# Taking reference from official Python typing
# https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/master/Lib/typing.py
import collections
import functools
import numbers
import sys
from torch.utils.data.datapipes._hook_iterator import hook_iterator, _SnapshotState
from typing import (Any, Dict, Iterator, Generic, List, Set, Tuple, TypeVar, Union,
from typing import _eval_type, _tp_cache, _type_check, _type_repr # type: ignore[attr-defined]
from typing import ForwardRef
# TODO: Use TypeAlias when Python 3.6 is deprecated
# Please check [Note: TypeMeta and TypeAlias]
# In case of metaclass conflict due to ABCMeta or _ProtocolMeta
# For Python 3.9, only Protocol in typing uses metaclass
from abc import ABCMeta
from typing import _GenericAlias # type: ignore[attr-defined, no-redef]
class GenericMeta(ABCMeta): # type: ignore[no-redef]
class Integer(numbers.Integral):
class Boolean(numbers.Integral):
# Python 'type' object is not subscriptable
# Tuple[int, List, dict] -> valid
# tuple[int, list, dict] -> invalid
# Map Python 'type' to abstract base class
bool: Boolean,
int: Integer,
float: numbers.Real,
complex: numbers.Complex,
dict: Dict,
list: List,
set: Set,
tuple: Tuple,
None: type(None),
def issubtype(left, right, recursive=True):
Check if the left-side type is a subtype of the right-side type.
If any of type is a composite type like `Union` and `TypeVar` with
bounds, it would be expanded into a list of types and check all
of left-side types are subtypes of either one from right-side types.
left = TYPE2ABC.get(left, left)
right = TYPE2ABC.get(right, right)
if right is Any or left == right:
return True
if isinstance(right, _GenericAlias):
if getattr(right, '__origin__', None) is Generic:
return True
if right == type(None):
return False
# Right-side type
constraints = _decompose_type(right)
if len(constraints) == 0 or Any in constraints:
return True
if left is Any:
return False
# Left-side type
variants = _decompose_type(left)
# all() will return True for empty variants
if len(variants) == 0:
return False
return all(_issubtype_with_constraints(variant, constraints, recursive) for variant in variants)
def _decompose_type(t, to_list=True):
if isinstance(t, TypeVar):
if t.__bound__ is not None:
ts = [t.__bound__]
# For T_co, __constraints__ is ()
ts = list(t.__constraints__)
elif hasattr(t, '__origin__') and t.__origin__ == Union:
ts = t.__args__
if not to_list:
return None
ts = [t]
# Ignored: Generator has incompatible item type "object"; expected "Type[Any]"
ts = [TYPE2ABC.get(_t, _t) for _t in ts] # type: ignore[misc]
return ts
def _issubtype_with_constraints(variant, constraints, recursive=True):
Check if the variant is a subtype of either one from constraints.
For composite types like `Union` and `TypeVar` with bounds, they
would be expanded for testing.
if variant in constraints:
