#pragma once
// Please note that this file is
// used across both CPU and GPU.
#include <type_traits>
#include <complex>
#include <c10/macros/Macros.h>
#include <ATen/detail/FunctionTraits.h>
#include <ATen/NumericUtils.h>
#if defined(__CUDACC__)
#include <ATen/cuda/DeviceUtils.cuh>
#include <ATen/native/cuda/DeviceSqrt.cuh>
#elif defined(__HIPCC__)
#include <ATen/hip/DeviceUtils.cuh>
#include <ATen/native/hip/DeviceSqrt.cuh>
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__HIPCC__)
#include <thrust/pair.h>
#include <cmath>
#define device_sqrt std::sqrt
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__HIPCC__)
template <typename scalar_t>
inline C10_DEVICE scalar_t max_propagate_nan(scalar_t a, scalar_t b) {
#if defined(__HIPCC__)
// TODO: remove this special case for HIP when issue is fixed:
// https://github.com/ROCm-Developer-Tools/HIP/issues/2209
scalar_t max = at::_isnan(a) ? a : (at::_isnan(b) ? b : std::max(a, b));
scalar_t max = at::_isnan(b) ? b : std::max(a, b);
return max;
template <typename scalar_t>
inline C10_DEVICE scalar_t min_propagate_nan(scalar_t a, scalar_t b) {
#if defined(__HIPCC__)
// TODO: remove this special case for HIP when issue is fixed:
// https://github.com/ROCm-Developer-Tools/HIP/issues/2209
scalar_t min = at::_isnan(a) ? a : (at::_isnan(b) ? b : std::min(a, b));
scalar_t min = at::_isnan(b) ? b : std::min(a, b);
return min;
#define MAX(X, Y) max_propagate_nan(X,Y)
#define MIN(X, Y) min_propagate_nan(X,Y)
#include <ATen/native/cpu/zmath.h>
#define MAX(X, Y) max_impl(X,Y)
#define MIN(X, Y) min_impl(X,Y)
// ROCM hcc doesn't work well with using std:: in kernel functions
#if defined(__CUDA_ARCH__)
#include <c10/cuda/CUDAMathCompat.h>
#define compat_pow c10::cuda::compat::pow
#elif defined(__HIPCC__)
#include <c10/hip/HIPMathCompat.h>
#define compat_pow c10::hip::compat::pow
#define compat_pow std::pow
namespace at { namespace native {
namespace detail {
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__HIPCC__)
template <typename T1, typename T2> using pair = thrust::pair<T1, T2>;
template <typename T1, typename T2> using pair = std::pair<T1, T2>;
} // namespace detail
template <typename scalar_t, typename index_t>
struct WelfordData {
scalar_t mean;
scalar_t m2;
index_t n;
scalar_t nf;
C10_HOST_DEVICE WelfordData() : mean(0), m2(0), n(0), nf(0) {}
C10_HOST_DEVICE WelfordData(
scalar_t mean,
scalar_t m2,
index_t n,
scalar_t nf)
: mean(mean), m2(m2), n(n), nf(nf) {}
template <typename scalar_t, typename acc_scalar_t, typename index_t, typename res_t>
struct WelfordOps {
index_t correction;
bool take_sqrt;
using acc_t = WelfordData<acc_scalar_t, index_t>;
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t reduce(acc_t acc, scalar_t data, index_t /*idx*/) const {
// We accumulate n in index_t to avoid cumulative rounding error, but still
// need nf for use in combine where int32 may overflow.
