#pragma once
#include <ATen/core/alias_info.h>
#include <c10/util/flat_hash_map.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/ir/ir.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/ir/type_hashing.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/passes/create_functional_graphs.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/passes/utils/memory_dag.h>
namespace torch {
namespace jit {
* Alias analysis pass.
* This pass produces an AliasDb that contains aliasing and mutation
* information about the graph. Users can use this information to determine
* whether mutations to the graph are safe, i.e. they don't reorder/change
* nodes in a way that affects output.
* Every value with a mutable type (Tensors, Lists, Tuples, etc.) will be
* associated with one or more "alias sets". If two values share an alias set,
* that means they may alias, implying that a mutation to one value cannot be
* reordered past a use of the other. Only reordering two reads of an alias set
* is considered safe.
* There is a special alias set called the "wildcard set", which indicates that
* we're not sure what this value may alias. To be conservative, we consider the
* wildcard alias set as potentially aliasing any other wildcard value within
* the same type class. Whenever a value becomes contained by another value,
* such as when a Tensor is appended to a List[Tensor], the contained element
* becomes part of the wildcard set.
* Values that contain other mutable types, such as List[Tensor], are
* initialized as containing the Wildcard set for all contained mutable types.
* The AliasDb API references the idea of "mutable" vs "immutable"
* types. "Mutable" means that the object's value can change, while
* "immutable" means that the value is fixed. (For example, `List` is
* mutable, so you can add and delete elements from it. On the other
* hand, you can't modify a Tuple once you create it, making `Tuple` an
* immutable container.)
* `isFrozen` - if the Module is frozen then consider attributes as freshly
* created objects. Freezing API invokes alias analysis to check if they are
* mutated internally.
* `descendFunctionCalls` - recursively analyze function and method calls
* instead of conservative analysis. Generally analysis should be done after
* inlining so the implmentation for recursive analysis is unoptimized.
class AliasDb {
TORCH_API explicit AliasDb(
std::shared_ptr<Graph> graphi,
bool isFrozen = false,
bool descendFunctionCalls = false);
TORCH_API ~AliasDb();
// There are limitations to what effects the alias analysis can track. Two
// kinds of nodes may have untracked effects:
// 1. Nodes that write to a value that may alias the graph inputs (since
// the inputs can be used outside the graph).
// 2. Nodes that write to something in the wildcard set.
// These nodes are considered not safe to eliminate or mutate under any
// circumstances.
bool writesToWildcard(Node* n) const;
// Does `n` write to an alias of one of the values in `vs`?
// if `recurseBlocks` is true, consider writes on the nodes in `n`s sub-blocks
TORCH_API bool writesToAlias(Node* n, const ValueSet& vs) const;
// Does `a` and `b` potentially share a memory location or do either
// hold in memory any element that exists in the other
TORCH_API bool mayContainAlias(Value* a, Value* b) const;
TORCH_API bool mayContainAlias(Value* a, const at::ArrayRef<Value*> b) const;
// Do any values in group `a` share a memory location or hold in memory
// any element that exists in group `b`
TORCH_API bool mayContainAlias(
const at::ArrayRef<Value*> a,
const at::ArrayRef<Value*> b) const;
// Do `a` and `b` potentially share a memory location?
TORCH_API bool mayAlias(const Value* a, const Value* b) const;
// Do any values in group `a` potentially share a memory location with any
// value in group `b`? i.e. may they overlap?
TORCH_API bool mayAlias(const ValueSet& a, const ValueSet& b) const;
// Do any nodes write to an alias set input to `n`?
TORCH_API bool hasInputWriters(const Node* n) const;
// Do any nodes write to an alias set output by `n`?
TORCH_API bool hasOutputWriters(const Node* n) const;
// Do any nodes write to an alias set inputed/outputed by `n`?
TORCH_API bool hasWriters(const Node* n) const;
// Do any nodes write to `v`s memory location?
TORCH_API bool hasWriters(const Value* v) const;
// Is the operation in-place? i.e. doesn't write anywhere but locations it
// reads from.
