#pragma once
#include <ATen/AccumulateType.h>
#include <ATen/Dispatch.h>
#include <ATen/ExpandBase.h>
#include <ATen/native/TensorIterator.h>
#include <ATen/native/cuda/Loops.cuh>
#include <c10/util/Half.h>
#include <ATen/cuda/CUDAApplyUtils.cuh>
#include <ATen/cuda/CUDAContext.h>
#include <ATen/cuda/detail/OffsetCalculator.cuh>
#include <ATen/cuda/CUDAGraphsUtils.cuh>
#include <ATen/detail/FunctionTraits.h>
#include <ATen/core/DistributionsHelper.h>
#include <curand.h>
#include <curand_kernel.h>
#include <curand_philox4x32_x.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
#include <mutex>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
namespace at {
namespace native {
namespace {
// launch bounds used for kernels utilizing TensorIterator
const uint32_t block_size_bound = 256;
const uint32_t grid_size_bound = 4;
// number of randoms given by distributions like curand_uniform4, curand_uniform2_double
// used in calculating philox offset.
const uint32_t curand4_engine_calls = 4;
// utility function that calculates proper philox_offset
// for distributions utilizing TensorIterator. For distributions using
// TensorIterator, we are using a grid-stride loop with each
// thread yielding one element per thread. For the edge of the grid-stride
// loop, if the tensor size is large, the unroll loop will kick in and the float4
// from curand4 will start getting utilized (for common tensor sizes, we end up
// using rand.x from each thread). Hence, the philox_offset is
// (number of elements per thread * number of engine calls), which makes
// sure that philox offset increment is not less than the number of randoms used
// in each thread.
std::tuple<uint64_t, dim3, dim3> calc_execution_policy(int64_t total_elements) {
const uint64_t numel = static_cast<uint64_t>(total_elements);
const uint32_t block_size = block_size_bound;
const uint32_t unroll = curand4_engine_calls;
dim3 dim_block(block_size);
dim3 grid((numel + block_size - 1) / block_size);
uint32_t blocks_per_sm = at::cuda::getCurrentDeviceProperties()->maxThreadsPerMultiProcessor / block_size;
grid.x = std::min(
static_cast<uint32_t>(at::cuda::getCurrentDeviceProperties()->multiProcessorCount) * blocks_per_sm,
//number of times random will be generated per thread, to offset philox counter in thc random state
uint64_t counter_offset = ((numel - 1) / (block_size * grid.x * unroll) + 1)
* curand4_engine_calls;
return std::make_tuple(counter_offset, grid, dim_block);
// grid stride loop kernel for distributions
template<typename accscalar_t, int unroll_factor, typename dist_t, typename transform_t>
C10_LAUNCH_BOUNDS_2(block_size_bound, grid_size_bound)
__global__ void distribution_elementwise_grid_stride_kernel(int numel,
PhiloxCudaState philox_args,
const dist_t dist_func,
const transform_t transform_func) {
auto seeds = at::cuda::philox::unpack(philox_args);
int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t state;
int rounded_size = ((numel - 1)/(blockDim.x * gridDim.x * unroll_factor)+1) *
blockDim.x * gridDim.x * unroll_factor;
for(int linear_index = idx; linear_index < rounded_size; linear_index += blockDim.x * gridDim.x * unroll_factor) {
auto rand = dist_func(&state);
#pragma unroll
for (int ii = 0; ii < unroll_factor; ii++) {
int li = linear_index + blockDim.x * gridDim.x * ii;
if (li < numel) {
transform_func(li, static_cast<accscalar_t>((&rand.x)[ii]));
* distribution_nullary_kernel is analogous to gpu_kernel in
* ATen/native/cuda/Loops.cuh. Like gpu_kernel, it uses
* TensorIterator to launch a kernel. However, the differences are
* - it launches a grid-stride loop based kernel. The kernel is not
* generic like elementwise_kernel in Loops.cuh and is specialized
* for the distribution kernels here.
* - For big size tensors, we can launch multiple kernels recursively
* (i.e. if (!iter.can_use_32bit_indexing())) and hence, the philox
* offset calculation is done in this function.
