from contextlib import contextmanager
from torch._C import _TensorBase
import torch
import functools
from torch._decomp import decomposition_table
from typing import Callable, Dict, cast
from torch.utils._pytree import tree_map_only
HANDLED_FUNCTIONS: Dict[Callable, torch.autograd.Function] = {}
aten = torch._ops.ops.aten
# __torch_function__ runs before the pydispatcher so we need to manually use the same
# decompositions indexed by their torch equivalent
expanded_weights_rnn_decomps = {
# func: (input_decomp, data_decomp)
torch.rnn_relu: (decomposition_table[aten.rnn_relu.input], decomposition_table[]),
torch.rnn_tanh: (decomposition_table[aten.rnn_tanh.input], decomposition_table[]),
torch.lstm: (decomposition_table[aten.lstm.input], decomposition_table[]),
torch.gru: (decomposition_table[aten.gru.input], decomposition_table[]),
# all of the RNN decomps run linear with the batch dimension second, even if batch_first was set
def batch_second(args, kwargs):
def set_batch_second(ew):
def reset_batch_first(ew):
tree_map_only(ExpandedWeight, set_batch_second, args)
tree_map_only(ExpandedWeight, set_batch_second, kwargs)
tree_map_only(ExpandedWeight, reset_batch_first, args)
tree_map_only(ExpandedWeight, reset_batch_first, kwargs)
# to support packed sequences, we need to allow for smaller batches. Expanded weights represents the largest batch
def allow_smaller_batches(args, kwargs):
def allow(ew):
def reset(ew):
tree_map_only(ExpandedWeight, allow, args)
tree_map_only(ExpandedWeight, allow, kwargs)
tree_map_only(ExpandedWeight, reset, args)
tree_map_only(ExpandedWeight, reset, kwargs)
def setup_rnn(use_input_variant, args, kwargs):
with batch_second(args, kwargs) if use_input_variant else allow_smaller_batches(args, kwargs):
def implements_per_sample_grads(torch_function):
def decorator(autograd_func):
HANDLED_FUNCTIONS[torch_function] = autograd_func
return autograd_func
return decorator
# ExpandedWeight represents a weight (parameter) Tensor that has an expanded
# batch dimension. Operations on the ExpandedWeight Tensor act exactly like
# those without an expanded batch dimension but a call to .backward() populates
# the original (unexpanded) tensor with per-sample-gradients for in the grad_sample field
# ExpandedWeight has a fallback that always fails since we cannot know what the batch
# dimension of the input tensor is and therefore cannot know if this is a valid call
# This is a __torch_function__ object but it could have also been a Tensor Extension
# with a dispatch key.
# Needs to be a tensor subclass to allow reparamaterization
class ExpandedWeight(torch.Tensor):
def __init__(self, orig_weight, batch_size, loss_reduction):
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.batch_first = True
self.allow_smaller_batches = False
self.orig_weight = orig_weight
self.loss_reduction = loss_reduction
handled_functions = HANDLED_FUNCTIONS
def __new__(cls, orig_weight, batch_size, loss_reduction):
if not isinstance(orig_weight, torch.Tensor):
raise RuntimeError(f"Can only make Expanded Weights of Tensors, got {type(orig_weight).__name__}")
if not orig_weight.requires_grad:
raise RuntimeError("Can only build ExpandedWeights objects of tensors that require_grad")
ret = torch.Tensor._make_subclass(cast(_TensorBase, cls), orig_weight, True)
return ret
def __torch_function__(cls, func, _, args=(), kwargs=None):
if kwargs is None:
kwargs = {}
if func in expanded_weights_rnn_decomps:
# in aten, choosing the input or data variants is done by parsing logic. This mimics some of that
decomp_opts = expanded_weights_rnn_decomps[func]
use_input_variant = isinstance(args[2], list) # data variant uses a list here
decomp = decomp_opts[0] if use_input_variant else decomp_opts[1]
if decomp is not None:
with setup_rnn(use_input_variant, args, kwargs):
return decomp(*args, **kwargs)
if func == torch._cudnn_rnn_flatten_weight:
# since we aren't using the fused cuda kernels for RNNs, don't do this
if func in cls.handled_functions:
return cls.handled_functions[func].apply(tuple(kwargs.keys()), func, *(args + tuple(kwargs.values())))
# We cannot use a fallback here because we do not know the batch dimension for any regular tensor inputs,
# i.e. torch.add(torch.Tensor, ExpandedWeight)
raise RuntimeError(f"Expanded Weights encountered but cannot handle function {func.__name__}")
def dtype(self):
return self.orig_weight.dtype
def data(self):
def shape(self):
return self.orig_weight.shape
def device(self):
return self.orig_weight.device
def is_cuda(self):
return self.orig_weight.is_cuda
def data_ptr(self):
return self.orig_weight.data_ptr()
def get_device(self):
return self.orig_weight.get_device()
def set_allow_smaller_batches(self, is_allow_smaller_batches):
self.allow_smaller_batches = is_allow_smaller_batches
def set_batch_first(self, is_batch_first=True):
self.batch_first = is_batch_first