return True
# [Note: Subtype for Union and TypeVar]
# Python typing is able to flatten Union[Union[...]] or Union[TypeVar].
# But it couldn't flatten the following scenarios:
# - Union[int, TypeVar[Union[...]]]
# - TypeVar[TypeVar[...]]
# So, variant and each constraint may be a TypeVar or a Union.
# In these cases, all of inner types from the variant are required to be
# extraced and verified as a subtype of any constraint. And, all of
# inner types from any constraint being a TypeVar or a Union are
# also required to be extracted and verified if the variant belongs to
# any of them.
# Variant
vs = _decompose_type(variant, to_list=False)
# Variant is TypeVar or Union
if vs is not None:
return all(_issubtype_with_constraints(v, constraints, recursive) for v in vs)
# Variant is not TypeVar or Union
if hasattr(variant, '__origin__') and variant.__origin__ is not None:
v_origin = variant.__origin__
# In Python-3.9 typing library untyped generics do not have args
v_args = getattr(variant, "__args__", None)
v_origin = variant
v_args = None
# Constraints
for constraint in constraints:
cs = _decompose_type(constraint, to_list=False)
# Constraint is TypeVar or Union
if cs is not None:
if _issubtype_with_constraints(variant, cs, recursive):
return True
# Constraint is not TypeVar or Union
# __origin__ can be None for plain list, tuple, ... in Python 3.6
if hasattr(constraint, '__origin__') and constraint.__origin__ is not None:
c_origin = constraint.__origin__
if v_origin == c_origin:
if not recursive:
return True
# In Python-3.9 typing library untyped generics do not have args
c_args = getattr(constraint, "__args__", None)
if c_args is None or len(c_args) == 0:
return True
if v_args is not None and len(v_args) == len(c_args) and \
all(issubtype(v_arg, c_arg) for v_arg, c_arg in zip(v_args, c_args)):
return True
# Tuple[int] -> Tuple
if v_origin == constraint:
return True
return False
def issubinstance(data, data_type):
if not issubtype(type(data), data_type, recursive=False):
return False
# In Python-3.9 typing library __args__ attribute is not defined for untyped generics
dt_args = getattr(data_type, "__args__", None)
if isinstance(data, tuple):
if dt_args is None or len(dt_args) == 0:
return True
if len(dt_args) != len(data):
return False
return all(issubinstance(d, t) for d, t in zip(data, dt_args))
elif isinstance(data, (list, set)):
if dt_args is None or len(dt_args) == 0:
return True
t = dt_args[0]
return all(issubinstance(d, t) for d in data)
elif isinstance(data, dict):
if dt_args is None or len(dt_args) == 0:
return True
kt, vt = dt_args
return all(issubinstance(k, kt) and issubinstance(v, vt) for k, v in data.items())
return True
# [Note: TypeMeta and TypeAlias]
# In order to keep compatibility for Python 3.6, use Meta for the typing.
# TODO: When PyTorch drops the support for Python 3.6, it can be converted
# into the Alias system and using `__class_getitem__` for DataPipe. The
# typing system will gain benefit of performance and resolving metaclass
# conflicts as elaborated in https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0560/
class _DataPipeType:
Save type annotation in `param`
def __init__(self, param):
self.param = param
def __repr__(self):
return _type_repr(self.param)
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, _DataPipeType):
return self.param == other.param
return NotImplemented
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.param)
def issubtype(self, other):
if isinstance(other.param, _GenericAlias):
if getattr(other.param, '__origin__', None) is Generic:
return True
if isinstance(other, _DataPipeType):
return issubtype(self.param, other.param)
if isinstance(other, type):
return issubtype(self.param, other)
raise TypeError("Expected '_DataPipeType' or 'type', but found {}".format(type(other)))
def issubtype_of_instance(self, other):
return issubinstance(other, self.param)
# Default type for DataPipe without annotation
T_co = TypeVar('T_co', covariant=True)
_DEFAULT_TYPE = _DataPipeType(Generic[T_co])
class _DataPipeMeta(GenericMeta):
Metaclass for `DataPipe`. Add `type` attribute and `__init_subclass__` based
on the type, and validate the return hint of `__iter__`.
Note that there is subclass `_IterDataPipeMeta` specifically for `IterDataPipe`.
type: _DataPipeType
def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs):
return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs) # type: ignore[call-overload]
# TODO: the statements below are not reachable by design as there is a bug and typing is low priority for now.
cls.__origin__ = None
if 'type' in namespace:
return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs) # type: ignore[call-overload]
namespace['__type_class__'] = False
# For plain derived class without annotation
for base in bases:
if isinstance(base, _DataPipeMeta):
return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs) # type: ignore[call-overload]
namespace.update({'type': _DEFAULT_TYPE,
'__init_subclass__': _dp_init_subclass})
return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs) # type: ignore[call-overload]
def __init__(self, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs):
super().__init__(name, bases, namespace, **kwargs) # type: ignore[call-overload]
# TODO: Fix isinstance bug
def _getitem_(self, params):
if params is None:
raise TypeError('{}[t]: t can not be None'.format(self.__name__))
if isinstance(params, str):
params = ForwardRef(params)
if not isinstance(params, tuple):
params = (params, )
msg = "{}[t]: t must be a type".format(self.__name__)
params = tuple(_type_check(p, msg) for p in params)
if isinstance(self.type.param, _GenericAlias):
orig = getattr(self.type.param, '__origin__', None)
if isinstance(orig, type) and orig is not Generic:
p = self.type.param[params] # type: ignore[index]
t = _DataPipeType(p)
l = len(str(self.type)) + 2
name = self.__name__[:-l]
name = name + '[' + str(t) + ']'
bases = (self,) + self.__bases__
return self.__class__(name, bases,
{'__init_subclass__': _dp_init_subclass,
'type': t,
'__type_class__': True})
if len(params) > 1:
raise TypeError('Too many parameters for {} actual {}, expected 1'.format(self, len(params)))
t = _DataPipeType(params[0])
if not t.issubtype(self.type):
raise TypeError('Can not subclass a DataPipe[{}] from DataPipe[{}]'
.format(t, self.type))
# Types are equal, fast path for inheritance
if self.type == t:
return self
name = self.__name__ + '[' + str(t) + ']'
bases = (self,) + self.__bases__
return self.__class__(name, bases,
{'__init_subclass__': _dp_init_subclass,
'__type_class__': True,
'type': t})
# TODO: Fix isinstance bug
def _eq_(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, _DataPipeMeta):
return NotImplemented
if self.__origin__ is None or other.__origin__ is None: # type: ignore[has-type]
return self is other
return (self.__origin__ == other.__origin__ # type: ignore[has-type]
and self.type == other.type)
# TODO: Fix isinstance bug
def _hash_(self):
return hash((self.__name__, self.type))
class _IterDataPipeMeta(_DataPipeMeta):
Metaclass for `IterDataPipe` and inherits from `_DataPipeMeta`. Aad various functions for behaviors
specific to `IterDataPipe`.
