#pragma once
#include <torch/csrc/autograd/variable.h>
namespace torch {
namespace autograd {
/// Computes the sum of gradients of given tensors with respect to graph leaves.
/// The graph is differentiated using the chain rule. If any of ``tensors``
/// are non-scalar (i.e. their data has more than one element) and require
/// gradient, then the Jacobian-vector product would be computed, in this case
/// the function additionally requires specifying `grad_tensors`. It should be a
/// sequence of matching length, that contains the "vector" in the
/// Jacobian-vector product, usually the gradient of the differentiated function
/// w.r.t. corresponding tensors
/// (`torch::Tensor()` is an acceptable value for all tensors that don't need
/// gradient tensors).
/// This function accumulates gradients in the leaves - you might need to zero
/// them before calling it.
/// \param tensors Tensors of which the derivative will be computed.
/// \param grad_tensors The "vector" in the Jacobian-vector product, usually
/// gradients
/// w.r.t. each element of corresponding tensors. `torch::Tensor()` values
/// can be specified for scalar Tensors or ones that don't require grad. If
/// a `torch::Tensor()` value would be acceptable for all grad_tensors, then
/// this argument is optional.
/// \param retain_graph If `false`, the graph used to compute the grad will be
/// freed.
/// Note that in nearly all cases setting this option to `true` is not
/// needed and often can be worked around in a much more efficient way.
/// Defaults to the value of `create_graph`.
/// \param create_graph If `true`, graph of the derivative will be constructed,
/// allowing
/// to compute higher order derivative products. Defaults to `false`.
/// \param inputs Inputs w.r.t. which the gradient will be accumulated into
/// `at::Tensor::grad`. All other Tensors will be ignored. If not provided,
/// the gradient is accumulated into all the leaf Tensors that were used to
/// compute param `tensors`.
// When inputs are provided and a given input is not a leaf,
// the current implementation will call its grad_fn (even though it is not
// strictly needed to get this gradients). It is an implementation detail
// on which the user should not rely. See
// https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/60521#issuecomment-867061780 for
// more details.
TORCH_API void backward(
const variable_list& tensors,
const variable_list& grad_tensors = {},
c10::optional<bool> retain_graph = c10::nullopt,
bool create_graph = false,
const variable_list& inputs = {});
/// Computes and returns the sum of gradients of outputs with respect to the
/// inputs.
/// ``grad_outputs`` should be a sequence of length matching ``output``
/// containing the "vector" in Jacobian-vector product, usually the pre-computed
/// gradients w.r.t. each of the outputs. If an output doesn't require_grad,
/// then the gradient can be ``torch::Tensor()``).
/// \param outputs outputs of the differentiated function.
/// \param inputs Inputs w.r.t. which the gradient will be
/// returned (and not accumulated into ``at::Tensor::grad``).
/// \param grad_outputs The "vector" in the Jacobian-vector product.
/// Usually gradients w.r.t. each output. `torch::Tensor()` values can be
/// specified for scalar Tensors or ones that don't require grad. If a
/// `torch::Tensor()` value would be acceptable for all grad_tensors, then
/// this argument is optional. Default: `{}`.
/// \param retain_graph If ``false``, the graph used to compute the grad
/// will be freed. Note that in nearly all cases setting this option to
/// ``true`` is not needed and often can be worked around in a much more
/// efficient way. Defaults to the value of ``create_graph``.
/// \param create_graph If ``true``, graph of the derivative will
/// be constructed, allowing to compute higher order derivative products.
/// Default: ``false``.
/// \param allow_unused If ``false``, specifying inputs that were not
/// used when computing outputs (and therefore their grad is always zero)
/// is an error. Defaults to ``false``.
TORCH_API variable_list grad(
const variable_list& outputs,
const variable_list& inputs,
const variable_list& grad_outputs = {},
c10::optional<bool> retain_graph = c10::nullopt,
bool create_graph = false,
bool allow_unused = false);
namespace forward_ad {
/// Creates a new dual level and returns its index. This level index should then
/// be used to call into the other functions below. This API supports entering a
/// new level before the previous one is exited. We call them nested forward AD
/// levels. These can be used to compute higher order derivatives.
TORCH_API uint64_t enter_dual_level();
/// Exits the given level. This will clear up all the gradients from this level
/// and all dual Tensors that had gradients for this level will become regular
/// Tensors again. This function can only be used to exit the innermost nesting
/// level and so exiting must happen in reverse order compared to the entering
/// that was done with the function above.
TORCH_API void exit_dual_level(uint64_t level);
} // namespace forward_ad
} // namespace autograd
} // namespace torch