tensor1 == tensor2` returns a `BoolTensor`, not a bool.
* NOTE: we (like Python) assume that identity equality implies value equality
* for efficiency.
* TODO: need to support customizing equality
IValue equals(const IValue& rhs) const;
* This implements the same semantics as `bool(lhs == rhs)` in Python. which
* is the same as `equals()` except for Tensor types.
TORCH_API friend bool operator==(const IValue& lhs, const IValue& rhs);
TORCH_API friend bool operator!=(const IValue& lhs, const IValue& rhs);
* Identity comparison. Checks if `this` is the same object as `rhs`. The
* semantics are the same as Python's `is` operator.
* NOTE: Like in Python, this operation is poorly defined for primitive types
* like numbers and strings. Prefer to use `==` unless you really want to
* check identity equality.
bool is(const IValue& rhs) const;
* Hashing for IValues. Returns an IValue-boxed int.
* Some notes:
* - Like eager, Tensors are hashed by looking at the pointer. This is not
* strictly correct because two value-equal tensors with different tensor
* pointers will hash differently, but we choose to reproduce the eager
* semantics.
* - Hashing is not defined on all built-in IValue types (e.g. list and
* dict), following Python. Calling `hash()` on these types will throw.
IValue hash() const {
return (int64_t)IValue::hash(*this);
// This is defined because `c10::hash` dispatches to a function of this
// signature. See the member function `hash()`.
static size_t hash(const IValue& iv);
* @private [doxygen private]
* [container equality]
* This is an equality implementation that assumes objects with the same
* identity equal themselves, for efficiency reasons. We primarily have this
* for consistency, because Python does the same thing. This actually
* provokes user-visible changes in behavior due to quirks in torch:
* [tensor1] == [tensor1] -> True (because container equality will first
* compare identity) [tensor1] == [tensor1_copy] -> RuntimeError:
* Boolean value of Tensor with more than one value is ambiguous
TORCH_API friend bool _fastEqualsForContainer(
const IValue& lhs,
const IValue& rhs);
static bool isAliasOf(const at::Tensor& a, const at::Tensor& b) {
if (a.is_sparse()) {
return isAliasOf(a._values(), b) || isAliasOf(a._indices(), b);
if (b.is_sparse()) {
return isAliasOf(a, b._values()) || isAliasOf(a, b._indices());
if (a.is_sparse_csr()) {
return isAliasOf(a.values(), b) ||
isAliasOf(a.crow_indices(), b) ||
isAliasOf(a.col_indices(), b);
if (b.is_sparse_csr()) {
return isAliasOf(a, b.values()) ||
isAliasOf(a, b.crow_indices()) ||
isAliasOf(a, b.col_indices());
// Opaque tensors such as the ones constructed by the MKL-DNN backend
// don't have storage so we just compare their TensorImpls.
// TODO: Find way to expose alias info for opaque tensors.
if (!a.has_storage() || !b.has_storage()) {
return a.unsafeGetTensorImpl() == b.unsafeGetTensorImpl();
return a.is_alias_of(b);
template <typename T>
bool isListOf() const;
/// @private [doxygen private]
bool isAliasOf(const IValue& rhs) const {
if (this->tag != rhs.tag) {
// Trivially don't alias if the type is different
return false;
// Tensors should be compared based on internal storage
if (this->isTensor()) {
return isAliasOf(this->toTensor(), rhs.toTensor());
if (!isIntrusivePtr()) {
// Primitive types don't alias anything
return false;
// Other types can be compared by their ptr value
return this->payload.u.as_intrusive_ptr == rhs.payload.u.as_intrusive_ptr;
/// @private [doxygen private]
size_t use_count() const noexcept {
if (isTensor()) {
return payload.as_tensor.use_count();
if (!isIntrusivePtrLegacyBehavior()) {
return 1;
if (payload.u.as_intrusive_ptr == c10::UndefinedTensorImpl::singleton()) {
return 0;
return c10::raw::intrusive_ptr::use_count(payload.u.as_intrusive_ptr);
/// @private [doxygen private]
void swap(IValue& rhs) noexcept {
if (isTensor() && rhs.isTensor()) {
std::swap(payload.as_tensor, rhs.payload.as_tensor);
} else if (isTensor()) {
at::Tensor t = std::move(payload.as_tensor);
// As far as I can tell, omitting the usual explicit destructor call
// is not UB in and of itself, and it's a slight perf win. The
// destructor is a no-op, because the moved-from Tensor is
// effectively an intrusive_ptr in the null state, so we don't need
// the behavior for correctness reasons either. Leaving this
// explanatory comment, including commented-out destructor call, to
// make this abundantly clear.
