#pragma once
#include <ATen/Context.h>
#include <c10/core/DeviceType.h>
#include <torch/csrc/autograd/autograd.h>
#include <torch/csrc/autograd/edge.h>
#include <torch/csrc/autograd/function.h>
#include <torch/csrc/autograd/generated/variable_factories.h>
#include <torch/csrc/autograd/variable.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/api/compilation_unit.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/api/module.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/codegen/fuser/interface.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/frontend/error_report.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/ir/ir.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/mobile/register_ops_common_utils.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/runtime/custom_operator.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/runtime/graph_executor.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/runtime/jit_exception.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/runtime/logging.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/runtime/operator.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/runtime/print_handler.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/runtime/profiling_record.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/runtime/vararg_functions.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/serialization/pickle.h>
#include <ATen/ExpandUtils.h>
#include <ATen/Parallel.h>
#include <ATen/WrapDimUtils.h>
#include <ATen/core/Dict.h>
#include <ATen/core/ivalue.h>
#include <c10/core/thread_pool.h>
#include <c10/util/SmallVector.h>
#include <c10/util/irange.h>
#include <c10/util/math_compat.h>
#include <c10/util/string_utils.h>
namespace torch {
namespace jit {
constexpr inline c10::AliasAnalysisKind aliasAnalysisFromSchema() {
return c10::AliasAnalysisKind::FROM_SCHEMA;
constexpr inline c10::AliasAnalysisKind aliasAnalysisConservative() {
return c10::AliasAnalysisKind::CONSERVATIVE;
constexpr inline c10::AliasAnalysisKind aliasAnalysisSpecialCase() {
return c10::AliasAnalysisKind::INTERNAL_SPECIAL_CASE;
template <class T>
c10::List<T> make_result_list(const TypePtr& elemType) {
return c10::List<T>();
template <>
c10::impl::GenericList make_result_list<IValue>(const TypePtr& elemType);
// As described in https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#round
// When a number is exactly halfway between two integers, python builtin round
// function will round to even number. We use round(x/2)*2 to handle the
// special halfway case. For positive 'x', round(x/2)*2 =
// round((x_e + x_r)/2)*2 = x_e + round(x_r/2)*2, where x_e is an even integer,
// x_r is either 0.5 of 1.5, round(x_r/2)*2 results a 0 or 2, so the final
// result will always be a even number. Due to symmetricity, it also applies to
// negative cases.
inline double round_to_even(double a) {
return a - std::floor(a) == 0.5 ? (std::round(a * 0.5) * 2.0) : std::round(a);
// using the rules from python_arg_parser FunctionParameter::check
// tensor cannot have grad set, tensor must be 0 dim,
// and if the dest is an int the source must be integral type
void checkImplicitTensorToNum(const at::Tensor& t, bool toInt);
static C10_UNUSED int64_t floordiv(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
if (b == 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("division by 0");
if ((a > 0) == (b > 0)) {
// simple case, both have same sign
return a / b;
} else {
// in python division rounds down, it doesn't not truncate like in c++
auto r = lldiv(a, b);
return (r.rem) ? r.quot - 1 : r.quot;
TORCH_API void checkDoubleInRange(double a);
static C10_UNUSED int64_t floor(double a) {
return std::floor(a);
static C10_UNUSED int64_t ceil(double a) {
return std::ceil(a);
static C10_UNUSED int64_t gcd(int64_t a, int64_t b) {
while (b != 0) {
int64_t r = a % b;
a = b;
b = r;
// in python gcd returns non-negative values
return std::abs(a);
int64_t partProduct(int n, int m);
void loop(int n, int64_t& p, int64_t& r);
int nminussumofbits(int v);
int64_t factorial(int n);
static const double degToRad = std::acos(-1.0) / 180.0;
static const double radToDeg = 180.0 / std::acos(-1.0);
double degrees(double x);
double radians(double x);
