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Version: 2.0.1+cpu 

/ include / ATen / detail / HIPHooksInterface.h

#pragma once

#include <c10/core/Allocator.h>
#include <ATen/core/Generator.h>
#include <c10/util/Exception.h>

#include <c10/util/Registry.h>

#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>

namespace at {
class Context;

// NB: Class must live in `at` due to limitations of Registry.h.
namespace at {

// The HIPHooksInterface is an omnibus interface for any HIP functionality
// which we may want to call into from CPU code (and thus must be dynamically
// dispatched, to allow for separate compilation of HIP code).  See
// CUDAHooksInterface for more detailed motivation.
struct TORCH_API HIPHooksInterface {
  // This should never actually be implemented, but it is used to
  // squelch -Werror=non-virtual-dtor
  virtual ~HIPHooksInterface() = default;

  // Initialize the HIP library state
  virtual void initHIP() const {
    AT_ERROR("Cannot initialize HIP without ATen_hip library.");

  virtual std::unique_ptr<c10::GeneratorImpl> initHIPGenerator(Context*) const {
    AT_ERROR("Cannot initialize HIP generator without ATen_hip library.");

  virtual bool hasHIP() const {
    return false;

  virtual int64_t current_device() const {
    return -1;

  virtual Allocator* getPinnedMemoryAllocator() const {
    AT_ERROR("Pinned memory requires HIP.");

  virtual void registerHIPTypes(Context*) const {
    AT_ERROR("Cannot registerHIPTypes() without ATen_hip library.");

  virtual int getNumGPUs() const {
    return 0;

// NB: dummy argument to suppress "ISO C++11 requires at least one argument
// for the "..." in a variadic macro"
struct TORCH_API HIPHooksArgs {};

C10_DECLARE_REGISTRY(HIPHooksRegistry, HIPHooksInterface, HIPHooksArgs);
#define REGISTER_HIP_HOOKS(clsname) \
  C10_REGISTER_CLASS(HIPHooksRegistry, clsname, clsname)

namespace detail {
TORCH_API const HIPHooksInterface& getHIPHooks();

} // namespace detail
} // namespace at