#pragma once
#include <torch/csrc/jit/api/module.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/ir/ir.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/passes/quantization/quantization_type.h>
namespace torch {
namespace jit {
/** \brief Backend specific pass to fuse dequantize - op - quantize calls
* as quantized_op calls.
* Right now this is a fusion for fbgemm backend and only works for quantized
* conv op, we'll extend to more ops and more backends in the future.
* Currently supported fusion:
* q(conv2d(dq(a), dq(w), dq(b))) --> to_nchw(fbgemm_conv2d(prepack(to_nhwc(a)),
* prepack(to_nhwc(w)),
* prepack(to_nhwc(b))))
* q(linear(dq(a), dq(w), dq(b))) --> to_nchw(fbgemm_linear(prepack(to_nhwc(a)),
* prepack(to_nhwc(w)),
* prepack(to_nhwc(b))))
* \param graph the graph we want to apply fusion
TORCH_API void QuantFusion(
std::shared_ptr<Graph>& graph,
QuantType quant_type = QuantType::STATIC);
/** \brief Insert prepack and unpack function in graph
* We want add pack/unpack functions for quantized weight because later we want
* to fold the packed weight as an attribute of the module, in order to reduce
* the cost of packing the weight on the fly in quantized models.
* Each quantized op has it's corresponding prepack/unpack function,
* right now, we only need to do prepack/unpack for quantized::linear
* and quantized::conv2d.
TORCH_API void InsertPrepackUnpack(std::shared_ptr<Graph>& graph);
/** \brief Insert pack and unpack function in all graphs
* of module
* Go through graphs of all the methods of all child modules
* and call InsertPrepackUnpack on the graph.
TORCH_API void InsertPrepackUnpack(Module& module);
TORCH_API script::Module Finalize(
script::Module& module,
QuantType quant_type = QuantType::STATIC,
const std::vector<std::string>& preserved_attrs =
TORCH_API void FoldQuantizedPrepackingOps(Module& module);
TORCH_API Module FinalizeOnDevicePTQ(
Module& module,
QuantType quant_type,
const std::string& method_name);
} // namespace jit
} // namespace torch