#pragma once
#include <ATen/native/ForeachUtils.h>
#include <ATen/native/cuda/MultiTensorApply.cuh>
#include <ATen/OpMathType.h>
namespace at { namespace native {
namespace {
// TODO(crcrpar): Handle version bump in codegen.
// rel: https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/blob/9cf84347767c8abb8feba18a9a1baba321eeb8b9/tools/autograd/gen_inplace_or_view_type.py#L481-L482
inline void increment_version(TensorList tensors) {
for (const auto & t : tensors) {
// Initializes args and checks if all args are aligned
template<int depth, typename T>
__device__ bool init_args(
T** args,
TensorListMetadata<depth>& tl,
int chunk_idx,
int chunk_size,
int tensor_loc) {
bool all_aligned = true;
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
args[i] = (T*)tl.addresses[i][tensor_loc];
args[i] += chunk_idx * chunk_size;
if (!is_aligned(args[i])) {
all_aligned = false;
return all_aligned;
// Initializes args and checks if all args are aligned
template<int depth, typename T, typename T2>
__device__ bool init_args(
T** args,
TensorListScalarListMetadata<T2, depth>& tl,
int chunk_idx,
int chunk_size,
int tensor_loc) {
bool all_aligned = true;
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
args[i] = (T*)tl.addresses[i][tensor_loc];
args[i] += chunk_idx * chunk_size;
if (!is_aligned(args[i])) {
all_aligned = false;
return all_aligned;
template<int depth, typename T>
__device__ bool init_args(
T** args,
FusedOptimizerTensorListMetadata<depth>& tl,
int chunk_idx,
int chunk_size,
int tensor_loc) {
bool all_aligned = true;
for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) {
args[i] = (T*)tl.addresses[i][tensor_loc];
args[i] += chunk_idx * chunk_size;
if (!is_aligned(args[i])) {
all_aligned = false;
return all_aligned;
template<int depth, typename T>
__device__ void load_args(T r_args[][kILP], T** args, int i_start, int chunk_size, int n) {
#pragma unroll
for(int ii = 0; ii < kILP; ii++) {
int i = i_start + threadIdx.x + ii * blockDim.x;
for (int r_index = 0; r_index < depth; r_index++) {
r_args[r_index][ii] = 0;
if(i < n && i < chunk_size) {
r_args[r_index][ii] = args[r_index][i];
template<typename T>
__device__ void store_args(T* dst, T* src, int i_start, int chunk_size, int n) {
#pragma unroll
for(int ii = 0; ii < kILP; ii++) {
int i = i_start + threadIdx.x + ii * blockDim.x;
if(i < n && i < chunk_size)
dst[i] = src[ii];
template<int res_arg_index, typename Op, typename T, typename opmath_t>
__device__ __forceinline__ void binary_op_scalar(
T r_args[][kILP],
T** args,
opmath_t scalar,
int n,
int chunk_size,
bool all_aligned,
Op op) {
// to make things simple, we put aligned case in a different code path
if(n % kILP == 0 && chunk_size % kILP == 0 && all_aligned) {
for(int i_start = threadIdx.x; i_start * kILP < n && i_start * kILP < chunk_size; i_start += blockDim.x) {
// load
load_store(r_args[0], args[0], 0, i_start);
#pragma unroll
for(int ii = 0; ii < kILP; ii++) {
r_args[0][ii] = static_cast<T>(op(static_cast<opmath_t>(r_args[0][ii]),
// store
load_store(args[res_arg_index], r_args[0], i_start, 0);
else {
for(int i_start = 0; i_start < n && i_start < chunk_size; i_start += blockDim.x * kILP) {
