import sys
import threading
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
from torch._C._distributed_c10d import (
from torch.futures import Future
from torch.utils._pytree import tree_flatten
Lots of missing collectives.
Collectives validation.
Make timeout robust by making collectives respect the test deadline.
Make tests robust by making collectives interruptible.
We need some synchronization around cleanup to ensure that timedout ranks don't cause spurious failures.
def flatten_list(lst):
return tree_flatten(lst)[0]
def ret_work(ret):
fut = Future()
return _create_work_from_future(fut)
class AllReduce:
def __init__(self, op):
if op != ReduceOp.SUM:
raise NotImplementedError(
"AllReduce only supports SUM on threaded pg for now."
self.op = op
def work(self, data):
# data: List[List[Tensor]]
res = data[0][0]
for src_rank in range(1, len(data)):
in_tensor_list = data[src_rank]
res.add_(in_tensor_list[0]) # Hardcoded
with torch.no_grad():
for src_rank in range(len(data)):
class AllGather:
def work(self, data):
for src_rank in range(len(data)):
in_tensor_list = data[src_rank][1]
# Can't handle all_gather with multiple tensors
assert len(in_tensor_list) == 1
src_tensor = in_tensor_list[0]
for dest in data:
dest_tensor = dest[0][0][src_rank]
with torch.no_grad():
class Scatter:
def __init__(self, src):
self.src = src
def work(self, data):
src_in_tensor_list = data[self.src][1]
# Can't handle scatter with multiple input tensor list
assert len(src_in_tensor_list) == 1
src_in_tensors = src_in_tensor_list[0]
for rank, each_rank_data in enumerate(data):
out_tensor_list = each_rank_data[0]
# Can't handle scatter with multiple output tensor
assert len(out_tensor_list) == 1
dest_tensor = out_tensor_list[0]
with torch.no_grad():
class ReduceScatter:
def __init__(self, op):
if op != dist.ReduceOp.SUM:
raise NotImplementedError("ReduceScatter only supports SUM on threaded pg for now.")
self.op = op
def work(self, data):
start_reduction = [False for _ in range(len(data))]
for each_rank_data in data:
# Can't handle reduce_scatter with multiple scatter list
assert len(each_rank_data[1]) == 1
to_scatter = each_rank_data[1][0]
for i in range(len(to_scatter)):
dest_tensor_on_rank_i = data[i][0]
# Can't handle reduce_scatter with multiple output tensor
assert len(dest_tensor_on_rank_i) == 1
if not start_reduction[i]:
with torch.no_grad():
start_reduction[i] = True
with torch.no_grad():
class Broadcast:
def __init__(self, src):
self.src = src
def work(self, data):
in_tensor_list = flatten_list(data[self.src])
for i in range(len(data)):
out_tensor_list = flatten_list(data[i])
for j in range(len(in_tensor_list)):
with torch.no_grad():
class Collective:
def __init__(self, world_size, collective, pg):
self._world_size = world_size
self._collective = collective
self._start_cond = threading.Condition()
self._done_cond = threading.Condition()
self._data = [None] * world_size
self._count = 0
self._done = False
self._pg = pg
def join(self, rank, data):
with self._start_cond:
self._data[rank] = data
self._count += 1
# notify rank 0
if self._count == self._world_size:
if rank > 0:
if rank == 0:
lambda: self._count == self._world_size or self._pg._terminate.is_set()
# SystemExit is not a subclass of Exception but BaseException
# and can be distinguished from normal exception raised from program errors
# so that we can hide it from the exception queue
if self._pg._terminate.is_set():
sys.exit("Test termination event occurs.")
with self._done_cond:
# wait for rank 0 to finish
if rank > 0:
self._done_cond.wait_for(lambda: self._done or self._pg._terminate.is_set())
if self._pg._terminate.is_set():
sys.exit("Test termination event occurs.")
