#pragma once
#include <torch/csrc/jit/tensorexpr/expr.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/tensorexpr/ir.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/tensorexpr/ir_printer.h>
#include <torch/csrc/jit/tensorexpr/types.h>
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
namespace torch {
namespace jit {
namespace tensorexpr {
using ParameterList = const std::vector<VarHandle>;
using ReduceInteraction = std::function<ExprHandle(ExprHandle, ExprHandle)>;
// A Reducer is a user interface describing a particular reduction
// operation. It has three components: An initialization value, a way of
// interacting each value with the accumulation, and a method for obtaining the
// current value to be reduced. It is materialized into a ReduceOp when loop
// variables are known.
class TORCH_API Reducer {
Reducer(ExprHandle init, ReduceInteraction& interaction)
: init_(init.node()), interaction_(interaction) {}
template <typename RI>
Reducer(ExprHandle init, RI interaction)
: init_(init.node()), interaction_(std::move(interaction)) {}
virtual ~Reducer() = default;
ExprPtr initializer() const {
return init_;
ExprHandle operator()(
BufHandle result_buf,
ExprHandle body,
const std::vector<ExprHandle>& output,
const std::vector<VarHandle>& inner) const;
ReduceOpPtr operator()(
BufPtr result_buf,
ExprPtr body,
const std::vector<ExprPtr>& output,
const std::vector<VarPtr>& inner) const;
ExprHandle operator()(
BufHandle result_buf,
BufHandle acc_buf,
ExprHandle body,
const std::vector<ExprHandle>& output,
const std::vector<VarHandle>& inner) const;
// Polymorphic handling of Body functions with a variety of parameters.
static ExprHandle getReduceBody(
const std::function<ExprHandle(ParameterList&)>& func,
const std::vector<VarHandle>& vars) {
return func(vars);
static ExprHandle getReduceBody(
const std::function<ExprHandle(const VarHandle&)>& func,
const std::vector<VarHandle>& vars) {
if (vars.size() != 1) {
throw malformed_input("mismatch between reduce body and arg size (1)");
return func(vars[0]);
static ExprHandle getReduceBody(
const std::function<ExprHandle(const VarHandle&, const VarHandle&)>& func,
const std::vector<VarHandle>& vars) {
if (vars.size() != 2) {
throw malformed_input("mismatch between reduce body and arg size (2)");
return func(vars[0], vars[1]);
static ExprHandle getReduceBody(
const std::function<
ExprHandle(const VarHandle&, const VarHandle&, const VarHandle&)>&
const std::vector<VarHandle>& vars) {
if (vars.size() != 3) {
throw malformed_input("mismatch between reduce body and arg size (3)");
return func(vars[0], vars[1], vars[2]);
static ExprHandle getReduceBody(
const std::function<ExprHandle(
const VarHandle&,
const VarHandle&,
const VarHandle&,
const VarHandle&)>& func,
const std::vector<VarHandle>& vars) {
if (vars.size() != 4) {
throw malformed_input("mismatch between reduce body and arg size (4)");
return func(vars[0], vars[1], vars[2], vars[3]);
// Completes the reduction operator by applying the interaction function to
// the accumulation and the body expression.
static ExprPtr complete(
BufPtr accumulator,
ReduceInteraction interaction,
ExprHandle body,
const std::vector<ExprPtr>& output_args,
const std::vector<VarPtr>& reduce_args) {
ExprHandle accum =
ExprHandle(alloc<Load>(body.dtype(), accumulator, output_args));
auto e = interaction(std::move(accum), std::move(body));
return e.node();
static ExprHandle complete(
BufHandle accumulator,
ReduceInteraction interaction,
ExprHandle body,
const std::vector<ExprHandle>& output_args,
const std::vector<VarHandle>& reduce_args) {
ExprHandle accum = Load::make(body.dtype(), accumulator, output_args);
auto e = interaction(std::move(accum), std::move(body));
return e;
ExprPtr init_;
ReduceInteraction interaction_;
// An expression representing a Reduction operation (e.g. Sum, Max) broken into
// it's component parts: initialization, accumulation var, acquisition of value
// to be reduced and interaction.