// Regardless if depth is 1 (for inplace) or 2 (for out of place), r_args has depth 1
load_args<1>(r_args, args, i_start, chunk_size, n);
#pragma unroll
for(int ii = 0; ii < kILP; ii++) {
r_args[0][ii] = static_cast<T>(op(static_cast<opmath_t>(r_args[0][ii]),
store_args(args[res_arg_index], r_args[0], i_start, chunk_size, n);
template<int res_arg_index, typename Op, typename T, typename opmath_t>
__device__ __forceinline__ void pointwise_op_scalar(
T r_args[][kILP],
T** args,
opmath_t scalar,
int n,
int chunk_size,
bool all_aligned,
Op op) {
// to make things simple, we put aligned case in a different code path
if(n % kILP == 0 && chunk_size % kILP == 0 && all_aligned) {
for(int i_start = threadIdx.x; i_start * kILP < n && i_start * kILP < chunk_size; i_start += blockDim.x) {
// load
load_store(r_args[0], args[0], 0, i_start);
load_store(r_args[1], args[1], 0, i_start);
load_store(r_args[2], args[2], 0, i_start);
#pragma unroll
for(int ii = 0; ii < kILP; ii++) {
r_args[0][ii] = static_cast<T>(static_cast<opmath_t>(r_args[0][ii]) +
scalar * op(static_cast<opmath_t>(r_args[1][ii]),
// store
load_store(args[res_arg_index], r_args[0], i_start, 0);
else {
for(int i_start = 0; i_start < n && i_start < chunk_size; i_start += blockDim.x * kILP) {
// Regardless if depth is 3 (for inplace) or 4 (for out of place), r_args has depth 3
load_args<3>(r_args, args, i_start, chunk_size, n);
#pragma unroll
for(int ii = 0; ii < kILP; ii++) {
r_args[0][ii] = static_cast<T>(static_cast<opmath_t>(r_args[0][ii]) +
scalar * op(static_cast<opmath_t>(r_args[1][ii]),
store_args(args[res_arg_index], r_args[0], i_start, chunk_size, n);
// Binary Functors
template<typename T, int depth, int r_args_depth, int res_arg_index>
struct BinaryOpScalarFunctor {
using opmath_t = at::opmath_type<T>;
template<typename Op> __device__ __forceinline__ void operator() (
int chunk_size,
TensorListMetadata<depth>& tl,
Op op,
opmath_t scalar) {
int tensor_loc = tl.block_to_tensor[blockIdx.x];
int chunk_idx = tl.block_to_chunk[blockIdx.x];
int n = tl.numel_for_tensor[tensor_loc];
T* args[depth];
bool all_aligned = init_args<depth>(args, tl, chunk_idx, chunk_size, tensor_loc);
n -= chunk_idx * chunk_size;
T r_args[r_args_depth][kILP];
binary_op_scalar<res_arg_index>(r_args, args, scalar, n, chunk_size, all_aligned, op);
template<typename T, int depth, int r_args_depth, int res_arg_index>
struct BinaryOpScalarListFunctor {
using opmath_t = at::opmath_type<T>;
template<typename Op> __device__ __forceinline__ void operator() (
int chunk_size,
TensorListScalarListMetadata<opmath_t, depth>& tl,
Op op) {
int tensor_loc = tl.block_to_tensor[blockIdx.x];
int chunk_idx = tl.block_to_chunk[blockIdx.x];
int n = tl.numel_for_tensor[tensor_loc];
T* args[depth];
bool all_aligned = init_args<depth>(args, tl, chunk_idx, chunk_size, tensor_loc);
opmath_t scalar = tl.scalar_vals[tensor_loc];
n -= chunk_idx * chunk_size;
T r_args[r_args_depth][kILP];
binary_op_scalar<res_arg_index>(r_args, args, scalar, n, chunk_size, all_aligned, op);
template<typename T, int depth, int r_args_depth, int res_arg_index>
struct BinaryOpListAlphaFunctor {
using opmath_t = at::opmath_type<T>;
template<typename Op> __device__ __forceinline__ void operator() (