// payload.as_tensor.~Tensor();
payload.u = rhs.payload.u;
new (&rhs.payload.as_tensor) at::Tensor(std::move(t));
} else if (rhs.isTensor()) {
} else {
std::swap(payload.u, rhs.payload.u);
std::swap(tag, rhs.tag);
// Accessors for subtypes are arranged together below
// While some of these accessors could be generated through templates,
// we prefer to write them manually for clarity
IValue(at::TensorBase t) : tag(Tag::Tensor) {
new (&payload.as_tensor) at::Tensor(std::move(t));
bool isTensor() const {
return Tag::Tensor == tag;
// Outlined error path so that toTensor() can be inlined.
[[noreturn]] void reportToTensorTypeError() const;
at::Tensor toTensor() &&;
at::Tensor& toTensor() &;
const at::Tensor& toTensor() const&;
at::TensorImpl* unsafeToTensorImpl() const {
return payload.as_tensor.unsafeGetTensorImpl();
IValue(at::Storage s) : tag(Tag::Storage) {
payload.u.as_intrusive_ptr = null_to_undefined_tensor(s.unsafeReleaseStorageImpl());
bool isStorage() const {
return Tag::Storage == tag;
c10::Storage toStorage() &&;
c10::Storage toStorage() const&;
const IValue& toIValue() const {
return *this;
IValue& toIValue() {
return *this;
/// @private [doxygen private]
IValue(intrusive_ptr<caffe2::Blob> blob)
: tag(Tag::Blob) {
// TODO (after Tensor merge) If we pass in a Blob holding a Tensor, extract
// and store it as a Tensor instead.
payload.u.as_intrusive_ptr = null_to_undefined_tensor(blob.release());
/// @private [doxygen private]
bool isBlob() const {
return Tag::Blob == tag;
/// @private [doxygen private]
c10::intrusive_ptr<caffe2::Blob> toBlob() &&;
/// @private [doxygen private]
c10::intrusive_ptr<caffe2::Blob> toBlob() const&;
// Capsule. No new callsites of these APIs should
// be introduced.
static inline IValue make_capsule(
intrusive_ptr<torch::CustomClassHolder> blob);
bool isCapsule() const {
return Tag::Capsule == tag;
c10::intrusive_ptr<torch::CustomClassHolder> toCapsule() &&;
c10::intrusive_ptr<torch::CustomClassHolder> toCapsule() const&;
// Custom C++ classes
template <
typename T,
std::is_base_of<torch::CustomClassHolder, T>::value,
int> = 0>
IValue(intrusive_ptr<T> custom_class);
bool isCustomClass() const;
template <typename T>
c10::intrusive_ptr<T> toCustomClass() &&;
template <typename T>
c10::intrusive_ptr<T> toCustomClass() const&;
// Tuple
IValue(c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::Tuple> v);
template <
typename... Args,
guts::negation<std::is_constructible<IValue, Args>>...>::value,
std::nullptr_t> = nullptr>
IValue(const std::tuple<Args...>& t);
template <
typename... Args,
guts::negation<std::is_constructible<IValue, Args>>...>::value,
std::nullptr_t> = nullptr>
IValue(std::tuple<Args...>&& t);
bool isTuple() const {
return Tag::Tuple == tag;
c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::Tuple> toTuple() &&;
c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::Tuple> toTuple() const&;
C10_NODISCARD ivalue::Tuple& toTupleRef() const;
// Double
IValue(double d) : tag(Tag::Double) {
payload.u.as_double = d;
bool isDouble() const {
return Tag::Double == tag;
double toDouble() const {
return payload.u.as_double;
// ComplexDouble
template <typename T>
IValue(c10::complex<T> c);
bool isComplexDouble() const { return Tag::ComplexDouble == tag; }
c10::complex<double> toComplexDouble() const;
// Future
IValue(c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::Future> v);
bool isFuture() const {
return Tag::Future == tag;
c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::Future> toFuture() &&;
c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::Future> toFuture() const&;
IValue(c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::Await> v);
bool isAwait() const {
return Tag::Await == tag;
c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::Await> toAwait() &&;
c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::Await> toAwait() const&;
// RRef
IValue(c10::intrusive_ptr<c10::RRefInterface> v);
bool isRRef() const {
return Tag::RRef == tag;
c10::intrusive_ptr<c10::RRefInterface> toRRef() &&;
c10::intrusive_ptr<c10::RRefInterface> toRRef() const&;
// Quantizer
IValue(c10::intrusive_ptr<at::Quantizer> v);
bool isQuantizer() const {
return Tag::Quantizer == tag;
