#pragma once
#include <c10/util/string_utils.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/frontend/error_report.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/frontend/strtod.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/frontend/tree.h>
#include <c10/util/complex.h>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
namespace torch {
namespace jit {
// clang-format off
// TreeView provides a statically-typed way to traverse the tree, which should
// be formed according to the grammar below.
// A few notes on types and their aliases:
// - List<T> is really a Tree with kind TK_LIST and elements as subtrees
// - Maybe<T> is really a Tree with kind TK_OPTION that has 0 or 1 subtree of type T
// - Builtin types are: Ident (TK_IDENT), String (TK_STRING)
// Param = Param(Maybe<Expr> type, Ident name) TK_PARAM
// Decl = Decl(List<Param> params, Maybe<Expr> return_type) TK_DECL
// Def = Def(Ident name, Decl decl, List<Stmt> body) TK_DEF
// ClassDef = ClassDef(Ident name, TK_CLASS_DEF
// Maybe<Expr> superclass,
// List<Stmt> body)
// Stmt = If(Expr cond, List<Stmt> true_body, List<Stmt> false_body) TK_IF
// | For(List<Expr> targets, List<Expr> iters, List<Stmt> body) TK_FOR
// | While(Expr cond, List<Stmt> body) TK_WHILE
// | Global(List<Ident> idents) TK_GLOBAL
// -- NB: the only type of Expr's allowed on lhs are Var
// Or a tuple containing Var with an optional terminating Starred
// | Assign(Expr lhs, Maybe<Expr> rhs, Maybe<Expr> type) TK_ASSIGN
// | AugAssign(Expr lhs, AugAssignKind aug_op, Expr rhs) TK_AUG_ASSIGN
// | Return(List<Expr> values) TK_RETURN
// | ExprStmt(List<Expr> expr) TK_EXPR_STMT
// | Raise(Expr expr) TK_RAISE
// | Def TK_DEF
// | With(List<WithItem> targets, List<Stmt> body) TK_WITH
// Expr = TernaryIf(Expr cond, Expr true_expr, Expr false_expr) TK_IF_EXPR
// | BinOp(Expr lhs, Expr rhs)
// | And TK_AND
// | Or TK_OR
// | Lt '<'
// | Gt '>'
// | Eq TK_EQ
// | Le TK_LE
// | Ge TK_GE
// | Ne TK_NE
// | Is TK_IS
// | IsNot TK_ISNOT
// | Add '+'
// | Sub '-'
// | Mul '*'
// | Div '/'
// | Mod '%'
// | MatMult '@'
// | Pow TK_POW
// | UnaryOp(Expr expr)
// | Not TK_NOT
// | USub '-'
// | Const(String value) TK_CONST
// -- NB: x.name(y) is desugared into name(x, y)
// | Apply(Ident name, List<Expr> args, List<Attribute> kwargs) TK_APPLY
// | Select(Expr value, Ident selector) '.'
// | Subscript(Expr value, List<Expr> subscript_exprs) TK_SUBSCRIPT
// | SliceExpr(Maybe<Expr> start, Maybe<Expr> end) TK_SLICE_EXPR
// | Var(Ident name) TK_VAR
// | ListLiteral(List<Expr> inputs) TK_LIST_LITERAL
// | TupleLiteral(List<Expr> inputs) TK_TUPLE_LITERAL
// | Starred(Expr expr) TK_STARRED
// | WithItem(Expr target, Maybe<Var> var) TK_WITH_ITEM
// -- NB: only allowed expressions are Const or List(Const)
// (List as a value, not type constructor)
// Attribute = Attribute(Ident name, Expr value) TK_ATTRIBUTE
// AugAssignKind =
// | Add() TK_PLUS_EQ
// | Sub() TK_MINUS_EQ
// | Mul() TK_TIMES_EQ
// | Div() TK_DIV_EQ
// | Mod() TK_MOD_EQ
// Each subclass of TreeView should provide:
// 1. Constructor that takes a TreeRef, and checks that it's of the right type.
// 2. Accessors that get underlying information out of the object. If they
// return subtrees, they should wrap them in appropriate views too.
// 3. Static method 'create' that creates the underlying TreeRef object
// for every TreeRef kind that has a TreeView, the parser always uses
// (e.g.) Ident::create rather than Compound::Create, this means that
// changes to the structure of Ident are always made right here rather
// than both in the parser and in this code.