def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs):
if 'reset' in namespace:
reset_func = namespace['reset']
def conditional_reset(*args, **kwargs):
Only execute DataPipe's `reset()` method if `_SnapshotState` is `Iterating` or `NotStarted`. This allows recently
restored DataPipe to preserve its restored state during the initial `__iter__` call.
datapipe = args[0]
if datapipe._snapshot_state in (_SnapshotState.Iterating, _SnapshotState.NotStarted):
# Reset `NotStarted` is necessary because the `source_datapipe` of a DataPipe might have
# already begun iterating.
datapipe._number_of_samples_yielded = 0
datapipe._fast_forward_iterator = None
reset_func(*args, **kwargs)
datapipe._snapshot_state = _SnapshotState.Iterating
namespace['reset'] = conditional_reset
if '__iter__' in namespace:
hook_iterator(namespace, 'enumerate(DataPipe)#{}'.format(name))
return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs) # type: ignore[call-overload]
def _dp_init_subclass(sub_cls, *args, **kwargs):
# Add function for datapipe instance to reinforce the type
sub_cls.reinforce_type = reinforce_type
# - add global switch for type checking at compile-time
# Ignore internal type class
if getattr(sub_cls, '__type_class__', False):
# Check if the string type is valid
if isinstance(sub_cls.type.param, ForwardRef):
base_globals = sys.modules[sub_cls.__module__].__dict__
param = _eval_type(sub_cls.type.param, base_globals, locals())
sub_cls.type.param = param
except TypeError as e:
raise TypeError("{} is not supported by Python typing"
.format(sub_cls.type.param.__forward_arg__)) from e
if '__iter__' in sub_cls.__dict__:
iter_fn = sub_cls.__dict__['__iter__']
hints = get_type_hints(iter_fn)
if 'return' in hints:
return_hint = hints['return']
# Plain Return Hint for Python 3.6
if return_hint == Iterator:
if not (hasattr(return_hint, '__origin__') and
(return_hint.__origin__ == Iterator or
return_hint.__origin__ == collections.abc.Iterator)):
raise TypeError("Expected 'Iterator' as the return annotation for `__iter__` of {}"
", but found {}".format(sub_cls.__name__, _type_repr(hints['return'])))
data_type = return_hint.__args__[0]
if not issubtype(data_type, sub_cls.type.param):
raise TypeError("Expected return type of '__iter__' as a subtype of {}, but found {}"
" for {}".format(sub_cls.type, _type_repr(data_type), sub_cls.__name__))
def reinforce_type(self, expected_type):
Reinforce the type for DataPipe instance. And the 'expected_type' is required
to be a subtype of the original type hint to restrict the type requirement
of DataPipe instance.
if isinstance(expected_type, tuple):
expected_type = Tuple[expected_type]
_type_check(expected_type, msg="'expected_type' must be a type")
if not issubtype(expected_type, self.type.param):
raise TypeError("Expected 'expected_type' as subtype of {}, but found {}"
.format(self.type, _type_repr(expected_type)))
self.type = _DataPipeType(expected_type)
return self