#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <ATen/core/function.h>
#include <ATen/core/function_schema.h>
#include <ATen/core/ivalue.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/mobile/code.h>
namespace torch {
namespace jit {
enum OpCode : uint8_t;
struct Instruction;
struct OperatorString;
namespace mobile {
class TORCH_API Function : public torch::jit::Function {
explicit Function(c10::QualifiedName name);
c10::QualifiedName name,
Code code,
at::optional<c10::FunctionSchema> schema);
void run(Stack& stack) override;
at::IValue operator()(Stack& stack);
void ensure_defined() override {}
size_t num_inputs() const override;
const c10::QualifiedName& qualname() const override;
bool call(Stack&, c10::function_ref<void(const mobile::Code&)>) override;
// NOTE: the APIs below is dangerous: if you call append_instruction with
// dbg_handle and then call it without; then the dbg_handle will become
// misaligned. Therefore only use ONE variant at time.
void append_instruction(OpCode op, int X, int N, int64_t dbg_handle);
void append_instruction(OpCode op, int X, int N);
void append_operator(
const std::string& name,
const std::string& overload_name,
const c10::optional<int>& num_specified_args);
void append_constant(const c10::IValue& constant);
void append_type(const c10::TypePtr& type);
void append_function(mobile::Function& func);
void set_register_size(size_t size);
int64_t get_debug_handle(size_t pc) const;
const Code& get_code() const;
Code& get_code();
torch::jit::Function& setSchema(c10::FunctionSchema schema) override;
bool hasSchema() const;
const c10::FunctionSchema& getSchema() const override;
// Returns the debug handle corresponding to where the execution
// is halted due to exception.
// If no corresponding debug handle is found then -1 is returned.
const std::vector<int64_t>& getExceptionDebugHandles() const;
static Function& registerFunc(
const std::string& qualified_name,
const std::vector<Instruction>& instructions,
const std::vector<c10::IValue>& constants,
const std::vector<c10::TypePtr>& types,
const size_t register_size);
// if not initialize, initialize by loading operators.
// return true of all op loaded, return false if some op is not found
// in the current runtime. Then, the ops that did not found will be filled
// in unsupported_op_names
bool initialize_operators(bool should_check_operators);
c10::QualifiedName name_;
Code code_;
at::optional<c10::FunctionSchema> schema_; // (byte-code version 4+)
c10::optional<std::function<void(Stack&)>> makeOperatorFunction(
c10::OperatorName opname,
c10::optional<int> num_specified_args);
TORCH_API std::string operator_str(const c10::OperatorName& opname);
} // namespace mobile
} // namespace jit
} // namespace torch