import os
import pathlib
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Set, Tuple, Union
def materialize_lines(lines: List[str], indentation: int) -> str:
output = ""
new_line_with_indent = "\n" + " " * indentation
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if i != 0:
output += new_line_with_indent
output += line.replace('\n', new_line_with_indent)
return output
def gen_from_template(dir: str, template_name: str, output_name: str, replacements: List[Tuple[str, Any, int]]):
template_path = os.path.join(dir, template_name)
output_path = os.path.join(dir, output_name)
with open(template_path, "r") as f:
content =
for placeholder, lines, indentation in replacements:
with open(output_path, "w") as f:
content = content.replace(placeholder, materialize_lines(lines, indentation))
def find_file_paths(dir_paths: List[str], files_to_exclude: Set[str]) -> Set[str]:
When given a path to a directory, returns the paths to the relevant files within it.
This function does NOT recursive traverse to subdirectories.
paths: Set[str] = set()
for dir_path in dir_paths:
all_files = os.listdir(dir_path)
python_files = {fname for fname in all_files if ".py" == fname[-3:]}
filter_files = {fname for fname in python_files if fname not in files_to_exclude}
paths.update({os.path.join(dir_path, fname) for fname in filter_files})
return paths
def extract_method_name(line: str) -> str:
Extracts method name from decorator in the form of "@functional_datapipe({method_name})"
if "(\"" in line:
start_token, end_token = "(\"", "\")"
elif "(\'" in line:
start_token, end_token = "(\'", "\')"
raise RuntimeError(f"Unable to find appropriate method name within line:\n{line}")
start, end = line.find(start_token) + len(start_token), line.find(end_token)
return line[start:end]
def extract_class_name(line: str) -> str:
Extracts class name from class definition in the form of "class {CLASS_NAME}({Type}):"
start_token = "class "
end_token = "("
start, end = line.find(start_token) + len(start_token), line.find(end_token)
return line[start:end]
def parse_datapipe_file(file_path: str) -> Tuple[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, str], Set[str]]:
Given a path to file, parses the file and returns a dictionary of method names to function signatures.
method_to_signature, method_to_class_name, special_output_type = {}, {}, set()
with open(file_path) as f:
open_paren_count = 0
method_name, class_name, signature = "", "", ""
skip = False
for line in f.readlines():
if line.count("\"\"\"") % 2 == 1:
skip = not skip
if skip or "\"\"\"" in line: # Skipping comment/example blocks
if "@functional_datapipe" in line:
method_name = extract_method_name(line)
if method_name and "class " in line:
class_name = extract_class_name(line)
if method_name and ("def __init__(" in line or "def __new__(" in line):
if "def __new__(" in line:
open_paren_count += 1
start = line.find("(") + len("(")
line = line[start:]
if open_paren_count > 0:
open_paren_count += line.count('(')
open_paren_count -= line.count(')')
if open_paren_count == 0:
end = line.rfind(')')
signature += line[:end]
method_to_signature[method_name] = process_signature(signature)
method_to_class_name[method_name] = class_name
method_name, class_name, signature = "", "", ""
elif open_paren_count < 0:
raise RuntimeError("open parenthesis count < 0. This shouldn't be possible.")
signature += line.strip('\n').strip(' ')
return method_to_signature, method_to_class_name, special_output_type
def parse_datapipe_files(file_paths: Set[str]) -> Tuple[Dict[str, str], Dict[str, str], Set[str]]:
methods_and_signatures, methods_and_class_names, methods_with_special_output_types = {}, {}, set()
for path in file_paths:
method_to_signature, method_to_class_name, methods_needing_special_output_types = parse_datapipe_file(path)
return methods_and_signatures, methods_and_class_names, methods_with_special_output_types
def split_outside_bracket(line: str, delimiter: str = ",") -> List[str]:
Given a line of text, split it on comma unless the comma is within a bracket '[]'.
bracket_count = 0
curr_token = ""
res = []
for char in line:
if char == "[":
bracket_count += 1
elif char == "]":
bracket_count -= 1
elif char == delimiter and bracket_count == 0:
curr_token = ""
curr_token += char
return res
def process_signature(line: str) -> str:
Given a raw function signature, clean it up by removing the self-referential datapipe argument,
default arguments of input functions, newlines, and spaces.
tokens: List[str] = split_outside_bracket(line)
for i, token in enumerate(tokens):
tokens[i] = token.strip(' ')
if token == "cls":
tokens[i] = "self"
elif i > 0 and ("self" == tokens[i - 1]) and (tokens[i][0] != "*"):
# Remove the datapipe after 'self' or 'cls' unless it has '*'
tokens[i] = ""
elif "Callable =" in token: # Remove default argument if it is a function
head, default_arg = token.rsplit("=", 2)
tokens[i] = head.strip(' ') + "= ..."
tokens = [t for t in tokens if t != ""]
line = ', '.join(tokens)
return line
def get_method_definitions(file_path: Union[str, List[str]],
files_to_exclude: Set[str],
deprecated_files: Set[str],
default_output_type: str,
method_to_special_output_type: Dict[str, str],
root: str = "") -> List[str]:
.pyi generation for functional DataPipes Process
# 1. Find files that we want to process (exclude the ones who don't)
# 2. Parse method name and signature
# 3. Remove first argument after self (unless it is "*datapipes"), default args, and spaces
if root == "":
root = str(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve())
file_path = [file_path] if isinstance(file_path, str) else file_path
file_path = [os.path.join(root, path) for path in file_path]
file_paths = find_file_paths(file_path,
methods_and_signatures, methods_and_class_names, methods_w_special_output_types = \
for fn_name in method_to_special_output_type:
if fn_name not in methods_w_special_output_types:
method_definitions = []
for method_name, arguments in methods_and_signatures.items():
class_name = methods_and_class_names[method_name]
if method_name in methods_w_special_output_types:
output_type = method_to_special_output_type[method_name]
output_type = default_output_type
method_definitions.append(f"# Functional form of '{class_name}'\n"
f"def {method_name}({arguments}) -> {output_type}: ...")
method_definitions.sort(key=lambda s: s.split('\n')[1]) # sorting based on method_name
return method_definitions
# Defined outside of main() so they can be imported by TorchData
iterDP_file_path: str = "iter"
iterDP_files_to_exclude: Set[str] = {"", ""}
iterDP_deprecated_files: Set[str] = set()
iterDP_method_to_special_output_type: Dict[str, str] = {"demux": "List[IterDataPipe]", "fork": "List[IterDataPipe]"}
mapDP_file_path: str = "map"
mapDP_files_to_exclude: Set[str] = {"", ""}
mapDP_deprecated_files: Set[str] = set()
mapDP_method_to_special_output_type: Dict[str, str] = {"shuffle": "IterDataPipe"}
def main() -> None:
# Inject file into template
TODO: The current implementation of this script only generates interfaces for built-in methods. To generate
interface for user-defined DataPipes, consider changing `IterDataPipe.register_datapipe_as_function`.
iter_method_definitions = get_method_definitions(iterDP_file_path, iterDP_files_to_exclude, iterDP_deprecated_files,
"IterDataPipe", iterDP_method_to_special_output_type)
map_method_definitions = get_method_definitions(mapDP_file_path, mapDP_files_to_exclude, mapDP_deprecated_files,
"MapDataPipe", mapDP_method_to_special_output_type)
path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve()
replacements = [('${IterDataPipeMethods}', iter_method_definitions, 4),
('${MapDataPipeMethods}', map_method_definitions, 4)]
if __name__ == '__main__':