TORCH_API bool isMutable(Node* n) const;
TORCH_API bool escapesScope(const at::ArrayRef<Value*>& vs) const;
// Is it safe to change whether `a` and `b` alias each other ?
TORCH_API bool safeToChangeAliasingRelationship(
const at::ArrayRef<Value*>& a,
const at::ArrayRef<Value*>& b) const;
// Move `n` (already in the graph) after `movePoint` in the topological order.
// Tries to preserve value dependencies, so other nodes might be moved. We
// make two guarantees about the postcondition of the node list:
// - `n` is directly after `movePoint`.
// - only nodes between `n` and `movePoint` have been moved.
// Returns `false` if it's impossible to move `n` after `MovePoint` without
// violating dependencies, otherwise executes the move and returns `true`
TORCH_API bool moveAfterTopologicallyValid(Node* n, Node* movePoint);
TORCH_API bool moveBeforeTopologicallyValid(Node* n, Node* movePoint);
bool couldMoveAfterTopologically(Node* n, Node* movePoint);
bool couldMoveBeforeTopologically(Node* n, Node* movePoint);
// For debugging: print alias db state to stdout
TORCH_API void dump() const;
TORCH_API std::string toString() const;
// Generates a DOT (www.graphviz.org) graph representation
// Returns `true` if the output file was successfully generated
// WARNING: The output dot file path can't include shell specific notations,
// for example you can't use "~/temp/aliasdb.dot"
// (instead, use "/home/user/temp/aliasdb.dot")
TORCH_API bool dumpToGraphvizFile(const char* filename) const;
TORCH_API std::string toGraphviz() const;
// Returns `true` if the given element is mutable or if it is a
// container type with an internal mutable element (e.g.
// `Tuple[int, Tensor]` has an internal mutable type `Tensor`, so
// it would be considered a "mutable type" in AliasDb)
static bool isMutableType(const Value* v);
static bool isMutableType(const TypePtr& type);
* Mutation API
* These methods allow you to update AliasDb in-place if you are performing
* graph mutation.
* WARNING: These methods should be considered INTERNAL. They do not perform
* very many correctness checks, the user is responsible for making sure they
* are updating AliasDb correctly. `Lint()`ing the AliasDb can help with
* this.
// Copy `existing`s aliasing info to `new_value`, and remove `existing`.
TORCH_API void replaceWithNewValue(Value* existing, Value* new_value);
// Copy `from`s aliasing info to `to`.
TORCH_API void copyValue(Value* from, Value* to);
// Create a new `value` that does not alias anything else.
TORCH_API void createValue(const Value* value);
// Enable more precise treatment of prim::TupleConstruct.
void enablePreciseTupleContainerAnalysis();
friend struct MutationRemover;
// Helper for topologically-safe node moves.
class WorkingSet;
enum class MoveSide { BEFORE, AFTER };
bool tryMove(Node* toMove, Node* movePoint, MoveSide moveSide, bool dryRun);
void move(Node* toMove, Node* movePoint, MoveSide moveSide);
bool isBeforeOrAfter(const Node* n, MoveSide moveSide) const;
bool isMutableTypeInternal(const Value* v) const;
bool isMutableTypeInternal(const TypePtr& type) const;
* Write and read internal API
// Get all the values that `n` writes to.
// NOTE: this only returns values directly written to, not aliases thereof
// if `recurseBlocks` is true, gather writes on the nodes in `n`s sub-blocks
MemoryLocations getWrites(Node* n) const;
void getWritesImpl(Node* n, MemoryLocations& ret) const;
// Register the fact that `n` writes to `v`.
void registerWrite(const Value* v, Node* n, bool writeToContained = false);
// Get all the values that `n` reads from.