* FIXME: Can we specialize elementwise_kernel and launch_kernel in Loops.cuh
* to have grid-stride loop kernel and then use that to launch our distribution
* kernels? Note that we need a grid-stride loop kernel because, we found by testing
* that it achieves peak effective bandwidth.
template<typename scalar_t,
typename accscalar_t,
int unroll_factor,
typename RNG,
typename dist_t,
typename transform_t>
void distribution_nullary_kernel(at::TensorIteratorBase& iter,
RNG gen,
const dist_t& dist_func,
const transform_t transform_func) {
static_assert(unroll_factor >= 1, "unroll_factor must be >= 1.");
int64_t numel = iter.numel();
if (numel == 0) {
auto execution_policy = calc_execution_policy(numel);
auto counter_offset = std::get<0>(execution_policy);
auto grid = std::get<1>(execution_policy);
auto block = std::get<2>(execution_policy);
PhiloxCudaState rng_engine_inputs;
// See Note [Acquire lock when using random generators]
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(gen->mutex_);
rng_engine_inputs = gen->philox_cuda_state(counter_offset);
if (!iter.can_use_32bit_indexing()) {
for (auto& sub_iter : iter.with_32bit_indexing()) {
distribution_nullary_kernel<scalar_t, accscalar_t, unroll_factor>(sub_iter,
gen, dist_func, transform_func);
char* out_data = (char*)iter.data_ptr(0);
auto stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream();
if (iter.is_trivial_1d()) {
auto strides = iter.get_inner_strides();
int stride0 = strides[0];
distribution_elementwise_grid_stride_kernel<accscalar_t, unroll_factor><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
[=]__device__(int idx, accscalar_t rand) {
scalar_t* out = (scalar_t*)&out_data[stride0 * idx];
*out = transform_func(rand);
} else {
auto offset_calc = make_offset_calculator<1>(iter);
distribution_elementwise_grid_stride_kernel<accscalar_t, unroll_factor><<<grid, block, 0, stream>>>(
[=]__device__(int idx, accscalar_t rand) {
auto offsets = offset_calc.get(idx);
scalar_t* out = (scalar_t*)&out_data[offsets[0]];
*out = transform_func(rand);
// Binary kernel
template <typename func_t, typename inp_offset_calc_t, typename out_offset_calc_t>
__global__ void distribution_binary_elementwise_kernel(
int numel,
func_t f,
PhiloxCudaState philox_args,
typename function_traits<func_t>::result_type *output_data,
const typename function_traits<func_t>::template arg<1>::type *input_data_1,
const typename function_traits<func_t>::template arg<2>::type *input_data_2,
inp_offset_calc_t inp_calc,
out_offset_calc_t out_calc) {
auto seeds = at::cuda::philox::unpack(philox_args);
using input_t_1 = typename function_traits<func_t>::template arg<1>::type;
using input_t_2 = typename function_traits<func_t>::template arg<2>::type;
input_t_1 inputs_1[thread_work_size()];
input_t_2 inputs_2[thread_work_size()];
int base_index = block_work_size() * blockIdx.x;
int remaining = std::min<int>(numel - base_index, block_work_size());
curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t state;
blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x,
// load data into registers
int thread_idx = threadIdx.x;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < thread_work_size(); i++) {
if (thread_idx >= remaining) {
int input_idx = thread_idx + base_index;
auto offsets = inp_calc.get(input_idx);
inputs_1[i] = input_data_1[offsets[0]];
inputs_2[i] = input_data_2[offsets[1]];
thread_idx += num_threads();
// compute and store
thread_idx = threadIdx.x;
#pragma unroll
for (int i = 0; i < thread_work_size(); i++) {
if (thread_idx >= remaining) {
int input_idx = thread_idx + base_index;
auto offsets = out_calc.get(input_idx);
output_data[offsets[0]] = f(state, inputs_1[i], inputs_2[i]);
thread_idx += num_threads();
template <typename func_t>
void distribution_binary_kernel(TensorIteratorBase &iter, PhiloxCudaState philox_args, const func_t &f) {
static_assert(std::is_same<typename function_traits<func_t>::template arg<0>::type, curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t&>::value, "the first argument of functor must be curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t");
using input_t_1 = typename function_traits<func_t>::template arg<1>::type;
using input_t_2 = typename function_traits<func_t>::template arg<2>::type;
using output_t = typename function_traits<func_t>::result_type;
if (!iter.can_use_32bit_indexing()) {
