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/ include / c10 / util / qint8.h

#pragma once
#include <cstdint>

#include <c10/macros/Macros.h>

namespace c10 {

 * This is the data type for quantized Tensors. Right now we only have
 * qint8 which is for 8 bit Tensors, and qint32 for 32 bit int Tensors,
 * we might have 4 bit, 2 bit or 1 bit data types in the future.
struct alignas(1) qint8 {
  using underlying = int8_t;
  int8_t val_;
  qint8() = default;
  C10_HOST_DEVICE explicit qint8(int8_t val) : val_(val) {}

} // namespace c10