#pragma once
#include <ATen/LegacyBatchedTensorImpl.h>
#include <ATen/TensorOperators.h>
#include <torch/csrc/Export.h>
#include <torch/csrc/autograd/function.h>
#include <torch/csrc/autograd/utils/grad_layout_contract.h>
#include <torch/csrc/autograd/variable.h>
#include <ATen/Functions.h>
#include <ATen/ops/_sparse_coo_tensor_unsafe.h>
#include <mutex>
namespace torch {
namespace autograd {
if (!(RESULT.is_sparse() || VAR.is_sparse() || RESULT.is_sparse_csr() || \
VAR.is_sparse_csr())) { \
if (!utils::obeys_layout_contract(RESULT, VAR)) { \
"grad and param do not obey the gradient layout contract. " \
"This is not an error, but may impair performance.\n" \
"grad.sizes() = ", \
RESULT.sizes(), \
", strides() = ", \
RESULT.strides(), \
"\n", \
"param.sizes() = ", \
VAR.sizes(), \
", strides() = ", \
VAR.strides()); \
} \
struct TORCH_API AccumulateGrad : public Node {
explicit AccumulateGrad(Variable variable_);
variable_list apply(variable_list&& grads) override;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FunctionPreHook>>& tensor_pre_hooks() noexcept
override {
// NB: Since the AccumulateGrad Node is only a weak ref from the Tensor,
// it can be destroyed even though the Tensor is still alive (contrary
// to all other Nodes). So we must lazily read the Tensor hooks here.
return impl::hooks(variable);
// Given a variable with its current grad as variable_grad, accumulates
// new_grad into variable_grad if in place accumulation is possible.
// Otherwise, uses 'update_grad' to update the grad for the variable.
// "Gradient Layout Contract"
// AccumulateGrad tries to stash strided (non-sparse) grads with memory layout
// (strides) such that variables and grads interact efficiently in later
// optimizer kernels, and grads interact efficiently with c10d::Reducer.cpp.
// Specifically, AccumulateGrad tries to ensure the following
// (cf torch/csrc/autograd/utils/grad_layout_contract.h):
// (1) if variable.is_non_overlapping_and_dense(), the stashed grad's
// strides match variable.
// (2) else, stashed grad is rowmajor contiguous.
// If variable's grad does not exist (!variable_grad.defined())
// AccumulateGrad steals new_grad if it's stealable and obeys the contract
// already, otherwise it deep copies new_grad into an obedient clone.
// If variable's grad already exists (variable_grad.defined()), new_grad must
// be added to variable_grad. If we aren't setting up for double backward
// (!GradMode::is_enabled()), AccumulateGrad performs "variable_grad +=
// new_grad" in-place, which keeps variable_grad's layout. We assume (hope)
// variable_grad was created obeying (1) or (2) at some point in the past.
// If we are setting up for double backward, AccumulateGrad updates the grad
// out-of-place via "variable_grad + new_grad." TensorIterator operator+
// decides result's layout. Typically TensorIterator matches strides of the
// first arg, so we once again assume (hope) variable_grad was originally
// created obeying (1) or (2).
// AccumulateGrad does not enforce the contract with 100% certainty. Examples:
// - If a user manually permutes a param or its grad, then runs a fwd+bwd,
// variable_grad += new_grad keeps variable_grad's layout without
// rechecking the contract.
// - If TensorIterator changes its corner cases about operator+'s result
// (for example, giving more or less priority to channels_last inputs, see
// https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/37968) the result may not obey.
// Fortunately, if a given grad doesn't satisfy (1) or (2), the penalty is
// degraded performance in Reducer.cpp or optimizer kernels, not death by
// assert or silently bad numerics.
// variable: the variable whose grad we're accumulating.
// variable_grad: the current grad for the variable.
// new_grad: new grad we want to accumulate for the variable.
// num_expected_refs: the number of refs we expect to hold internally
// such that it is safe to avoid cloning the grad
// if use_count() of the grad is less than or equal
// to this value (in addition to post_hooks).
// update_grad: Function that is used to update grad for the variable.
// The argument to the function is a Tensor which
// is used to set a new value for the grad.
template <typename T>
static void accumulateGrad(
const Variable& variable,
at::Tensor& variable_grad,
const at::Tensor& new_grad,
size_t num_expected_refs,
const T& update_grad) {
if (!variable_grad.defined()) {
if (!GradMode::is_enabled() && !new_grad.is_sparse() &&
!new_grad.is_sparse_csr() &&
!(variable.is_sparse_csr() && new_grad.layout() == at::kStrided) &&
new_grad.use_count() <= num_expected_refs &&
(new_grad.is_mkldnn() ||
utils::obeys_layout_contract(new_grad, variable))) {
// we aren't setting up for double-backward
// not sparse
// no other user-visible tensor references new_grad
// new_grad obeys the "Gradient Layout Contract", there has a special
// case, For MKLDNN tensor, which is a opaque tensor, assuming it obeys
// layout_contract. Under these conditions, we can steal new_grad
// without a deep copy.