// XXX: these structs should have no fields to prevent slicing when passing by value
// clang-format on
struct TreeView {
explicit TreeView(TreeRef tree) : tree_(std::move(tree)) {}
TreeRef tree() const {
return tree_;
const SourceRange& range() const {
return tree_->range();
operator TreeRef() const {
return tree_;
const TreeRef& get() const {
return tree_;
int kind() const {
return tree_->kind();
void dump() const {
std::cout << tree_;
const TreeRef& subtree(size_t i) const {
return tree_->trees().at(i);
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-non-private-member-variables-in-classes)
TreeRef tree_;
template <typename T>
struct ListIterator {
ListIterator(TreeList::const_iterator it) : it(it) {}
bool operator!=(const ListIterator& rhs) const {
return it != rhs.it;
bool operator==(const ListIterator& rhs) const {
return it == rhs.it;
T operator*() const {
return T(*it);
ListIterator& operator+=(std::ptrdiff_t n) {
it += n;
return *this;
ListIterator& operator++() {
return *this;
ListIterator& operator--() {
return *this;
TreeList::const_iterator it;
template <typename T>
struct List : public TreeView {
using iterator = ListIterator<T>;
using const_iterator = ListIterator<T>;
List(const TreeRef& tree) : TreeView(tree) {
// Iterate over list to temporarily instantiate Ts that will check the type
for (const T& elem : *this) {
(void)elem; // silence unused warning
iterator begin() const {
return iterator(tree_->trees().begin());
iterator end() const {
return iterator(tree_->trees().end());
bool empty() const {
return tree_->trees().begin() == tree_->trees().end();
T operator[](size_t i) const {
return T(subtree(i));
TreeRef map(const std::function<TreeRef(const T&)>& fn) {
return tree_->map([&](TreeRef v) { return fn(T(v)); });
static List create(const SourceRange& range, const std::vector<T>& subtrees) {
TreeList type_erased_sub{subtrees.begin(), subtrees.end()};
return List(Compound::create(TK_LIST, range, std::move(type_erased_sub)));
static List unsafeCreate(const SourceRange& range, TreeList&& subtrees) {
return List(Compound::create(TK_LIST, range, std::move(subtrees)));
size_t size() const {
return tree_->trees().size();
template <typename T>
struct Maybe : public TreeView {
explicit Maybe(const TreeRef& tree) : TreeView(tree) {
if (tree_->trees().size() > 1)
throw ErrorReport(tree) << "Maybe trees can have at most one subtree";
/* implicit */ Maybe(const T& tree) : TreeView(tree) {}
bool present() const {
return tree_->trees().size() > 0;
T get() const {
return T(tree_->trees().at(0));
TreeRef map(const std::function<TreeRef(const T&)>& fn) {
return tree_->map([&](TreeRef v) { return fn(T(v)); });
static Maybe<T> create(const SourceRange& range) {
return Maybe<T>(Compound::create(TK_OPTION, range, {}));
static Maybe<T> create(const SourceRange& range, const T& value) {
return Maybe<T>(Compound::create(TK_OPTION, range, {value}));
struct Ident : public TreeView {
explicit Ident(const TreeRef& tree) : TreeView(tree) {
const std::string& name() const {
return subtree(0)->stringValue();
static Ident create(const SourceRange& range, std::string name) {
return Ident(
Compound::create(TK_IDENT, range, {String::create(std::move(name))}));
// Base types (production LHS)
struct Stmt : public TreeView {
explicit Stmt(const TreeRef& tree) : TreeView(tree) {
switch (tree->kind()) {
case TK_IF:
case TK_FOR:
case TK_WHILE:
case TK_RAISE:
case TK_PASS:
case TK_BREAK:
case TK_DEF:
case TK_WITH:
throw ErrorReport(tree)
<< kindToString(tree->kind()) << " is not a valid Stmt";
struct Expr : public TreeView {
explicit Expr(const TreeRef& tree) : TreeView(tree) {
switch (tree->kind()) {
case TK_IF_EXPR:
case TK_AND:
case TK_OR:
case '<':
case '>':
case TK_IS:
case TK_ISNOT:
case TK_EQ:
case TK_LE:
case TK_GE:
case TK_NE:
case '+':
case '-':
case '~':
case '*':
case '/':
case '%':
case TK_NOT:
case TK_CONST:
case TK_TRUE:
case TK_FALSE:
case TK_NONE:
case TK_CAST:
case TK_APPLY:
case '.':
case TK_VAR:
case '@':
case TK_POW:
case '&':
case '^':
case '|':