index_t new_n = acc.n + 1;
acc_scalar_t new_nf = static_cast<acc_scalar_t>(new_n);
acc_scalar_t delta = data - acc.mean;
acc_scalar_t new_mean = acc.mean + delta / new_nf;
acc_scalar_t new_delta = data - new_mean;
return {
acc.m2 + delta * new_delta,
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t combine(acc_t a, acc_t b) const {
if (a.nf == 0) {
return b;
if (b.nf == 0) {
return a;
acc_scalar_t delta = b.mean - a.mean;
acc_scalar_t new_count = a.nf + b.nf;
acc_scalar_t nb_over_n = b.nf / new_count;
return {
a.mean + delta * nb_over_n,
a.m2 + b.m2 + delta * delta * a.nf * nb_over_n,
// setting acc.n as -1 since acc.n might not be able to represent the count
// correctly within its range, setting it to -1 to avoid confusion
inline C10_DEVICE res_t project(acc_t acc) const __ubsan_ignore_float_divide_by_zero__ {
const auto mean = static_cast<scalar_t>(acc.mean);
const auto divisor = acc.nf > correction ? acc.nf - correction : 0;
const auto var = acc.m2 / divisor;
res_t results(take_sqrt ? device_sqrt(var) : var, mean);
return results;
static C10_DEVICE acc_t translate_idx(acc_t acc, int64_t /*base_idx*/) {
return acc;
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__HIPCC__)
inline __device__ acc_t warp_shfl_down(acc_t acc, int offset) const {
return {
WARP_SHFL_DOWN(acc.mean, offset)
, WARP_SHFL_DOWN(acc.m2, offset)
, WARP_SHFL_DOWN(acc.n, offset)
, WARP_SHFL_DOWN(acc.nf, offset)
C10_HOST_DEVICE WelfordOps(index_t correction, bool take_sqrt)
: correction(correction), take_sqrt(take_sqrt) {}
template <typename acc_t, typename factor_t>
struct MeanOps {
factor_t factor;
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t reduce(acc_t a, acc_t b, int64_t /*idx*/) const {
return combine(a, b);
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t combine(acc_t a, acc_t b) const {
return a + b;
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t project(acc_t a) const {
return a * factor;
static C10_DEVICE acc_t translate_idx(acc_t acc, int64_t /*base_idx*/) {
return acc;
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__HIPCC__)
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t warp_shfl_down(acc_t data, int offset) const {
return WARP_SHFL_DOWN(data, offset);
MeanOps(factor_t factor): factor(factor) {
// This accumulator template is used to calculate the minimum absolute value of
// a set of numbers.
// `scalar_t` is the type of the input and `acc_t` is the type of the accumulated
// value. These types differ for complex number input support.
template <typename scalar_t, typename acc_t=scalar_t>
struct AbsMinOps {
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t reduce(acc_t acc, scalar_t data, int64_t /*idx*/) const {
return MIN(acc, static_cast<acc_t>(std::abs(data)));
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t combine(acc_t a, acc_t b) const {
return MIN(a, b);
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t project(acc_t a) const {
return a;
static C10_DEVICE acc_t translate_idx(acc_t acc, int64_t /*base_idx*/) {
return acc;
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__HIPCC__)
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t warp_shfl_down(acc_t acc, int offset) const {
return WARP_SHFL_DOWN(acc, offset);
// This accumulator template is used to calculate the maximum absolute value of
// a set of numbers.
// `scalar_t` is the type of the input and `acc_t` is the type of the accumulated
// value. These types differ for complex number input support.
template <typename scalar_t, typename acc_t=scalar_t>
struct AbsMaxOps {
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t reduce(acc_t acc, scalar_t data, int64_t /*idx*/) const {
return MAX(acc, static_cast<acc_t>(std::abs(data)));
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t combine(acc_t a, acc_t b) const {
return MAX(a, b);
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t project(acc_t a) const {
return a;
static C10_DEVICE acc_t translate_idx(acc_t acc, int64_t /*base_idx*/) {
return acc;
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__HIPCC__)
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t warp_shfl_down(acc_t acc, int offset) const {
return WARP_SHFL_DOWN(acc, offset);
// This accumulator template is used to calculate the norm of the absolute value
// of a set of numbers.
