#pragma once
#include <ATen/core/function.h>
#include <c10/util/Exception.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/api/function_impl.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/frontend/name_mangler.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/frontend/source_range.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/ir/ir.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/runtime/graph_executor.h>
#include <torch/csrc/Export.h>
#include <torch/csrc/utils/memory.h>
#include <ATen/core/function_schema.h>
#include <ATen/core/qualified_name.h>
#include <c10/util/ArrayRef.h>
#include <c10/util/Optional.h>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace torch {
namespace jit {
struct Def;
struct Property;
struct ClassDef;
struct SugaredValue;
struct Resolver;
using ResolverPtr = std::shared_ptr<Resolver>;
struct Self {
virtual ~Self() = default;
virtual std::shared_ptr<SugaredValue> makeSugared(Value* v) const = 0;
virtual ClassTypePtr getClassType() const = 0;
// A CompilationUnit is a list of named Functions
// with helper methods to iterate the list or invoke the function.
// Classes have a CompilationUnit holding the class methods,
// and Modules have a CompilationUnit holding the Functions that
// are used to implement their Methods
struct TORCH_API CompilationUnit {
enum class FunctionType { Method, Hook, PreHook };
// constructor that takes a set of functions to compile using the native
// resolver
explicit CompilationUnit(const std::string& source);
CompilationUnit() = default;
CompilationUnit& operator=(CompilationUnit&&) = default;
CompilationUnit(CompilationUnit&&) = default;
CompilationUnit& operator=(const CompilationUnit&) = delete;
CompilationUnit(const CompilationUnit&) = delete;
Function* find_function(const c10::QualifiedName& name) const {
auto it = dict_.find(name);
if (it == dict_.end()) {
return nullptr;
return functions_[it->second].get();
Function& get_function(const c10::QualifiedName& name) const {
if (auto r = find_function(name)) {
return *r;
TORCH_CHECK(false, "attempted to get undefined function ", name.name());
void set_optimized(bool o) {
"CompilationUnit::set_optimized() is deprecated and has no effect. "
"Please use setGraphExecutorOptimize()");
bool is_optimized() const {
"CompilationUnit::is_optimized() is deprecated and always returns true. "
"Please use getGraphExecutorOptimize()");
return true;
// for historic reasons, these are defined in ir_emitter.cpp
// Returns the list of Functions just defined.
std::vector<Function*> define(
const c10::optional<c10::QualifiedName>& prefix,
const std::vector<Property>& properties,
const std::vector<ResolverPtr>& propResolvers,
const std::vector<Def>& definitions,
const std::vector<ResolverPtr>&
defResolvers, /* determines how we handle free
variables in each definition*/
// if non-null, the first argument to each def, is bound to this value
const Self* self,
// see [name mangling]
bool shouldMangle = false,
c10::optional<size_t> operator_set_version = c10::nullopt);
void define_hooks(
const c10::optional<c10::QualifiedName>& prefix,
const std::vector<Def>& hookDefs,
const std::vector<ResolverPtr>& hookResolvers,
const std::vector<Def>& preHookDefs,
const std::vector<ResolverPtr>& preHookResolvers,
const Self* self,
bool shouldMangle = false);
// same as above but parse the definitions from source
// Returns the list of Functions just defined.
std::vector<Function*> define(
// prefix namespace to put all the defined functions into
const c10::optional<c10::QualifiedName>& prefix,
const std::string& source,
const ResolverPtr& resolver,
const Self* self);
void define_interface(
const c10::QualifiedName& qualifiedName,
const ClassDef& classDef,
ResolverPtr rcb,
bool is_module = false);
Function* create_function(
c10::QualifiedName name,
std::shared_ptr<Graph> graph,
bool shouldMangle = false) {
if (shouldMangle) {
name = mangle(name);
auto fn = torch::make_unique<GraphFunction>(
std::move(name), std::move(graph), nullptr);
auto ret = fn.get();
return ret;
std::vector<Function*> get_functions() const {
return fmap(functions_, [](const std::unique_ptr<Function>& fn) {
return fn.get();
/// Run a method from this compilation.
/// For example:
/// @code
/// IValue output = module->run("relu_script", a, b);
/// @endcode
/// To get a compile a module from a source string, see torch::jit::compile
/// @param method_name The name of the method to run
/// @param args Arguments to be passed to the method
/// @return An IValue containing the return value (or values if it is a tuple)
/// from the method
template <typename... Types>
IValue run_method(const c10::QualifiedName& method_name, Types&&... args) {
return get_function(method_name)({IValue(std::forward<Types>(args))...});
void drop_all_functions() {
* Register a class as being owned by this compilation unit.
void register_type(c10::NamedTypePtr namedType) {
// TODO: class types cannot be redefined because we have no way right now
// of invalidating their methods. NamedTuples are fine though, since they
// don't have methods.
