#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <c10/macros/Macros.h>
#include <ATen/cpu/vec/intrinsics.h>
using vbool8 = __attribute__((altivec(vector__))) __attribute__((altivec(bool__))) char;
using vbool16 = __attribute__((altivec(vector__))) __attribute__((altivec(bool__))) short;
using vbool32 = __attribute__((altivec(vector__))) __attribute__((altivec(bool__))) int;
using vbool64 = __attribute__((altivec(vector__))) __attribute__((altivec(bool__))) long long;
using vint8 = __attribute__((altivec(vector__))) signed char;
using vint16 = __attribute__((altivec(vector__))) signed short;
using vint32 = __attribute__((altivec(vector__))) signed int;
using vint64 = __attribute__((altivec(vector__))) signed long long;
using vuint8 = __attribute__((altivec(vector__))) unsigned char;
using vuint16 = __attribute__((altivec(vector__))) unsigned short;
using vuint32 = __attribute__((altivec(vector__))) unsigned int;
using vuint64 = __attribute__((altivec(vector__))) unsigned long long;
using vfloat32 = __attribute__((altivec(vector__))) float;
using vfloat64 = __attribute__((altivec(vector__))) double;
#if !defined(vec_float)
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE vfloat32 vec_float(const vint32& vec_in) {
vfloat32 vec_out;
__asm__("xvcvsxwsp %x0,%x1" : "=wf"(vec_out) : "wa"(vec_in));
return vec_out;
#if !defined(vec_signed)
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE vint32 vec_signed(const vfloat32& vec_in) {
vint32 vec_out;
__asm__("xvcvspsxws %x0,%x1" : "=wa"(vec_out) : "wf"(vec_in));
return vec_out;
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE vint64 vec_signed(const vfloat64& vec_in) {
vint64 vec_out;
__asm__("xvcvdpsxds %x0,%x1" : "=wa"(vec_out) : "wd"(vec_in));
return vec_out;
#if !defined(vec_neg)
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE vfloat32 vec_neg(const vfloat32& vec_in) {
vfloat32 vec_out;
__asm__("xvnegsp %x0,%x1" : "=wf"(vec_out) : "wf"(vec_in));
return vec_out;
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE vfloat64 vec_neg(const vfloat64& vec_in) {
vfloat64 vec_out;
__asm__("xvnegdp %x0,%x1" : "=wd"(vec_out) : "wd"(vec_in));
return vec_out;
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE vint16 vec_neg(const vint16& vec_in) {
vint16 vint0 = {0, 0, 0, 0 ,0, 0, 0, 0};
return vec_vsubuhm(vint0, vec_in);
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE vint32 vec_neg(const vint32& vec_in) {
vint32 vint0 = {0, 0, 0, 0};
return vec_vsubuwm(vint0, vec_in);
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE vint64 vec_neg(const vint64& vec_in) {
vint64 vint0 = {0, 0};
return vec_vsubudm(vint0, vec_in);
#if !defined(vec_sldw)
template <unsigned int C>
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE vfloat32
vec_sldw_aux(const vfloat32& vec_in0, const vfloat32& vec_in1) {
vfloat32 vec_out;
__asm("xxsldwi %x0, %x1, %x2, %3 "
: "=wa"(vec_out)
: "wa"(vec_in0), "wa"(vec_in1), "I"(C));
return vec_out;
#define vec_sldw(a, b, c) vec_sldw_aux<c>(a, b)
#define vec_not(a) vec_nor(a, a)
// Vectorized min/max which return a if any operand is nan
template <class T>
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE T vec_min_nan(const T& a, const T& b) {
return vec_min(a, b);
template <class T>
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE T vec_max_nan(const T& a, const T& b) {
return vec_max(a, b);
// Specializations for float/double taken from Eigen
