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Version: 2.0.1+cpu 

/ include / torch / csrc / jit / tensorexpr / stmt.h

#pragma once

#include <algorithm>
#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include <torch/csrc/jit/tensorexpr/expr.h>
namespace torch {
namespace jit {
namespace tensorexpr {

// The common base between all statement node.
class TORCH_API Stmt : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Stmt> {
  Stmt() = default;
  virtual ~Stmt() = default;
  virtual void accept(IRVisitor* visitor) = 0;
  virtual StmtPtr accept_mutator(IRMutator* mutator) = 0;

  StmtPtr get_parent() const {
    return parent_ ? parent_->getptr() : nullptr;

   * Make a deep copy of the given statement.
   * All statements and expressions used in children of the statement are
   * cloned. Note that the variables are not deep-copied since they are
   * immutable.
  static StmtPtr clone(StmtPtr s);

  static void set_parent(StmtPtr s, Stmt* new_parent) {
    s->parent_ = new_parent;
  std::shared_ptr<Stmt> getptr() {
    return shared_from_this();

  Stmt* parent_ = nullptr;

template <class Op>
class StmtNode : public Stmt {
  using StmtNodeBase = StmtNode<Op>;
  void accept(IRVisitor* visitor) override {
  StmtPtr accept_mutator(IRMutator* mutator) override;
  StmtNode() = default;

template <class Op>
StmtPtr StmtNode<Op>::accept_mutator(IRMutator* mutator) {
  return mutator->mutate(static_to<Op>(getptr()));

// Concrete Stmt classes
class TORCH_API Block : public StmtNode<Block> {
  static BlockPtr make(const std::vector<StmtPtr>& stmts) {
    // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-init-variables)
    std::vector<StmtPtr> valid_stmts;
    for (auto& stmt : stmts) {
      if (!stmt) {
    if (valid_stmts.empty()) {
      return nullptr;
    return alloc<Block>(valid_stmts);

  int nstmts() const {
    return stmts_.size();
  bool empty() const {
    return stmts_.empty();

  void prepend_stmt(StmtPtr s) {
    if (s->get_parent()) {
      throw malformed_input(
          "Block prepend Stmt with existing parent", std::move(s));

    set_parent(std::move(s), this);
  void append_stmt(StmtPtr s) {
    if (s->get_parent()) {
      throw malformed_input(
          "Block append Stmt with existing parent", std::move(s));

    set_parent(std::move(s), this);

  void insert_stmt_before(StmtPtr s, StmtPtr before) {
    if (s->get_parent()) {
      throw malformed_input(
          "Block append Stmt with existing parent", std::move(s));

    auto pos = std::find(stmts_.begin(), stmts_.end(), before);
    if (pos == stmts_.end()) {
      throw malformed_input(
          "Inserting after statement that is not in block", std::move(s));

    stmts_.insert(pos, s);
    set_parent(std::move(s), this);

  void insert_stmt_after(StmtPtr s, StmtPtr after) {
    if (s->get_parent()) {
      throw malformed_input(
          "Block append Stmt with existing parent", std::move(s));

    auto pos = std::find(stmts_.begin(), stmts_.end(), after);
    if (pos == stmts_.end()) {
      throw malformed_input(
          "Inserting after statement that is not in block", std::move(s));


    stmts_.insert(pos, s);
    set_parent(std::move(s), this);

  bool replace_stmt(StmtPtr old_stmt, StmtPtr new_stmt) {
    if (new_stmt->get_parent()) {
      throw malformed_input(
          "Block replace Stmt with existing parent", std::move(new_stmt));

    auto pos = std::find(stmts_.begin(), stmts_.end(), old_stmt);
    if (pos == stmts_.end()) {
      return false;
    stmts_.insert(pos, new_stmt);
    set_parent(std::move(old_stmt), nullptr);
    set_parent(std::move(new_stmt), this);
    return true;

  // Creates a new block by cloning `this` block and replacing the given
  // statement with a new statement. Note that `old_stmt` refers to a statement
  // in `this` block. If the `old_stmt` is not found, it will return `nullptr`.
  BlockPtr clone_and_replace(StmtPtr old_stmt, StmtPtr new_stmt) {
    if (new_stmt->get_parent()) {
      throw malformed_input(
          "Block replace Stmt with existing parent", std::move(new_stmt));

    // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-init-variables)
    std::vector<StmtPtr> stmts(stmts_.begin(), stmts_.end());
    // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-init-variables)
    std::vector<StmtPtr> cloned_stmts(stmts.size());
    bool found = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(stmts.size()); ++i) {
      if (stmts[i] == old_stmt) {
        found = true;
        cloned_stmts[i] = new_stmt;
      } else {
        cloned_stmts[i] = Stmt::clone(stmts[i]);
    if (!found) {
      return nullptr;
    return alloc<Block>(cloned_stmts);

  bool remove_stmt(StmtPtr stmt) {
    auto pos = std::find(stmts_.begin(), stmts_.end(), stmt);
    if (pos == stmts_.end()) {
      return false;

    set_parent(std::move(stmt), nullptr);
    return true;

  std::list<StmtPtr> stmts() const {
    return stmts_;

  void clear() {
    for (const auto& s : stmts_) {
      set_parent(s, nullptr);

  void set_stmts(const std::vector<StmtPtr>& stmts) {

  // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init)
  explicit Block(const std::vector<StmtPtr>& stmts) {

  typedef std::list<StmtPtr>::iterator iterator;
  typedef std::list<StmtPtr>::const_iterator const_iterator;

  iterator begin() {
    return stmts_.begin();

  const_iterator begin() const {
    return stmts_.begin();

  iterator end() {
    return stmts_.end();

  const_iterator end() const {
    return stmts_.end();

  StmtPtr front() {
    return stmts_.front();

  StmtPtr front() const {
    return stmts_.front();

  StmtPtr back() {
    return stmts_.back();

  StmtPtr back() const {
    return stmts_.back();

  void splice(Block::iterator it, BlockPtr other) {
    for (const StmtPtr& s : *other) {
      set_parent(s, this);

    stmts_.splice(it, other->stmts_);

  static BlockPtr getSharedParent(StmtPtr p1, StmtPtr p2) {
    // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-init-variables)
    std::unordered_set<BlockPtr> enclosing;

    StmtPtr p1_p = std::move(p1);
    while (p1_p) {
      if (BlockPtr b = to<Block>(p1_p)) {
        if (b) {
      p1_p = p1_p->get_parent();

    StmtPtr p2_p = std::move(p2);
    while (p2_p) {
      if (BlockPtr b = to<Block>(p2_p)) {
        if (enclosing.count(b) != 0) {
          return b;
      p2_p = p2_p->get_parent();

    return nullptr;

  // returns the immediate child containing statement s.
  StmtPtr getEnclosedRoot(StmtPtr s) const {
    while (s && s->get_parent().get() != this) {
      s = s->get_parent();
    return s;

  std::list<StmtPtr> stmts_;

  void init(const std::vector<StmtPtr>& stmts) {
    for (const StmtPtr& s : stmts) {
      if (!s) {
      if (!s->get_parent()) {
        // If we get here, it's a bug, but we cannot throw an error from a
        // constructor. But IR verifier would catch this.
        set_parent(s, this);


class TORCH_API Store : public StmtNode<Store> {
  VarPtr base_handle() const {
    return buf_->base_handle();
  std::vector<ExprPtr> indices() const {
    return indices_;
  ExprPtr flat_index() const {
    TORCH_CHECK(indices_.size() == 1, "Indices haven't been flattened.");
    return indices_[0];
  ExprPtr value() const {
    return value_;
  BufPtr buf() const {
    return buf_;

  void set_buf(BufPtr buf) {
    buf_ = std::move(buf);

  void set_indices(std::vector<ExprPtr> indices) {
    indices_ = std::move(indices);

  void set_value(ExprPtr value) {
    value_ = std::move(value);

  static StorePtr make(
      const BufHandle& buf,
      const std::vector<ExprHandle>& indices,
      const ExprHandle& value);

  Store(BufPtr buf, std::vector<ExprPtr> indices, ExprPtr value);

  BufPtr buf_;
  std::vector<ExprPtr> indices_;
  ExprPtr value_;