// Convert an python index (which may be negative) into an index usable for a
// C++ container
// Equivalent to list.at(idx)
template <typename T>
T getItem(const c10::List<T>& list, int64_t idx) {
const int64_t list_size = list.size();
const int64_t normalized_idx = normalizeIndex(idx, list_size);
if (normalized_idx < 0 || normalized_idx >= list_size) {
throw std::out_of_range("list index out of range");
return list.get(normalized_idx);
template <typename T>
void setItem(const c10::List<T>& list, int64_t idx, T&& value) {
const int64_t list_size = list.size();
const int64_t normalized_idx = normalizeIndex(idx, list_size);
if (normalized_idx < 0 || normalized_idx >= list_size) {
throw std::out_of_range("list index out of range");
list.set(normalized_idx, std::forward<T>(value));
void listAppend(Stack& stack);
void listReverse(Stack& stack);
template <typename T>
void minList(Stack& stack) {
c10::List<T> a = pop(stack).to<c10::List<T>>();
c10::List<T> b = pop(stack).to<c10::List<T>>();
size_t min_size = std::min(a.size(), b.size());
for (const auto i : c10::irange(min_size)) {
if (a[i] == b[i]) {
push(stack, a[i] < b[i] ? a : b);
push(stack, b.size() < a.size() ? b : a);
template <typename T>
void maxList(Stack& stack) {
c10::List<T> a = pop(stack).to<c10::List<T>>();
c10::List<T> b = pop(stack).to<c10::List<T>>();
size_t min_size = std::min(a.size(), b.size());
for (const auto i : c10::irange(min_size)) {
if (a[i] == b[i]) {
push(stack, a[i] > b[i] ? a : b);
push(stack, b.size() > a.size() ? b : a);
void listPopImpl(Stack& stack, const char* empty_message);
void listPop(Stack& stack);
void listClear(Stack& stack);
void listDelete(Stack& stack);
void listInsert(Stack& stack);
template <typename T>
void listRemove(Stack& stack) {
T elem = pop(stack).to<T>();
c10::List<T> list = pop(stack).to<c10::List<T>>();
auto pos = std::find(list.begin(), list.end(), elem);
if (pos != list.end()) {
} else {
AT_ERROR("list.remove(x): x not in list");
template <typename T>
void listMin(Stack& stack) {
c10::List<T> list = pop(stack).to<c10::List<T>>();
size_t list_size = list.size();
if (list_size == 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("min() arg is an empty sequence");
T min_elem = list[0];
for (const auto i : c10::irange(1, list_size)) {
T elem = list[i];
min_elem = elem < min_elem ? elem : min_elem;
template <typename T>
void listMax(Stack& stack) {
c10::List<T> list = pop(stack).to<c10::List<T>>();
size_t list_size = list.size();
if (list_size == 0) {
throw std::runtime_error("max() arg is an empty sequence");
T max_elem = list[0];
for (const auto i : c10::irange(1, list_size)) {
T elem = list[i];
max_elem = elem > max_elem ? elem : max_elem;
template <>
void listRemove<at::Tensor>(Stack& stack);
template <typename T>
void listIndex(Stack& stack) {
T elem = pop(stack).to<T>();
c10::List<T> list = pop(stack).to<c10::List<T>>();
auto pos = std::find(list.begin(), list.end(), elem);
if (pos != list.end()) {
push(stack, static_cast<int64_t>(std::distance(list.begin(), pos)));
} else {
AT_ERROR("'", elem, "' is not in list");
template <>
void listIndex<at::Tensor>(Stack& stack);
template <typename T>
void listCount(Stack& stack) {
T elem = pop(stack).to<T>();
c10::List<T> list = pop(stack).to<c10::List<T>>();
const int64_t count = std::count(list.begin(), list.end(), elem);
push(stack, count);
template <>
void listCount<at::Tensor>(Stack& stack);
void listExtend(Stack& stack);
void listCopy(Stack& stack);
void listSelect(Stack& stack);
void listLen(Stack& stack);
template <typename T>
void listEq(Stack& stack) {
c10::List<T> b = pop(stack).to<c10::List<T>>();
c10::List<T> a = pop(stack).to<c10::List<T>>();
push(stack, a == b);
template <typename T>
void listNe(Stack& stack) {
c10::List<T> b = pop(stack).to<c10::List<T>>();
c10::List<T> a = pop(stack).to<c10::List<T>>();
push(stack, a != b);
inline bool tensor_list_equal(
const c10::List<at::Tensor>& a,
const c10::List<at::Tensor>& b) {
if (a.size() != b.size()) {
return false;
for (const auto i : c10::irange(a.size())) {
const at::Tensor& a_element = a[i];
const at::Tensor& b_element = b[i];
// This preserves Python's semantics, which uses eq() to compare two
// elements, then passes the result to bool().