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE vfloat32 vec_min_nan<vfloat32>(const vfloat32& a, const vfloat32& b)
// NOTE: about 10% slower than vec_min, but consistent with std::min and SSE regarding NaN
vfloat32 ret;
__asm__ ("xvcmpgesp %x0,%x1,%x2\n\txxsel %x0,%x1,%x2,%x0" : "=&wa" (ret) : "wa" (a), "wa" (b));
return ret;
// Specializations for float/double taken from Eigen
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE vfloat32 vec_max_nan<vfloat32>(const vfloat32& a, const vfloat32& b)
// NOTE: about 10% slower than vec_max, but consistent with std::min and SSE regarding NaN
vfloat32 ret;
__asm__ ("xvcmpgtsp %x0,%x2,%x1\n\txxsel %x0,%x1,%x2,%x0" : "=&wa" (ret) : "wa" (a), "wa" (b));
return ret;
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE vfloat64 vec_min_nan<vfloat64>(const vfloat64& a, const vfloat64& b)
// NOTE: about 10% slower than vec_min, but consistent with std::min and SSE regarding NaN
vfloat64 ret;
__asm__ ("xvcmpgedp %x0,%x1,%x2\n\txxsel %x0,%x1,%x2,%x0" : "=&wa" (ret) : "wa" (a), "wa" (b));
return ret;
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE vfloat64 vec_max_nan<vfloat64>(const vfloat64& a, const vfloat64& b)
// NOTE: about 10% slower than vec_max, but consistent with std::max and SSE regarding NaN
vfloat64 ret;
__asm__ ("xvcmpgtdp %x0,%x2,%x1\n\txxsel %x0,%x1,%x2,%x0" : "=&wa" (ret) : "wa" (a), "wa" (b));
return ret;
// Vectorizes min/max function which returns nan if any side is nan
#define C10_VSX_VEC_NAN_PROPAG(name, type, btype, func) \
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE type name(const type& a, const type& b) { \
type tmp = func(a, b); \
btype nan_a = vec_cmpne(a, a); \
btype nan_b = vec_cmpne(b, b); \
tmp = vec_sel(tmp, a, nan_a); \
return vec_sel(tmp, b, nan_b); \
C10_VSX_VEC_NAN_PROPAG(vec_min_nan2, vfloat32, vbool32, vec_min)
C10_VSX_VEC_NAN_PROPAG(vec_max_nan2, vfloat32, vbool32, vec_max)
C10_VSX_VEC_NAN_PROPAG(vec_min_nan2, vfloat64, vbool64, vec_min)
C10_VSX_VEC_NAN_PROPAG(vec_max_nan2, vfloat64, vbool64, vec_max)
#define DEFINE_MEMBER_UNARY_OP(op, op_type, func) \
Vectorized<op_type> C10_ALWAYS_INLINE op() const { \
return Vectorized<op_type>{func(_vec0), func(_vec1)}; \
#define DEFINE_MEMBER_OP(op, op_type, func) \
Vectorized<op_type> C10_ALWAYS_INLINE op(const Vectorized<op_type>& other) const { \
return Vectorized<op_type>{ \
func(_vec0, other._vec0), func(_vec1, other._vec1)}; \
#define DEFINE_MEMBER_BITWISE_OP(op, op_type, func) \
Vectorized<op_type> C10_ALWAYS_INLINE op(const Vectorized<op_type>& other) const { \
return Vectorized<op_type>{ \
func(_vecb0, other._vecb0), func(_vecb1, other._vecb1)}; \
#define DEFINE_MEMBER_TERNARY_OP(op, op_type, func) \
Vectorized<op_type> C10_ALWAYS_INLINE op( \
const Vectorized<op_type>& b, const Vectorized<op_type>& c) const { \
return Vectorized<op_type>{ \
func(_vec0, b._vec0, c._vec0), func(_vec1, b._vec1, c._vec1)}; \
#define DEFINE_MEMBER_EMULATE_BINARY_OP(op, op_type, binary_op) \
Vectorized<op_type> C10_ALWAYS_INLINE op(const Vectorized<op_type>& b) const { \
Vectorized<op_type>::vec_internal_type ret_0; \
Vectorized<op_type>::vec_internal_type ret_1; \
for (int i = 0; i < Vectorized<op_type>::size() / 2; i++) { \
ret_0[i] = _vec0[i] binary_op b._vec0[i]; \
ret_1[i] = _vec1[i] binary_op b._vec1[i]; \
} \
return Vectorized<op_type>{ret_0, ret_1}; \
#define DEFINE_MEMBER_OP_AND_ONE(op, op_type, func) \