c10::intrusive_ptr<at::Quantizer> toQuantizer() &&;
c10::intrusive_ptr<at::Quantizer> toQuantizer() const&;
// Int
IValue(int64_t i) : tag(Tag::Int) {
payload.u.as_int = i;
IValue(c10::SymInt i) {
if (i.is_symbolic()) {
tag = Tag::SymInt;
payload.u.as_intrusive_ptr = i.toSymNodeImpl().release();
} else {
tag = Tag::Int;
payload.u.as_int = i.as_int_unchecked();
bool isSymInt() const {
return Tag::SymInt == tag;
c10::SymInt toSymInt() &&;
c10::SymInt toSymInt() const&;
IValue(c10::SymFloat i) {
if (i.is_symbolic()) {
tag = Tag::SymFloat;
payload.u.as_intrusive_ptr = i.toSymNodeImpl().release();
} else {
tag = Tag::Double;
payload.u.as_double = i.as_float_unchecked();
bool isSymFloat() const {
return Tag::SymFloat == tag;
c10::SymFloat toSymFloat() &&;
c10::SymFloat toSymFloat() const&;
// allow you to pass literals (3, 4) without ambiguity
IValue(int32_t i) : IValue(static_cast<int64_t>(i)) {}
bool isInt() const {
return Tag::Int == tag;
int64_t toInt() const {
return payload.u.as_int;
// Bool
IValue(bool b) : tag(Tag::Bool) {
#if defined(__clang__) && defined(__x86_64__)
// Initializing entire payload stops valgrind's from reporting
// "jump or move depends on uninitialised value" in IValue copy constructor
// See https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/37117
payload.u.as_int = b;
payload.u.as_bool = b;
bool isBool() const {
return Tag::Bool == tag;
bool toBool() const {
return payload.u.as_bool;
// IntList
bool isIntList() const;
c10::List<int64_t> toIntList() &&;
c10::List<int64_t> toIntList() const&;
std::vector<int64_t> toIntVector() const;
at::DimVector toDimVector() const;
// ConstantString
IValue(c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::ConstantString> v);
IValue(std::string v);
IValue(const char* v) : IValue(std::string(v)) {}
IValue(c10::string_view v) : IValue(std::string(v)) {};
bool isString() const {
return Tag::String == tag;
c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::ConstantString> toString() &&;
c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::ConstantString> toString() const&;
const std::string& toStringRef() const;
c10::optional<std::reference_wrapper<const std::string>> toOptionalStringRef()
c10::string_view toStringView() const;
// DoubleList
bool isDoubleList() const;
c10::List<double> toDoubleList() &&;
c10::List<double> toDoubleList() const&;
std::vector<double> toDoubleVector() const;
// ComplexDoubleList
bool isComplexDoubleList() const;
c10::List<c10::complex<double>> toComplexDoubleList() &&;
c10::List<c10::complex<double>> toComplexDoubleList() const&;
std::vector<c10::complex<double>> toComplexDoubleVector() const;
// BoolList
bool isBoolList() const;
c10::List<bool> toBoolList() &&;
c10::List<bool> toBoolList() const&;
// TensorList
bool isTensorList() const;
c10::List<at::Tensor> toTensorList() &&;
c10::List<at::Tensor> toTensorList() const&;
std::vector<at::Tensor> toTensorVector() const;
// OptionalTensorList
bool isOptionalTensorList() const;
c10::List<c10::optional<at::Tensor>> toOptionalTensorList() &&;
c10::List<c10::optional<at::Tensor>> toOptionalTensorList() const&;
std::vector<c10::optional<at::Tensor>> toOptionalTensorVector() const;
// GenericList
IValue(c10::List<IValue> v);
bool isList() const {
return Tag::GenericList == tag;
c10::List<IValue> toList() &&;
c10::List<IValue> toList() const&;
c10::ArrayRef<IValue> toListRef() const;
// Some template constructors of IValue calls another constructor recursively.
// This SFINAEs the called constructor exists.
template <class T>
using enable_if_ivalue_constructible =
std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<IValue, T>::value, std::nullptr_t>;
// The rule for lists is more complicated; the generic constructor is only
// acceptable if your element isn't SymInt. If you do have a SymInt element,
// then you must also, at construction time, check if you can decay the list
// into an int list (this is MANDATORY, as at a use site we may expect
// toIntList to work even if at the call site you had a SymIntArrayRef
// argument). In practice, only SymIntArrayRef is used this way, so we
// didn't bother making it work for the other constructors, we just make sure
// they're not selectable.