int chunk_size,
TensorListMetadata<depth>& tl,
Op op,
opmath_t alpha) {
int tensor_loc = tl.block_to_tensor[blockIdx.x];
int chunk_idx = tl.block_to_chunk[blockIdx.x];
int n = tl.numel_for_tensor[tensor_loc];
T* args[depth];
bool all_aligned = init_args<depth>(args, tl, chunk_idx, chunk_size, tensor_loc);
n -= chunk_idx * chunk_size;
T r_args[r_args_depth][kILP];
// to make things simple, we put aligned case in a different code path
if(n % kILP == 0 && chunk_size % kILP == 0 && all_aligned) {
for(int i_start = threadIdx.x; i_start * kILP < n && i_start * kILP < chunk_size; i_start += blockDim.x) {
// load
load_store(r_args[0], args[0], 0, i_start);
load_store(r_args[1], args[1], 0, i_start);
#pragma unroll
for(int ii = 0; ii < kILP; ii++) {
r_args[0][ii] = static_cast<T>(op(static_cast<opmath_t>(r_args[0][ii]),
alpha * static_cast<opmath_t>(r_args[1][ii])));
// store
load_store(args[res_arg_index], r_args[0], i_start , 0);
else {
for(int i_start = 0; i_start < n && i_start < chunk_size; i_start += blockDim.x * kILP) {
load_args<r_args_depth>(r_args, args, i_start, chunk_size, n);
#pragma unroll
for(int ii = 0; ii < kILP; ii++) {
r_args[0][ii] = static_cast<T>(op(static_cast<opmath_t>(r_args[0][ii]),
alpha * static_cast<opmath_t>(r_args[1][ii])));
store_args(args[res_arg_index], r_args[0], i_start, chunk_size, n);
// Unary Functors
template<typename T, int depth, int r_args_depth, int res_arg_index>
struct ZeroFunctor {
__device__ __forceinline__ void operator() (
int chunk_size,
TensorListMetadata<1>& tl) {
int tensor_loc = tl.block_to_tensor[blockIdx.x];
int chunk_idx = tl.block_to_chunk[blockIdx.x];
int n = tl.numel_for_tensor[tensor_loc];
T* args[depth];
bool all_aligned = init_args<depth>(args, tl, chunk_idx, chunk_size, tensor_loc);
n -= chunk_idx * chunk_size;
T r_args[r_args_depth][kILP];
// to make things simple, we put aligned case in a different code path
if(n % kILP == 0 && chunk_size % kILP == 0 && all_aligned) {
for(int i_start = threadIdx.x; i_start * kILP < n && i_start * kILP < chunk_size; i_start += blockDim.x) {
#pragma unroll
for(int ii = 0; ii < kILP; ii++) {
r_args[0][ii] = 0;
// store
load_store(args[0], r_args[0], i_start, 0);
else {
for(int i_start = 0; i_start < n && i_start < chunk_size; i_start += blockDim.x * kILP) {
#pragma unroll
for(int ii = 0; ii < kILP; ii++) {
r_args[0][ii] = 0;
store_args(args[res_arg_index], r_args[0], i_start, chunk_size, n);
template<typename T, int depth, int r_args_depth, int res_arg_index>
struct UnaryOpFunctor {
using opmath_t = at::opmath_type<T>;
template<typename Op> __device__ __forceinline__ void operator() (
int chunk_size,
TensorListMetadata<depth>& tl,
Op op) {
int tensor_loc = tl.block_to_tensor[blockIdx.x];
int chunk_idx = tl.block_to_chunk[blockIdx.x];
int n = tl.numel_for_tensor[tensor_loc];
T* args[depth];
bool all_aligned = init_args<depth>(args, tl, chunk_idx, chunk_size, tensor_loc);
n -= chunk_idx * chunk_size;
T r_args[r_args_depth][kILP];
// to make things simple, we put aligned case in a different code path
if(n % kILP == 0 && chunk_size % kILP == 0 && all_aligned) {
for(int i_start = threadIdx.x; i_start * kILP < n && i_start * kILP < chunk_size; i_start += blockDim.x) {
