#pragma once
#include <ATen/Tensor.h>
#include <c10/core/Device.h>
#include <c10/cuda/CUDAGraphsC10Utils.h>
#include <c10/cuda/CUDAStream.h>
namespace at {
struct CUDAGeneratorImpl;
namespace cuda {
// Standalone way to get a unique mempool id usable as a pool=... argument
// to CUDAGraph::capture_begin
TORCH_CUDA_CPP_API MempoolId_t graph_pool_handle();
void capture_begin(MempoolId_t pool={0, 0});
void capture_end();
void replay();
void reset();
MempoolId_t pool();
void enable_debug_mode();
void debug_dump(const std::string& debug_path);
#if !defined(USE_ROCM) || ROCM_VERSION >= 50300
cudaGraph_t graph_ = NULL;
cudaGraphExec_t graph_exec_ = NULL;
// internal states so reset() can do its best cleaning up
// Set to true in capture_end if cudaStreamEndCapture succeeded
// Set back to false soon after, when graph_ is consumed by cudaGraphInstantiate
// to create graph_exec_, then graph_ is deleted
bool has_graph_ = false;
// Set to true in capture_end if cudaGraphInstantiate succeeded
bool has_graph_exec_ = false;
// uuid of this instance's current capture, retrieved from Cuda
CaptureId_t id_;
// uuid used to request a particular private mempool from CUDACachingAllocator.
// By default, this will be set to {id_, 0}.
// If capture_begin is called with "pool=other_graph.pool()", this graph's mempool_id_
// will be set to the other graph's mempool_id_, and therefore share a mempool with the
// other graph.
// If capture_begin is called with "pool=handle" where "handle" came from graph_pool_handle(),
// it will share a mempool with any other captures that used "pool=handle".
// Sharing a mempool across graphs saves memory, and it's safe if you
// know you'll replay those graphs in the same order you captured them.
MempoolId_t mempool_id_;
// Stream on which capture began
at::cuda::CUDAStream capture_stream_;
// Default generator on device where capture began
at::CUDAGeneratorImpl* capture_gen_;
// Device where capture occurred. Right now, for simplicity, we require all ops
// in a capture to run on the same device, but this is a limitation of CUDAGraph,
// not CUDA itself. We can straightforwardly modify CUDAGraph to support multi-device
// captures if needed.
int capture_dev_;
// RNG state trackers
at::Tensor seed_extragraph_;
at::Tensor offset_extragraph_;
uint64_t wholegraph_increment_;
} // namespace cuda
} // namespace at