template <class T>
using enable_if_list_is_ivalue_constructible =
std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible<IValue, T>::value &&
!std::is_same<T, c10::SymInt>::value, std::nullptr_t>;
template <class T, enable_if_list_is_ivalue_constructible<T> = nullptr>
IValue(c10::List<T>&& v);
template <class T, enable_if_list_is_ivalue_constructible<T> = nullptr>
IValue(const c10::List<T>& v);
template <class T, enable_if_list_is_ivalue_constructible<T> = nullptr>
IValue(at::ArrayRef<T> v);
template <class T, enable_if_list_is_ivalue_constructible<T> = nullptr>
IValue(const std::vector<T>& v);
template <class T, size_t N>
IValue(std::array<T, N> v);
// Manual constructors for lists of symints, which decay to int list if
// possible. To avoid ambiguous overload situations, we template them
// to prevent implicit conversions
template <class T>
using enable_if_symint =
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same<T, c10::SymInt>::value, std::nullptr_t>;
template <class T, enable_if_symint<T> = nullptr>
IValue(at::ArrayRef<T> v);
template <class T, enable_if_symint<T> = nullptr>
IValue(at::OptionalArrayRef<T> v);
template <class T, enable_if_symint<T> = nullptr>
IValue(const std::vector<T>& v);
template <class T>
using enable_if_ilist_is_ivalue_constructible = std::enable_if_t<
std::is_constructible<IValue, T>::value &&
std::is_constructible<IValue, typename IListRef<T>::boxed_type>::value &&
!std::is_same<T, c10::SymInt>::value,
template <class T, enable_if_ilist_is_ivalue_constructible<T> = nullptr>
IValue(c10::IListRef<T> v);
// GenericDict
IValue(c10::Dict<IValue, IValue> v);
bool isGenericDict() const {
return Tag::GenericDict == tag;
c10::Dict<IValue, IValue> toGenericDict() &&;
c10::Dict<IValue, IValue> toGenericDict() const&;
template <class Key, class Value>
IValue(c10::Dict<Key, Value> v);
template <class Key, class Value>
/// \cond
"IValues based on std::unordered_map<K, V> are slow and deprecated. Please use c10::Dict<K, V> instead.")
/// \endcond
IValue(std::unordered_map<Key, Value> v);
template <class T, enable_if_ivalue_constructible<T> = nullptr>
IValue(c10::optional<T> v);
template <class T, enable_if_list_is_ivalue_constructible<T> = nullptr>
IValue(c10::OptionalArrayRef<T> v);
// ClassType
IValue(c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::Object> v);
bool isObject() const {
return tag == Tag::Object;
c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::Object> toObject() &&;
c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::Object> toObject() const&;
ivalue::Object& toObjectRef() const;
torch::jit::Module toModule() const;
bool isModule() const;
// PyObject
IValue(c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::PyObjectHolder> v);
bool isPyObject() const {
return tag == Tag::PyObject;
c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::PyObjectHolder> toPyObjectHolder() &&;
c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::PyObjectHolder> toPyObjectHolder() const&;
PyObject* toPyObject() const;
// Enum
explicit IValue(c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::EnumHolder> v);
bool isEnum() const {
return tag == Tag::Enum;
c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::EnumHolder> toEnumHolder() &&;
c10::intrusive_ptr<ivalue::EnumHolder> toEnumHolder() const&;
// None
IValue() : tag(Tag::None) {}
bool isNone() const {
return Tag::None == tag;
std::string toNone() const {
return "None";
static IValue uninitialized() {
auto i = IValue();
i.tag = Tag::Uninitialized;
return i;
// Scalar, which gets encoded as either an Int, a Double or a ComplexDouble
IValue(const at::Scalar& s) : IValue() {
// NB: do the symbolic versions first, as isFloatingPoint is true
// for both SymFloat and double
if (s.isSymInt()) {
tag = Tag::SymInt;
payload.u.as_intrusive_ptr = s.toSymInt().toSymNodeImpl().release();
} else if (s.isSymFloat()) {
tag = Tag::SymFloat;
payload.u.as_intrusive_ptr = s.toSymFloat().toSymNodeImpl().release();
} else if (s.isFloatingPoint()) {
tag = Tag::Double;
payload.u.as_double = s.toDouble();
} else if (s.isComplex()) {
*this = s.toComplexDouble();
} else if (s.isBoolean()) {
tag = Tag::Bool;
payload.u.as_bool = s.toBool();
} else {
TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT_DEBUG_ONLY(s.isIntegral(false), "Unknown type in Scalar");
tag = Tag::Int;
payload.u.as_int = s.toLong();
bool isScalar() const {
return isDouble() || isInt() || isComplexDouble() || isBool() || isSymInt() || isSymFloat();
at::Scalar toScalar() const {
if (isDouble())
return toDouble();
else if (isInt())
return toInt();
else if (isComplexDouble())
return toComplexDouble();