case TK_DOTS:
case TK_IN:
throw ErrorReport(tree)
<< kindToString(tree->kind()) << " is not a valid Expr";
// Helper nodes (mostly for function arguments)
struct Attribute : public TreeView {
explicit Attribute(const TreeRef& tree) : TreeView(tree) {
Ident name() const {
return Ident(subtree(0));
Expr value() const {
return Expr(subtree(1));
static Attribute create(
const SourceRange& range,
const Ident& name,
const TreeRef& value) {
return Attribute(Compound::create(TK_ATTRIBUTE, range, {name, value}));
struct Param : public TreeView {
explicit Param(const TreeRef& tree) : TreeView(tree) {
static Param create(
const SourceRange& range,
const Ident& ident,
const Maybe<Expr>& type,
const Maybe<Expr>& def,
bool kwarg_only) {
TreeRef kwarg_only_tree =
Compound::create(kwarg_only ? TK_TRUE : TK_FALSE, range, {});
return Param(Compound::create(
TK_PARAM, range, {ident, type, def, std::move(kwarg_only_tree)}));
Ident ident() const {
return Ident(subtree(0));
Maybe<Expr> type() const {
return Maybe<Expr>(subtree(1));
Maybe<Expr> defaultValue() const {
return Maybe<Expr>(subtree(2));
bool kwarg_only() const {
return TK_TRUE == subtree(3)->kind();
Param withType(const Maybe<Expr>& typ) const {
return Param::create(range(), ident(), typ, defaultValue(), kwarg_only());
// Top level definitions
struct Decl : public TreeView {
explicit Decl(const TreeRef& tree) : TreeView(tree) {
List<Param> params() const {
return List<Param>(subtree(0));
Maybe<Expr> return_type() const {
return Maybe<Expr>(subtree(1));
static Decl create(
const SourceRange& range,
const List<Param>& params,
const Maybe<Expr>& return_type) {
return Decl(Compound::create(TK_DECL, range, {params, return_type}));
struct Def : public TreeView {
explicit Def(const TreeRef& tree) : TreeView(tree) {
Def withName(std::string new_name) const {
auto new_ident = Ident::create(name().range(), std::move(new_name));
return create(range(), new_ident, decl(), statements());
Def withDecl(const Decl& decl) const {
return create(range(), name(), decl, statements());
Ident name() const {
return Ident(subtree(0));
Decl decl() const {
return Decl(subtree(1));
List<Stmt> statements() const {
return List<Stmt>(subtree(2));
static Def create(
const SourceRange& range,
const Ident& name,
const Decl& decl,
const List<Stmt>& stmts) {
return Def(Compound::create(TK_DEF, range, {name, decl, stmts}));
// Property represents a named attribute combined with a getter and setter
// method to access and mutate that attribute.
struct Property : public TreeView {
explicit Property(const TreeRef& tree) : TreeView(tree) {
Ident name() const {
return Ident(subtree(0));
Def getter() const {
return Def(subtree(1));
Maybe<Def> setter() const {
return Maybe<Def>(subtree(2));
static Property create(
const SourceRange& range,
const Ident& name,
const Def& getter,
const Maybe<Def>& setter) {
return Property(Compound::create(TK_PROP, range, {name, getter, setter}));
struct Assign;
struct ClassDef : public TreeView {
explicit ClassDef(const TreeRef& tree) : TreeView(tree) {
explicit ClassDef(TreeRef&& tree) : TreeView(std::move(tree)) {
ClassDef withName(std::string new_name) const {
auto new_ident = Ident::create(name().range(), std::move(new_name));
return create(range(), new_ident, superclass(), body());
Ident name() const {
return Ident(subtree(0));
Maybe<Expr> superclass() const {
return Maybe<Expr>(subtree(1));
List<Stmt> body() const {
return List<Stmt>(subtree(2));
Maybe<List<Property>> properties() const {
return Maybe<List<Property>>(subtree(3));
Maybe<List<Assign>> assigns() const {
return Maybe<List<Assign>>(subtree(4));
static ClassDef create(
const SourceRange& range,
const Ident& name,
const Maybe<Expr>& superclass,
const List<Stmt>& body) {
return ClassDef(Compound::create(
static ClassDef create(
const SourceRange& range,
const Ident& name,
const Maybe<Expr>& superclass,
const List<Stmt>& body,
const List<Property>& properties,
const List<Assign>& assigns);
TORCH_API std::vector<std::string> getUnresolvedClassAttributes(