for (auto& sub_iter : iter.with_32bit_indexing()) {
distribution_binary_kernel(sub_iter, philox_args, f);
int64_t numel = iter.numel();
if (numel == 0) {
output_t *output_data = static_cast<output_t *>(iter.data_ptr(0));
const input_t_1 *input_data_1 = static_cast<const input_t_1 *>(iter.data_ptr(1));
const input_t_2 *input_data_2 = static_cast<const input_t_2 *>(iter.data_ptr(2));
int64_t grid = (numel + block_work_size() - 1) / block_work_size();
auto stream = at::cuda::getCurrentCUDAStream();
if (iter.is_contiguous()) {
distribution_binary_elementwise_kernel<<<grid,num_threads(), 0, stream>>>(
numel, f, philox_args, output_data, input_data_1, input_data_2,
TrivialOffsetCalculator<2>(), TrivialOffsetCalculator<1>());
} else {
distribution_binary_elementwise_kernel<<<grid, num_threads(), 0, stream>>>(
numel, f, philox_args, output_data, input_data_1, input_data_2,
make_input_offset_calculator<2>(iter), make_output_offset_calculator(iter));
} // namespace
}} // namespace at::native
namespace at {
namespace native {
namespace templates {
namespace cuda {
// ==================================================== Random ========================================================
template<typename RNG>
void random_from_to_kernel(TensorIteratorBase& iter, uint64_t range, int64_t base, RNG gen) {
AT_DISPATCH_ALL_TYPES_AND3(at::ScalarType::Bool, at::ScalarType::Half, at::ScalarType::BFloat16, iter.dtype(), "random_from_to_kernel_cuda", [&] {
if ((
std::is_same<scalar_t, int64_t>::value ||
std::is_same<scalar_t, double>::value ||
std::is_same<scalar_t, float>::value ||
std::is_same<scalar_t, at::BFloat16>::value) && range >= 1ULL << 32)
// define lambda to mod with range and add base
auto random_func = [range, base] __device__ (uint64_t rand) {
return transformation::uniform_int_from_to<scalar_t>(rand, range, base);
distribution_nullary_kernel<scalar_t, uint64_t, curand4_engine_calls/2>(iter,
[] __device__ (curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state) -> ulonglong2 {
ulonglong2 ret;
uint4 rand_val = curand4(state);
ret.x = (static_cast<uint64_t>(rand_val.x) << 32) | rand_val.y;
ret.y = (static_cast<uint64_t>(rand_val.z) << 32) | rand_val.w;
return ret;
} else {
auto random_func = [range, base] __device__ (uint32_t rand) {
return transformation::uniform_int_from_to<scalar_t>(rand, range, base);
distribution_nullary_kernel<scalar_t, uint32_t, curand4_engine_calls>(iter,
[] __device__ (curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state) {
return curand4(state);
// This is the special kernel to handle single specific case:
// from(inclusive) = std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::lowest()
// to(exclusive) = None (= std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() + 1)
template<typename RNG>
void random_full_64_bits_range_kernel(TensorIteratorBase& iter, RNG gen) {
AT_DISPATCH_ALL_TYPES_AND(at::ScalarType::BFloat16, iter.dtype(), "random_full_64_bits_range_kernel_cuda", [&] {
if (std::is_same<scalar_t, int64_t>::value ||
std::is_same<scalar_t, double>::value ||
std::is_same<scalar_t, float>::value ||
std::is_same<scalar_t, at::BFloat16>::value) {
auto random_func = [] __device__ (uint64_t rand) {
return transformation::uniform_int_full_range<scalar_t>(rand);
distribution_nullary_kernel<scalar_t, uint64_t, curand4_engine_calls/2>(iter,
[] __device__ (curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state) -> ulonglong2 {
ulonglong2 ret;
uint4 rand_val = curand4(state);
ret.x = (static_cast<uint64_t>(rand_val.x) << 32) | rand_val.y;
ret.y = (static_cast<uint64_t>(rand_val.z) << 32) | rand_val.w;
return ret;
} else {
TORCH_CHECK(false, "random_full_64_bits_range_kernel_cuda handles only int64, double, float and bfloat16");
template<typename RNG>
struct RandomFromToKernel {
void operator()(TensorIteratorBase& iter, uint64_t range, int64_t base, c10::optional<Generator> gen) {
random_from_to_kernel(iter, range, base, check_generator<RNG>(gen));
void operator()(TensorIteratorBase& iter, c10::optional<Generator> gen) {
random_full_64_bits_range_kernel(iter, check_generator<RNG>(gen));
template<typename RNG>
void random_kernel(TensorIteratorBase& iter, RNG gen) {
AT_DISPATCH_ALL_TYPES_AND3(at::ScalarType::Half, at::ScalarType::BFloat16, at::ScalarType::Bool, iter.dtype(), "random_kernel_cuda", [&] {
if (std::is_same<scalar_t, double>::value || std::is_same<scalar_t, int64_t>::value) {
