// in memory description of all ATen Ops similar to Caffe2 schema
// once C10 exists this can be removed, or stubbed out, but we need
// it now to implement correct semantic checking for script
#pragma once
#include <ATen/core/dispatch/Dispatcher.h>
#include <ATen/core/dispatch/OperatorOptions.h>
#include <ATen/core/op_registration/op_allowlist.h>
#include <ATen/core/stack.h>
#include <c10/util/Exception.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/frontend/function_schema_parser.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/runtime/operator_options.h>
#include <torch/library.h>
#include <ATen/core/function_schema.h>
#include <ATen/core/symbol.h>
#include <functional>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace torch {
namespace jit {
struct Node;
using ::c10::Argument;
using ::c10::FunctionSchema;
using ::c10::Symbol;
using OperationCreator = Operation (*)(const Node*);
* Note: JIT relies on Operator instances having static lifetime, because
* it for example stores a non-owning FunctionSchema* pointer in the Node class,
* which points to the function schema stored in the Operator instance.
* Also, jit::Operator is meant to store more operator related information like
* symbolic derivatives, which also requires them to have static lifetime
* so that changes to symbolic derivatives are remembered.
* Currently, the JIT operator library contains a jit::Operator instance
* with a wrapper for each c10 operator. The c10 operator library registers
* those wrappers using listeners in register_c10_ops.cpp.
* TODO Instead of doing it this way, we should only have pure-jit ops in
* the jit library but have the JIT operator lookup look into the c10 library
* too.
// An Operator is a thin wrapper around either a pure JIT operator (e.g. prim
// ops) or a c10 operator, allowing some common operations and abstracting away
// the concrete operator nature.
struct TORCH_API Operator {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init)
struct C10Operator final {
c10::OperatorHandle handle_;
Operation op_;
struct UnparsedFunctionSchema final {
std::string schema_string_;
mutable c10::optional<c10::AliasAnalysisKind> alias_analysis_;
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init)
struct JitOnlyOperator final {
// The only valid transition for schema_ is from right->left, i.e.
// when the schema gets parsed.
mutable c10::either<FunctionSchema, UnparsedFunctionSchema> schema_;
c10::either<Operation, OperationCreator> op_;
Operator(c10::OperatorHandle opHandle, Operation operation)
: op_(c10::make_left<C10Operator, JitOnlyOperator>(
C10Operator{opHandle, std::move(operation)})) {}
std::string schema,
Operation op,
c10::AliasAnalysisKind alias_analysis)
: op_(c10::make_right<C10Operator, JitOnlyOperator>(JitOnlyOperator{
c10::make_right<FunctionSchema, UnparsedFunctionSchema>(
UnparsedFunctionSchema{std::move(schema), alias_analysis}),
c10::make_left<Operation, OperationCreator>(std::move(op))})) {}
std::string name,
std::string overload_name,
std::vector<Argument> arguments,
std::vector<Argument> returns,
Operation op,
c10::AliasAnalysisKind alias_analysis)
: op_(c10::make_right<C10Operator, JitOnlyOperator>(JitOnlyOperator{
c10::make_left<FunctionSchema, UnparsedFunctionSchema>(
c10::make_left<Operation, OperationCreator>(std::move(op))})) {}
std::string schema,
OperationCreator op_creator,
c10::AliasAnalysisKind alias_analysis)
: op_(c10::make_right<C10Operator, JitOnlyOperator>(JitOnlyOperator{
c10::make_right<FunctionSchema, UnparsedFunctionSchema>(
UnparsedFunctionSchema{std::move(schema), alias_analysis}),
c10::make_right<Operation, OperationCreator>(op_creator)})) {}
// Helper constructor to register `op` to run
// run for _every_ IR Node where n.kind() == name, regardless of arguments.
// This is accomplished by marking the schema varargs and having no required
// arguments.
Symbol name,
OperationCreator op_creator,
c10::AliasAnalysisKind alias_analysis)
: op_(c10::make_right<C10Operator, JitOnlyOperator>(JitOnlyOperator{
c10::make_left<FunctionSchema, UnparsedFunctionSchema>(
varArgSchemaWithName(name, alias_analysis)),
c10::make_right<Operation, OperationCreator>(op_creator)})) {}
Operation getOperation(const Node* node = nullptr) const {
return op_.fold<Operation>(
[](const C10Operator& op) { return op.op_; },
[node](const JitOnlyOperator& op) {
return op.op_.fold<Operation>(
[](const Operation& op) { return op; },
[node](const OperationCreator& op_creator) {
return op_creator(node);
Operation getOperationForDispatchKey(c10::DispatchKey dk) const {
// TODO: some sort of caching mechanism?
