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/ include / nnpack.h

#pragma once

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#include <pthreadpool.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * @brief Status code for any NNPACK function call.
enum nnp_status {
	/** The call succeeded, and all output arguments now contain valid data. */
	nnp_status_success = 0,
	/** NNPACK function was called with batch_size == 0. */
	nnp_status_invalid_batch_size = 2,
	/** NNPACK function was called with channels == 0. */
	nnp_status_invalid_channels = 3,
	/** NNPACK function was called with input_channels == 0. */
	nnp_status_invalid_input_channels = 4,
	/** NNPACK function was called with output_channels == 0. */
	nnp_status_invalid_output_channels = 5,
	/** NNPACK function was called with input_size.height == 0 or input_size.width == 0 */
	nnp_status_invalid_input_size = 10,
	/** NNPACK function was called with input_stride.height == 0 or input_stride.width == 0 */
	nnp_status_invalid_input_stride = 11,
	/** NNPACK function was called with input_padding not less than respective kernel (or pooling) size, i.e.:
	 *  - input_padding.left   >= kernel_size.width  (>= pooling_size.width)
	 *  - input_padding.right  >= kernel_size.width  (>= pooling_size.width)
	 *  - input_padding.top    >= kernel_size.height (>= pooling_size.height)
	 *  - input_padding.bottom >= kernel_size.height (>= pooling_size.height)
	nnp_status_invalid_input_padding = 12,
	/** NNPACK function was called with kernel_size.height == 0 or kernel_size.width == 0 */
	nnp_status_invalid_kernel_size = 13,
	/** NNPACK function was called with pooling_size.height == 0 or pooling_size.width == 0 */
	nnp_status_invalid_pooling_size = 14,
	/** NNPACK function was called with pooling_stride.height == 0 or pooling_stride.width == 0 */
	nnp_status_invalid_pooling_stride = 15,
	/** NNPACK function was called with convolution algorithm not in nnp_convolution_algorithm enumeration */
	nnp_status_invalid_algorithm = 16,
	/** NNPACK function was called with convolution transform strategy not in nnp_convolution_transform_strategy enum */
	nnp_status_invalid_transform_strategy = 17,
	/** NNPACK function was called with output_subsampling.height == 0 or output_subsampling.width == 0 */
	nnp_status_invalid_output_subsampling = 13,
	/** NNPACK function was called with activation not in nnp_activation enum */
	nnp_status_invalid_activation = 14,
	/** NNPACK function was called with invalid activation parameters */
	nnp_status_invalid_activation_parameters = 15,

	/** NNPACK does not support the particular input size for the function */
	nnp_status_unsupported_input_size = 20,
	/** NNPACK does not support the particular input stride for the function */
	nnp_status_unsupported_input_stride = 21,
	/** NNPACK does not support the particular input padding for the function */
	nnp_status_unsupported_input_padding = 22,
	/** NNPACK does not support the particular kernel size for the function */
	nnp_status_unsupported_kernel_size = 23,
	/** NNPACK does not support the particular pooling size for the function */
	nnp_status_unsupported_pooling_size = 24,
	/** NNPACK does not support the particular pooling stride for the function */
	nnp_status_unsupported_pooling_stride = 25,
	/** NNPACK does not support the particular convolution algorithm for the function */
	nnp_status_unsupported_algorithm = 26,
	/** NNPACK does not support the particular convolution transform strategy for the algorithm */
	nnp_status_unsupported_transform_strategy = 27,
	/** NNPACK does not support the particular activation function for the function */
	nnp_status_unsupported_activation = 28,
	/** NNPACK does not support the particular activation function parameters for the function */
	nnp_status_unsupported_activation_parameters = 29, 

	/** NNPACK function was called before the library was initialized */
	nnp_status_uninitialized = 50,
	/** NNPACK does not implement this function for the host CPU */
	nnp_status_unsupported_hardware = 51,
	/** NNPACK failed to allocate memory for temporary buffers */
	nnp_status_out_of_memory = 52,
	/** Scratch space buffer is too small */
	nnp_status_insufficient_buffer = 53,
	/** Scratch space buffer is not properly aligned */
	nnp_status_misaligned_buffer = 54