// see: https://docs.python.org/3.4/reference/datamodel.html#object.__ge__
const auto cmp_result = a_element.eq(b_element);
if (!at::native::is_nonzero(cmp_result)) {
return false;
return true;
// Specialization for at::Tensor, since it doesn't define operator==
template <>
void listEq<at::Tensor>(Stack& stack);
// Specialization for at::Tensor, since it doesn't define operator==
template <>
void listNe<at::Tensor>(Stack& stack);
void listList(Stack& stack);
template <typename T>
void listContains(Stack& stack) {
auto key = pop(stack).to<T>();
auto list = pop(stack).to<c10::List<T>>();
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(performance-implicit-conversion-in-loop)
for (const T& item : list) {
if (item == key) {
push(stack, true);
push(stack, false);
void listAdd(Stack& stack);
void listInplaceAdd(Stack& stack);
void listMulIntLeftInPlace(Stack& stack);
void listMulIntLeft(Stack& stack);
void listMulIntRight(Stack& stack);
void listSlice(Stack& stack);
template <typename T>
void listSort(Stack& stack) {
bool reverse = pop(stack).toBool();
c10::List<T> list = pop(stack).to<c10::List<T>>();
std::sort(list.begin(), list.end(), [reverse](const T& a, const T& b) {
// FBCode errors without this check - "strict weak ordering"
// TODO: remove when possible, since it just slows down
// sorting and doesn't do anything useful
if (a == b) {
return false;
return (a < b) != reverse;
// Specialization for at::Tensor
template <>
void listSort<at::Tensor>(Stack& stack);
template <typename T>
void listCopyAndSort(Stack& stack) {
c10::List<T> list = pop(stack).to<c10::List<T>>();
auto list_copied = list.copy();
std::sort(list_copied.begin(), list_copied.end(), [](const T& a, const T& b) {
// "strict weak ordering" issue - see other sort
if (a == b) {
return false;
return a < b;
push(stack, list_copied);
// Specialization for at::Tensor
template <>
void listCopyAndSort<at::Tensor>(Stack& stack);
void listSetItem(Stack& stack);
struct OperatorGeneratorArgs {
const char* schema_str;
bool isOperationCreator;
union {
void (*operation)(Stack&);
OperationCreator operationCreator;
AliasAnalysisKind aliasAnalysis;
explicit constexpr OperatorGeneratorArgs(
torch::detail::SelectiveStr<true> schema_str,
void (*op)(Stack&),
AliasAnalysisKind aa)
: schema_str(schema_str),
aliasAnalysis(aa) {}
explicit constexpr OperatorGeneratorArgs(
torch::detail::SelectiveStr<true> schema_str,
OperationCreator opCreator,
AliasAnalysisKind aa)
: schema_str(schema_str),
aliasAnalysis(aa) {}
template <typename... Args>
explicit constexpr OperatorGeneratorArgs(
: schema_str(nullptr),
aliasAnalysis(AliasAnalysisKind::INTERNAL_SPECIAL_CASE) {}
aten_op, op, int_float_result, complex_result) \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
".int_int(int a, int b) -> " #int_float_result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
int64_t a, b; \
pop(stack, a, b); \
push(stack, op); \
}, \
aliasAnalysisFromSchema()), \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
#aten_op \
".float_float(float a, float b) -> " #int_float_result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
double a, b; \
pop(stack, a, b); \
push(stack, op); \
}, \
aliasAnalysisFromSchema()), \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
#aten_op \
".complex_complex(complex a, complex b) -> " #complex_result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
c10::complex<double> a, b; \
pop(stack, a, b); \
push(stack, op); \
}, \
// define implementations for primitive number ops
#define DEFINE_GENERIC_OP(aten_op, int_op, float_op, int_result, float_result) \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
TORCH_SELECTIVE_SCHEMA(#aten_op ".int(int a, int b) -> " #int_result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