// Allocate a buffer of given shapes and dtypes and bind it with the given
// buffer var. The life span is at most through the current program, until it is
// explicitly freed. An unfreed memory is likely considered an error.
class TORCH_API Allocate : public StmtNode<Allocate> {
  static AllocatePtr make(const BufHandle& buf_handle) {
    return alloc<Allocate>(buf_handle.node());

  VarPtr buffer_var() const {
    return buf_->base_handle();

  Dtype dtype() const {
    return buf_->dtype();

  const std::vector<ExprPtr> dims() const {
    return buf_->dims();

  BufPtr buf() const {
    return buf_;

  void set_buf(BufPtr buf) {
    buf_ = std::move(buf);

  explicit Allocate(BufPtr buf) : buf_(std::move(buf)) {}

  BufPtr buf_;
  // TODO: add memory types.

// PlacementAllocate is a variation of the Allocate operator in NNC IR. It does
// not allocate memory but reuse the memory of another buffer for the given
// buffer.
class TORCH_API PlacementAllocate : public StmtNode<PlacementAllocate> {
  static PlacementAllocatePtr make(
      const BufHandle& buf_handle,
      const BufHandle& buf_handle_to_reuse) {
    return alloc<PlacementAllocate>(
        buf_handle.node(), buf_handle_to_reuse.node());

  BufPtr buf() const {
    return buf_;

  BufPtr buf_to_reuse() const {
    return buf_to_reuse_;

  void set_buf(BufPtr buf) {
    buf_ = std::move(buf);

  void set_buf_to_reuse(BufPtr buf) {
    buf_to_reuse_ = std::move(buf);

  explicit PlacementAllocate(BufPtr buf, BufPtr buf_to_reuse)
      : buf_(std::move(buf)), buf_to_reuse_(std::move(buf_to_reuse)) {}

  BufPtr buf_;
  BufPtr buf_to_reuse_;

// Free the specific buffer. It is an error.
class TORCH_API Free : public StmtNode<Free> {
  static FreePtr make(const BufHandle& buf_handle) {
    return alloc<Free>(buf_handle.node());

  VarPtr buffer_var() const {
    return buf_->base_handle();

  BufPtr buf() const {
    return buf_;

  void set_buf(BufPtr buf) {
    buf_ = std::move(buf);

  explicit Free(BufPtr buf) : buf_(std::move(buf)) {}

  BufPtr buf_;

class TORCH_API FreeExt : public StmtNode<FreeExt> {
  static FreeExtPtr make(const std::vector<BufHandle>& bufs);

  std::vector<BufPtr> bufs() const {
    return bufs_;

  void set_bufs(std::vector<BufPtr> bufs) {
    bufs_ = std::move(bufs);

  explicit FreeExt(std::vector<BufPtr> bufs) : bufs_(std::move(bufs)) {}

  std::vector<BufPtr> bufs_;

class TORCH_API Let : public StmtNode<Let> {
  static LetPtr make(const VarHandle& var, const ExprHandle& val) {
    return alloc<Let>(var.node(), val.node());

  Let(VarPtr var, ExprPtr val) : var_(std::move(var)), val_(std::move(val)) {}

  VarPtr var() const {
    return var_;

  ExprPtr value() const {
    return val_;

  void set_var(VarPtr var) {
    var_ = std::move(var);

  void set_val(ExprPtr val) {
    val_ = std::move(val);

  VarPtr var_;
  ExprPtr val_;

class TORCH_API Cond : public StmtNode<Cond> {
  static CondPtr make(
      const ExprHandle& condition,
      StmtPtr true_stmt,
      StmtPtr false_stmt) {
    return alloc<Cond>(condition.node(), true_stmt, false_stmt);

  ExprPtr condition() const {
    return condition_;

  BlockPtr true_stmt() const {
    return true_stmt_;

