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Version: 2.0.1+cpu 

/ include / ATen / native / ForeachUtils.h

#pragma once

#include <ATen/core/Tensor.h>
#include <c10/util/irange.h>
#include <ATen/Dispatch.h>

#include <ATen/NativeFunctions.h>
#include <ATen/ops/result_type_native.h>

namespace at {
namespace native {
namespace {
// Check if tensor list has either a boolean tensor or a integer tensor
bool has_integral_tensor(TensorList tensors, const bool includeBool) {
  return std::any_of(tensors.begin(), tensors.end(),
    [&includeBool](const auto & t) { return at::isIntegralType(t.scalar_type(), includeBool); });
// check if tensor list has bool tensors
bool has_bool_tensor(TensorList tensors) {
  return std::any_of(tensors.begin(), tensors.end(),
    [](const auto & t) -> bool { return t.scalar_type() == ScalarType::Bool; });

// Check foreach API restrictions
// - Tensor lists must be non-empty.
// - All TensorLists and ScalarLists must have the same number of elements.
// - Corresponding tensors must have the same size.
void check_foreach_api_restrictions(TensorList tensors) {
  TORCH_CHECK(!tensors.empty(), "Tensor list must have at least one tensor.");

void check_foreach_api_restrictions(TensorList tensors, ArrayRef<Scalar> scalars) {
  TORCH_CHECK(tensors.size() == scalars.size(), "Tensor list must have same number of elements as scalar list.");

void check_foreach_api_restrictions(TensorList tensors1, TensorList tensors2) {
  TORCH_CHECK(!tensors1.empty(), "Tensor list must have at least one tensor.");
  TORCH_CHECK(!tensors2.empty(), "Tensor list must have at least one tensor.");
  TORCH_CHECK(tensors1.size() == tensors2.size(), "Tensor lists must have the same number of tensors, got ", tensors1.size(), " and ", tensors2.size());

void check_foreach_api_restrictions(TensorList tensors1, TensorList tensors2, TensorList tensors3) {
  TORCH_CHECK(!tensors1.empty(), "Tensor list must have at least one tensor.");
  TORCH_CHECK(!tensors2.empty(), "Tensor list must have at least one tensor.");
  TORCH_CHECK(!tensors3.empty(), "Tensor list must have at least one tensor.");
  TORCH_CHECK(tensors1.size() == tensors2.size(), "Tensor lists must have the same number of tensors, got ", tensors1.size(), " and ", tensors2.size());
  TORCH_CHECK(tensors1.size() == tensors3.size(), "Tensor lists must have the same number of tensors, got ", tensors1.size(), " and ", tensors3.size());

void check_foreach_api_restrictions(TensorList tensors1, TensorList tensors2, TensorList tensors3, ArrayRef<Scalar> scalars) {
  check_foreach_api_restrictions(tensors1, tensors2, tensors3);
  TORCH_CHECK(tensors1.size() == scalars.size(), "Tensor list must have same number of elements as scalar list, got ", tensors1.size(), " and ", scalars.size());

// To go via 'fast' path, several conditions must be satisfied
// - All tensors in all lists must have the same dtype.
// - All tensors must be on the same device
// - All tensors must have strided layout
// - All tensors must be non-overlapping and dense
// - Resulting tensor must have the same dtype as the input one

// Please, make sure to call check_foreach_api_restrictions before calling this method.
// There is a set of preconditions that have to be satisfied.
bool check_fast_path_restrictions(
  ArrayRef<TensorList> tensorLists,
  ArrayRef<Scalar> scalarList = {},
  bool does_op_promote_integer_inputs_to_float = false) {
    const auto expected_dtype = tensorLists[0][0].dtype();
    const auto expected_device = tensorLists[0][0].device();

    auto is_tensor_okay = [&](const Tensor& tensor) {
      return tensor.dtype() == expected_dtype &&
             tensor.device() == expected_device &&
             tensor.layout() == at::kStrided &&

    for (const auto& tensorList : tensorLists) {
      for (const auto& tensor : tensorList) {
        if (!is_tensor_okay(tensor)) {
          return false;

    // Check if corresponding tensors in tensor lists have the same sizes and strides.
    for (const auto& tensor_list : tensorLists) {
      for (const auto j : c10::irange(tensorLists[0].size())) {
        if (tensorLists[0][j].sizes() != tensor_list[j].sizes()) {
          return false;
        if (tensorLists[0][j].strides() != tensor_list[j].strides()) {
          return false;

    // This function has already checked that `tensorList[j][i]` for all j, i has the same dtype
    // using `is_tensor_okay` function above.
    // This means we only need to check if {tensorList[0][0], tensorList[0][1], tensorList[0][2], ...}
    // do type promotion with scalarLIst.
    for (const auto i : c10::irange(tensorLists[0].size())) {
      // For division, integer inputs will result in float.
      if (does_op_promote_integer_inputs_to_float) {
        if (at::isIntegralType(tensorLists[0][i].scalar_type(), /*includeBool*/ true)) {
          return false;
      if (!scalarList.empty()) {
        const auto& scalar = scalarList.size() == 1 ? scalarList[0] : scalarList[i];
        const auto& tensor = tensorLists[0][i];
        // note(mkozuki): This check might be responsible for `_foreach_add(bool_tensors, bool_tensors)`
        // being pushed to slow path.
        if (tensor.scalar_type() != at::native::result_type(scalar, tensor)) {
          return false;

    return true;

std::vector<c10::Scalar> convert_tensor_to_scalar_list(
    const Tensor& scalarList_,
    int64_t expect_length) {
  std::vector<c10::Scalar> scalarList;
      scalarList_.device() == c10::kCPU,
      "Expected scalars to be on CPU, got ",
      " instead.");
      scalarList_.is_contiguous(), "Expected scalars to be contiguous.");
      scalarList_.dim() == 1,
      "Expected packed scalar Tensor to be of dimension 1. Got ",
      " instead.");
      [&]() {
        const scalar_t* scalar_data = scalarList_.data_ptr<scalar_t>();
            (expect_length == scalarList_.size(0)),
            "Expected length of scalars to match input of length ",
            " but got ",
            " instead.");
        for (int64_t i = 0; i < scalarList_.size(0); i++) {
  return scalarList;

bool can_use_fast_route(ArrayRef<TensorList> tensorLists,
                        ArrayRef<Scalar> scalarList = {},
                        bool does_op_promote_integer_inputs_to_float = false) {
  return check_fast_path_restrictions(tensorLists, scalarList, does_op_promote_integer_inputs_to_float);

bool can_use_fast_route(TensorList tensors1, TensorList tensors2, bool does_op_promote_integer_inputs_to_float = false) {
  return can_use_fast_route({tensors1, tensors2}, {}, does_op_promote_integer_inputs_to_float);

}} // at::native