const ClassDef& def);
// Statements
struct If : public Stmt {
explicit If(const TreeRef& tree) : Stmt(tree) {
Expr cond() const {
return Expr(subtree(0));
List<Stmt> trueBranch() const {
return List<Stmt>(subtree(1));
List<Stmt> falseBranch() const {
return List<Stmt>(subtree(2));
If withNewBranches(
const List<Stmt>& true_branch,
const List<Stmt>& false_branch) const {
return create(range(), cond(), true_branch, false_branch);
static If create(
const SourceRange& range,
const Expr& cond,
const List<Stmt>& true_branch,
const List<Stmt>& false_branch) {
return If(
Compound::create(TK_IF, range, {cond, true_branch, false_branch}));
struct While : public Stmt {
explicit While(const TreeRef& tree) : Stmt(tree) {
Expr cond() const {
return Expr(subtree(0));
List<Stmt> body() const {
return List<Stmt>(subtree(1));
static While create(
const SourceRange& range,
const Expr& cond,
const List<Stmt>& body) {
return While(Compound::create(TK_WHILE, range, {cond, body}));
struct For : public Stmt {
explicit For(const TreeRef& tree) : Stmt(tree) {
List<Expr> targets() const {
return List<Expr>(subtree(0));
List<Expr> itrs() const {
return List<Expr>(subtree(1));
List<Stmt> body() const {
return List<Stmt>(subtree(2));
static For create(
const SourceRange& range,
const List<Expr>& targets,
const List<Expr>& itrs,
const List<Stmt>& body) {
return For(Compound::create(TK_FOR, range, {targets, itrs, body}));
// TODO: supports only single comprehension for now
struct ListComp : public Expr {
explicit ListComp(const TreeRef& tree) : Expr(tree) {
Expr elt() const {
return Expr(subtree(0));
Expr target() const {
return Expr(subtree(1));
Expr iter() const {
return Expr(subtree(2));
// TODO: no ifs for now
static ListComp create(
const SourceRange& range,
const Expr& elt,
const Expr& target,
const Expr& iter) {
return ListComp(Compound::create(TK_LIST_COMP, range, {elt, target, iter}));
// TODO: supports only single comprehension for now
struct DictComp : public Expr {
explicit DictComp(const TreeRef& tree) : Expr(tree) {
Expr key() const {
return Expr(subtree(0));
Expr value() const {
return Expr(subtree(1));
Expr target() const {
return Expr(subtree(2));
Expr iter() const {
return Expr(subtree(3));
// TODO: no ifs for now
static DictComp create(
const SourceRange& range,
const Expr& key,
const Expr& value,
const Expr& target,
const Expr& iter) {
return DictComp(
Compound::create(TK_DICT_COMP, range, {key, value, target, iter}));
struct Global : public Stmt {
explicit Global(const TreeRef& tree) : Stmt(tree) {
List<Ident> names() {
return List<Ident>(subtree(0));
static Global create(const SourceRange& range, const List<Ident>& names) {
return Global(Compound::create(TK_GLOBAL, range, {names}));
struct AugAssignKind : public TreeView {
explicit AugAssignKind(const TreeRef& tree) : TreeView(tree) {
switch (tree->kind()) {
case '+':
case '-':
case '*':
case '/':
case '%':
case '|':
case '&':
case '^':
case TK_POW:
throw ErrorReport(tree) << "is not a valid AugAssignKind";
// Augmented assignment, like "foo += bar"
struct AugAssign : public Stmt {
explicit AugAssign(const TreeRef& tree) : Stmt(tree) {
static AugAssign create(
const SourceRange& range,
const Expr& lhs,
const AugAssignKind& aug_op,
const Expr& rhs) {
return AugAssign(
Compound::create(TK_AUG_ASSIGN, range, {lhs, aug_op, rhs}));
Expr lhs() const {
return Expr(subtree(0));
int aug_op() const {
return subtree(1)->kind();
Expr rhs() const {
return Expr(subtree(2));
struct Assign : public Stmt {
explicit Assign(const TreeRef& tree) : Stmt(tree) {
static Assign create(
const SourceRange& range,
const List<Expr>& lhs,
const Maybe<Expr>& rhs,
const Maybe<Expr>& type) {
return Assign(Compound::create(TK_ASSIGN, range, {lhs, rhs, type}));
List<Expr> lhs_list() const {
return List<Expr>(subtree(0));
Expr lhs() const {
const auto& li = lhs_list();
TORCH_INTERNAL_ASSERT(li.size() == 1);
return *li.begin();
Maybe<Expr> rhs() const {
return Maybe<Expr>(subtree(1));
Maybe<Expr> type() const {
return Maybe<Expr>(subtree(2));