int64_t a, b; \
pop(stack, a, b); \
push(stack, int_op); \
}, \
aliasAnalysisFromSchema()), \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
#aten_op ".float(float a, float b) -> " #float_result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
double a, b; \
pop(stack, a, b); \
push(stack, float_op); \
}, \
#define DEFINE_INT_FLOAT_OP(aten_op, op, result) \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
".int_float(int a, float b) -> " #result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
int64_t a; \
double b; \
pop(stack, a, b); \
push(stack, op); \
}, \
aliasAnalysisFromSchema()), \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
".float_int(float a, int b) -> " #result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
double a; \
int64_t b; \
pop(stack, a, b); \
push(stack, op); \
}, \
#define DEFINE_INT_OP(aten_op, op) \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
TORCH_SELECTIVE_SCHEMA(#aten_op ".int(int a, int b) -> int"), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
int64_t a, b; \
pop(stack, a, b); \
push(stack, op); /* NOLINT(hicpp-signed-bitwise) */ \
}, \
#define DEFINE_STR_CMP_OP(aten_op, op) \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
TORCH_SELECTIVE_SCHEMA(#aten_op ".str(str a, str b) -> bool"), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
auto b = pop(stack).toStringRef(); \
auto a = pop(stack).toStringRef(); \
push(stack, op); \
}, \
// define a primitive op over Scalar operands.
// it's necessary to register this overload following
// int/float variations to avoid trapping Scalar args
// in unintended implicit conversions
aten_op, int_op, float_op, result, string_val) \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
TORCH_SELECTIVE_SCHEMA(#aten_op string_val \
"(Scalar a, Scalar b) -> " #result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
IValue x, y; \
pop(stack, x, y); \
if (x.isDouble()) { \
if (y.isDouble()) { \
double a = x.toDouble(); \
double b = y.toDouble(); \
push(stack, float_op); \
} else { \
double a = x.toDouble(); \
int64_t b = y.toInt(); \
push(stack, float_op); \
} \
} else { \
if (y.isDouble()) { \
int64_t a = x.toInt(); \
double b = y.toDouble(); \
push(stack, float_op); \
} else { \
int64_t a = x.toInt(); \
int64_t b = y.toInt(); \
push(stack, int_op); \
} \
} \
}, \
#define DEFINE_SCALAR_BINARY_OP(aten_op, int_op, float_op, result) \
aten_op, int_op, float_op, result, "")
aten_op, int_op, float_op, result) \
aten_op, int_op, float_op, result, ".Scalar_Scalar")
#define DEFINE_BINARY_OP(aten_op, op) \
DEFINE_GENERIC_OP(aten_op, op, op, int, float), \
DEFINE_INT_FLOAT_OP(aten_op, op, float), \
DEFINE_SCALAR_BINARY_OP(aten_op, op, op, Scalar)
#define DEFINE_BINARY_FLOAT_OP(aten_op, op) \
DEFINE_GENERIC_OP(aten_op, op, op, float, float), \
DEFINE_INT_FLOAT_OP(aten_op, op, float), \
DEFINE_SCALAR_BINARY_OP(aten_op, op, op, float)
#define DEFINE_COMPARISON_OP(aten_op, op) \
DEFINE_GENERIC_OP(aten_op, op, op, bool, bool), \
DEFINE_INT_FLOAT_OP(aten_op, op, bool), \
DEFINE_SCALAR_BINARY_OP(aten_op, op, op, bool), \
DEFINE_STR_CMP_OP(aten_op, op)
#define DEFINE_UNARY_INT_OP(aten_op, op, result) \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
TORCH_SELECTIVE_SCHEMA(#aten_op ".int(int a) -> " #result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
int64_t a; \
pop(stack, a); \
push(stack, op); \
}, \
#define DEFINE_UNARY_FLOAT_OP(aten_op, op, result) \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
TORCH_SELECTIVE_SCHEMA(#aten_op ".float(float a) -> " #result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
double a; \
pop(stack, a); \
push(stack, op); \
}, \
#define DEFINE_UNARY_OP(aten_op, op, int_result, float_result) \