// `scalar_t` is the type of the input and `acc_t` is the type of the accumulated
// value. These types differ for complex number input support.
template <typename scalar_t, typename acc_t=scalar_t>
struct NormOps {
acc_t norm_;
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t reduce(acc_t acc, scalar_t data, int64_t /*idx*/) const {
return acc + compat_pow(static_cast<acc_t>(std::abs(data)), norm_);
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t combine(acc_t a, acc_t b) const {
return a + b;
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t project(acc_t a) const {
return compat_pow(a, static_cast<acc_t>(1.0) / norm_);
static C10_DEVICE acc_t translate_idx(acc_t acc, int64_t /*base_idx*/) {
return acc;
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__HIPCC__)
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t warp_shfl_down(acc_t acc, int offset) const {
return WARP_SHFL_DOWN(acc, offset);
NormOps(acc_t norm_): norm_(norm_) {
// This accumulator template is used to calculate the order zero norm of the
// absolute value of a set of numbers.
// `scalar_t` is the type of the input and `acc_t` is the type of the accumulated
// value. These types differ for complex number input support.
template <typename scalar_t, typename acc_t=scalar_t>
struct NormZeroOps {
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t reduce(acc_t acc, scalar_t data, int64_t /*idx*/) const {
return acc + (data == static_cast<scalar_t>(0) ? static_cast<acc_t>(0) : static_cast<acc_t>(1));
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t combine(acc_t a, acc_t b) const {
return a + b;
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t project(acc_t a) const {
return a;
static C10_DEVICE acc_t translate_idx(acc_t acc, int64_t /*base_idx*/) {
return acc;
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__HIPCC__)
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t warp_shfl_down(acc_t acc, int offset) const {
return WARP_SHFL_DOWN(acc, offset);
// This accumulator template is used to calculate the order one norm of the
// absolute value of a set of numbers.
// `scalar_t` is the type of the input and `acc_t` is the type of the accumulated
// value. These types differ for complex number input support.
template <typename scalar_t, typename acc_t=scalar_t>
struct NormOneOps {
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t reduce(acc_t acc, scalar_t data, int64_t /*idx*/) const {
return acc + static_cast<acc_t>(std::abs(data));
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t combine(acc_t a, acc_t b) const {
return a + b;
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t project(acc_t a) const {
return a;
static C10_DEVICE acc_t translate_idx(acc_t acc, int64_t /*base_idx*/) {
return acc;
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__HIPCC__)
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t warp_shfl_down(acc_t acc, int offset) const {
return WARP_SHFL_DOWN(acc, offset);
template<typename acc_t>
struct AbsSwitch {};
template<typename scalar_t, typename acc_t>
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t abs_if_complex(scalar_t data, AbsSwitch<acc_t>) {
return static_cast<acc_t>(data);
template<typename scalar_t, typename acc_t>
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t abs_if_complex(std::complex<scalar_t> data, AbsSwitch<acc_t>) {
return static_cast<acc_t>(std::abs(data));
template<typename scalar_t, typename acc_t>
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t abs_if_complex(c10::complex<scalar_t> data, AbsSwitch<acc_t>) {
return static_cast<acc_t>(std::abs(data));
// This accumulator template is used to calculate the order two norm of the
// absolute value of a set of numbers.
// `scalar_t` is the type of the input and `acc_t` is the type of the accumulated
// value. These types differ for complex number input support.
