#pragma once
#include <c10/util/Exception.h>
#include <c10/util/Optional.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <unordered_map>
namespace torch {
namespace jit {
class SourceRangeUnpickler;
struct SourceRange;
// A stringlike class backed by a vector of string_view
// the string represented are logically the concatenation of the string_views
// This has advantage of not needing continues memory.
struct TORCH_API StringCordView {
StringCordView(const StringCordView&) = default;
std::vector<c10::string_view> inputs,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<std::string>> ownerships);
StringCordView& operator=(const StringCordView&) = default;
size_t size() const {
return accumulated_sizes_.back();
size_t find(const std::string& tok, size_t start) const;
StringCordView substr(size_t start, size_t size) const;
char at(size_t index) const {
return *iter_for_pos(index);
char operator[](size_t index) const {
return at(index);
std::string str() const {
std::stringstream ss;
for (auto s : pieces_) {
ss << std::string(s);
return ss.str();
bool operator==(const std::string& rhs) const;
bool operator==(const StringCordView& rhs) const;
c10::string_view piece(size_t index) const {
return pieces_[index];
struct Iterator {
const StringCordView* str,
size_t start_line,
size_t start_pos,
size_t size)
: line_(start_line), pos_(start_pos), str_(str), size_(size) {}
explicit Iterator(const StringCordView* str)
: Iterator(str, 0, 0, str->size()) {}
Iterator() : Iterator(nullptr, 0, 0, 0) {}
Iterator(const Iterator&) = default;
Iterator(Iterator&&) = default;
Iterator& operator=(const Iterator&) = default;
Iterator& operator=(Iterator&&) = default;
Iterator operator++() {
if (size_ == 0) {
return *this;
if ((pos_ + 1) < str_->pieces_[line_].size()) {
} else {
pos_ = 0;
return *this;
Iterator operator++(int) {
Iterator prev(*this);
return prev;
Iterator next_iter() const {
Iterator next(*this);
return next;
Iterator& operator+=(size_t num) {
if (!has_next()) {
return *this;
size_t target_pos = pos_ + num;
if (target_pos >= str_->accumulated_sizes_[line_] &&
(line_ + 1) < str_->accumulated_sizes_.size() &&
target_pos < str_->accumulated_sizes_[line_ + 1]) {
pos_ = target_pos;
return *this;
size_t target_abs_pos = pos() + num;
*this = str_->iter_for_pos(target_abs_pos);
return *this;
bool operator==(const Iterator& rhs) const {
if (!has_next() && !rhs.has_next()) {
return true;
return (str_ == rhs.str_) && (line_ == rhs.line_) && (pos_ == rhs.pos_);
bool operator!=(const Iterator& rhs) {
return !((*this) == rhs);
bool has_next() const {
return size_ > 0 && (line_ < str_->pieces_.size());
char operator*() const {
TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(line_ < str_->pieces_.size());
TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(pos_ < str_->pieces_[line_].size());
return str_->pieces_[line_].at(pos_);
// returns rest of the line of the current iterator
c10::string_view rest_line() const {
if (line_ >= str_->pieces_.size()) {
return "";
c10::string_view cur_line = str_->pieces_[line_];
return cur_line.substr(pos_, std::string::npos);
size_t pos() const {
if (size_ == 0) {
return 0;
return str_->accumulated_sizes_[line_] + pos_;
size_t line_;
size_t pos_;
const StringCordView* str_;
size_t size_;
friend struct StringCordView;
Iterator begin() const {
return Iterator(this, 0, 0, size());
Iterator end() const {
return Iterator(this, pieces_.size(), 0, 0);
Iterator iter_for_pos(size_t pos) const;
std::vector<c10::string_view> pieces_;
std::vector<size_t> accumulated_sizes_;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<std::string>> owned_strings_;
// Source represents a code segment. It keeps track of:
// - text_view : the view into text of the code segment
// - filename (optional) : if present, represents the name of the file from
// which the code segment originated.
// - starting_line_no : represents the line in the original file where the
// code segment started.
struct TORCH_API Source {
// Whether or not Source should copy the string passed in the constructor.
enum CopiesString { COPIES_STRING, DONT_COPY };
explicit Source(
c10::string_view text_view,
c10::optional<std::string> filename = c10::nullopt,
size_t starting_line_no = 0,
std::shared_ptr<SourceRangeUnpickler> gen_ranges = nullptr,
CopiesString copies_str = COPIES_STRING)
: filename_(std::move(filename)),
gen_ranges_(std::move(gen_ranges)) {
if (copies_str == COPIES_STRING) {
std::shared_ptr<std::string> allocated_str =
std::make_shared<std::string>(text_view.data(), text_view.size());
text_view_ = StringCordView({*allocated_str}, {allocated_str});
} else {
text_view_ = StringCordView({text_view}, {});
explicit Source(
StringCordView str,
c10::optional<std::string> filename = c10::nullopt,
size_t starting_line_no = 0,
std::shared_ptr<SourceRangeUnpickler> gen_ranges = nullptr)
: text_view_(str),
gen_ranges_(std::move(gen_ranges)) {
// Given a line number (within source_), return the byte offset of the
// beginning of that line.
size_t offset_for_line(size_t line) const {
return line_starting_offsets_.at(line);
// Returns number of lines present.