else if (isBool())
return toBool();
else if (isSymInt())
return toSymInt();
else if (isSymFloat())
return toSymFloat();
throw std::runtime_error("IValue is not a Scalar");
// Device
IValue(c10::Device d) : tag(Tag::Device) {
payload.u.as_device.type = d.type();
payload.u.as_device.index = d.index();
bool isDevice() const {
return Tag::Device == tag;
c10::Device toDevice() const {
return c10::Device(payload.u.as_device.type, payload.u.as_device.index);
// Stream
IValue(c10::Stream s)
: tag(Tag::Stream) {
auto v = c10::make_intrusive<ivalue::StreamData3Holder>(s.pack3());
payload.u.as_intrusive_ptr = v.release();
c10::Stream toStream() &&;
c10::Stream toStream() const &;
bool isStream() const { return Tag::Stream == tag; }
// ScalarType
IValue(ScalarType t)
: IValue(static_cast<std::underlying_type<ScalarType>::type>(t)) {}
at::ScalarType toScalarType() const {
return static_cast<at::ScalarType>(toInt());
// Layout
IValue(Layout l)
: IValue(static_cast<std::underlying_type<Layout>::type>(l)) {}
at::Layout toLayout() const {
return static_cast<at::Layout>(toInt());
// MemoryFormat
IValue(MemoryFormat m)
: IValue(static_cast<std::underlying_type<MemoryFormat>::type>(m)) {}
at::MemoryFormat toMemoryFormat() const {
return static_cast<at::MemoryFormat>(toInt());
// QScheme
IValue(at::QScheme qscheme) : tag(Tag::Int) {
payload.u.as_int = static_cast<int64_t>(qscheme);
at::QScheme toQScheme() const {
return static_cast<at::QScheme>(toInt());
// Dimname
IValue(at::Dimname dimname) : IValue(dimname.symbol().toQualString()) {}
at::Dimname toDimname() const {
return at::Dimname::fromSymbol(Symbol::fromQualString(toStringRef()));
// Generator
IValue(at::Generator g) : tag(Tag::Generator) {
payload.u.as_intrusive_ptr = null_to_undefined_tensor(g.unsafeReleaseGeneratorImpl());
bool isGenerator() const {
return Tag::Generator == tag;
at::Generator toGenerator() &&;
at::Generator toGenerator() const&;
// for debugging
std::string tagKind() const {
switch (tag) {
#define DEFINE_CASE(x) \
case Tag::x: \
return #x;
return "InvalidTag(" + c10::guts::to_string(static_cast<int>(tag)) + ")";
// generic v.to<at::Tensor>() implementations
// that can be used in special functions like pop/push
// that use template meta-programming.
// prefer the directly named methods when you can,
// since they are simpler to understand
// Note: if you get linker errors saying one of these is missing,
// change it to ... && = delete; and you will see better error messages for
// why However, we cannot commit this because some compiler versions barf on
// it.
template <typename T>
T to() &&;
template <typename T>
typename c10::detail::ivalue_to_const_ref_overload_return<T>::type to() const&;
// ToOptional: convert a IValue to the Optional obj that accepts both T and
// None
template <typename T>
optional<T> toOptional();
template <typename T>
optional<T> toOptional() const;
/// @private [doxygen private]
/// this is a shallow comparison of two IValues to test the object identity
bool isSameIdentity(const IValue& rhs) const;
// Computes the "official" string representation of an IValue. This produces a
// TorchScript expression that can be used to recreate an IValue with the same
// value (e.g. when we are printing constants in the serializer).
// Callers can use `customFormatter` to override how `repr()` prints out an
// IValue. This is useful if you have some other environment where you can
// look up values, and you want to print a reference to that environment (like
// the serializer's constant table).
// repr() is not necessarily defined on all objects!
std::ostream& repr(
std::ostream& stream,
std::function<bool(std::ostream&, const IValue& v)> customFormatter)
// Computes an "informal" string representation of an IValue. This should be
// used for debugging, or servicing `print()`-like functions.
// This is different from `repr()` in that there is no expectation that we can
// exactly reconstruct an IValue from the output; feel free to use a
// concise/pretty form
TORCH_API friend std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& out,
const IValue& v);
bool isPtrType() const {
if (isTensor()) {
return payload.as_tensor.defined();
return isIntrusivePtrLegacyBehavior();
/// @private [doxygen private]
const void* internalToPointer() const {
isPtrType(), "Can only call internalToPointer() for pointer types");
if (isTensor()) {
return payload.as_tensor.unsafeGetTensorImpl();
} else {
return payload.u.as_intrusive_ptr != c10::UndefinedTensorImpl::singleton()
? payload.u.as_intrusive_ptr : nullptr;
template <typename T = c10::PlatformType>
TypePtr type() const;
// Detect aliased tensors.