struct Return : public Stmt {
explicit Return(const TreeRef& tree) : Stmt(tree) {
Expr expr() const {
return Expr(subtree(0));
static Return create(const SourceRange& range, const Expr& value) {
return Return(Compound::create(TK_RETURN, range, {value}));
struct Raise : public Stmt {
explicit Raise(const TreeRef& tree) : Stmt(tree) {
Expr expr() const {
return Expr(subtree(0));
static Raise create(const SourceRange& range, const Expr& expr) {
return Raise(Compound::create(TK_RAISE, range, {expr}));
struct Assert : public Stmt {
explicit Assert(const TreeRef& tree) : Stmt(tree) {
Expr test() const {
return Expr(subtree(0));
Maybe<Expr> msg() const {
return Maybe<Expr>(subtree(1));
static Assert create(
const SourceRange& range,
const Expr& test,
const Maybe<Expr>& msg) {
return Assert(Compound::create(TK_ASSERT, range, {test, msg}));
struct Pass : public Stmt {
explicit Pass(const TreeRef& tree) : Stmt(tree) {
static Pass create(const SourceRange& range) {
return Pass(Compound::create(TK_PASS, range, {}));
struct Dots : public Expr {
explicit Dots(const TreeRef& tree) : Expr(tree) {
static Dots create(const SourceRange& range) {
return Dots(Compound::create(TK_DOTS, range, {}));
struct Break : public Stmt {
explicit Break(const TreeRef& tree) : Stmt(tree) {
static Break create(const SourceRange& range) {
return Break(Compound::create(TK_BREAK, range, {}));
struct Continue : public Stmt {
explicit Continue(const TreeRef& tree) : Stmt(tree) {
static Continue create(const SourceRange& range) {
return Continue(Compound::create(TK_CONTINUE, range, {}));
struct ExprStmt : public Stmt {
explicit ExprStmt(const TreeRef& tree) : Stmt(tree) {
Expr expr() {
return Expr(subtree(0));
static ExprStmt create(const SourceRange& range, const Expr& list) {
return ExprStmt(Compound::create(TK_EXPR_STMT, range, {list}));
// Expressions
struct BinOp : public Expr {
explicit BinOp(const TreeRef& tree) : Expr(tree) {
switch (tree->kind()) {
case TK_AND:
case TK_OR:
case '<':
case '>':
case TK_IS:
case TK_ISNOT:
case TK_EQ:
case TK_LE:
case TK_GE:
case TK_NE:
case '+':
case '*':
case '/':
case '-':
case '@':
case TK_POW:
case '%':
case '&':
case '^':
case '|':
case TK_IN:
if (tree->trees().size() != 2)
throw ErrorReport(tree)
<< "BinOp expected 2 subtrees, found " << tree->trees().size();
throw ErrorReport(tree)
<< kindToString(tree->kind()) << " is not a valid BinOp";
Expr lhs() const {
return Expr(subtree(0));
Expr rhs() const {
return Expr(subtree(1));
static BinOp create(
const SourceRange& range,
int kind,
const Expr& lhs,
const Expr& rhs) {
return BinOp(Compound::create(kind, range, {lhs, rhs}));
struct UnaryOp : public Expr {
explicit UnaryOp(const TreeRef& tree) : Expr(tree) {
switch (tree->kind()) {
case '~':
case TK_NOT:
if (tree->trees().size() != 1)
throw ErrorReport(tree)
<< "UnaryOp expected 1 subtree, found " << tree->trees().size();
throw ErrorReport(tree)
<< kindToString(tree->kind()) << " is not a valid UnaryOp";
static UnaryOp create(const SourceRange& range, int kind, const Expr& expr) {
return UnaryOp(Compound::create(kind, range, {expr}));
struct Const : public Expr {
explicit Const(const TreeRef& tree) : Expr(tree) {
tree_->matchNumSubtrees(TK_CONST, 1);
bool isFloatingPoint() const {
if (isComplex())
return false;
bool is_inf = subtree(0)->stringValue() == "inf";
return is_inf ||
subtree(0)->stringValue().find_first_of(".eE") != std::string::npos;
bool isIntegral() const {
return !isFloatingPoint() && !isComplex();
bool isComplex() const {
return subtree(0)->stringValue().find_first_of('j') != std::string::npos;
int64_t asIntegral() const {
try {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(modernize-use-nullptr)
return c10::stoll(subtree(0)->stringValue(), /*__idx=*/0, /*base=*/0);
} catch (const std::out_of_range&) {
throw ErrorReport(range()) << "Integral constant out of range "
"(must fit in a signed 64 bit integer)";
double asFloatingPoint() const {
// We can't pass in nullptr as the dummy pointer gets dereferenced for
// Android version of strtod_c().