 * @brief Activation applied applied after a convolutional or fully-connected layer.
enum nnp_activation {
	/** Identity activation f(x) := x, i.e. no transformation */
	nnp_activation_identity = 0,
	/** ReLU activation f(x) := max(0, x) */
	nnp_activation_relu = 1,

 * @brief Algorithm for computing convolutional layers.
enum nnp_convolution_algorithm {
	/** Let NNPACK choose the algorithm depending on layer parameters */
	nnp_convolution_algorithm_auto = 0,
	/** Tiled convolution based on 2D Fourier transform with 8x8 blocks. Supports kernels up to 8x8. */
	nnp_convolution_algorithm_ft8x8 = 1,
	/** Tiled convolution based on 2D Fourier transform with 16x16 blocks. Supports kernels up to 16x16. */
	nnp_convolution_algorithm_ft16x16 = 2,
	/** Tiled convolution based on 2D Winograd transform F(3x3, 6x6) with 8x8 blocks. Supports only 3x3 kernels. */
	nnp_convolution_algorithm_wt8x8 = 3,
	/** Direct convolution via implicit GEMM. */
	nnp_convolution_algorithm_implicit_gemm = 4,
	/** Direct convolution implementation. */
	nnp_convolution_algorithm_direct = 5,
	 * Tiled convolution based on 2D Winograd transform F(3x3, 6x6) with 8x8 blocks in FP16.
	 * Supports only 3x3 kernels. Implemented only for new ARM processors (with NEON-HP),
	 * on non-supported processors falls back to nnp_convolution_algorithm_wt8x8.
	nnp_convolution_algorithm_wt8x8_fp16 = 6,

enum nnp_convolution_transform_strategy {
	nnp_convolution_transform_strategy_compute = 1,
	nnp_convolution_transform_strategy_precompute = 2,
	nnp_convolution_transform_strategy_reuse = 3

/* For backward compatibility */
#define nnp_convolution_transform_strategy_block_based nnp_convolution_transform_strategy_compute
#define nnp_convolution_transform_strategy_tuple_based nnp_convolution_transform_strategy_compute

 * @brief Size of images, kernels, and pooling filters in NNPACK.
struct nnp_size {
	/** Width (horizontal size) of an image, kernel, or pooling filter. */
	size_t width;
	/** Height (vertical size) of an image, kernel, or pooling filter. */
	size_t height;

 * @brief Padding of images in NNPACK.
struct nnp_padding {
	/** Padding above the image data */
	size_t top;
	/** Padding on the right of image data */
	size_t right;
	/** Padding below the image data */
	size_t bottom;
	/** Padding on the left of image data */
	size_t left;

 * @brief Profiling information about time spent in different phases of a function call.
struct nnp_profile {
	/** Time spent inside the function call, in seconds. */
	double total;
	/** Time spend on transformation of the input or input gradient tensor, in seconds. */
	double input_transform;
	/** Time spend on transformation of the kernel or kernel gradient tensor, in seconds. */
	double kernel_transform;
	/** Time spend on transformation of the output or output gradient tensor, in seconds. */
	double output_transform;
	/** Time spend on multiplication-accumulation of transformed coefficients, in seconds. */
	double block_multiplication;

enum nnp_status nnp_initialize(void);

enum nnp_status nnp_deinitialize(void);