Vectorized<op_type> C10_ALWAYS_INLINE op(const Vectorized<op_type>& other) const { \
using vvtype = Vectorized<op_type>::vec_internal_type; \
const vvtype v_one = vec_splats(static_cast<op_type>(1.0)); \
vvtype ret0 = (vvtype)func(_vec0, other._vec0); \
vvtype ret1 = (vvtype)func(_vec1, other._vec1); \
return Vectorized<op_type>{vec_and(ret0, v_one), vec_and(ret1, v_one)}; \
#define DEFINE_CLAMP_FUNCS(operand_type) \
template <> \
Vectorized<operand_type> C10_ALWAYS_INLINE clamp( \
const Vectorized<operand_type>& a, \
const Vectorized<operand_type>& min, \
const Vectorized<operand_type>& max) { \
return Vectorized<operand_type>{ \
vec_min_nan(vec_max_nan(a.vec0(), min.vec0()), max.vec0()), \
vec_min_nan(vec_max_nan(a.vec1(), min.vec1()), max.vec1())}; \
} \
template <> \
Vectorized<operand_type> C10_ALWAYS_INLINE clamp_min( \
const Vectorized<operand_type>& a, const Vectorized<operand_type>& min) { \
return Vectorized<operand_type>{ \
vec_max_nan(a.vec0(), min.vec0()), \
vec_max_nan(a.vec1(), min.vec1())}; \
} \
template <> \
Vectorized<operand_type> C10_ALWAYS_INLINE clamp_max( \
const Vectorized<operand_type>& a, const Vectorized<operand_type>& max) { \
return Vectorized<operand_type>{ \
vec_min_nan(a.vec0(), max.vec0()), \
vec_min_nan(a.vec1(), max.vec1())}; \
first_type, cast_type, cast_inner_vector_type) \
template <> \
C10_ALWAYS_INLINE Vectorized<cast_type> cast<cast_type, first_type>( \
const Vectorized<first_type>& src) { \
return Vectorized<cast_type>{(cast_inner_vector_type)src.vec0(), \
(cast_inner_vector_type)src.vec1()}; \
DEFINE_REINTERPRET_CAST_FUNCS(first_type, double, vfloat64) \
DEFINE_REINTERPRET_CAST_FUNCS(first_type, float, vfloat32) \
DEFINE_REINTERPRET_CAST_FUNCS(first_type, int64_t, vint64) \
DEFINE_REINTERPRET_CAST_FUNCS(first_type, int32_t, vint32) \
DEFINE_REINTERPRET_CAST_FUNCS(first_type, int16_t, vint16)
// it can be used to emulate blend faster
constexpr int blendChoice(uint32_t mask, uint32_t half1 = 0xF, uint32_t half2 = 0xF0) {
uint32_t none = 0;
uint32_t both = half1 | half2;
// clamp it between 0 and both
mask = mask & both;
// return (a._vec0, a._vec1)
if (mask == none) return 0;
// return (b._vec0,b._vec1)
else if (mask == both)
return 1;
// return (b._vec0,a._vec1)
else if (mask == half1)
return 2;
// return (a._vec0,b._vec1)
else if (mask == half2)
return 3;
// return (*_vec0,a._vec1)
else if (mask > 0 && mask < half1)
return 4;
// return (*_vec0,b._vec1)
else if ((mask & half2) == half2)
return 5;
// return (a._vec0,*_vec1)
else if ((mask & half1) == 0 && mask > half1)
return 6;
// return (b._vec0,*_vec1)
else if ((mask & half1) == half1 && mask > half1)
return 7;
// return (*_vec0,*_vec1)
return 8;
// it can be used to emulate blend faster
constexpr int blendChoiceDbl(uint32_t mask) {
// clamp it 0 and 0xF
return blendChoice(mask, 0x3, 0xC);
constexpr vbool32 VsxMask1(uint32_t mask) {
uint32_t g0 = (mask & 1) * 0xffffffff;
uint32_t g1 = ((mask & 2) >> 1) * 0xffffffff;
uint32_t g2 = ((mask & 4) >> 2) * 0xffffffff;
uint32_t g3 = ((mask & 8) >> 3) * 0xffffffff;
return (vbool32){g0, g1, g2, g3};
constexpr vbool32 VsxMask2(uint32_t mask) {
uint32_t mask2 = (mask & 0xFF) >> 4;
return VsxMask1(mask2);
constexpr vbool64 VsxDblMask1(uint32_t mask) {
uint64_t g0 = (mask & 1) * 0xffffffffffffffff;
uint64_t g1 = ((mask & 2) >> 1) * 0xffffffffffffffff;
return (vbool64){g0, g1};
constexpr vbool64 VsxDblMask2(uint32_t mask) {
uint32_t mask2 = (mask & 0xF) >> 2;