DEFINE_UNARY_INT_OP(aten_op, op, int_result), \
DEFINE_UNARY_FLOAT_OP(aten_op, op, float_result), \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
TORCH_SELECTIVE_SCHEMA(#aten_op ".Scalar(Scalar a) -> Scalar"), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
IValue x; \
pop(stack, x); \
if (x.isDouble()) { \
double a = x.toDouble(); \
push(stack, static_cast<float_result>(op)); \
} else { \
int64_t a = x.toInt(); \
push(stack, static_cast<int_result>(op)); \
} \
}, \
#define DEFINE_BOOL_OP(aten_op, op) \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
TORCH_SELECTIVE_SCHEMA(#aten_op ".bool(bool a, bool b) -> bool"), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
bool a, b; \
pop(stack, a, b); \
push(stack, op); \
}, \
#define DEFINE_STRING_OP(op_name, string_op, result) \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
TORCH_SELECTIVE_SCHEMA(#op_name ".str(str a, str b) ->" #result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
auto b = pop(stack).toStringRef(); \
auto a = pop(stack).toStringRef(); \
push(stack, string_op); \
}, \
#define DEFINE_UNARY_COMPLEX_OP(aten_op, op, result) \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
TORCH_SELECTIVE_SCHEMA(#aten_op ".complex(complex a) -> " #result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
c10::complex<double> a; \
pop(stack, a); \
push(stack, op); \
}, \
// Some complex unary ops (like abs, angle) return real valued output, but most
// other unary ops return complex valued output. So, this macro is used in the
// former case where we can explicitly pass complex_result_cast argument, which
// is set to c10::complex<float> in the macro `DEFINE_UNARY_OP_WITH_COMPLEX`
// defined below.
aten_op, \
op, \
int_result, \
float_result, \
complex_result, \
complex_result_cast) \
DEFINE_UNARY_INT_OP(aten_op, op, int_result), \
DEFINE_UNARY_FLOAT_OP(aten_op, op, float_result), \
DEFINE_UNARY_COMPLEX_OP(aten_op, op, complex_result), \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
TORCH_SELECTIVE_SCHEMA(#aten_op ".Scalar(Scalar a) -> Scalar"), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
IValue x; \
pop(stack, x); \
if (x.isDouble()) { \
double a = x.toDouble(); \
push(stack, static_cast<float_result>(op)); \
} else if (x.isComplexDouble()) { \
c10::complex<double> a = x.toComplexDouble(); \
push(stack, static_cast<complex_result_cast>(op)); \
} else { \
int64_t a = x.toInt(); \
push(stack, static_cast<int_result>(op)); \
} \
}, \
#define DEFINE_UNARY_OP_WITH_COMPLEX(aten_op, op, int_result, float_result) \
aten_op, op, int_result, float_result, complex, c10::complex<double>)
aten_op, \
int_op, \
float_op, \
complex_op, \
int_result, \
float_result, \
complex_result) \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
TORCH_SELECTIVE_SCHEMA(#aten_op ".int(int a, int b) -> " #int_result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
int64_t a, b; \
pop(stack, a, b); \
push(stack, int_op); \
}, \
aliasAnalysisFromSchema()), \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
#aten_op ".complex(complex a, complex b) -> " #complex_result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
c10::complex<double> a, b; \
pop(stack, a, b); \
push(stack, complex_op); \
}, \
aliasAnalysisFromSchema()), \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
#aten_op ".float(float a, float b) -> " #float_result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
double a, b; \
pop(stack, a, b); \
push(stack, float_op); \
}, \
#define DEFINE_INT_COMPLEX_OP(aten_op, op, result) \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
".int_complex(int a, complex b) -> " #result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
int64_t a; \
c10::complex<double> b; \
pop(stack, a, b); \