// if `recurseBlocks` is true, gather reads on the nodes in `n`s sub-blocks
MemoryLocations getReads(Node* n) const;
void getReadsImpl(Node* n, MemoryLocations& ret) const;
* Wildcard methods
// Register `v` as a wildcard value.
c10::optional<Element*> setWildcard(const Value* v);
// Is this a value which will not alias?
bool nonAliasingValue(const Value* elem) const;
* Special analysis methods
void analyze(const std::shared_ptr<Graph>& graph);
void analyze(Block* block);
void analyze(Node* node);
void analyzeImpl(Node* node);
void analyzeIf(Node* node);
void analyzeLoop(Node* node);
void analyzeSubgraph(Node* node, std::shared_ptr<Graph> subgraph);
void analyzeSubgraph(Node* node);
void analyzeCreator(Node* node);
void analyzeExtractor(Node* node);
void analyzeChunk(Node* node);
void analyzeBroadcastingChunk(Node* node);
void analyzeFork(Node* node);
void analyzeWait(Node* node);
void analyzeAwaitable(Node* node);
void analyzeAwaitableWait(Node* node);
void analyzeRpcAsync(Node* node);
void analyzeBatchNorm(Node* node);
void analyzeInstanceNorm(Node* node);
void analyzeGradOf(Node* node);
void analyzeSetAttr(Node* node);
void analyzeConservative(Node* node);
void analyzeContainerConstruct(Node* node);
bool tryRegisteredAnalysis(Node* node);
* Alias manipulation methods
void makeAllAlias(const std::vector<Value*>& values);
void makePointerTo(const Value* value, const Value* to);
TORCH_API void addToContainedElements(
const Value* element,
const Value* container);
void mapAliases(at::ArrayRef<Value*> to, at::ArrayRef<Value*> from);
void giveFreshAlias(
const Value* value,
bool add_wildcard_to_contained_elems = true);
Element* getOrCreateElement(const Value* value);
const AliasTypeSet* mapTypeToAliasTypeSetPtr(const TypePtr& type) const;
bool functionalNonEscapingListUse(const Use& use) const;
bool functionalNonEscapingTupleUse(const Use& use) const;
std::shared_ptr<Graph> graph_;
// If the Module is frozen then consider attributes as freshly created
// objects. Freezing API invokes alias analysis to check if they are mutated
// internally.
bool isFrozen_;
bool descend_function_calls_;
std::unordered_map<Graph*, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Graph>>>
// The points-to graph that stores aliasing relationships
std::unique_ptr<MemoryDAGBuilder> memoryDAGBuilder_;
std::unique_ptr<MemoryDAG> memoryDAG_;
// Mapping of values to MemoryDAG elements
ska::flat_hash_map<const Value*, Element*> elementMap_;
// All wildcard Elements (one for each unique mutable type)
ska::flat_hash_map<TypePtr, Element*, HashType, EqualType> wildcardIndex_;
Element* getWildcard(const TypePtr& type) const;
c10::optional<Element*> tryGetOrCreateWildcard(const TypePtr& type);
void addContainedTypesToFreshElement(
Element* container_elem,
const AliasTypeSet& mut_types);
void pointUnionTypeElementToAllContainedTypes(
Element* container_elem,
const AliasTypeSet& mut_types);
std::vector<Element*> getElements(at::ArrayRef<Value*> vs) const;
bool mayAliasWildcard(const Value* v) const;
bool mayAliasWildcard(const at::ArrayRef<Value*> vs) const;
bool hasWriters(const at::ArrayRef<Value*>& values) const;
// Cached mapping of type ptrs to their mutable types
mutable ska::flat_hash_map<TypePtr, AliasTypeSet> mapped_mutable_types_;
* State for tracking write info.
// Write registry where the analysis can record the writes as it sees them.
// This information is later denormalized into various caches to improve query
// efficiency.
struct WriteRegistry;
std::unique_ptr<WriteRegistry> writeRegistry_;
// Map of nodes to the memory locations that they write to
using TWriteIndex = ska::flat_hash_map<Node*, MemoryLocations>;
c10::optional<TWriteIndex> writeIndex_;
// Collection of all memory locations that are written to.
c10::optional<MemoryLocations> writtenToLocationsIndex_;
void buildWrittenToLocationsIndex();
std::unordered_set<const Value*> wildcards_;
std::string getElementName(const Element* e) const;
friend void Lint(const AliasDb* db);
// Helper check that invariants over AliasDb are maintained.
// Useful if you are using the AliasDb mutation API and want to check you did
// the right thing.
TORCH_API void Lint(const AliasDb* db);
} // namespace jit
} // namespace torch