#pragma once
#include <ATen/core/functional.h>
#include <ATen/core/ivalue.h>
#include <c10/util/Optional.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/api/method.h>
#include <utility>
namespace torch {
namespace jit {
struct Resolver;
using ResolverPtr = std::shared_ptr<Resolver>;
using ObjectPtr = c10::intrusive_ptr<c10::ivalue::Object>;
// Throw this in C++ land if `attr` fails. This will be converted to a Python
// AttributeError by the Python binding code
class ObjectAttributeError : public std::runtime_error {
ObjectAttributeError(const std::string& what) : std::runtime_error(what) {}
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init)
struct TORCH_API Object {
Object() = default;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init)
Object(ObjectPtr _ivalue) : _ivalue_(std::move(_ivalue)) {}
Object(std::shared_ptr<CompilationUnit> cu, const c10::ClassTypePtr& type);
std::shared_ptr<CompilationUnit> cu,
bool shouldMangle = false);
ObjectPtr _ivalue() const {
return _ivalue_;
c10::ClassTypePtr type() const {
return _ivalue()->type();
struct Property {
std::string name;
Method getter_func;
c10::optional<Method> setter_func;
void setattr(const std::string& name, c10::IValue v) {
if (_ivalue()->type()->hasConstant(name)) {
"Can't set constant '",
"' which has value:",
} else if (auto slot = _ivalue()->type()->findAttributeSlot(name)) {
const c10::TypePtr& expected = _ivalue()->type()->getAttribute(*slot);
"Expected a value of type '",
"' for field '",
"', but found '",
_ivalue()->setSlot(*slot, std::move(v));
} else {
TORCH_CHECK(false, "Module has no attribute '", name, "'");
c10::IValue attr(const std::string& name) const {
if (auto r = _ivalue()->type()->findAttributeSlot(name)) {
return _ivalue()->getSlot(*r);
if (auto r = _ivalue()->type()->findConstantSlot(name)) {
return _ivalue()->type()->getConstant(*r);
std::stringstream err;
err << _ivalue()->type()->repr_str() << " does not have a field with name '"
<< name.c_str() << "'";
throw ObjectAttributeError(err.str());
c10::IValue attr(const std::string& name, c10::IValue or_else) const {
if (auto r = _ivalue()->type()->findAttributeSlot(name)) {
return _ivalue()->getSlot(*r);
if (auto r = _ivalue()->type()->findConstantSlot(name)) {
return _ivalue()->type()->getConstant(*r);
return or_else;
bool hasattr(const std::string& name) const {
return _ivalue()->type()->hasAttribute(name) ||
// each object owns its methods. The reference returned here
// is guaranteed to stay valid until this module has been destroyed
Method get_method(const std::string& name) const {
if (auto method = find_method(name)) {
return *method;
AT_ERROR("Method '", name, "' is not defined.");
const std::vector<Method> get_methods() const {
return c10::fmap(type()->methods(), [&](Function* func) {
return Method(_ivalue(), func);
bool has_property(const std::string& name) const {
for (const auto& prop : type()->properties()) {
if (prop.name == name) {
return true;
return false;
const Property get_property(const std::string& name) const {
for (const auto& prop : type()->properties()) {
if (prop.name == name) {
c10::optional<Method> setter = c10::nullopt;
if (prop.setter) {
setter = Method(_ivalue(), prop.setter);
return Property{
prop.name, Method(_ivalue(), prop.getter), std::move(setter)};
AT_ERROR("Property '", name, "' is not defined.");
const std::vector<Property> get_properties() const {
return c10::fmap(type()->properties(), [&](ClassType::Property prop) {
c10::optional<Method> setter = c10::nullopt;
if (prop.setter) {
setter = Method(_ivalue(), prop.setter);
return Property{
prop.name, Method(_ivalue(), prop.getter), std::move(setter)};
c10::optional<Method> find_method(const std::string& basename) const;
/// Run a method from this module.
/// For example:
/// @code
/// IValue output = module->run("relu_script", a, b);
/// @endcode
/// To get a compile a module from a source string, see torch::jit::compile
/// @param method_name The name of the method to run
/// @param args Arguments to be passed to the method
/// @return An IValue containing the return value (or values if it is a tuple)
/// from the method
template <typename... Types>
IValue run_method(const std::string& method_name, Types&&... args) {
return get_method(method_name)({IValue(std::forward<Types>(args))...});
// so that C++ users can easily add methods
void define(const std::string& src, const ResolverPtr& resolver = nullptr);
size_t num_slots() const {
return _ivalue()->slots().size();
// shallow copy the object
Object copy() const;
// Copies all the attributes of the object recursively without creating new
// `ClassType`, including deepcopy of Tensors
Object deepcopy() const;
// mutable be we lazily initialize in module_object.
mutable ObjectPtr _ivalue_;
namespace script {
// We once had a `script::` namespace that was deleted. This is for backcompat
// of the public API; new code should not use this type alias.
using Object = ::torch::jit::Object;
} // namespace script
} // namespace jit
} // namespace torch