// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#pragma once
#include <ATen/Tensor.h>
#include <ATen/VmapGeneratedPlumbing.h>
// This file contains template metaprogramming things that are used for our
// batching rules.
// See NOTE: [vmap plumbing] for more details on why this is necessary.
// The plumbing has a bunch of metaprogramming hacks for determining the signature
// of a batching rule from the signature of the operator, many of which use the
// helper functions in this file.
namespace at {
namespace functorch {
// Metaprogramming things
template <class... Items> using typelist = c10::guts::typelist::typelist<Items...>;
template <class TypeList> using head_t = c10::guts::typelist::head_t<TypeList>;
template <class TL1, class TL2> using concat_t = c10::guts::typelist::concat_t<TL1, TL2>;
template <typename T> class debug_t;
// tail operation
template<class TypeList>
struct tail final {
"In typelist::tail<T>, the T argument must be typelist<...>.");
template<class Head, class... Tail>
struct tail<typelist<Head, Tail...>> final {
using type = typelist<Tail...>;
template<class TypeList> using tail_t = typename tail<TypeList>::type;
template <class First, class Second, class Next, class Tail>
struct IfFirstIsTensorAndSecondisBatchDimThenTailElseNext {
using type = Next;
template <class Next, class Tail>
struct IfFirstIsTensorAndSecondisBatchDimThenTailElseNext<Tensor, optional<int64_t>, Next, Tail> {
using type = Tail;
template <class Next, class Tail>
struct IfFirstIsTensorAndSecondisBatchDimThenTailElseNext<const Tensor&, optional<int64_t>, Next, Tail> {
using type = Tail;
template <class Next, class Tail>
struct IfFirstIsTensorAndSecondisBatchDimThenTailElseNext<Tensor&, optional<int64_t>, Next, Tail> {
using type = Tail;
template <class Next, class Tail>
struct IfFirstIsTensorAndSecondisBatchDimThenTailElseNext<optional<Tensor>, optional<int64_t>, Next, Tail> {
using type = Tail;
template <class Next, class Tail>
struct IfFirstIsTensorAndSecondisBatchDimThenTailElseNext<const optional<Tensor>&, optional<int64_t>, Next, Tail> {
using type = Tail;
template <class Next, class Tail>
struct IfFirstIsTensorAndSecondisBatchDimThenTailElseNext<optional<Tensor>&, optional<int64_t>, Next, Tail> {
using type = Tail;
template <class Next, class Tail>
struct IfFirstIsTensorAndSecondisBatchDimThenTailElseNext<std::vector<Tensor>, optional<int64_t>, Next, Tail> {
using type = Tail;
template <class TypeList> struct RemoveBatchDimAfterTensor {
using first = head_t<TypeList>;
using next = tail_t<TypeList>;
using second = head_t<next>;
using tail = tail_t<next>;
using type = concat_t<
typename RemoveBatchDimAfterTensor<
typename IfFirstIsTensorAndSecondisBatchDimThenTailElseNext<first, second, next, tail>::type
template <class Type> struct RemoveBatchDimAfterTensor<typelist<Type>> {
using type = typelist<Type>;
template <> struct RemoveBatchDimAfterTensor<typelist<>> {
using type = typelist<>;
template<class TypeList> using remove_batch_dim_after_tensor_t = typename RemoveBatchDimAfterTensor<TypeList>::type;
template <typename T> struct UnpackSingleItemTuple {
using type = T;
template <typename T> struct UnpackSingleItemTuple<std::tuple<T>> {
using type = T;
template <typename T> using unpack_single_item_tuple_t = typename UnpackSingleItemTuple<T>::type;
template <typename Return, typename TupleArgs> struct BuildFunctionHelper;
template <typename Return, typename... Args> struct BuildFunctionHelper<Return, std::tuple<Args...>> {
using type = Return(Args...);
template <typename Return, typename TL>
struct BuildFunction {
using type = typename BuildFunctionHelper<Return, c10::guts::typelist::to_tuple_t<TL>>::type;
template <typename Return, typename TL> using build_function_t = typename BuildFunction<Return, TL>::type;
template <typename batch_rule_t> struct ToOperatorType {
using batch_rule_return_type = typename c10::guts::function_traits<batch_rule_t>::return_type;
using batch_rule_parameter_types = typename c10::guts::function_traits<batch_rule_t>::parameter_types;
using operator_parameter_types = remove_batch_dim_after_tensor_t<batch_rule_parameter_types>;
using operator_return_type =
using type = build_function_t<operator_return_type, operator_parameter_types>;
template <typename batch_rule_t> using to_operator_t = typename ToOperatorType<batch_rule_t>::type;
} // namespace at