size_t num_lines() const {
return line_starting_offsets_.size();
// Calculate the line (within the code segment) on which `offset` resides.
size_t lineno_for_offset(size_t offset) const {
auto iter = std::upper_bound(
line_starting_offsets_.begin(), line_starting_offsets_.end(), offset);
return iter - line_starting_offsets_.begin() - 1;
// Calculate the line (within the original source file, if present) on which
// `lineno` resides.
size_t lineno_to_source_lineno(size_t lineno) const {
if (filename_) {
return lineno + starting_line_no_;
} else {
return lineno;
StringCordView get_line(size_t lineno) const {
auto start = offset_for_line(lineno);
auto size = (lineno + 1) < num_lines() ? offset_for_line(lineno + 1) - start
: text_view_.size() - start;
return text_view_.substr(start, size);
const StringCordView& text_str() const {
return text_view_;
char char_at(size_t index) const {
return text_view_.at(index);
size_t size() const {
return text_view_.size();
c10::optional<std::string>& filename() {
return filename_;
size_t starting_line_no() const {
return starting_line_no_;
c10::optional<SourceRange> findSourceRangeThatGenerated(
const SourceRange& range);
~Source() = default;
void calc_line_start_offsets() {
size_t pos = 0;
while ((pos = text_view_.find("\n", pos)) != std::string::npos) {
StringCordView text_view_;
c10::optional<std::string> filename_;
// If filename_ is not present, starting_line_no_ is don't care
size_t starting_line_no_;
// Starting offsets for lines into the source. e.g. line 0 starts at
// line_starting_offsets_[0], etc.
std::vector<size_t> line_starting_offsets_;
std::shared_ptr<SourceRangeUnpickler> gen_ranges_;
// A SourceRange is a reference to subset of a Source, specified by `start` and
// `end` byte offsets into the source text.
struct TORCH_API SourceRange {
SourceRange(std::shared_ptr<Source> source_view, size_t start_, size_t end_)
: source_view_(std::move(source_view)), start_(start_), end_(end_) {
if (source_view_) {
start_iter_ = source_view_->text_str().iter_for_pos(start_);
SourceRange() : source_view_(nullptr), start_(0), end_(0) {}
std::shared_ptr<Source> source_view_,
StringCordView::Iterator start_iter,
size_t end_)
: source_view_(std::move(source_view_)),
start_iter_(start_iter) {}
const c10::string_view token_text() const {
size_t size = end() - start();
return start_iter_.rest_line().substr(0, size);
const StringCordView text() const {
return source_view_->text_str().substr(start(), end() - start());
size_t size() const {
return end() - start();
static const size_t CONTEXT = 3;
void highlight(std::ostream& out) const;
// Customizable version of 'highlight' method.
void print_with_context(
std::ostream& out,
size_t context,
bool highlight,
const std::string& funcname) const;
const std::shared_ptr<Source>& source() const {
return source_view_;
size_t start() const {
return start_;
size_t end() const {
return end_;
std::string str() const {
std::stringstream ss;
return ss.str();
c10::optional<std::tuple<std::string, size_t, size_t>> file_line_col() const {
if (!source_view_ || !source()->filename()) {
return c10::nullopt;
auto lineno = source_view_->lineno_for_offset(start_);
auto col_offset = (int)start_ - (int)source_view_->offset_for_line(lineno);
// TODO: c10::optional<>::value returns an rvalue ref so can't use it here??
return std::make_tuple<std::string, size_t, size_t>(
bool operator==(const SourceRange& rhs) const {
return start() == rhs.start() && end() == rhs.end() &&
source() == rhs.source();
bool operator!=(const SourceRange& rhs) const {
return !(*this == rhs);
c10::optional<SourceRange> findSourceRangeThatGenerated() const {
if (!source_view_) {
return c10::nullopt;
return source_view_->findSourceRangeThatGenerated(*this);
std::shared_ptr<Source> source_view_;
size_t start_;
size_t end_;
StringCordView::Iterator start_iter_;
// OwnedSourceRange is just like a SourceRange except that it owns a `Source`
// instead of `Source`. Thus OwnedSourceRange owns a copy of source text.
struct OwnedSourceRange : public SourceRange {
explicit OwnedSourceRange(const SourceRange& source_range)
: SourceRange(source_range) {
const auto& source = source_range.source();
if (source) {
source_view_ = std::make_shared<Source>(
struct TORCH_API SourceRangeHasher {
size_t operator()(const torch::jit::SourceRange& key) const;
struct StackEntry {
std::string filename;
SourceRange range;
TORCH_API void format_stack_trace(
std::ostream& out,
const std::vector<StackEntry>& entries);
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const SourceRange& range) {
return out;
// A pair of (byte offset, SourceRange) describing a specific segment
// of the output stream
struct TaggedRange {
TaggedRange(size_t bytes, SourceRange range)
: bytes(bytes), range(std::move(range)) {}
size_t bytes;
SourceRange range;
using SourceRangeRecords = std::vector<TaggedRange>;
using SourceRangeTagMap =
std::unordered_map<SourceRange, int64_t, SourceRangeHasher>;
} // namespace jit
} // namespace torch
namespace std {
template <>
struct iterator_traits<torch::jit::StringCordView::Iterator> {
using value_type = char;
using difference_type = ptrdiff_t;
using pointer = char*;
using reference = char&;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
} // namespace std