#pragma once
#include <torch/csrc/Export.h>
#include <torch/csrc/autograd/function.h>
#include <torch/csrc/autograd/variable.h>
#include <ATen/TensorGeometry.h>
#include <ATen/core/DeprecatedTypeProperties.h>
#include <c10/util/Optional.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
namespace torch {
namespace autograd {
struct TORCH_API CopyBackwards : public Node {
variable_list apply(variable_list&& grads) override;
at::TensorOptions src_options;
// Note [View + Inplace update for base tensor]
// This note covers a few important topics related to view + inplace handling.
// - It explains what is the CopySlices Node and why we need it.
// - It explains the considerations on what is saved for backward in
// CopySlices.
// - It explains why we need to sometimes change the exec_info of the current
// backward
// What is CopySlices?
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// We support autograd with inplace mutation; e.g., if you write x.mul_(2)
// the autograd will work as if you now had multiple Tensors under the hood and
// you did
// x = t.clone()
// x0 = x
// x1 = x0 * 2
// x = x1
// As you can see here, after this operation, x.grad_fn now points to x1.grad_fn
// (the MulBackward node) and this node points to x's original grad_fn (which is
// also x0.grad_fn). It is important to keep in mind that after the inplace,
// there is no Tensor object that represents the x0 state anymore. But the graph
// for it is still around in autograd (in case x was used before being modified
// inplace). See Example 1 in
// https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1-T5DyYfChMX1ONQkY-zU-hj_ayQ2zmA5CBOKDWqvEhE
// We call this rebasing the history of the Tensor.
// Now, a difficult situation is what happens if x is a differentiable view
// of a base b.
// b = t.clone()
// x = b.select(0, 0)
// x *= 2
// With the same approach as above, this will become
// b = t.clone()
// x = b.select(0, 0)
// b0 = b
// x0 = x
// x1 = x0 * 2
// b1 = b0.select_scatter(x1, 0, 0)
// x2 = b1.select(0, 0)
// x = x2
// b = b1
// As you can see here, not only we need to modify x's grad_fn, we also need to
// modify the one from b. We also need to ensure that the new grad_fn on x is
// linked to b's new grad_fn. The chain the select_scatter, multiplication and
// select is what CopySlices does, all wrapped into a single Node.
// See Example 1 in
// https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1-T5DyYfChMX1ONQkY-zU-hj_ayQ2zmA5CBOKDWqvEhE
// What do we need to save in CopySlices to run backward?
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// We need to perform grad_view = fn(grad_view), but out-of-place.
// view_fn_ is an optional lambda function saved in DifferentiableViewMeta
// from forward pass, so that we can recover we when as_strided is not
// supported. It preserves the invariants:
// view = view_fn_(base)
// grad_view = view_fn_(grad_base)
// When as_strided is supported (e.g. strided CPU/CUDA Tensors), view_fn_
// is empty and we save TensorGeometry(view) instead.
// With the TensorGeometry information we can use `as_strided` call which
// is more efficient to recover views in backward.
// For example:
// view_1 = view_op_1(base)
// view_2 = view_op_2(view_1)
// ...
// view_n = view_op_n(view_n-1)
// view_n = inplace_op(view_n)
// In CPU/CUDA case where we support efficient as_strided implementation,
// grad_view_n can be calculated through 1 step.
// grad_view_n = grad_base.as_strided(view_sizes, view_strides, view_offset);
// But in XLA backend where we don't have full support of as_strided,
// it has to save a chained lambda function view_fn_, to exactly
// replay how the view was done in forward.
// view_fn_ = view_op_n(...(view_op_2(view_op_1())))
// grad_view_n = view_fn_(grad_base)
// This chain view_fn_ works as long as forward view ops are implemented,
// e.g XLA simulates view without a real Storage behind Tensor, but it's less
// efficient than the as_strided one so we should be careful to only use it when
// necessary.
// - For CPU/CUDA we save TensorGeometry of both base and view tensors,
// That's all we need to pass into as_strided.
// E.g. int[] sizes, int[] strides, and int storage_offset.
// - For XLA we use view_fn_, which captures all forward view op arguments
// by **value**.
// E.g for at::narrow, int dim, int start, in length are saved.
// Theoretically we could also save Tensor `view` in CopySlices Node, but
// it's far more expensive than what we currently save.
// 1. We cannot afford keeping large tensors alive to recover views only.
// 2. There are inplace checks when Tensors are loaded back to make sure
// they haven't been changed (including size metadata).
// So saving metadata like TensorGeometry/view arguments is much better
// because it is minimal information needed to recover views, as well as it
// allows the user to modify the original Tensor without preventing the
// backward pass from running.
// Why do we manually change exec_info in the apply?
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// Using the same example as before,
// b = t.clone()
// x = b.select(0, 0)
// x *= y
// You can see the visualization at
// https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1Bx-Hcz-zlIv7PabQqnPhUIVIs9F8WWi48svqMsAUMFs
// which contains the wrapped MulBackward Node and show what it links to.
// Since a backward can happen between any subset of the inputs (t and y) and
// outputs (o, x, b). It is possible to get into a state where CopySlices's 0th
// next function (CloneBackward) needs gradient but MulBackward's 0th next
// function (SelectBackward) is not. This happens if you do autograd.grad
// between x and t for example.
// In such a case, we do need to mark SelectBackward as requiring gradient such
// that, during the execution of MulBackward, we will actually compute gradient
// for the 0th input.
// All the other next functions are always shared (this is asserted in the apply
// code) and so nothing needs to be done for them.
// See Note [View + Inplace update for view tensor] for what we do to view
// tensor when an in-place operation happens.
struct TORCH_API CopySlices : public Node {
const Variable& base_var,
at::TensorGeometry view_,
std::function<at::Tensor(const at::Tensor&)> view_fn_,
std::shared_ptr<Node> fn_);
variable_list apply(variable_list&& inputs) override;
void release_variables() override;
at::TensorGeometry base;
// view and view_fn are redundant and view_fn will be used if available.
// See Note [View + Inplace update for base tensor] for details.
at::TensorGeometry view;
std::function<at::Tensor(const at::Tensor&)> view_fn;
std::shared_ptr<Node> fn;
} // namespace autograd
} // namespace torch