#pragma once
#include <ATen/core/TensorAccessor.h>
#include <ATen/NumericUtils.h>
namespace at {
namespace native {
inline namespace CPU_CAPABILITY {
inline namespace DEFAULT {
// Core topk loop, shared between CPU and QuantizedCPU
template <typename scalar_t, typename accscalar_t>
void topk_impl_loop(
const int64_t mode_values_stride,
const int64_t mode_indices_stride,
const int64_t tmp_values_stride,
const int64_t k,
const int64_t dim_size,
const bool largest,
const bool sorted,
char** data, const int64_t* strides, const int64_t n) {
using elem_t = std::pair<accscalar_t, int64_t>;
std::vector<elem_t> queue(dim_size);
for (const auto i : c10::irange(n)) {
TensorAccessor<scalar_t, 1> mode_values(
reinterpret_cast<scalar_t*>(data[0] + i * strides[0]),
&k, &mode_values_stride);
TensorAccessor<int64_t, 1> mode_indices(
reinterpret_cast<int64_t*>(data[1] + i * strides[1]),
&k, &mode_indices_stride);
TensorAccessor<scalar_t, 1> tmp_values(
reinterpret_cast<scalar_t*>(data[2] + i * strides[2]),
&dim_size, &tmp_values_stride);
auto n = dim_size;
auto use_partial_sort = k * 64 <= n;
for (const auto j : c10::irange(n)) {
queue[j].first = tmp_values[j];
queue[j].second = j;
// we want nan to be sorted as top for numpy compatibility
if (use_partial_sort) {
if (largest) {
std::partial_sort(queue.begin(), queue.begin() + k, queue.end(),
[](const elem_t& x, const elem_t& y) -> bool {
return ((_isnan<accscalar_t>(x.first) && !_isnan<accscalar_t>(y.first)) || (x.first > y.first));
} else {
std::partial_sort(queue.begin(), queue.begin() + k, queue.end(),
[](const elem_t& x, const elem_t& y) -> bool {
return ((!_isnan<accscalar_t>(x.first) && _isnan<accscalar_t>(y.first)) || (x.first < y.first));
} else {
if (largest) {
std::nth_element(queue.begin(), queue.begin() + k - 1, queue.end(),
[](const elem_t& x, const elem_t& y) -> bool {
return ((_isnan<accscalar_t>(x.first) && !_isnan<accscalar_t>(y.first)) || (x.first > y.first));
if (sorted) {
std::sort(queue.begin(), queue.begin() + k - 1,
[](const elem_t& x, const elem_t& y) -> bool {
return ((_isnan<accscalar_t>(x.first) && !_isnan<accscalar_t>(y.first)) || (x.first > y.first));
} else {
std::nth_element(queue.begin(), queue.begin() + k -1, queue.end(),
[](const elem_t& x, const elem_t& y) -> bool {
return ((!_isnan<accscalar_t>(x.first) && _isnan<accscalar_t>(y.first)) || (x.first < y.first));
if (sorted) {
std::sort(queue.begin(), queue.begin() + k -1,
[](const elem_t& x, const elem_t& y) -> bool {
return ((!_isnan<accscalar_t>(x.first) && _isnan<accscalar_t>(y.first)) || (x.first < y.first));
for (const auto j : c10::irange(k)) {
mode_values[j] = queue[j].first;
mode_indices[j] = queue[j].second;
} // namespace CPU_CAPABILITY
} // namespace native
} // namespace at