push(stack, op); \
}, \
aliasAnalysisFromSchema()), \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
#aten_op ".complex_int(complex a, int b) -> " #result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
c10::complex<double> a; \
int64_t b; \
pop(stack, a, b); \
push(stack, op); \
}, \
#define DEFINE_FLOAT_COMPLEX_OP(aten_op, op, result) \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
#aten_op ".float_complex(float a, complex b) -> " #result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
double a; \
c10::complex<double> b; \
pop(stack, a, b); \
push(stack, op); \
}, \
aliasAnalysisFromSchema()), \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
#aten_op ".complex_float(complex a, float b) -> " #result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
c10::complex<double> a; \
double b; \
pop(stack, a, b); \
push(stack, op); \
}, \
aten_op, int_op, float_op, complex_op, result, string_val) \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
TORCH_SELECTIVE_SCHEMA(#aten_op string_val \
"(Scalar a, Scalar b) -> " #result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
IValue x, y; \
pop(stack, x, y); \
if (x.isComplexDouble()) { \
c10::complex<double> a = x.toComplexDouble(); \
if (y.isComplexDouble()) { \
c10::complex<double> b = y.toComplexDouble(); \
push(stack, complex_op); \
} else if (y.isDouble()) { \
double b = y.toDouble(); \
push(stack, complex_op); \
} else { \
int64_t b = y.toInt(); \
push(stack, complex_op); \
} \
} else if (x.isDouble()) { \
double a = x.toDouble(); \
if (y.isComplexDouble()) { \
c10::complex<double> b = y.toComplexDouble(); \
push(stack, complex_op); \
} else if (y.isDouble()) { \
double b = y.toDouble(); \
push(stack, float_op); \
} else { \
int64_t b = y.toInt(); \
push(stack, float_op); \
} \
} else { \
int64_t a = x.toInt(); \
if (y.isComplexDouble()) { \
c10::complex<double> b = y.toComplexDouble(); \
push(stack, complex_op); \
} else if (y.isDouble()) { \
double b = y.toDouble(); \
push(stack, float_op); \
} else { \
int64_t b = y.toInt(); \
push(stack, int_op); \
} \
} \
}, \
aten_op, int_op, float_op, complex_op, result) \
OperatorGeneratorArgs( \
TORCH_SELECTIVE_SCHEMA(#aten_op "(Scalar a, Scalar b) -> " #result), \
[](Stack& stack) { \
IValue x, y; \
pop(stack, x, y); \
if (x.isComplexDouble()) { \
c10::complex<double> a = x.toComplexDouble(); \
if (y.isComplexDouble()) { \
c10::complex<double> b = y.toComplexDouble(); \
push(stack, complex_op); \
} else if (y.isDouble()) { \
double b = y.toDouble(); \
push(stack, complex_op); \
} \
} else if (x.isDouble()) { \
double a = x.toDouble(); \
if (y.isComplexDouble()) { \
c10::complex<double> b = y.toComplexDouble(); \
push(stack, complex_op); \
} else if (y.isDouble()) { \
double b = y.toDouble(); \
push(stack, float_op); \
} else { \
int64_t b = y.toInt(); \
push(stack, float_op); \
} \
} else { \
int64_t a = x.toInt(); \
if (y.isDouble()) { \
double b = y.toDouble(); \
push(stack, float_op); \
} else if (y.isInt()) { \
int64_t b = y.toInt(); \
push(stack, int_op); \
} \
} \
}, \
aten_op, int_op, float_op, complex_op, result) \
aten_op, int_op, float_op, complex_op, result, "")
#define DEFINE_BINARY_OP_WITH_COMPLEX(aten_op, op) \
DEFINE_GENERIC_OP_WITH_COMPLEX(aten_op, op, op, op, int, float, complex), \
DEFINE_INT_COMPLEX_OP(aten_op, op, complex), \
DEFINE_FLOAT_COMPLEX_OP(aten_op, op, complex), \
DEFINE_INT_FLOAT_OP(aten_op, op, float), \
DEFINE_SCALAR_BINARY_OP_WITH_COMPLEX(aten_op, op, op, op, Scalar)
DEFINE_GENERIC_OP_WITH_COMPLEX(aten_op, op, op, op, bool, bool, bool), \
DEFINE_INT_FLOAT_OP(aten_op, op, bool), \
DEFINE_FLOAT_COMPLEX_OP(aten_op, op, bool), \
aten_op, op, op, op, bool), \
DEFINE_STR_CMP_OP(aten_op, op)
} // namespace jit
} // namespace torch