// This is intended to be expanded in the loopnest and not make it to codegen.
class TORCH_API ReduceOp : public ExprNode<ReduceOp> {
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init)
ExprPtr body,
std::vector<VarPtr> reduce_args,
const Reducer& reducer)
: ExprNodeBase(body->dtype()),
reducer_(reducer) {
result_buf_ = nullptr;
acc_buf_ = nullptr;
ri_operand_ = nullptr;
ExprPtr body,
std::vector<VarPtr> reduce_args,
BufPtr result_buf,
BufPtr acc_buf,
ExprPtr ri_operand,
const Reducer& reducer)
: ExprNodeBase(body->dtype()),
reducer_(reducer) {}
static ExprHandle make(
ExprHandle body,
std::vector<VarHandle> reduce_args,
const Reducer& reducer);
static ExprHandle make(
ExprHandle body,
std::vector<VarHandle> reduce_args,
BufHandle result_buf,
BufHandle acc_buf,
ExprHandle ri_operand,
const Reducer& reducer);
// return the body expression which obtains the value to be reduced.
ExprPtr body() const {
return body_;
// Returns the original Reducer factory that can create ReduceOps.
const Reducer& reducer() const {
return reducer_;
// returns variables associated with the axes of reduction.
const std::vector<VarPtr>& reduce_args() const {
return reduce_args_;
void setAccBuf(BufHandle acc_buf) {
acc_buf_ = acc_buf.node();
BufPtr getAccBuf() {
return acc_buf_;
void setResultBuf(BufHandle buf) {
result_buf_ = buf.node();
BufPtr getResultBuf() {
return result_buf_;
void setRiOperand(ExprHandle ri_operand) {
ri_operand_ = ri_operand.node();
ExprPtr getRiOperand() {
return ri_operand_;
// body_ = reducer_->interaction_(result_buf_, ri_operand_)
ExprPtr body_;
std::vector<VarPtr> reduce_args_;
BufPtr result_buf_;
BufPtr acc_buf_;
ExprPtr ri_operand_;
const Reducer reducer_;
class Sum : public Reducer {
: Reducer(ExprHandle(0), [](ExprHandle a, ExprHandle b) {
return a + b;
}) {}
inline ExprHandle maximumVal(ScalarType type) {
switch (type) {
#define MAX_BY_TYPE_CASE(Type, Name) \
case ScalarType::Name: \
return ExprHandle(std::numeric_limits<Type>::max());
throw unsupported_dtype();
return ExprHandle();
inline ExprHandle minimumVal(ScalarType type) {
switch (type) {
#define MAX_BY_TYPE_CASE(Type, Name) \
case ScalarType::Name: \
return ExprHandle(std::numeric_limits<Type>::min());
throw unsupported_dtype();
class Maximum : public Reducer {
// TODO possible to remove this arg by deferring the init value until we
// know the dtype of the body.
Maximum(Dtype dtype)
: Reducer(
[](ExprHandle a, ExprHandle b) { return Max::make(a, b, true); }) {}
Maximum(ExprHandle initializer)
: Reducer(initializer, [](ExprHandle a, ExprHandle b) {
return Max::make(a, b, true);
}) {}
class Minimum : public Reducer {
Minimum(Dtype dtype)
: Reducer(
[](ExprHandle a, ExprHandle b) { return Min::make(a, b, true); }) {}
Minimum(ExprHandle initializer)
: Reducer(initializer, [](ExprHandle a, ExprHandle b) {
return Min::make(a, b, true);
}) {}
class ReductionExpander : public IRMutator {
StmtPtr expand(StmtPtr s) {
return s->accept_mutator(this);
ExprPtr mutate(ReduceOpPtr v) override {
return v->body();
} // namespace tensorexpr
} // namespace jit
} // namespace torch