return VsxDblMask1(mask2);
constexpr int maskForComplex(uint32_t mask) {
mask = mask & 0xF;
int complex_mask = 0;
if (mask & 1) complex_mask |= 3;
if (mask & 2) complex_mask |= (3 << 2);
if (mask & 4) complex_mask |= (3 << 4);
if (mask & 8) complex_mask |= (3 << 6);
return complex_mask;
constexpr int maskForComplexDbl(uint32_t mask) {
mask = mask & 0x3;
int complex_mask = 0;
if (mask & 1) complex_mask |= 3;
if (mask & 2) complex_mask |= (3 << 2);
return complex_mask;
constexpr int blendChoiceComplex(uint32_t mask) {
return blendChoice(maskForComplex(mask));
constexpr int blendChoiceComplexDbl(uint32_t mask) {
return blendChoiceDbl(maskForComplexDbl(mask));
constexpr vbool32 VsxComplexMask1(uint32_t mask) {
return VsxMask1(maskForComplex(mask));
constexpr vbool32 VsxComplexMask2(uint32_t mask) {
uint32_t mask2 = (mask & 0xF) >> 2;
return VsxMask1(maskForComplex(mask2));
constexpr vbool64 VsxComplexDblMask1(uint32_t mask) { return VsxDblMask1(mask); }
constexpr vbool64 VsxComplexDblMask2(uint32_t mask) {
uint32_t mask2 = (mask & 0xF) >> 2;
return VsxDblMask1(mask2);
// constants
namespace at {
namespace vec {
// See Note [CPU_CAPABILITY namespace]
inline namespace CPU_CAPABILITY {
constexpr int offset0 = 0;
constexpr int offset16 = 16;
// #Constants
const vuint8 mask_zero_bits = vuint8{128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128,
128, 128, 128, 128, 96, 64, 32, 0};
const vuint8 swap_mask =
vuint8{4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14, 15, 8, 9, 10, 11};
const vint32 v0x7f = vec_splats(0x7f);
const vint32 vi_0 = vec_splats((int)(0));
const vint32 vi_1 = vec_splats((int)1);
const vint32 vi_2 = vec_splats((int)2);
const vint32 vi_4 = vec_splats((int)4);
const vint32 vi_inv1 = vec_splats((int)~1);
const vuint32 vu_29 = vec_splats(29u);
const vuint32 vu_23 = vec_splats(23u);
const vbool32 inv_mant_mask = (vbool32)vec_splats((unsigned int)~0xff800000);
const vbool32 sign_mask = (vbool32)vec_splats((int)0x80000000);
const vbool32 real_mask = vbool32{0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0};
const vbool32 imag_mask = vbool32{0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0x0, 0xFFFFFFFF};
const vbool32 isign_mask = vbool32{0x0, 0x80000000, 0x0, 0x80000000};
const vbool32 rsign_mask = vbool32{0x80000000, 0x0, 0x80000000, 0x0};
const vbool64 vd_imag_mask = vbool64{0x0, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF};
const vbool64 vd_real_mask = vbool64{0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF, 0x0};
const vbool64 vd_isign_mask = vbool64{0x0, 0x8000000000000000};
const vbool64 vd_rsign_mask = vbool64{0x8000000000000000, 0x0};
const vfloat32 zero = vec_splats(0.f);
const vfloat32 half = vec_splats(0.5f);
const vfloat32 one = vec_splats(1.f);
const vfloat32 two = vec_splats(2.0f);
const vfloat32 _4div_pi = vec_splats(1.27323954473516f);
const vfloat32 v_inf = (vfloat32)vec_splats(0x7f800000u);
const vfloat32 v_minus_inf = vfloat32{ 0xff800000u, 0xff800000u, 0xff800000u, 0xff800000u };
const vfloat32 v_nan = (vfloat32)vec_splats(0x7fffffff);
const vfloat32 log10e_inv = vec_splats(0.43429448190325176f);
const vfloat32 log2e_inv = vec_splats(1.4426950408889634f);
const vfloat32 log2eB_inv = vec_splats(1.442695036924675f);
const vfloat32 cephes_SQRTHF = vec_splats(0.707106781186547524f);
const vfloat32 coscof_p0 = vec_splats(2.443315711809948E-005f);