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-init-variables)
char* dummy;
return torch::jit::strtod_c(subtree(0)->stringValue().c_str(), &dummy);
c10::complex<double> asComplex() const {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-init-variables)
char* dummy;
auto str = subtree(0)->stringValue();
// Complex numbers (a+bj, where a is non-zero) are parsed as an addition
// between float/int a and a complex number "bj". When a is 0, a complex
// number bj is created as above. So, while parsing the string, we don't
// have to worry about the real component of the complex number.
auto imag =
torch::jit::strtod_c(str.substr(0, str.size() - 1).c_str(), &dummy);
return c10::complex<double>(0, imag);
const std::string& text() const {
return subtree(0)->stringValue();
static Const create(const SourceRange& range, const std::string& value) {
return Const(Compound::create(TK_CONST, range, {String::create(value)}));
struct StringLiteral : public Expr {
explicit StringLiteral(const TreeRef& tree) : Expr(tree) {
tree_->matchNumSubtrees(TK_STRINGLITERAL, 1);
const std::string& text() const {
return subtree(0)->stringValue();
static StringLiteral create(
const SourceRange& range,
const std::string& value) {
return StringLiteral(
Compound::create(TK_STRINGLITERAL, range, {String::create(value)}));
struct Apply : public Expr {
explicit Apply(const TreeRef& tree) : Expr(tree) {
Expr callee() const {
return Expr(subtree(0));
List<Expr> inputs() const {
return List<Expr>(subtree(1));
List<Attribute> attributes() const {
return List<Attribute>(subtree(2));
static Apply create(
const SourceRange& range,
const Expr& callee,
const List<Expr>& inputs,
const List<Attribute>& attributes) {
return Apply(
Compound::create(TK_APPLY, range, {callee, inputs, attributes}));
struct Select : public Expr {
explicit Select(const TreeRef& tree) : Expr(tree) {
Expr value() const {
return Expr(subtree(0));
Ident selector() const {
return Ident(subtree(1));
static Select create(
const SourceRange& range,
const Expr& value,
const Ident& selector) {
return Select(Compound::create('.', range, {value, selector}));
struct SliceExpr : public Expr {
explicit SliceExpr(const TreeRef& tree) : Expr(tree) {
Maybe<Expr> start() const {
return Maybe<Expr>(subtree(0));
Maybe<Expr> end() const {
return Maybe<Expr>(subtree(1));
Maybe<Expr> step() const {
return Maybe<Expr>(subtree(2));
Expr startOr(int64_t alternative) const {
const auto startOption = start();
return startOption.present() ? startOption.get() : createInt(alternative);
Expr endOr(int64_t alternative) const {
const auto endOption = end();
return endOption.present() ? endOption.get() : createInt(alternative);
Expr stepOr(int64_t alternative) const {
const auto stepOption = step();
return stepOption.present() ? stepOption.get() : createInt(alternative);
static SliceExpr create(
const SourceRange& range,
const Maybe<Expr>& start,
const Maybe<Expr>& end,
const Maybe<Expr>& step) {
return SliceExpr(
Compound::create(TK_SLICE_EXPR, range, {start, end, step}));
Expr createInt(int64_t value) const {
return Expr(Const::create(range(), c10::to_string(value)));
struct Subscript : public Expr {
explicit Subscript(const TreeRef& tree) : Expr(tree) {
Expr value() const {
return Expr(subtree(0));
List<Expr> subscript_exprs() const {
return List<Expr>(subtree(1));
static Subscript create(
const SourceRange& range,
const Expr& value,
const List<Expr>& subscript_exprs) {
auto whole_range = SourceRange(
range.source(), range.start(), subscript_exprs.range().end() + 1);
return Subscript(
Compound::create(TK_SUBSCRIPT, whole_range, {value, subscript_exprs}));
struct Var : public Expr {
explicit Var(const TreeRef& tree) : Expr(tree) {
Ident name() const {
return Ident(subtree(0));
static Var create(const SourceRange& range, const Ident& name) {
return Var(Compound::create(TK_VAR, range, {name}));
// WithItem represents an item using with a WithStmt.