// load
load_store(r_args[0], args[0], 0, i_start);
#pragma unroll
for(int ii = 0; ii < kILP; ii++) {
r_args[0][ii] = static_cast<T>(op(static_cast<opmath_t>(r_args[0][ii])));
// store
load_store(args[res_arg_index], r_args[0], i_start, 0);
else {
for(int i_start = 0; i_start < n && i_start < chunk_size; i_start += blockDim.x * kILP) {
load_args<r_args_depth>(r_args, args, i_start, chunk_size, n);
#pragma unroll
for(int ii = 0; ii < kILP; ii++) {
r_args[0][ii] = static_cast<T>(op(static_cast<opmath_t>(r_args[0][ii])));
store_args(args[res_arg_index], r_args[0], i_start, chunk_size, n);
// Pointwise Functors
template<typename T, int depth, int r_args_depth, int res_arg_index>
struct PointwiseOpScalarFunctor {
using opmath_t = at::opmath_type<T>;
template<typename Op> __device__ __forceinline__ void operator() (
int chunk_size,
TensorListMetadata<depth>& tl,
Op op,
opmath_t scalar) {
int tensor_loc = tl.block_to_tensor[blockIdx.x];
int chunk_idx = tl.block_to_chunk[blockIdx.x];
int n = tl.numel_for_tensor[tensor_loc];
T* args[depth];
bool all_aligned = init_args<depth>(args, tl, chunk_idx, chunk_size, tensor_loc);
n -= chunk_idx * chunk_size;
T r_args[r_args_depth][kILP];
pointwise_op_scalar<res_arg_index>(r_args, args, scalar, n, chunk_size, all_aligned, op);
template<typename T, int depth, int r_args_depth, int res_arg_index>
struct PointwiseOpScalarListFunctor {
using opmath_t = at::opmath_type<T>;
template<typename Op> __device__ __forceinline__ void operator() (
int chunk_size,
TensorListScalarListMetadata<opmath_t, depth>& tl,
Op op) {
int tensor_loc = tl.block_to_tensor[blockIdx.x];
int chunk_idx = tl.block_to_chunk[blockIdx.x];
int n = tl.numel_for_tensor[tensor_loc];
T* args[depth];
bool all_aligned = init_args<depth>(args, tl, chunk_idx, chunk_size, tensor_loc);
opmath_t scalar = tl.scalar_vals[tensor_loc];
n -= chunk_idx * chunk_size;
T r_args[r_args_depth][kILP];
pointwise_op_scalar<res_arg_index>(r_args, args, scalar, n, chunk_size, all_aligned, op);
template<typename T, int depth>
struct PointwiseOpListFunctor {
using opmath_t = at::opmath_type<T>;
template<typename Op> __device__ __forceinline__ void operator() (
int chunk_size,
TensorListMetadata<depth>& tl,
Op op) {
int tensor_loc = tl.block_to_tensor[blockIdx.x];
int chunk_idx = tl.block_to_chunk[blockIdx.x];
int n = tl.numel_for_tensor[tensor_loc];
T* args[depth];
bool all_aligned = init_args<depth>(args, tl, chunk_idx, chunk_size, tensor_loc);
n -= chunk_idx * chunk_size;
T r_args[depth - 1][kILP];
// to make things simple, we put aligned case in a different code path
if(n % kILP == 0 && chunk_size % kILP == 0 && all_aligned) {
for(int i_start = threadIdx.x; i_start * kILP < n && i_start * kILP < chunk_size; i_start += blockDim.x) {
// load
load_store(r_args[0], args[0], 0, i_start);
load_store(r_args[1], args[1], 0, i_start);
#pragma unroll
for(int ii = 0; ii < kILP; ii++) {
r_args[0][ii] = static_cast<T>(op(static_cast<opmath_t>(r_args[0][ii]),
// store
load_store(args[2], r_args[0], i_start , 0);
else {
for(int i_start = 0; i_start < n && i_start < chunk_size; i_start += blockDim.x * kILP) {
load_args<depth - 1>(r_args, args, i_start, chunk_size, n);