const vfloat32 coscof_p1 = vec_splats(-1.388731625493765E-003f);
const vfloat32 coscof_p2 = vec_splats(4.166664568298827E-002f);
const vfloat32 exp_hi = vec_splats(104.f);
const vfloat32 exp_lo = vec_splats(-104.f);
const vfloat32 exp_p0 = vec_splats(0.000198527617612853646278381f);
const vfloat32 exp_p1 = vec_splats((0.00139304355252534151077271f));
const vfloat32 exp_p2 = vec_splats(0.00833336077630519866943359f);
const vfloat32 exp_p3 = vec_splats(0.0416664853692054748535156f);
const vfloat32 exp_p4 = vec_splats(0.166666671633720397949219f);
const vfloat32 exp_p5 = vec_splats(0.5f);
const vfloat32 log_p0 = vec_splats(7.0376836292E-2f);
const vfloat32 log_p1 = vec_splats(-1.1514610310E-1f);
const vfloat32 log_p2 = vec_splats(1.1676998740E-1f);
const vfloat32 log_p3 = vec_splats(-1.2420140846E-1f);
const vfloat32 log_p4 = vec_splats(+1.4249322787E-1f);
const vfloat32 log_p5 = vec_splats(-1.6668057665E-1f);
const vfloat32 log_p6 = vec_splats(+2.0000714765E-1f);
const vfloat32 log_p7 = vec_splats(-2.4999993993E-1f);
const vfloat32 log_p8 = vec_splats(+3.3333331174E-1f);
const vfloat32 log_q1 = vec_splats(-2.12194440e-4f);
const vfloat32 log_q2 = vec_splats(0.693359375f);
const vfloat32 max_logf = vec_splats(88.02969187150841f);
const vfloat32 max_numf = vec_splats(1.7014117331926442990585209174225846272e38f);
const vfloat32 min_inf = (vfloat32)vec_splats(0xff800000u);
const vfloat32 min_norm_pos = (vfloat32)vec_splats(0x0800000u);
const vfloat32 minus_cephes_dp1 = vec_splats(-0.78515625f);
const vfloat32 minus_cephes_dp2 = vec_splats(-2.4187564849853515625e-4f);
const vfloat32 minus_cephes_dp3 = vec_splats(-3.77489497744594108e-8f);
const vfloat32 negln2f_hi = vec_splats(-0.693145751953125f);
const vfloat32 negln2f_lo = vec_splats(-1.428606765330187045e-06f);
const vfloat32 p0 = vec_splats(2.03721912945E-4f);
const vfloat32 p1 = vec_splats(8.33028376239E-3f);
const vfloat32 p2 = vec_splats(1.66667160211E-1f);
const vfloat32 sincof_p0 = vec_splats(-1.9515295891E-4f);
const vfloat32 sincof_p1 = vec_splats(8.3321608736E-3f);
const vfloat32 sincof_p2 = vec_splats(-1.6666654611E-1f);
const vfloat32 tanh_0p625 = vec_splats(0.625f);
const vfloat32 tanh_half_max = vec_splats(44.014845935754205f);
const vfloat32 tanh_p0 = vec_splats(-5.70498872745E-3f);
const vfloat32 tanh_p1 = vec_splats(2.06390887954E-2f);
const vfloat32 tanh_p2 = vec_splats(-5.37397155531E-2f);
const vfloat32 tanh_p3 = vec_splats(1.33314422036E-1f);
const vfloat32 tanh_p4 = vec_splats(-3.33332819422E-1f);
const vfloat32 vcheck = vec_splats((float)(1LL << 24));
const vfloat32 imag_one = vfloat32{0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f};
const vfloat32 imag_half = vfloat32{0.f, 0.5f, 0.f, 0.5f};
const vfloat32 sqrt2_2 = vfloat32{0.70710676908493042f, 0.70710676908493042,
0.70710676908493042, 0.70710676908493042};
const vfloat32 pi_2 = vfloat32{M_PI / 2, 0.0, M_PI / 2, 0.0};
const vfloat32 vf_89 = vfloat32{89.f, 89.f, 89.f, 89.f};
const vfloat64 vd_one = vec_splats(1.0);
const vfloat64 vd_zero = vec_splats(0.0);
const vfloat64 vd_log10e_inv = vec_splats(0.43429448190325176);
const vfloat64 vd_log2e_inv = vec_splats(1.4426950408889634);
const vfloat64 vd_imag_one = vfloat64{0.0, 1.0};
const vfloat64 vd_imag_half = vfloat64{0.0, 0.5};
const vfloat64 vd_sqrt2_2 = vfloat64{0.70710678118654757, 0.70710678118654757};
const vfloat64 vd_pi_2 = vfloat64{M_PI / 2.0, 0.0};
} // namespace
} // namespace vec
} // namespace at