 * @brief Computes output of a 2D convolutional layer from input and kernel tensors.
 * @details This function targets training of convolutional neural networks and performs forward propagation.
 *          It is optimized for moderate minibatch sizes (64-128) and can be inefficient on a small minibatch.
 *          For minibatch size 1, use nnp_convolution_inference for optimal performance.
 * @param algorithm The type of algorithm to use for convolution. Possible values are:
 *    - nnp_convolution_algorithm_auto    -- let the function choose the algorithm.
 *    - nnp_convolution_algorithm_ft8x8   -- tiled convolution based on 2D Fourier transform with 8x8 blocks.
 *                                           Supports kernels up to 8x8.
 *    - nnp_convolution_algorithm_ft16x16 -- tiled convolution based on 2D Fourier transform with 16x16 blocks.
 *                                           Supports kernels up to 16x16.
 *    - nnp_convolution_algorithm_wt8x8   -- tiled convolution based on 2D Winograd transform F(3x3, 6x6).
 *                                           Supports only 3x3 kernels.
 * @param batch_size The number of images on the input and output of the convolutional layer.
 * @param input_channels The number of channels (AKA features, dimensions) in the input images.
 * @param output_channels The number of channels (AKA features, dimensions) in the output images.
 * @param input_size Size of input images, excluding implicit zero-padding.
 * @param input_padding Implicit zero-padding of input images.
 * @param kernel_size Kernel size.
 * @param[in]  input  A 4D tensor input[batch_size][input_channels][input_size.height][input_size.width].
 * @param[in]  kernel A 4D tensor kernel[output_channels][input_channels][kernel_size.height][kernel_size.width].
 * @param[in]  bias   A 1D array bias[output_channels].
 * @param[out] output A 4D tensor output[batch_size][output_channels][output_size.height][output_size.width] where
 *                        output_size.height = (input_padding.top + input_size.height + input_padding.bottom) -
 *                                             (kernel_size.height - 1)
 *                        output_size.width  = (input_padding.left + input_size.width + input_padding.right) -
 *                                             (kernel_size.width - 1)
 * @param threadpool A thread pool for parallelization of the computation.
 *                   If threadpool is NULL, the computation would run on the caller thread without parallelization.
 * @param[out] profile An optional pointer to profiling structure.
 *                     If provided, the structure would record time spent in different phases of the computation.

enum nnp_status nnp_convolution_output(
	enum nnp_convolution_algorithm algorithm,
	size_t batch_size,
	size_t input_channels,
	size_t output_channels,
	struct nnp_size input_size,
	struct nnp_padding input_padding,
	struct nnp_size kernel_size,
	const float* input,
	const float* kernel,
	const float* bias,
	float* output,
	void* workspace_buffer,
	size_t* workspace_size,
	enum nnp_activation activation,
	const void* activation_parameters,
	pthreadpool_t threadpool,
	struct nnp_profile* profile);

 * @brief Computes gradient of input of a 2D convolutional layer from gradient of output and kernel tensors.
 * @details This function targets training of convolutional neural networks and performs backward propagation.
 *          It is optimized for moderate minibatch sizes (64-128) and can be inefficient on a small minibatch.
 * @param algorithm The type of algorithm to use for convolution. Possible values are:
 *    - nnp_convolution_algorithm_auto    -- let the function choose the algorithm.
 *    - nnp_convolution_algorithm_ft8x8   -- tiled convolution based on 2D Fourier transform with 8x8 blocks.
 *                                           Supports kernels up to 8x8.
 *    - nnp_convolution_algorithm_ft16x16 -- tiled convolution based on 2D Fourier transform with 16x16 blocks.
 *                                           Supports kernels up to 16x16.
 *    - nnp_convolution_algorithm_wt8x8   -- tiled convolution based on 2D Winograd transform F(3x3, 6x6).
 *                                           Supports only 3x3 kernels.
 * @param batch_size The number of images (and their gradients) on the input and output of the convolutional layer.
 * @param input_channels The number of channels (AKA features, dimensions) in the input images (and gradients).
 * @param output_channels The number of channels (AKA features, dimensions) in the output images (and gradients).
 * @param input_size Size of input images and their gradients, excluding implicit zero-padding.
 * @param input_padding Implicit zero-padding of input images.
 * @param kernel_size Kernel size.
 * @param[in]  grad_output A 4D tensor grad_output[batch_size][output_channels][output_size.height][output_size.width]
 *                         where
 *                           output_size.height = (input_padding.top + input_size.height + input_padding.bottom) -
 *                                                (kernel_size.height - 1)
 *                           output_size.width  = (input_padding.left + input_size.width + input_padding.right) -
 *                                                (kernel_size.width - 1)
 * @param[in]  kernel      A 4D tensor kernel[output_channels][input_channels][kernel_size.height][kernel_size.width].
 * @param[out] grad_input  A 4D tensor grad_input[batch_size][input_channels][input_size.height][input_size.width].
 * @param threadpool A thread pool for parallelization of the computation.
 *                   If threadpool is NULL, the computation would run on the caller thread without parallelization.
 * @param[out] profile An optional pointer to profiling structure.
 *                     If provided, the structure would record time spent in different phases of the computation.
enum nnp_status nnp_convolution_input_gradient(
	enum nnp_convolution_algorithm algorithm,
	size_t batch_size,
	size_t input_channels,
	size_t output_channels,
	struct nnp_size input_size,
	struct nnp_padding input_padding,
	struct nnp_size kernel_size,
	const float* grad_output,
	const float* kernel,
	float* grad_input,
	void* workspace_buffer,
	size_t* workspace_size,
	enum nnp_activation activation,
	const void* activation_parameters,
	pthreadpool_t threadpool,
	struct nnp_profile* profile);