struct HashAliasedIValue {
size_t hashTensor(const at::Tensor& ten) const {
if (ten.is_sparse()) {
// COO sparse tensors have a "values" tensor and an "indices" tensor
// so this will detect overlap of sparse tensors that share a values
// tensor, but not sparse tensors that share an indices tensor.
return hashTensor(ten._values());
} else if (ten.is_sparse_csr()) {
// COO sparse tensors have a "values" tensor and an "indices" tensor
// so this will detect overlap of sparse tensors that share a values
// tensor, but not sparse tensors that share an indices tensor.
return hashTensor(ten.values());
} else if (!ten.has_storage()) {
// Opaque tensors such as the ones constructed by the MKL-DNN backend
// don't have storage so we just use their TensorImpls.
// TODO: Find way to expose alias info for opaque tensors.
return reinterpret_cast<size_t>(ten.unsafeGetTensorImpl());
} else {
return reinterpret_cast<size_t>(
size_t operator()(const IValue& val) const {
if (val.isTensor()) {
return hashTensor(val.toTensor());
// If it is not a Tensor, then two mutable IValues alias each other only
// if they are the same pointer.
return val.payload.u.as_int;
struct CompAliasedIValues {
bool operator()(const IValue& lhs, const IValue& rhs) const {
return lhs.isAliasOf(rhs);
using HashAliasedIValues =
std::unordered_set<IValue, HashAliasedIValue, CompAliasedIValues>;
using HashAliasedIValueMap =
std::unordered_map<IValue, IValue, HashAliasedIValue, CompAliasedIValues>;
// Chechs if this and rhs has a subvalues in common.
// [t1,t2] and [t2, t3] returns true.
bool overlaps(const IValue& rhs) const;
// Inserts all subvalues of this in subValues.
void getSubValues(HashAliasedIValues& subValues) const;
// Apply visitor to every subvalue.
// TODO: There are several places that recurse over IValue. This is fragile.
// This visitor should be used to recurse over ivalues.
void visit(const std::function<bool(const IValue&)>& visitor) const;
IValue deepcopy() const;
IValue deepcopy(HashAliasedIValueMap& memo) const;
static c10::intrusive_ptr_target* null_to_undefined_tensor(c10::intrusive_ptr_target* p) {
return p ? p : static_cast<c10::intrusive_ptr_target*>(c10::UndefinedTensorImpl::singleton());
static bool ptrEqual(const IValue& lhs, const IValue& rhs);
// NOTE: IValue tags are intentionally private. In the future we may encode
// this value different (e.g. using NaN boxing), and this would make it more
// costly to determine the tag for all types vs just determining if something
// is a particular type. Instead we want clients to use the `isX` methods when
// possible. If for perf. reasons you really, absolutely, must have a jump
// table, then we can revisit this.
enum class Tag : uint32_t {
#define DEFINE_TAG(x) x,
template <
class T,
class NullType = c10::detail::intrusive_target_default_null_type<T>>
c10::intrusive_ptr<T, NullType> moveToIntrusivePtr();
template <
typename T,
class NullType = c10::detail::intrusive_target_default_null_type<T>>
c10::intrusive_ptr<T, NullType> toIntrusivePtr() const;
void destroy() {
// We carefully construct this call to both 1) avoid UB by using
// the "wrong" one of as_tensor and as_intrusive_ptr and 2) enable
// the compiler to generate the same code for each case. It is
// surprisingly difficult to get this right.
if (isTensor() || isIntrusivePtr()) {
c10::intrusive_ptr_target* p = isTensor() ? payload.as_tensor.unsafeGetTensorImpl() : payload.u.as_intrusive_ptr;
c10::intrusive_ptr<intrusive_ptr_target, c10::UndefinedTensorImpl>::reclaim(p);
// No need to make this destructor call!
// payload.as_tensor.~Tensor();
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE void moveFrom(IValue&& rhs) noexcept {
if (rhs.isTensor()) {
new (&payload.as_tensor) at::Tensor(std::move(rhs.payload.as_tensor));
// As far as I can tell, omitting the usual explicit destructor call
// is not UB in and of itself, and it's a slight perf win. The
// destructor is a no-op, because the moved-from Tensor is
// effectively an intrusive_ptr in the null state, so we don't need
// the behavior for correctness reasons either. Leaving this
// explanatory comment, including commented-out destructor call, to
// make this abundantly clear.
