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/ framing.py

:mod:`websockets.framing` reads and writes WebSocket frames.

It deals with a single frame at a time. Anything that depends on the sequence
of frames is implemented in :mod:`websockets.protocol`.

See `section 5 of RFC 6455`_.

.. _section 5 of RFC 6455: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455#section-5


import io
import random
import struct
from typing import Any, Awaitable, Callable, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

from .exceptions import PayloadTooBig, ProtocolError
from .typing import Data

    from .speedups import apply_mask
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from .utils import apply_mask

__all__ = [


# Close code that are allowed in a close frame.
# Using a list optimizes `code in EXTERNAL_CLOSE_CODES`.
EXTERNAL_CLOSE_CODES = [1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011]

# Consider converting to a dataclass when dropping support for Python < 3.7.

class Frame(NamedTuple):
    WebSocket frame.

    :param bool fin: FIN bit
    :param bool rsv1: RSV1 bit
    :param bool rsv2: RSV2 bit
    :param bool rsv3: RSV3 bit
    :param int opcode: opcode
    :param bytes data: payload data

    Only these fields are needed. The MASK bit, payload length and masking-key
    are handled on the fly by :meth:`read` and :meth:`write`.


    fin: bool
    opcode: int
    data: bytes
    rsv1: bool = False
    rsv2: bool = False
    rsv3: bool = False

    async def read(
        reader: Callable[[int], Awaitable[bytes]],
        mask: bool,
        max_size: Optional[int] = None,
        extensions: Optional[Sequence["websockets.extensions.base.Extension"]] = None,
    ) -> "Frame":
        Read a WebSocket frame.

        :param reader: coroutine that reads exactly the requested number of
            bytes, unless the end of file is reached
        :param mask: whether the frame should be masked i.e. whether the read
            happens on the server side
        :param max_size: maximum payload size in bytes
        :param extensions: list of classes with a ``decode()`` method that
            transforms the frame and return a new frame; extensions are applied
            in reverse order
        :raises ~websockets.exceptions.PayloadTooBig: if the frame exceeds
        :raises ~websockets.exceptions.ProtocolError: if the frame
            contains incorrect values

        # Read the header.
        data = await reader(2)
        head1, head2 = struct.unpack("!BB", data)

        # While not Pythonic, this is marginally faster than calling bool().
        fin = True if head1 & 0b10000000 else False
        rsv1 = True if head1 & 0b01000000 else False
        rsv2 = True if head1 & 0b00100000 else False
        rsv3 = True if head1 & 0b00010000 else False
        opcode = head1 & 0b00001111

        if (True if head2 & 0b10000000 else False) != mask:
            raise ProtocolError("incorrect masking")

        length = head2 & 0b01111111
        if length == 126:
            data = await reader(2)
            (length,) = struct.unpack("!H", data)
        elif length == 127:
            data = await reader(8)
            (length,) = struct.unpack("!Q", data)
        if max_size is not None and length > max_size:
            raise PayloadTooBig(
                f"payload length exceeds size limit ({length} > {max_size} bytes)"
        if mask:
            mask_bits = await reader(4)

        # Read the data.
        data = await reader(length)
        if mask:
            data = apply_mask(data, mask_bits)

        frame = cls(fin, opcode, data, rsv1, rsv2, rsv3)

        if extensions is None:
            extensions = []
        for extension in reversed(extensions):
            frame = extension.decode(frame, max_size=max_size)


        return frame

    def write(
        write: Callable[[bytes], Any],
        mask: bool,
        extensions: Optional[Sequence["websockets.extensions.base.Extension"]] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Write a WebSocket frame.

        :param frame: frame to write
        :param write: function that writes bytes
        :param mask: whether the frame should be masked i.e. whether the write
            happens on the client side
        :param extensions: list of classes with an ``encode()`` method that
            transform the frame and return a new frame; extensions are applied
            in order
        :raises ~websockets.exceptions.ProtocolError: if the frame
            contains incorrect values

        # The first parameter is called `frame` rather than `self`,
        # but it's the instance of class to which this method is bound.


        if extensions is None:
            extensions = []
        for extension in extensions:
            frame = extension.encode(frame)

        output = io.BytesIO()