} else if (
!GradMode::is_enabled() && new_grad.is_sparse() &&
new_grad._indices().is_contiguous() &&
new_grad._values().is_contiguous() &&
// Use count for indices and values should always be <=1 since the
// SparseTensor should be the only one holding a reference to these.
new_grad._indices().use_count() <= 1 &&
new_grad._values().use_count() <= 1 &&
new_grad.use_count() <= num_expected_refs) {
// Can't detach sparse tensor (since metadata changes are not allowed
// after detach), so just create a new one for the grad which is a
// shallow copy. We need a shallow copy so that modifying the original
// grad tensor doesn't modify the grad we accumulate.
// We only skip clone if indices and values themselves are contiguous
// for backward compatiblity reasons. Since without this optimization,
// earlier we would clone the entire SparseTensor which cloned indices
// and values.
// For details see https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/34375.
} else {
if (new_grad.is_sparse() || new_grad.is_sparse_csr() ||
new_grad.is_nested()) {
} else {
if (new_grad.is_mkldnn()) {
} else {
// Deep copies new_grad according to the "Gradient Layout Contract."
update_grad(utils::clone_obey_contract(new_grad, variable));
} else if (!GradMode::is_enabled()) {
// This case is not strictly necessary, but it makes the first-order only
// case slightly more efficient.
if (variable_grad.is_sparse() && !new_grad.is_sparse()) {
// If `variable_grad` is sparse and `new_grad` is not sparse, their
// sum is not sparse, and we must change the TensorImpl type of
// `variable_grad` for it to store the result. However, changing the
// TensorImpl type of a tensor requires changing the tensor itself, and
// thus in this case we have to change the grad tensor.
auto result = new_grad + variable_grad;
CHECK_RESULT(result, variable);
} else if (!at::inplaceIsVmapCompatible(variable_grad, new_grad)) {
// Ideally we'd perform an in-place operation to avoid changing
// the grad tensor. However, if that's impossible because the grads
// are vmap-incompatible (See NOTE: [vmap-incompatible in-place
// operations]), then we just add them out-of-place.
auto result = variable_grad + new_grad;
CHECK_RESULT(result, variable);
} else {
// In this case we can avoid changing the grad tensor. There are three
// scenarios when we'll hit this case:
// 1. `variable_grad` is sparse, and `new_grad` is sparse.
// 2. `variable_grad` is dense, and `new_grad` is sparse.
// 3. `variable_grad` is dense, and `new_grad` is dense.
// 4. `variable_grad` is mkldnn, and `new_grad` is mkldnn.
// In all of these four cases, `variable_grad += new_grad` is a
// valid operation which adds `new_grad` to `variable_grad` in
// place. `variable_grad` is thus still referring to the same tensor
// after the operation.
// Also DistributedDataParallel(DDP) package relies on grad being
// mutated in place for saving peak memory usage. DDP will still
// work correctly if it is mutated out of place here, but DDP will
// maintain one extra copy of grad tensors in buffer and thus
// increase peak memory usage.
variable_grad += new_grad;
CHECK_RESULT(variable_grad, variable);
// ^ We could enforce the contract more aggressively here by writing:
// if (variable_grad.is_sparse() || new_grad.is_sparse()) {
// variable_grad += new_grad;
// } else if (obeys_layout_contract(variable_grad, variable)) {
// variable_grad += new_grad;
// } else {
// result = at::empty_strided(variable.sizes(), variable.strides(),
// variable.options().memory_format(c10::nullopt));
// update_grad(at::native::add_out(result, variable_grad,
// new_grad, 1.0);
// }
// However, that accumulation is sometimes in place and sometimes not,
// which may break user code.
} else {
at::Tensor result;
if (variable_grad.is_sparse() && !new_grad.is_sparse()) {
// CPU backend throws an error on sparse + dense, so prefer dense +
// sparse here.
result = new_grad + variable_grad;
} else {
// Assumes operator+ result typically matches strides of first arg,
// and hopes variable_grad was originally created obeying layout
// contract.
result = variable_grad + new_grad;
CHECK_RESULT(result, variable);
// ^ We could enforce the contract more aggressively here by saying
// if (obeys_layout_contract(new_grad, variable)) {
// update_grad(new_grad + variable_grad);
// } else {
// update_grad(variable_grad + new_grad);
// }
// such that the stashed grad is likely to have the right strides if
// either variable_grad or new_grad already has the right strides.
// We could enforce the contract with certainty by saying
// auto result = variable_grad + new_grad (or vice versa), checking
// result's layout, and copying to an obedient clone if necessary before
// update_grad. The copy would require another gmem pass. We can't create
// empty result with the right layout then add_out into it with a single
// kernel, because GradMode is enabled in this branch, and add_out isn't
// differentiable. Maybe more trouble than it's worth.
Variable variable;
} // namespace autograd
} // namespace torch