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Version: 2.0.1+cpu 

/ include / ATen / miopen / Exceptions.h

#pragma once

#include <ATen/miopen/miopen-wrapper.h>
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <sstream>

namespace at { namespace native {

class miopen_exception : public std::runtime_error {
  miopenStatus_t status;
  miopen_exception(miopenStatus_t status, const char* msg)
      : std::runtime_error(msg)
      , status(status) {}
  miopen_exception(miopenStatus_t status, const std::string& msg)
      : std::runtime_error(msg)
      , status(status) {}

inline void MIOPEN_CHECK(miopenStatus_t status)
  if (status != miopenStatusSuccess) {
    if (status == miopenStatusNotImplemented) {
        throw miopen_exception(status, std::string(miopenGetErrorString(status)) +
                ". This error may appear if you passed in a non-contiguous input.");
    throw miopen_exception(status, miopenGetErrorString(status));

inline void HIP_CHECK(hipError_t error)
  if (error != hipSuccess) {
    std::string msg("HIP error: ");
    msg += hipGetErrorString(error);
    throw std::runtime_error(msg);

}} // namespace at::native