// rhs.payload.as_tensor.~Tensor();
} else {
payload.u = rhs.payload.u;
tag = rhs.tag;
void clearToNone() noexcept {
payload.u.as_int = 0;
tag = Tag::None;
bool isIntrusivePtr() const {
switch (tag) {
case Tag::None:
return false;
case Tag::Tensor:
return false;
case Tag::Storage:
return true;
case Tag::Generator:
return true;
case Tag::Double:
return false;
case Tag::ComplexDouble:
return true;
case Tag::Int:
return false;
case Tag::SymInt:
return true;
case Tag::SymFloat:
return true;
case Tag::Bool:
return false;
case Tag::Tuple:
return true;
case Tag::String:
return true;
case Tag::Blob:
return true;
case Tag::GenericList:
return true;
case Tag::GenericDict:
return true;
case Tag::Future:
return true;
case Tag::Await:
return true;
case Tag::Device:
return false;
case Tag::Stream:
return true;
case Tag::Object:
return true;
case Tag::PyObject:
return true;
case Tag::Uninitialized:
return false;
case Tag::Capsule:
return true;
case Tag::RRef:
return true;
case Tag::Quantizer:
return true;
case Tag::Enum:
return true;
TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT_DEBUG_ONLY(false, "unexpected tag ", static_cast<int>(tag));
return false;
// Storage and Generator were treated specially when
// is_intrusive_ptr was stored as explicit state. This getter
// preserves the old behavior for use with WeakIValue for now.
bool isIntrusivePtrLegacyBehavior() const {
if (tag == Tag::Storage || tag == Tag::Generator) {
return payload.u.as_intrusive_ptr != c10::UndefinedTensorImpl::singleton();
} else {
return isIntrusivePtr();
union Payload {
// [TriviallyCopyablePayload]
// We use a nested union here so that we can make the copy easy
// and efficient in the non-tensor (i.e., trivially copyable)
// case. Specifically, we do not have to do a switch-on-tag to
// figure out which union member to assign; we can just use
// TriviallyCopyablePayload::operator=.
union TriviallyCopyablePayload {
TriviallyCopyablePayload() : as_int(0) {}
int64_t as_int;
double as_double;
bool as_bool;
// Invariant: never nullptr; null state is represented as
// c10::UndefinedTensorImpl::singleton() for consistency of
// representation with Tensor.
c10::intrusive_ptr_target* as_intrusive_ptr;
struct {
DeviceType type;
DeviceIndex index;
} as_device;
} u;
at::Tensor as_tensor;
Payload() : u() {}
~Payload() {}
IValue(const Payload& p, Tag t) : tag(t) {
if (isTensor()) {
new (&payload.as_tensor) at::Tensor(p.as_tensor);
} else {
payload.u = p.u;
template <typename T>
struct TagType {};
friend MaybeOwnedTraits<IValue>;
Payload payload;
Tag tag{IValue::Tag::None};
friend struct WeakIValue;
struct TORCH_API WeakIValue final {
WeakIValue() = default;
WeakIValue(const WeakIValue& rhs)
: payload(rhs.payload),
is_intrusive_ptr(rhs.is_intrusive_ptr) {
if (is_intrusive_ptr && payload.as_intrusive_ptr != c10::UndefinedTensorImpl::singleton()) {
WeakIValue(const IValue& rhs)
: tag(rhs.tag),
is_intrusive_ptr(rhs.isIntrusivePtrLegacyBehavior()) {
if (rhs.isTensor()) {
payload.as_intrusive_ptr = rhs.unsafeToTensorImpl();
is_intrusive_ptr = true;
} else {
payload = rhs.payload.u;
if (is_intrusive_ptr) {
if (payload.as_intrusive_ptr != c10::UndefinedTensorImpl::singleton()) {
WeakIValue(WeakIValue&& rhs) noexcept : WeakIValue() {
~WeakIValue() {
if (is_intrusive_ptr && payload.as_intrusive_ptr != c10::UndefinedTensorImpl::singleton()) {
WeakIValue& operator=(WeakIValue&& rhs) & noexcept {
WeakIValue(std::move(rhs)).swap(*this); // this also sets rhs to None
return *this;
WeakIValue& operator=(WeakIValue const& rhs) & {
return *this;
void swap(WeakIValue& rhs) noexcept {
std::swap(payload, rhs.payload);
std::swap(is_intrusive_ptr, rhs.is_intrusive_ptr);
std::swap(tag, rhs.tag);
bool isSameIdentity(const WeakIValue& rhs) const {
return payload.as_int == rhs.payload.as_int && tag == rhs.tag &&
is_intrusive_ptr == rhs.is_intrusive_ptr;
IValue lock() const {
if (!is_intrusive_ptr) {
IValue::Payload newPayload;
newPayload.u = payload;
return IValue(newPayload, tag);