# copy data around
self._done = True
return ret_work(data)
class ProcessLocalGroup(dist.ProcessGroup):
_pg_lock = threading.Lock()
_pg_list = []
_count = 0
_ready = False
_coll_lock = threading.Lock()
_cur_coll_on_pgs = {}
_terminate = threading.Event()
def _register(cls, pg):
with cls._pg_lock:
while len(cls._pg_list) <= pg._rank:
cls._pg_list[pg._rank] = pg
cls._count += 1
if cls._count == pg._world_size:
cls._ready = True
def _start_coll(cls, collective, pg):
with cls._coll_lock:
if not cls._ready:
raise Exception(
f"world not ready, only {cls._count} PG's registered but world has {pg.size()} ranks"
# pg_name is unique, we use that to record the mapping between pg and collective
if pg.pg_name not in cls._cur_coll_on_pgs:
cls._cur_coll_on_pgs[pg.pg_name] = Collective(pg.size(), collective, cls)
return cls._cur_coll_on_pgs[pg.pg_name]
def _end_coll(cls, collective, pg):
# This is racily called by all ranks, so only one will work
with cls._coll_lock:
if pg.pg_name in cls._cur_coll_on_pgs and cls._cur_coll_on_pgs[pg.pg_name] == collective:
def exception_handle(cls, exc):
for coll in cls._cur_coll_on_pgs.values():
with coll._start_cond:
with coll._done_cond:
def reset(cls):
with cls._coll_lock:
cls._cur_coll_on_pgs = {}
def allreduce(self, tensor_list, opts=AllreduceOptions()):
coll = ProcessLocalGroup._start_coll(AllReduce(opts.reduceOp), self)
res = coll.join(self._rank, tensor_list)
ProcessLocalGroup._end_coll(coll, self)
return res
def allgather(self, output_tensors, input_tensor, opts=AllgatherOptions()):
coll = ProcessLocalGroup._start_coll(AllGather(), self)
res = coll.join(self._rank, (output_tensors, input_tensor))
ProcessLocalGroup._end_coll(coll, self)
return res
def broadcast(self, tensor_list, opts=BroadcastOptions()):
coll = ProcessLocalGroup._start_coll(Broadcast(opts.rootRank), self)
res = coll.join(self._rank, tensor_list)
ProcessLocalGroup._end_coll(coll, self)
return res
def scatter(self, output_tensors, input_tensors, opts=ScatterOptions()):
coll = ProcessLocalGroup._start_coll(Scatter(opts.rootRank), self)
res = coll.join(self._rank, (output_tensors, input_tensors))
ProcessLocalGroup._end_coll(coll, self)
return res
def reduce_scatter(self, output_tensor, scatter_list, opts=ReduceScatterOptions()):
coll = ProcessLocalGroup._start_coll(ReduceScatter(opts.reduceOp), self)
res = coll.join(self._rank, (output_tensor, scatter_list))
ProcessLocalGroup._end_coll(coll, self)
return res
def __init__(self, rank, world_size):
super().__init__(rank, world_size)
self._rank = rank
self._world_size = world_size
def size(self):
return self._world_size
def pg_name(self):
return the global registered name of the current pg in the world
return dist.distributed_c10d._world.pg_names[self]
def getBackendName(self):
return "threaded"
def __repr__(self):
return f"ThreadedPG world_size:{self._world_size} rank:{self._rank}"
def _create_threaded_pg(prefix_store, rank, world_size, timeout):
return ProcessLocalGroup(rank, world_size)
dist.Backend.register_backend("threaded", _create_threaded_pg)
class WorldData:
default_pg: dist.ProcessGroup
pg_map: Dict[dist.ProcessGroup, Tuple[str, Optional[Store]]]
pg_names: Dict[dist.ProcessGroup, str]
pg_group_ranks: Dict[dist.ProcessGroup, Dict[int, int]]
pg_backend_config: Dict[dist.ProcessGroup, str]
group_count: int
class ThreadLocalWorld:
_world = threading.local()
def _get_world(self) -> WorldData:
if not hasattr(ThreadLocalWorld._world, "world"): = WorldData(None, {}, {}, {}, {}, 0)
def default_pg(self):
return self._get_world().default_pg
def default_pg(self, value):
self._get_world().default_pg = value
def pg_map(self):
return self._get_world().pg_map
def pg_names(self):
return self._get_world().pg_names
def pg_group_ranks(self):
return self._get_world().pg_group_ranks
def pg_backend_config(self):
return self._get_world().pg_backend_config
def group_count(self) -> int:
return self._get_world().group_count
def group_count(self, value):
self._get_world().group_count = value
_old_pg_world = None
def _install_threaded_pg():
global _old_pg_world
_old_pg_world = dist.distributed_c10d._world
dist.distributed_c10d._world = ThreadLocalWorld()
return dist.distributed_c10d._world
def _uninstall_threaded_pg():
dist.distributed_c10d._world = _old_pg_world