template <typename scalar_t, typename acc_t=scalar_t>
struct NormTwoOps {
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t reduce(acc_t acc, scalar_t data, int64_t /*idx*/) const {
acc_t data_ = abs_if_complex(data, AbsSwitch<acc_t>());
return acc + data_ * data_;
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t combine(acc_t a, acc_t b) const {
return a + b;
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t project(acc_t a) const {
return device_sqrt(a);
static C10_DEVICE acc_t translate_idx(acc_t acc, int64_t /*base_idx*/) {
return acc;
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__HIPCC__)
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t warp_shfl_down(acc_t acc, int offset) const {
return WARP_SHFL_DOWN(acc, offset);
template <typename acc_t, typename data_t>
struct NanSumOps {
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t reduce(acc_t a, data_t b, int64_t /*idx*/) const {
return a + (at::_isnan(b) ? acc_t{0.} : acc_t{b});
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t combine(acc_t a, acc_t b) const {
return a + b;
inline C10_DEVICE data_t project(acc_t a) const {
return data_t{a};
static C10_DEVICE acc_t translate_idx(acc_t acc, int64_t /*base_idx*/) {
return acc;
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__HIPCC__)
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t warp_shfl_down(acc_t data, int offset) const {
return WARP_SHFL_DOWN(data, offset);
namespace detail {
template <typename scalar_t>
struct LessOrNan {
C10_DEVICE bool operator () (scalar_t a, scalar_t b, int64_t idx_a, int64_t idx_b) const {
// If (a == b), then choose the one with lower idx, else min(a, b)
if (at::_isnan(a)) {
if (at::_isnan(b)) {
return idx_a < idx_b;
return true;
return (a == b) ? idx_a < idx_b : (a < b);
template <typename scalar_t>
struct GreaterOrNan {
C10_DEVICE bool operator () (scalar_t a, scalar_t b, int64_t idx_a, int64_t idx_b) const {
// If (a == b), then choose the one with lower idx, else max(a, b)
if (at::_isnan(a)) {
if (at::_isnan(b)) {
return idx_a < idx_b;
return true;
return (a == b) ? idx_a < idx_b : (a > b);
template <typename comp_t>
struct MinMaxReductionOps {
using scalar_t = typename binary_function_traits<comp_t>::arg1_t;
using index_t = int64_t;
using arg_t = detail::pair<scalar_t, index_t>;
static C10_DEVICE arg_t project(arg_t arg) {
return arg;
static C10_DEVICE arg_t reduce(arg_t arg, scalar_t val, int64_t idx) {
return comp_t{}(arg.first, val, arg.second, idx) ? arg : arg_t(val, idx);
static C10_DEVICE arg_t combine(arg_t a, arg_t b) {
return comp_t{}(a.first, b.first, a.second, b.second) ? a : b;
static C10_DEVICE arg_t translate_idx(arg_t a, int64_t base_idx) {
return {a.first, a.second + base_idx};
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__HIPCC__)
static C10_DEVICE arg_t warp_shfl_down(arg_t arg, int offset) {
return arg_t(WARP_SHFL_DOWN(arg.first, offset),
WARP_SHFL_DOWN(arg.second, offset));
template <typename comp_t>
struct ArgReductionOps : public MinMaxReductionOps<comp_t> {
using typename MinMaxReductionOps<comp_t>::scalar_t;
using typename MinMaxReductionOps<comp_t>::index_t;
using typename MinMaxReductionOps<comp_t>::arg_t;
static C10_DEVICE index_t project(arg_t arg) {
return arg.second;
} // namespace detail
template <typename scalar_t>
struct ArgMaxOps :
public detail::ArgReductionOps<detail::GreaterOrNan<scalar_t>> {
template <typename scalar_t>
struct ArgMinOps :
public detail::ArgReductionOps<detail::LessOrNan<scalar_t>> {
template <typename scalar_t>
struct MinOps :
public detail::MinMaxReductionOps<detail::LessOrNan<scalar_t>> {
template <typename scalar_t>
struct MaxOps :
public detail::MinMaxReductionOps<detail::GreaterOrNan<scalar_t>> {
template <typename scalar_t, typename acc_scalar_t, typename index_t>
struct MinMaxOps {
using acc_t = detail::pair<acc_scalar_t, acc_scalar_t>;
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t reduce(acc_t acc, scalar_t data, index_t /*idx*/) const {
return combine(acc, {data, data});
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t combine(acc_t a, acc_t b) const {
auto min_val = (at::_isnan(a.first) || a.first < b.first) ? a.first : b.first;
auto max_val = (at::_isnan(a.second) || a.second > b.second) ? a.second : b.second;
return {min_val, max_val};
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t project(acc_t acc) const {
return acc;
static C10_DEVICE acc_t translate_idx(acc_t acc, int64_t /*base_idx*/) {
return acc;
#if defined(__CUDACC__) || defined(__HIPCC__)
inline C10_DEVICE acc_t warp_shfl_down(acc_t acc, int offset) const {
return {
WARP_SHFL_DOWN(acc.first, offset), WARP_SHFL_DOWN(acc.second, offset)
}} // namespace at::native
#undef MAX
#undef MIN