#pragma unroll
for(int ii = 0; ii < kILP; ii++) {
r_args[0][ii] = static_cast<T>(op(static_cast<opmath_t>(r_args[0][ii]),
store_args(args[2], r_args[0], i_start, chunk_size, n);
template<typename T, int depth, int r_args_depth, int res_arg_index>
struct TernaryOpListFunctor {
using opmath_t = at::opmath_type<T>;
template<typename Op> __device__ __forceinline__ void operator() (
int chunk_size,
TensorListMetadata<depth>& tl,
Op op) {
static_assert(depth == 3 || depth == 4, "");
static_assert(depth >= r_args_depth, "");
static_assert(res_arg_index == depth - 1 || res_arg_index == 0, "");
int tensor_loc = tl.block_to_tensor[blockIdx.x];
int chunk_idx = tl.block_to_chunk[blockIdx.x];
int n = tl.numel_for_tensor[tensor_loc];
T* args[depth];
const bool all_aligned = init_args<depth>(args, tl, chunk_idx, chunk_size, tensor_loc);
n -= chunk_idx * chunk_size;
T r_args[r_args_depth][kILP];
if (n % kILP == 0 && chunk_size % kILP == 0 && all_aligned) {
for (int i_start = threadIdx.x; i_start * kILP < n && i_start * kILP < chunk_size; i_start += blockDim.x) {
load_store(r_args[0], args[0], 0, i_start);
load_store(r_args[1], args[1], 0, i_start);
load_store(r_args[2], args[2], 0, i_start);
#pragma unroll
for (int ii = 0; ii < kILP; ii++) {
r_args[0][ii] = op(
load_store(args[res_arg_index], r_args[0], i_start, 0);
} else {
for (int i_start = 0; i_start < n && i_start < chunk_size; i_start += blockDim.x * kILP) {
load_args<r_args_depth>(r_args, args, i_start, chunk_size, n);
#pragma unroll
for (int ii = 0; ii < kILP; ii++) {
r_args[0][ii] = op(
store_args(args[res_arg_index], r_args[0], i_start, chunk_size, n);
template<typename T, int depth, int r_args_depth, int res_arg_index>
struct TernaryOpScalarFunctor {
using opmath_t = at::opmath_type<T>;
template<typename Op> __device__ __forceinline__ void operator() (
int chunk_size,
TensorListMetadata<depth>& tl,
Op op,
opmath_t alpha) {
static_assert(depth == 2 || depth == 3, "");
static_assert(depth >= r_args_depth, "");
static_assert(res_arg_index == depth - 1 || res_arg_index == 0, "");
int tensor_loc = tl.block_to_tensor[blockIdx.x];
int chunk_idx = tl.block_to_chunk[blockIdx.x];
int n = tl.numel_for_tensor[tensor_loc];
T* args[depth];
bool all_aligned = init_args<depth>(args, tl, chunk_idx, chunk_size, tensor_loc);
n -= chunk_idx * chunk_size;
T r_args[r_args_depth][kILP];
// to make things simple, we put aligned case in a different code path
if (n % kILP == 0 && chunk_size % kILP == 0 && all_aligned) {
for(int i_start = threadIdx.x; i_start * kILP < n && i_start * kILP < chunk_size; i_start += blockDim.x) {
// load
load_store(r_args[0], args[0], 0, i_start);
load_store(r_args[1], args[1], 0, i_start);
#pragma unroll
for(int ii = 0; ii < kILP; ii++) {
r_args[0][ii] = op(
// store
load_store(args[res_arg_index], r_args[0], i_start , 0);
else {
for(int i_start = 0; i_start < n && i_start < chunk_size; i_start += blockDim.x * kILP) {
load_args<r_args_depth>(r_args, args, i_start, chunk_size, n);
#pragma unroll
for(int ii = 0; ii < kILP; ii++) {
r_args[0][ii] = op(
store_args(args[res_arg_index], r_args[0], i_start, chunk_size, n);
} // namespace
}} // namespace at::native