#pragma once
#include <c10/util/irange.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/ir/ir.h>
namespace torch {
namespace jit {
struct IfView {
explicit IfView(Node* node) : node_(node) {
AT_ASSERT(node->kind() == ::c10::prim::If);
Value* cond() const {
return node_->input(0);
Block* thenBlock() const {
return node_->blocks().at(0);
Block* elseBlock() const {
return node_->blocks().at(1);
ArrayRef<Value*> thenOutputs() const {
return thenBlock()->outputs();
ArrayRef<Value*> elseOutputs() const {
return elseBlock()->outputs();
ArrayRef<Value*> outputs() const {
return node_->outputs();
Node* node() const {
return node_;
operator Node*() const {
return node_;
void permuteOutputs(const std::vector<size_t>& new_output_order) {
Node* node_;
struct LoopView {
explicit LoopView(Node* node) : node_(node) {
node->kind() == ::c10::prim::Loop || node->kind() == ::c10::onnx::Loop);
Block* bodyBlock() const {
return node_->blocks().at(0);
Value* cond() const {
return node_->input(0);
Value* maxTripCount() const {
return node_->input(0);
Value* inputCond() const {
return node_->input(1);
Value* nextCond() const {
return bodyBlock()->outputs().at(0);
Value* currentTripCount() const {
return bodyBlock()->inputs().at(0);
ArrayRef<Value*> carriedInputs() const {
// skip trip count and cond
return node_->inputs().slice(2);
ArrayRef<Value*> carriedInputsWithCond() const {
// skip trip count and cond
return node_->inputs().slice(1);
ArrayRef<Value*> carriedOutputs() const {
return node_->outputs();
ArrayRef<Value*> bodyCarriedInputs() const {
// skip trip count and cond
return bodyBlock()->inputs().slice(1);
ArrayRef<Value*> bodyCarriedOutputs() const {
return bodyBlock()->outputs().slice(1);
Node* node() const {
return node_;
operator Node*() const {
return node_;
void permuteLoopCarried(const std::vector<size_t>& new_output_order) {
// skip trip count and cond
node_->permuteInputs(adjustIndices(2, new_output_order));
auto adjusted_block_order = adjustIndices(1, new_output_order);
void replaceMaxTripCount(Value* new_max_trip_count) {
node_->replaceInput(0, new_max_trip_count);
void replaceInputCondition(Value* new_input_condition) {
node_->replaceInput(1, new_input_condition);
// our way of encoding loops makes them difficult to turn back into python
// syntax. we have to check properties of the condition and trip count inputs
// to figure out which one it initially was. ModifiedLoops are not directly
// mappable to either For or While
enum LoopType { While, For, ModifiedLoop };
LoopType loopType() {
auto trip_count = toIValue(maxTripCount());
auto cond_input = toIValue(inputCond());
auto cond_next = toIValue(nextCond());
bool condition_is_always_true =
cond_input && cond_input->toBool() && cond_next && cond_next->toBool();
bool trip_count_is_specified = !trip_count || // trip is not a constant
trip_count->toInt() !=
std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max() || // it is a constant but not
// the default one
.empty(); // it is actually being used in the body.
if (condition_is_always_true) {
// if the trip count was not specified this was a user-written while True:
return trip_count_is_specified ? For : While;
} else {
if (trip_count_is_specified) {
return ModifiedLoop;
return While;
Node* node_;
// adjust index_ordering by adding indices 0 - thorugh adjust, and
// incrementing all existing inputs by adjust
static std::vector<size_t> adjustIndices(
size_t adjust,
const std::vector<size_t>& index_ordering) {
std::vector<size_t> adjusted;
adjusted.reserve(adjust + index_ordering.size());
for (const auto i : c10::irange(adjust)) {
for (auto index : index_ordering) {
adjusted.push_back(index + adjust);
return adjusted;
} // namespace jit
} // namespace torch