#pragma once
#include <ATen/core/ivalue.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/backends/backend_detail.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/ir/ir.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/ir/scope.h>
#include <atomic>
namespace torch {
namespace jit {
* BackendDebugHandleManager is responsible for issuing debug handles to
* backends. Debug handles are associated with nodes of a graph.
* BackendDebugHandleManager also maintains a map
* [debug-handle, DebugInfoTuple = {source range, inlined callstack ptr]} that
* will help generate a callstack for exception raised using debug handles.
* Effectively debug handles are something that is given to backend and later
* when an exception occurs in the backend, backend can tell, using debug
* handle, that an exception occurred here. Then the runtime can generate
* callstack correspoding to the exception.
* There are two parts to BackendDebugHandleManager:
* 1. static std::atomic debug_handle
* 2. Map of [debug-handle, DebugInfoTuple]
* About 1:
* Why do they have to be unique. The reason is that by ensuring
* uniqueness of debug handles, we remove the burden of another layer of
* mapping where we need to say this set of debug handles were generated for
* this lowered module or this bytecode function. This simplifies the API for
* serialization since debug handles can uniquely identify DebugInfoTuple.
* Thus simplifies the runtime API for throwing exception. Exception throwing
* only needs to know debug_handle and not which module or method threw it.
* There are 2 issues to keep in mind, though,for static std::atomic
* debug_handle: A. Performance implications of using atomic variable. However
* this is only used for compilation so we assume to absorb some of that
* penalty. Plus if there is no contention then we should have less to worry
* about. B. If repeated compilation is part of a long running process then we
* may overflow int64_t. We may detect and fail on this. For now this is not
* done.
* Now about 2:
* There are two usecases for [debug-handle, DebugInfoTuple]
* A. During bytecode generation the DebugInfoTuple corresponding to the nodes
* of the inlined graph being serialized, are stored in this object and a
* unique debug handle is returned. This unique debug handle is stored in
* mobile_debug info for pytorch lite models. It will be used for raising
* exceptions as well as profiling. B. During backend lowering, each backend's
* preprocess/compile method can compile method's graph and serialize those
* methods. Once the method is lowered to backend, graph is essentially lost.
* Without access to graph it is hard to generate model level debug info. Thus
* the debug handles provide a way to map nodes of the graph to the model level
* debug info.
* During byte-code model serialization, [debug-handle, DebugInfoTuple] is
* serialized. Now we know a. debug handles and b. how to map debug handles to
* model source code. Thus we can either do eager symbolication by converting
* debug handles to corresponding source code at runtime, or do lazy
* symbolicattion offline.
* Note that it is not necessary to serialize [debug-handle, DebugInfoTuple]
* corresponding to lowered backend if the lowering process, that is
* preprocess/compile, and execution happens in the same session, then eager
* symbolication can be employed.
* Now how does BackendDebugHandleManager capture all of the above?
* By providing two API.
* 1. getNextDebugHandle which given a Node* returns a unique debug handle,
* that will uniquely identify DebugInfoTuple.
* and
* 2. getCallStackPtrMap which returns the map
* [debug-handle, DebugInfoTuple]
* 1 provides debug handles to backends and 2 provides runtime a way to map
* debug handles to source level debug info.
* So why does debug handle map to DebugInfoTuple = {source range and inlined
* cs}? {debug_handle, source_range_tag, serialized_callstack} Take this
* example: class L(nn.Module): def __init__(self):
* ...
* def forward(self, x):
* return x * 5
* class M(nn.Module):
* def __init__(self):
* ...
* def forward(self, x):
* return x - 2
* class N(nn.Module):
* def __init__(self):
* self.m = M()
* def forward(self, x):
* return self.m(x) + 3
* m = torch.jit.script(N())
* Once you inline m's forward method, m.forward.graph will look something
* like this
* graph(%self...):
* %x = aten::mul(..)
* %x = aten::sub(x, ..)
* %y = aten::add(x, ..)
* ..
* Inlined callstack ptr for these two nodes will look like:
* aten::mul's inlined CS (callstack): [N.forward, source range] -> [M.forward,
* source range] aten::sub's inlined CS (callstack): [N.forward, source range]
* aten::add's inlined CS: null
* mul node's inlined CS contains only information about the callsites' source
* range The information about mul node's source range ('return x * 5') is not
* available in its inlined CS. It is rather part of node's source range
* instead of inlined CS. Thus to get full stack: [N.forward, source range] ->
* [M.forward, source range] -> [aten::mul's source range] We need to track
* mul's source range and inlined CS both.
using BackendDebugInfoMapType =
std::unordered_map<torch::jit::DebugHandleType, DebugInfoTuple>;
* This class is used to generate debug info map.
* backend's preprocess will call generate_debug_handles (see
* backend_detail.cpp), which uses debug_handle_manager to generate debug
* handles. When lowering process finishes, calling stopRecording will
* return debug info map from debug_handle_manager
class TORCH_API BackendDebugInfoRecorder {
BackendDebugInfoRecorder() = default;
int64_t getNextDebugHandle(const Node* node);
// Reason this is not done as RAII is that work done in stopRecording
// can throw, and throwing with dtor will call terminate and thus voids any
// exception catching at a higher level.
BackendDebugInfoMapType stopRecording();
NodeToDebugHandle generate_debug_handles(const std::shared_ptr<Graph>& graph);
static std::atomic<DebugHandleType> unique_debug_handle_;
BackendDebugInfoMapType handles_to_inlined_callstack_ptrs_;
} // namespace jit
} // namespace torch