auto random_func = [] __device__ (uint64_t rand) {
return transformation::uniform_int<scalar_t>(rand);
distribution_nullary_kernel<scalar_t, uint64_t, curand4_engine_calls/2>(iter, gen,
[] __device__ (curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state) -> ulonglong2 {
ulonglong2 ret;
uint4 rand_val = curand4(state);
ret.x = (static_cast<uint64_t>(rand_val.x) << 32) | rand_val.y;
ret.y = (static_cast<uint64_t>(rand_val.z) << 32) | rand_val.w;
return ret;
} else {
auto random_func = [] __device__ (uint32_t rand) {
return transformation::uniform_int<scalar_t>(rand);
distribution_nullary_kernel<scalar_t, uint32_t, curand4_engine_calls>(iter,
[] __device__ (curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state) {
return curand4(state);
template<typename RNG>
struct RandomKernel {
void operator()(TensorIteratorBase& iter, RNG gen) {
random_kernel(iter, gen);
// ====================================================================================================================
template<typename scalar_t, typename accscalar_t, size_t curand4_engine_calls, typename RNG, typename transform_t>
void uniform_and_transform(TensorIteratorBase& iter, RNG gen, transform_t transform) {
if (std::is_same<scalar_t, double>::value) {
distribution_nullary_kernel<scalar_t, accscalar_t, curand4_engine_calls/2>(iter,
[] __device__ (curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state) { return curand_uniform2_double(state); },
} else {
distribution_nullary_kernel<scalar_t, accscalar_t, curand4_engine_calls>(iter,
[] __device__ (curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state) { return curand_uniform4(state); },
template<typename scalar_t, typename accscalar_t, size_t curand4_engine_calls, typename RNG, typename transform_t>
void normal_and_transform(TensorIteratorBase& iter, RNG gen, transform_t transform) {
if (std::is_same<scalar_t, double>::value) {
distribution_nullary_kernel<scalar_t, accscalar_t, curand4_engine_calls/2>(iter,
[] __device__ (curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state) { return curand_normal2_double(state); },
} else {
distribution_nullary_kernel<scalar_t, accscalar_t, curand4_engine_calls>(iter,
[] __device__ (curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t* state) { return curand_normal4(state); },
// ==================================================== Normal ========================================================
template<typename RNG>
void normal_kernel(const TensorBase &self, double mean_, double std_, RNG gen) {
auto iter = TensorIterator::borrowing_nullary_op(self);
AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND2(at::ScalarType::Half, at::ScalarType::BFloat16, iter.dtype(), "normal_kernel_cuda", [&] {
using accscalar_t = at::acc_type<scalar_t, true>;
auto mean = static_cast<accscalar_t>(mean_);
auto std = static_cast<accscalar_t>(std_);
// define lambda to multiply std and add mean
auto normal_func = [mean, std] __device__ (accscalar_t rand) {
return static_cast<scalar_t>(transformation::normal<accscalar_t>(rand, mean, std));
normal_and_transform<scalar_t, accscalar_t, curand4_engine_calls>(iter, gen, normal_func);
template<typename RNG>
struct NormalKernel {
void operator()(const TensorBase &self, double mean, double std, c10::optional<Generator> gen) {
normal_kernel(self, mean, std, check_generator<RNG>(gen));
// ==================================================== Uniform ========================================================
template<typename RNG>
void uniform_kernel(TensorIteratorBase& iter, double from_, double to_, RNG gen) {
AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND2(at::ScalarType::Half, at::ScalarType::BFloat16, iter.dtype(), "uniform_kernel_cuda", [&] {
auto from = static_cast<scalar_t>(from_);
auto to = static_cast<scalar_t>(to_);
using accscalar_t = at::acc_type<scalar_t, true>;
auto range = static_cast<accscalar_t>(to-from);
// define lambda to reverse bounds, multiply 'range' and add 'from_'
auto uniform_func = [range, from] __device__ (accscalar_t rand) {
// reverse the bounds of curand4 from (0, 1] to [0, 1)
// Note that this method is from legacy THCTensorRandom and is likely to give
// you more 0-s, since, the probability of gettings 1-s is higher than 0-s and
// by reversing the bounds, we are flipping the probabilities of 1-s and 0-s.
