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/ package / analyze / find_first_use_of_broken_modules.py

from typing import Dict, List

from ..package_exporter import PackagingError

__all__ = ["find_first_use_of_broken_modules"]

def find_first_use_of_broken_modules(exc: PackagingError) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
    Find all broken modules in a PackagingError, and for each one, return the
    dependency path in which the module was first encountered.

    E.g. broken module m.n.o was added to a dependency graph while processing a.b.c,
    then re-encountered while processing d.e.f. This method would return
    {'m.n.o': ['a', 'b', 'c']}

        exc: a PackagingError

    Returns: A dict from broken module names to lists of module names in the path.

    assert isinstance(exc, PackagingError), "exception must be a PackagingError"
    uses = {}
    broken_module_names = [
        m for m, attr in exc.dependency_graph.nodes.items() if attr.get("error", False)
    for module_name in broken_module_names:
        path = exc.dependency_graph.first_path(module_name)
        uses[module_name] = path
    return uses