  BlockPtr false_stmt() const {
    return false_stmt_;

  void set_condition(ExprPtr condition) {
    condition_ = std::move(condition);

  void set_true_stmt(StmtPtr true_stmt) {
    if (true_stmt) {
      BlockPtr b = to<Block>(true_stmt);
      if (!b) {
        b = alloc<Block>(std::vector<StmtPtr>({std::move(true_stmt)}));
      true_stmt_ = b;
      set_parent(true_stmt_, this);

  void set_false_stmt(StmtPtr false_stmt) {
    if (false_stmt) {
      BlockPtr b = to<Block>(false_stmt);
      if (!b) {
        b = alloc<Block>(std::vector<StmtPtr>({std::move(false_stmt)}));
      false_stmt_ = b;
      set_parent(false_stmt_, this);

  Cond(ExprPtr condition, StmtPtr true_stmt, StmtPtr false_stmt)
      : condition_(std::move(condition)) {

  CondPtr cloneWithNewBodies(StmtPtr true_stmt, StmtPtr false_stmt) {
    return alloc<Cond>(condition_, true_stmt, false_stmt);

  CondPtr cloneWithNewBody(StmtPtr true_stmt) {
    return alloc<Cond>(condition_, true_stmt, nullptr);

  ExprPtr condition_;
  BlockPtr true_stmt_ = nullptr;
  BlockPtr false_stmt_ = nullptr;

class TORCH_API LoopOptions {
  enum {
    IDX_UNSET = -1,
    IDX_X = 0,
    IDX_Y = 1,
    IDX_Z = 2,
    IDX_W = 3,
    IDX_MAX = IDX_W,
  // GPU Block Index
  bool is_gpu_block_index() const {
    return gpu_block_index_ != IDX_UNSET;

  int gpu_block_index() const {
    return gpu_block_index_;

  std::string gpu_block_index_str() const {
    if (!is_gpu_block_index()) {
      throw malformed_input("Has no GPU block index");

    // NOLINTNEXTLINE(modernize-avoid-c-arrays,cppcoreguidelines-avoid-c-arrays)
    static const char* kBlockIndexNames[] = {

    if (gpu_block_index_ < IDX_X || gpu_block_index_ > IDX_MAX) {
      throw malformed_input("invalid GPU block index");

    return kBlockIndexNames[gpu_block_index_];

  void set_gpu_block_index(int index) {
    if (index == IDX_UNSET) {
      gpu_block_index_ = IDX_UNSET;

    if (is_gpu_thread_index()) {
      throw std::runtime_error("Cannot set both gpu block and thread index");
    if (is_gpu_block_index() && gpu_block_index() != index) {
      throw std::runtime_error("Cannot set a previously set block index");
    gpu_block_index_ = index;

  // GPU Thread Index
  bool is_gpu_thread_index() const {
    return gpu_thread_index() != IDX_UNSET;

  int gpu_thread_index() const {
    return gpu_thread_index_;

  std::string gpu_thread_index_str() const {
    if (!is_gpu_thread_index()) {
      throw malformed_input("has no GPU thread index");

    // NOLINTNEXTLINE(modernize-avoid-c-arrays,cppcoreguidelines-avoid-c-arrays)
    static const char* kThreadIndexNames[] = {
        "threadIdx.x", "threadIdx.y", "threadIdx.z", "threadIdx.w"};

    if (gpu_thread_index_ < IDX_X || gpu_thread_index_ > IDX_MAX) {
      throw malformed_input("invalid GPU thread index");

    return kThreadIndexNames[gpu_thread_index_];

  void set_gpu_thread_index(int index) {
    if (index == IDX_UNSET) {
      gpu_thread_index_ = IDX_UNSET;

    if (is_gpu_block_index()) {
      throw std::runtime_error("Cannot set both gpu thread and block index");
    if (is_gpu_thread_index() && gpu_thread_index() != index) {
      throw std::runtime_error("Cannot set a previously set thread index");
    gpu_thread_index_ = index;

  void set_parallel() {
    is_parallel_ = true;

  bool is_parallel() const {
    return is_parallel_;

  std::string ToString() const {
    if (is_gpu_block_index()) {
      return gpu_block_index_str();
    } else if (is_gpu_thread_index()) {
      return gpu_thread_index_str();
    } else if (is_parallel()) {
      return "parallel";
    return "";

  bool isDefault() const {
    return gpu_block_index_ == IDX_UNSET && gpu_thread_index_ == IDX_UNSET &&