// BEFORE TOUCHING THIS CODE READ: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/16706
auto reverse_bound_rand = rand == static_cast<accscalar_t>(1.0) ? static_cast<accscalar_t>(0.0) : rand;
return static_cast<scalar_t>(reverse_bound_rand * range + from);
uniform_and_transform<scalar_t, accscalar_t, curand4_engine_calls>(iter, gen, uniform_func);
template<typename RNG>
struct UniformKernel {
void operator()(TensorIteratorBase& iter, double from, double to, c10::optional<Generator> gen) {
uniform_kernel(iter, from, to, check_generator<RNG>(gen));
// ================================================== LogNormal =======================================================
template<typename RNG>
void log_normal_kernel(TensorIteratorBase& iter, double mean_, double std_, RNG gen) {
AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND2(at::ScalarType::Half, at::ScalarType::BFloat16, iter.dtype(), "log_normal_cuda", [&] {
using accscalar_t = at::acc_type<scalar_t, true>;
auto mean = static_cast<accscalar_t>(mean_);
auto std = static_cast<accscalar_t>(std_);
// define lambda for log_normal transformation
auto log_normal_func = [mean, std] __device__ (accscalar_t rand) {
return static_cast<scalar_t>(transformation::log_normal<accscalar_t>(transformation::normal<accscalar_t>(rand, mean, std)));
normal_and_transform<scalar_t, accscalar_t, curand4_engine_calls>(iter, gen, log_normal_func);
template<typename RNG>
struct LogNormalKernel {
void operator()(TensorIteratorBase& iter, double mean, double std, c10::optional<Generator> gen) {
log_normal_kernel(iter, mean, std, check_generator<RNG>(gen));
// =================================================== Geometric ======================================================
template<typename RNG>
void geometric_kernel(TensorIteratorBase& iter, double p, RNG gen) {
AT_DISPATCH_ALL_TYPES_AND2(at::ScalarType::Half, at::ScalarType::BFloat16, iter.dtype(), "geometric_cuda", [&] {
using accscalar_t = at::DiscreteDistributionType<scalar_t>::type;
// define lambda for geometric transformation
auto geometric_func = [p] __device__ (accscalar_t rand) {
return static_cast<scalar_t>(transformation::geometric<accscalar_t>(rand, p));
uniform_and_transform<scalar_t, accscalar_t, curand4_engine_calls>(iter, gen, geometric_func);
template<typename RNG>
struct GeometricKernel {
void operator()(TensorIteratorBase& iter, double p, c10::optional<Generator> gen) {
geometric_kernel(iter, p, check_generator<RNG>(gen));
// ================================================== Exponential =====================================================
template<typename RNG>
void exponential_kernel(TensorIteratorBase& iter, double lambda_, RNG gen) {
TORCH_CHECK(isFloatingType(iter.dtype()), "Exponential distribution is a continuous probability distribution. dtype must be a floating point but you specified ", iter.dtype());
AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND2(at::ScalarType::Half, at::ScalarType::BFloat16, iter.dtype(), "exponential_cuda", [&] {
using accscalar_t = at::acc_type<scalar_t, true>;
auto lambda = static_cast<accscalar_t>(lambda_);
// define lambda for exponential transformation
auto exponential_func = [lambda] __device__ (accscalar_t rand) {
return static_cast<scalar_t>(transformation::exponential<accscalar_t>(rand, lambda));
uniform_and_transform<scalar_t, accscalar_t, curand4_engine_calls>(iter, gen, exponential_func);
template<typename RNG>
struct ExponentialKernel {
void operator()(TensorIteratorBase& iter, double lambda, c10::optional<Generator> gen) {
exponential_kernel(iter, lambda, check_generator<RNG>(gen));
// ==================================================== Cauchy ========================================================
template<typename RNG>
void cauchy_kernel(TensorIteratorBase& iter, double median_, double sigma_, RNG gen) {
AT_DISPATCH_FLOATING_TYPES_AND2(at::ScalarType::Half, at::ScalarType::BFloat16, iter.dtype(), "cauchy_cuda", [&] {