        # Prepare the header.
        head1 = (
            (0b10000000 if frame.fin else 0)
            | (0b01000000 if frame.rsv1 else 0)
            | (0b00100000 if frame.rsv2 else 0)
            | (0b00010000 if frame.rsv3 else 0)
            | frame.opcode

        head2 = 0b10000000 if mask else 0

        length = len(frame.data)
        if length < 126:
            output.write(struct.pack("!BB", head1, head2 | length))
        elif length < 65536:
            output.write(struct.pack("!BBH", head1, head2 | 126, length))
            output.write(struct.pack("!BBQ", head1, head2 | 127, length))

        if mask:
            mask_bits = struct.pack("!I", random.getrandbits(32))

        # Prepare the data.
        if mask:
            data = apply_mask(frame.data, mask_bits)
            data = frame.data

        # Send the frame.

        # The frame is written in a single call to write in order to prevent
        # TCP fragmentation. See #68 for details. This also makes it safe to
        # send frames concurrently from multiple coroutines.

    def check(frame) -> None:
        Check that reserved bits and opcode have acceptable values.

        :raises ~websockets.exceptions.ProtocolError: if a reserved
            bit or the opcode is invalid

        # The first parameter is called `frame` rather than `self`,
        # but it's the instance of class to which this method is bound.

        if frame.rsv1 or frame.rsv2 or frame.rsv3:
            raise ProtocolError("reserved bits must be 0")

        if frame.opcode in DATA_OPCODES:
        elif frame.opcode in CTRL_OPCODES:
            if len(frame.data) > 125:
                raise ProtocolError("control frame too long")
            if not frame.fin:
                raise ProtocolError("fragmented control frame")
            raise ProtocolError(f"invalid opcode: {frame.opcode}")

def prepare_data(data: Data) -> Tuple[int, bytes]:
    Convert a string or byte-like object to an opcode and a bytes-like object.

    This function is designed for data frames.

    If ``data`` is a :class:`str`, return ``OP_TEXT`` and a :class:`bytes`
    object encoding ``data`` in UTF-8.

    If ``data`` is a bytes-like object, return ``OP_BINARY`` and a bytes-like

    :raises TypeError: if ``data`` doesn't have a supported type

    if isinstance(data, str):
        return OP_TEXT, data.encode("utf-8")
    elif isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
        return OP_BINARY, data
    elif isinstance(data, memoryview):
        if data.c_contiguous:
            return OP_BINARY, data
            return OP_BINARY, data.tobytes()
        raise TypeError("data must be bytes-like or str")

def encode_data(data: Data) -> bytes:
    Convert a string or byte-like object to bytes.

    This function is designed for ping and pong frames.

    If ``data`` is a :class:`str`, return a :class:`bytes` object encoding
    ``data`` in UTF-8.

    If ``data`` is a bytes-like object, return a :class:`bytes` object.

    :raises TypeError: if ``data`` doesn't have a supported type

    if isinstance(data, str):
        return data.encode("utf-8")
    elif isinstance(data, (bytes, bytearray)):
        return bytes(data)
    elif isinstance(data, memoryview):
        return data.tobytes()
        raise TypeError("data must be bytes-like or str")

def parse_close(data: bytes) -> Tuple[int, str]:
    Parse the payload from a close frame.

    Return ``(code, reason)``.

    :raises ~websockets.exceptions.ProtocolError: if data is ill-formed
    :raises UnicodeDecodeError: if the reason isn't valid UTF-8

    length = len(data)
    if length >= 2:
        (code,) = struct.unpack("!H", data[:2])
        reason = data[2:].decode("utf-8")
        return code, reason
    elif length == 0:
        return 1005, ""
        assert length == 1
        raise ProtocolError("close frame too short")

def serialize_close(code: int, reason: str) -> bytes:
    Serialize the payload for a close frame.

    This is the reverse of :func:`parse_close`.

    return struct.pack("!H", code) + reason.encode("utf-8")

def check_close(code: int) -> None:
    Check that the close code has an acceptable value for a close frame.

    :raises ~websockets.exceptions.ProtocolError: if the close code
        is invalid

    if not (code in EXTERNAL_CLOSE_CODES or 3000 <= code < 5000):
        raise ProtocolError("invalid status code")

# at the bottom to allow circular import, because Extension depends on Frame
import websockets.extensions.base  # isort:skip # noqa