return op_.fold<Operation>(
[dk](const C10Operator& op) {
return [op, dk](Stack& stack) {
op.handle_.callBoxedForDispatchKey(dk, stack);
[](const JitOnlyOperator& op) {
"calling a JIT operator for dispatch key is not supported");
return nullptr;
const FunctionSchema& schema() const {
return op_.fold<const FunctionSchema&>(
[](const C10Operator& op) -> const FunctionSchema& {
return op.handle_.schema();
[](const JitOnlyOperator& op) -> const FunctionSchema& {
// we lazily parse schema initialized from strings so that
// we do less work during static operator registration
if (op.schema_.is_right()) {
auto& unmaterializedSchema = op.schema_.right();
FunctionSchema schema =
if (unmaterializedSchema.alias_analysis_.has_value()) {
// TODO What if it gets set later?
op.schema_ = c10::make_left<FunctionSchema, UnparsedFunctionSchema>(
return op.schema_.left();
c10::ArrayRef<at::Tag> getTags() const {
return op_.fold<c10::ArrayRef<at::Tag>>(
[](const C10Operator& op) { return op.handle_.getTags(); },
[](const JitOnlyOperator& op) {
// Returns empty list of tags for JitOnlyOperators since it
// doesn't save c10::OperatorHandle
return c10::ArrayRef<at::Tag>();
bool isC10Op() const {
return op_.is_left();
c10::AliasAnalysisKind aliasAnalysisKind() const {
const FunctionSchema& schemaRef = schema();
c10::AliasAnalysisKind alias_analysis = schemaRef.aliasAnalysis();
alias_analysis == AliasAnalysisKind::FROM_SCHEMA ||
"In operator registration: Tried to register operator ",
" with aliasing information in the schema but without AliasAnalysisKind::FROM_SCHEMA.");
return alias_analysis;
bool hasOperation() const {
return op_.fold<bool>(
[](const C10Operator&) { return true; },
[](const JitOnlyOperator& op) { return op.op_.is_left(); });
static FunctionSchema varArgSchemaWithName(
Symbol name,
AliasAnalysisKind alias_analysis) {
auto result = FunctionSchema(
/*is_vararg*/ true,
/*is_varret*/ true);
return result;
static FunctionSchema varArgSchemaWithName(
std::string name,
std::string overload_name,
std::vector<Argument> arguments,
std::vector<Argument> returns,
AliasAnalysisKind alias_analysis) {
auto result = FunctionSchema(
/*is_vararg*/ false,
/*is_varret*/ false);
return result;
c10::either<C10Operator, JitOnlyOperator> op_;
TORCH_API std::string canonicalSchemaString(const FunctionSchema& schema);
TORCH_API const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Operator>> getAllOperators();
TORCH_API const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Operator>>& getAllOperatorsFor(
Symbol name);
// given a operator with an overload name, find the specific operator related to
// it, may return nullptr if no operator exists.
TORCH_API std::shared_ptr<Operator> findOperatorFor(
const c10::OperatorName& full_name);
TORCH_API std::vector<Symbol> findSimilarOperators(Symbol input_op);
TORCH_API void registerOperator(Operator&& op);
TORCH_API void deregisterOperator(const FunctionSchema& schema);
// XXX: this function is meant to be used with string literals only!
TORCH_API std::shared_ptr<Operator> getOperatorForLiteral(
const char* signature);
// Ensure the thing that registers c10 ops is defined.
// Otherwise, our registry will not have c10 ops. You can run into this
// scenario if you're querying registered ops during static init.
// This fn is defined in register_c10_ops.cpp
TORCH_API void ensure_c10_registerer_defined();
// Used to assert that unschematized operators have an analysis method written
TORCH_API bool aliasAnalysisHasSpecialCaseFor(c10::Symbol sym);
// A factory function to generate an optional operator. It has two
// instantiations depending on the template bool arg value. The arg can be a
// compile-time function for the selective op registration based on schema
// string.
template <typename Func>
c10::optional<Operator> OperatorGenerator(
const char* schema_str,
Func&& op,
AliasAnalysisKind alias_analysis) {
return c10::optional<Operator>(Operator(
std::string(schema_str), std::forward<Func>(op), alias_analysis));
template <typename Func>
c10::optional<Operator> OperatorGenerator(
torch::detail::SelectiveStr<true> schema_str,
Func&& op,
AliasAnalysisKind alias_analysis) {
return OperatorGenerator(
static_cast<const char*>(schema_str),
template <typename Func>
c10::optional<Operator> OperatorGenerator(
torch::detail::SelectiveStr<false> schema_str,
Func&& op,
AliasAnalysisKind alias_analysis) {
return c10::nullopt;
template <typename Func>
c10::optional<Operator> OperatorGenerator(
const std::string name,
const std::string overload_name,
const std::vector<c10::Argument> arguments,
const std::vector<c10::Argument> returns,
Func&& op,
AliasAnalysisKind alias_analysis) {
return c10::optional<Operator>(Operator(
} // namespace jit
} // namespace torch