using accscalar_t = at::acc_type<scalar_t, true>;
auto median = static_cast<accscalar_t>(median_);
auto sigma = static_cast<accscalar_t>(sigma_);
// define lambda for cauchy transformation
auto cauchy_func = [median, sigma] __device__ (accscalar_t rand) {
return static_cast<scalar_t>(transformation::cauchy<accscalar_t>(rand, median, sigma));
uniform_and_transform<scalar_t, accscalar_t, curand4_engine_calls>(iter, gen, cauchy_func);
template<typename RNG>
struct CauchyKernel {
void operator()(TensorIteratorBase& iter, double median, double sigma, c10::optional<Generator> gen) {
cauchy_kernel(iter, median, sigma, check_generator<RNG>(gen));
// ==================================================== Bernoulli =====================================================
template<typename scalar_t, typename prob_t>
void bernoulli_tensor_cuda_kernel(
const TensorBase &ret, const at::TensorBase &p,
PhiloxCudaState philox_args) {
auto functor = [philox_args] __device__(
int n, scalar_t& v1, scalar_t& v2, scalar_t& v3, scalar_t& v4,
const prob_t& p1, const prob_t& p2, const prob_t& p3, const prob_t& p4) {
auto seeds = at::cuda::philox::unpack(philox_args);
curandStatePhilox4_32_10_t state;
blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x,
// See Note [Register spilling in curand call for CUDA < 10]
float4 rand = curand_uniform4(&state);
switch (n) {
case 4: {
CUDA_KERNEL_ASSERT(0 <= p4 && p4 <= 1);
v4 = static_cast<scalar_t>(rand.w <= p4);
// fallthrough
case 3: {
CUDA_KERNEL_ASSERT(0 <= p3 && p3 <= 1);
v3 = static_cast<scalar_t>(rand.z <= p3);
// fallthrough
case 2: {
CUDA_KERNEL_ASSERT(0 <= p2 && p2 <= 1);
v2 = static_cast<scalar_t>(rand.y <= p2);
// fallthrough
case 1: {
CUDA_KERNEL_ASSERT(0 <= p1 && p1 <= 1);
v1 = static_cast<scalar_t>(rand.x <= p1);
// The template argument `4` below indicates that we want to operate on four
// element at each time. See NOTE [ CUDA_tensor_applyN helpers ] for details.
at::cuda::CUDA_tensor_apply2<scalar_t, prob_t, 4, decltype(functor),
/*min_blocks_per_sm==*/2>(ret, p, functor);
template<typename RNG>
void bernoulli_kernel(const TensorBase &self, const TensorBase &p_, RNG gen) {
PhiloxCudaState rng_engine_inputs;
// See Note [Acquire lock when using random generators]
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(gen->mutex_);
rng_engine_inputs = gen->philox_cuda_state(10);
TORCH_CHECK(at::isFloatingType(p_.scalar_type()), "expected probabilities tensor to have floating type, got ", p_.scalar_type());
// cast probabilities tensor to double for double `self` tensor, and to `float` for everything else
const auto p_type = self.dtype() == at::kDouble ? at::kDouble : at::kFloat;
auto p_cuda = p_.to(TensorOptions().device(self.device()).dtype(p_type));
auto p = expand_inplace(self, p_cuda);
at::ScalarType::Half, at::ScalarType::BFloat16, at::ScalarType::Bool, self.scalar_type(), "bernoulli_tensor_cuda_self_", [&] {
if (std::is_same<scalar_t, double>::value) {
return bernoulli_tensor_cuda_kernel<double, double>(self, *p, rng_engine_inputs);
} else {
return bernoulli_tensor_cuda_kernel<scalar_t, float>(self, *p, rng_engine_inputs);
template<typename RNG>
void bernoulli_kernel(TensorIteratorBase& iter, double p, RNG gen) {
at::ScalarType::Half, at::ScalarType::BFloat16, at::ScalarType::Bool, iter.dtype(), "bernoulli_scalar_cuda_", [&] {
using accscalar_t = at::DiscreteDistributionType<scalar_t>::type;
// define lambda for bernoulli transformation
auto bernoulli_func = [p] __device__ (accscalar_t rand) {
return static_cast<scalar_t>(transformation::bernoulli<accscalar_t>(rand, p));
uniform_and_transform<scalar_t, accscalar_t, curand4_engine_calls>(iter, gen, bernoulli_func);
template<typename RNG>
struct BernoulliKernel {
void operator()(TensorIteratorBase& iter, double p, c10::optional<Generator> gen) {
bernoulli_kernel(iter, p, check_generator<RNG>(gen));
void operator()(const TensorBase &self, const TensorBase &p_, c10::optional<Generator> gen) {
bernoulli_kernel(self, p_, check_generator<RNG>(gen));