if (IValue::Tag::Tensor == tag) {
auto temp = c10::weak_intrusive_ptr<at::TensorImpl, c10::UndefinedTensorImpl>::reclaim(
c10::intrusive_ptr<at::TensorImpl, c10::UndefinedTensorImpl> ip(temp.lock());
if (!ip) {
return IValue();
} else {
return IValue(at::Tensor(std::move(ip)));
} else {
auto temp = c10::weak_intrusive_ptr<c10::intrusive_ptr_target>::reclaim(
payload.as_intrusive_ptr == c10::UndefinedTensorImpl::singleton()
? nullptr
: payload.as_intrusive_ptr);
IValue::Payload pl;
pl.u.as_intrusive_ptr = temp.lock().release();
if (!pl.u.as_intrusive_ptr) {
return IValue();
} else {
return IValue(pl, tag);
size_t use_count() const noexcept {
if (!is_intrusive_ptr) {
return 1;
auto temp = c10::weak_intrusive_ptr<c10::intrusive_ptr_target, c10::UndefinedTensorImpl>::reclaim(
size_t result = temp.use_count();
return result;
size_t weak_use_count() const noexcept {
if (!is_intrusive_ptr) {
return 1;
auto temp = c10::weak_intrusive_ptr<c10::intrusive_ptr_target, c10::UndefinedTensorImpl>::reclaim(
size_t result = temp.weak_use_count();
return result;
size_t hash() const {
return payload.as_int;
using Payload = IValue::Payload::TriviallyCopyablePayload;
Payload payload;
IValue::Tag tag{IValue::Tag::None};
bool is_intrusive_ptr{false};
// An owning pointer to a type. When the type is class type, it requires a pair
// of shared_ptrs to the class type and its owning CU, so that the class type is
// guaranteed to stay alive as long as we hold this object.
struct TORCH_API StrongTypePtr {
std::shared_ptr<torch::jit::CompilationUnit> cu,
TypePtr type);
std::shared_ptr<torch::jit::CompilationUnit> cu_;
TypePtr type_;
// [Constant Object Weak CompilationUnit Reference]
// A non owning pointer to a type. When a class get inserted as a constant
// into a graph, if we used a strong pointer we would have a circular reference
// from Object -> CompilationUnit and CompilationUnit -> Graph (which owns the
// Constant Object)
struct TORCH_API WeakTypePtr {
std::weak_ptr<torch::jit::CompilationUnit> cu,
TypePtr type);
std::weak_ptr<torch::jit::CompilationUnit> cu_;
TypePtr type_;
// internal build errors with std::variant :/
struct WeakOrStrongCompilationUnit {
explicit WeakOrStrongCompilationUnit(
std::shared_ptr<torch::jit::CompilationUnit> shared_cu) : strong_ptr_(std::move(shared_cu)), weak_ptr_(c10::nullopt) {}
explicit WeakOrStrongCompilationUnit(
std::weak_ptr<torch::jit::CompilationUnit> weak_cu) : strong_ptr_(c10::nullopt), weak_ptr_(std::move(weak_cu)) {}
std::shared_ptr<torch::jit::CompilationUnit> getStrongRefOrThrow() const {
TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(strong_ptr_ != c10::nullopt);
return *strong_ptr_;
std::weak_ptr<torch::jit::CompilationUnit> getWeakRefOrThrow() const {
TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(weak_ptr_ != c10::nullopt);
return *weak_ptr_;
bool holdingStrongRef() const {
return strong_ptr_ != c10::nullopt;
bool holdingEmptyStrongRef() const {
return holdingStrongRef() && *strong_ptr_ == nullptr;
c10::optional<std::shared_ptr<torch::jit::CompilationUnit>> strong_ptr_;
c10::optional<std::weak_ptr<torch::jit::CompilationUnit>> weak_ptr_;
// An Object will hold a non-owning Compilation Unit reference if it is a
// Constant in the graph and a Owning reference otherwise
struct TORCH_API WeakOrStrongTypePtr {
explicit WeakOrStrongTypePtr(WeakTypePtr weak)
: cu_(WeakOrStrongCompilationUnit(std::move(weak.cu_))), type_(std::move(weak.type_)) {}
explicit WeakOrStrongTypePtr(StrongTypePtr strong)
: cu_(WeakOrStrongCompilationUnit(std::move(strong.cu_))), type_(std::move(strong.type_)) {}
explicit WeakOrStrongTypePtr(WeakOrStrongCompilationUnit cu, TypePtr type)
: cu_(std::move(cu)), type_(std::move(type)) {}
WeakTypePtr asWeakTypePtr() const;
WeakOrStrongCompilationUnit cu_;
TypePtr type_;
bool holds_strong_ref() const {
return cu_.holdingStrongRef();
bool holds_empty_strong_ref() const {
return cu_.holdingEmptyStrongRef();
} // namespace c10
#include <ATen/core/ivalue_inl.h> // IWYU pragma: keep