  void set_buffer_mapping(const std::unordered_map<std::string, BufPtr>& map) {
    map_input_to_tensor_bufs_ = map;

  std::unordered_map<std::string, BufPtr> get_buffer_mapping() const {
    return map_input_to_tensor_bufs_;

  int gpu_block_index_{IDX_UNSET};
  int gpu_thread_index_{IDX_UNSET};
  bool is_parallel_{false};
  std::unordered_map<std::string, BufPtr> map_input_to_tensor_bufs_;

class TORCH_API For : public StmtNode<For> {
  VarPtr var() const {
    return var_;
  ExprPtr start() const {
    return start_;
  ExprPtr stop() const {
    return stop_;
  BlockPtr body() const {
    return body_;
  static ForPtr make(
      const VarHandle& var,
      const ExprHandle& start,
      const ExprHandle& stop,
      StmtPtr body) {
    if (!body) {
      return nullptr;
    return alloc<For>(var.node(), start.node(), stop.node(), body);
  static ForPtr make(
      const VarHandle& var,
      const ExprHandle& start,
      const ExprHandle& stop,
      StmtPtr body,
      const LoopOptions& loop_options) {
    if (!body) {
      return nullptr;
    return alloc<For>(
        var.node(), start.node(), stop.node(), body, loop_options);
  const LoopOptions loop_options() const {
    return loop_options_;

  For(VarPtr var, ExprPtr start, ExprPtr stop, StmtPtr body)
      : var_(std::move(var)), start_(std::move(start)), stop_(std::move(stop)) {
    BlockPtr b = to<Block>(body);
    if (!b) {
      b = alloc<Block>(std::vector<StmtPtr>({std::move(body)}));
    body_ = b;
    set_parent(body_, this);

  For(VarPtr var,
      ExprPtr start,
      ExprPtr stop,
      StmtPtr body,
      LoopOptions loop_options)
      : var_(var),
        loop_options_(std::move(loop_options)) {
    if (!var) {
      throw malformed_input("invalid Var in For loop");
    } else if (!start) {
      throw malformed_input("invalid Start in For loop");
    } else if (!stop) {
      throw malformed_input("invalid Stop in For loop");
    } else if (!body || body->get_parent()) {
      throw malformed_input("invalid Body in For loop");

    BlockPtr b = to<Block>(body);
    if (!b) {
      b = alloc<Block>(std::vector<StmtPtr>({std::move(body)}));
    body_ = b;
    set_parent(body_, this);

  void set_gpu_block_index(int block_index) {

  void set_gpu_thread_index(int thread_index) {

  void set_parallel() {

  bool is_parallel() const {
    return loop_options_.is_parallel();

  void set_buffer_map(const std::unordered_map<std::string, BufPtr>& map) {

  ForPtr cloneWithNewBody(StmtPtr body) const {
    return alloc<For>(var_, start_, stop_, body, loop_options_);

  BlockPtr removeBody() {
    auto res = body_;
    set_parent(res, nullptr);
    body_ = nullptr;
    return res;

  void set_body(StmtPtr body) {
    BlockPtr b = to<Block>(body);
    if (!b) {
      b = alloc<Block>(std::vector<StmtPtr>({std::move(body)}));
    body_ = b;
    set_parent(body_, this);

  void set_start(ExprPtr start) {
    start_ = std::move(start);

  void set_stop(ExprPtr stop) {
    stop_ = std::move(stop);

  void set_var(VarPtr var) {
    var_ = std::move(var);

  VarPtr var_;
  ExprPtr start_;
  ExprPtr stop_;
  BlockPtr body_;
  LoopOptions loop_options_;

// A backend specific IR Node that implements atomic-add.
// This node could only shows up as an internal with GPU backends.
// TODO: move to this an internal IR.
// TODO: make IR nodes extensible.
class TORCH_API AtomicAdd : public StmtNode<AtomicAdd> {
  // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init)
  AtomicAdd(BufPtr buf, std::vector<ExprPtr> indices, ExprPtr value)
      : buf_(std::move(buf)),
        value_(std::move(value)) {}

  VarPtr base_handle() const {
    return buf_->base_handle();