 * @brief Computes gradient of kernel of a 2D convolutional layer from gradient of output and input tensors.
 * @details This function targets training of convolutional neural networks and performs backward propagation.
 *          It is optimized for moderate minibatch sizes (64-128) and can be inefficient on a small minibatch.
 * @param algorithm The type of algorithm to use for convolution. Possible values are:
 *    - nnp_convolution_algorithm_auto    -- let the function choose the algorithm.
 *    - nnp_convolution_algorithm_ft8x8   -- tiled convolution based on 2D Fourier transform with 8x8 blocks.
 *                                           Supports kernels up to 8x8.
 *    - nnp_convolution_algorithm_ft16x16 -- tiled convolution based on 2D Fourier transform with 16x16 blocks.
 *                                           Supports kernels up to 16x16.
 * @param batch_size The number of images (and their gradients) on the input and output of the convolutional layer.
 * @param input_channels The number of channels (AKA features, dimensions) in the input images.
 * @param output_channels The number of channels (AKA features, dimensions) in the output images (and gradients).
 * @param input_size Size of input images and their gradients, excluding implicit zero-padding.
 * @param input_padding Implicit zero-padding of input images.
 * @param kernel_size Kernel size.
 * @param[in]  input       A 4D tensor input[batch_size][input_channels][input_size.height][input_size.width].
 * @param[in]  grad_output A 4D tensor grad_output[batch_size][output_channels][output_size.height][output_size.width]
 *                         where
 *                           output_size.height = (input_padding.top + input_size.height + input_padding.bottom) -
 *                                                (kernel_size.height - 1)
 *                           output_size.width  = (input_padding.left + input_size.width + input_padding.right) -
 *                                                (kernel_size.width - 1)
 * @param[out] grad_kernel A 4D tensor
 *                         grad_kernel[output_channels][input_channels][kernel_size.height][kernel_size.width].
 * @param threadpool A thread pool for parallelization of the computation.
 *                   If threadpool is NULL, the computation would run on the caller thread without parallelization.
 * @param[out] profile An optional pointer to profiling structure.
 *                     If provided, the structure would record time spent in different phases of the computation.
enum nnp_status nnp_convolution_kernel_gradient(
	enum nnp_convolution_algorithm algorithm,
	size_t batch_size,
	size_t input_channels,
	size_t output_channels,
	struct nnp_size input_size,
	struct nnp_padding input_padding,
	struct nnp_size kernel_size,
	const float* input,
	const float* grad_output,
	float* grad_kernel,
	void* workspace_buffer,
	size_t* workspace_size,
	enum nnp_activation activation,
	const void* activation_parameters,
	pthreadpool_t threadpool,
	struct nnp_profile* profile);

 * @brief Computes output of a 2D convolutional layer for a single input image and a kernel tensor.
 * @details This function targets prediction with convolutional neural networks and performs forward propagation.
 * @param algorithm The type of algorithm to use for convolution. Possible values are:
 *    - nnp_convolution_algorithm_auto    -- let the function choose the algorithm.
 *    - nnp_convolution_algorithm_ft8x8   -- tiled convolution based on 2D Fourier transform with 8x8 blocks.
 *                                           Supports kernels up to 8x8.
 *    - nnp_convolution_algorithm_ft16x16 -- tiled convolution based on 2D Fourier transform with 16x16 blocks.
 *                                           Supports kernels up to 16x16.
 *    - nnp_convolution_algorithm_wt8x8   -- tiled convolution based on 2D Winograd transform F(3x3, 6x6).
 *                                           Supports only 3x3 kernels.
 * @param transform_strategy A strategy that guides computation of kernel transforms coefficients.
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