struct WithItem : public Expr {
explicit WithItem(const TreeRef& tree) : Expr(tree) {
Expr target() const {
return Expr(subtree(0));
Maybe<Var> var() const {
return Maybe<Var>(subtree(1));
static WithItem create(
const SourceRange& range,
const Expr& target,
const Maybe<Var>& var) {
return WithItem(Compound::create(TK_WITH_ITEM, range, {target, var}));
// With represents a with statement consisting of a list of with items and a
// body of statements.
struct With : public Stmt {
explicit With(const TreeRef& tree) : Stmt(tree) {
List<WithItem> targets() const {
return List<WithItem>(subtree(0));
List<Stmt> body() const {
return List<Stmt>(subtree(1));
static With create(
const SourceRange& range,
const List<WithItem>& targets,
const List<Stmt>& body) {
return With(Compound::create(TK_WITH, range, {targets, body}));
struct TernaryIf : public Expr {
explicit TernaryIf(const TreeRef& tree) : Expr(tree) {
tree_->matchNumSubtrees(TK_IF_EXPR, 3);
Expr cond() const {
return Expr(subtree(0));
Expr true_expr() const {
return Expr(subtree(1));
Expr false_expr() const {
return Expr(subtree(2));
static TernaryIf create(
const SourceRange& range,
const Expr& cond,
const Expr& true_expr,
const Expr& false_expr) {
return TernaryIf(
Compound::create(TK_IF_EXPR, range, {cond, true_expr, false_expr}));
struct ListLiteral : public Expr {
explicit ListLiteral(const TreeRef& tree) : Expr(tree) {
List<Expr> inputs() const {
return subtree(0);
static ListLiteral create(
const SourceRange& range,
const List<Expr>& inputs) {
return ListLiteral(Compound::create(TK_LIST_LITERAL, range, {inputs}));
struct TupleLiteral : public Expr {
explicit TupleLiteral(const TreeRef& tree) : Expr(tree) {
List<Expr> inputs() const {
return subtree(0);
static TupleLiteral create(
const SourceRange& range,
const List<Expr>& inputs) {
return TupleLiteral(Compound::create(TK_TUPLE_LITERAL, range, {inputs}));
struct DictLiteral : public Expr {
explicit DictLiteral(const TreeRef& tree) : Expr(tree) {
List<Expr> key_inputs() const {
return subtree(0);
List<Expr> value_inputs() const {
return subtree(1);
static DictLiteral create(
const SourceRange& range,
const List<Expr>& keys,
const List<Expr>& values) {
return DictLiteral(
Compound::create(TK_DICT_LITERAL, range, {keys, values}));
struct Starred : public Expr {
explicit Starred(const TreeRef& tree) : Expr(tree) {
Expr expr() const {
return Expr(subtree(0));
static Starred create(const SourceRange& range, const Expr& expr) {
return Starred(Compound::create(TK_STARRED, range, {expr}));
struct Delete : public Stmt {
explicit Delete(const TreeRef& tree) : Stmt(tree) {
List<Expr> targets() const {
return subtree(0);
static Delete create(const SourceRange& range, const List<Expr>& targets) {
return Delete(Compound::create(TK_DELETE, range, {targets}));
} // namespace jit
} // namespace torch
namespace std {
template <typename T>
struct iterator_traits<torch::jit::ListIterator<T>>
: std::iterator_traits<torch::jit::TreeList::const_iterator> {};
} // namespace std