  BufPtr buf() const {
    return buf_;

  ExprPtr flat_index() const {
    TORCH_CHECK(indices_.size() == 1, "Indices haven't been flattened.");
    return indices_[0];

  ExprPtr value() const {
    return value_;

  const std::vector<ExprPtr>& indices() const {
    return indices_;

  void set_buf(BufPtr buf) {
    buf_ = std::move(buf);

  void set_indices(std::vector<ExprPtr> indices) {
    indices_ = std::move(indices);

  void set_value(ExprPtr value) {
    value_ = std::move(value);

  BufPtr buf_;
  std::vector<ExprPtr> indices_;
  ExprPtr value_;

class TORCH_API SyncThreads : public StmtNode<SyncThreads> {
  SyncThreads() = default;

 * ExternalCall statement represents a call to an external function that would
 * compute the contents of the output buffer. An ExternalCall statement consists
 * of:
 *   1) output buffer - the buffer that'll be initialized by the call
 *   2) external function name - a key from the NNC function registry to lookup
 *      the actual function to call
 *   3) buffer arguments - the input buffers used by the function
 *   4) non-buffer arguments - scalar arguments to pass to the function
 * An example:
 *   A = nnc_conv2d(buf_args={Input, Weight, Bias}, args={1})
 * Here 'A' is the output buffer, "nnc_conv2d" is the function name, the buffer
 * arguments are 'Input', 'Weight', and 'Bias', and there is a single non-buffer
 * argument - 1.
 * The semantics of the scalar arguments is defined solely by the implementation
 * of the external function.
class TORCH_API ExternalCall : public StmtNode<ExternalCall> {
  static ExternalCallPtr make(
      BufHandle buf,
      const std::string& func_name,
      const std::vector<BufHandle>& buf_args,
      const std::vector<ExprHandle>& args);

  BufPtr buf() const {
    return buf_;

  std::string func_name() const {
    return func_name_;

  std::vector<BufPtr> buf_args() const {
    return buf_args_;

  std::vector<ExprPtr> args() const {
    return args_;

  void set_buf(BufPtr buf) {
    buf_ = std::move(buf);

  void set_buf_args(std::vector<BufPtr> buf_args) {
    buf_args_ = std::move(buf_args);

  void set_args(std::vector<ExprPtr> args) {
    args_ = std::move(args);

  // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init)
      BufPtr buf,
      std::string func_name,
      std::vector<BufPtr> buf_args,
      std::vector<ExprPtr> args)
      : buf_(std::move(buf)),
        args_(std::move(args)) {}

  BufPtr buf_;
  std::string func_name_;
  std::vector<BufPtr> buf_args_;
  std::vector<ExprPtr> args_;

class TORCH_API ExternalCallWithAlloc : public StmtNode<ExternalCallWithAlloc> {
  static ExternalCallWithAllocPtr make(
      const std::string& func_name,
      const std::vector<BufHandle>& buf_out_args,
      const std::vector<BufHandle>& buf_args,
      const std::vector<ExprHandle>& args);

  std::vector<BufPtr> buf_out_args() const {
    return buf_out_args_;

  std::string func_name() const {
    return func_name_;

  std::vector<BufPtr> buf_args() const {
    return buf_args_;

  std::vector<ExprPtr> args() const {
    return args_;

  void set_buf_out_args(std::vector<BufPtr> buf_out_args) {
    buf_out_args_ = std::move(buf_out_args);

  void set_buf_args(std::vector<BufPtr> buf_args) {
    buf_args_ = std::move(buf_args);

  void set_args(std::vector<ExprPtr> args) {
    args_ = std::move(args);

  // NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-pro-type-member-init)
      std::string func_name,
      std::vector<BufPtr> buf_out_args,
      std::vector<BufPtr> buf_args,
      std::vector<ExprPtr> args)
      : func_name_(std::move(func_name)),
        args_(std::move(args)) {}

  std::string func_name_;
  std::vector<BufPtr> buf_out_args_;
  std::vector<BufPtr> buf_args_;
  std::vector<ExprPtr> args_;

} // namespace tensorexpr
} // namespace jit
} // namespace torch