0 == classDict_.count(*namedType->name()),
"class '",
"' already defined.");
classDict_[*classes_.back()->name()] = classes_.size() - 1;
c10::ClassTypePtr get_class(const c10::QualifiedName& name) const {
auto type = get_type(name);
if (!type) {
return nullptr;
return type->cast<c10::ClassType>();
c10::InterfaceTypePtr get_interface(const c10::QualifiedName& name) const {
auto type = get_type(name);
if (!type) {
return nullptr;
return type->cast<c10::InterfaceType>();
c10::TupleTypePtr get_named_tuple(const c10::QualifiedName& name) const {
for (const auto& cls : classes_) {
if (cls->name()->qualifiedName() == name.qualifiedName()) {
return cls->expect<TupleType>();
return nullptr;
c10::NamedTypePtr get_type(const c10::QualifiedName& name) const {
auto it = classDict_.find(name);
if (it == classDict_.end()) {
return nullptr;
return classes_[it->second];
// For testing: clear all Python-defined classes to ensure that unit tests
// have isolation.
void _clear_python_cu() {
// Delete all the associated class methods
for (const auto& type : classes_) {
if (auto cls = type->cast<ClassType>()) {
for (auto method : cls->methods()) {
// Tombstone the method in the compilation unit.
// Don't erase because the dict_
auto it = dict_.find(method->qualname());
if (it != dict_.end()) {
functions_[it->second] = nullptr;
// Erase in our big lookup table
// Classes can have multiple pointers to the same hook,
// need to make sure to not delete it twice
std::unordered_set<Function*> hooks_to_delete;
for (const auto& hook : cls->getForwardHooks()) {
for (const auto& pre_hook : cls->getForwardPreHooks()) {
for (const auto& hook : hooks_to_delete) {
// Tombstone the hook in the compilation unit.
auto it = dict_.find(hook->qualname());
if (it != dict_.end()) {
functions_[it->second] = nullptr;
// Erase in our big lookup table
// [Internal Only] Remove method.
// Note Used for freezing.
void unsafeRemoveMethod(const c10::QualifiedName& method_name) {
auto it = dict_.find(method_name);
it != dict_.end(),
"method '",
"' does not exist.");
functions_[it->second] = nullptr;
// [name mangling] All code objects must have a unique qualified name in a
// CompilationUnit. In Python, sometimes functions won't have unique qualified
// name (for example, nested functions). So we mangle Python functions to
// ensure that they are uniquely named.
// We also use mangling to distinguish different Module instances. Since each
// Module is a singleton class instance, different instances of the same
// Python Module will have different types but the same qualified name.
c10::QualifiedName mangle(const c10::QualifiedName& name) const {
auto mangled = name;
while (get_type(mangled) || find_function(mangled)) {
mangled = mangler_.mangle(mangled);
return mangled;
std::unique_ptr<Function> define(
const c10::optional<c10::QualifiedName>& prefix,
const Def& def,
const ResolverPtr& resolver,
const Self* self,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, Function*>& function_table,
bool shouldMangle = false,
FunctionType type = FunctionType::Method,
c10::optional<size_t> version = c10::nullopt) const;
// Define a property on \p self.
struct PropertyPair;
PropertyPair define_property(
const c10::optional<c10::QualifiedName>& prefix,
const Property& prop,
const ResolverPtr& resolver,
const Self* self,
const std::unordered_map<std::string, Function*>& function_table,
bool shouldMangle = false) const;
Function& register_function(std::unique_ptr<Function> fn) {
0 == dict_.count(fn->qualname().qualifiedName()),
"method '",
"' already defined.");
dict_[functions_.back()->qualname()] = functions_.size() - 1;
return *functions_.back();
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Function>> functions_;
// for fast lookup
std::unordered_map<c10::QualifiedName, size_t> dict_;
std::unordered_map<c10::QualifiedName, size_t> classDict_;
// [class ownership] Right now there aree two relationships between classes
// and compilation units:
// 1. Classes have compilation units internally that hold their methods.
// 2. On load, the TypePtrs of any imported classes are owned by the main
// module's compilation unit.
std::vector<c10::NamedTypePtr> classes_;
mutable NameMangler mangler_;
// An owning pointer to a Function. Just a pair of a raw Function ptr and it's
// owning CU. We need this because pybind requires a ref-counted way to refer to
// Functions.
struct StrongFunctionPtr {
StrongFunctionPtr(std::shared_ptr<CompilationUnit> cu, Function* function)
: cu_(std::move(cu)), function_(function) {
std::shared_ptr<CompilationUnit> cu_;
Function* function_;
namespace script {
// We once had a `script::` namespace that was deleted. This is for backcompat
// of the public API; new code should not use this type alias.
using CompilationUnit = ::torch::jit::CompilationUnit;
} // namespace script
} // namespace jit
} // namespace torch