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/ _pickle_33.c

#include "Python.h"
#include "structmember.h"

"Optimized C implementation for the Python pickle module.");

/* Bump this when new opcodes are added to the pickle protocol. */
enum {

/* Pickle opcodes. These must be kept updated with pickle.py.
   Extensive docs are in pickletools.py. */
enum opcode {
    MARK            = '(',
    STOP            = '.',
    POP             = '0',
    POP_MARK        = '1',
    DUP             = '2',
    FLOAT           = 'F',
    INT             = 'I',
    BININT          = 'J',
    BININT1         = 'K',
    LONG            = 'L',
    BININT2         = 'M',
    NONE            = 'N',
    PERSID          = 'P',
    BINPERSID       = 'Q',
    REDUCE          = 'R',
    STRING          = 'S',
    BINSTRING       = 'T',
    UNICODE         = 'V',
    BINUNICODE      = 'X',
    APPEND          = 'a',
    BUILD           = 'b',
    GLOBAL          = 'c',
    DICT            = 'd',
    EMPTY_DICT      = '}',
    APPENDS         = 'e',
    GET             = 'g',
    BINGET          = 'h',
    INST            = 'i',
    LONG_BINGET     = 'j',
    LIST            = 'l',
    EMPTY_LIST      = ']',
    OBJ             = 'o',
    PUT             = 'p',
    BINPUT          = 'q',
    LONG_BINPUT     = 'r',
    SETITEM         = 's',
    TUPLE           = 't',
    EMPTY_TUPLE     = ')',
    SETITEMS        = 'u',
    BINFLOAT        = 'G',

    /* Protocol 2. */
    PROTO       = '\x80',
    NEWOBJ      = '\x81',
    EXT1        = '\x82',
    EXT2        = '\x83',
    EXT4        = '\x84',
    TUPLE1      = '\x85',
    TUPLE2      = '\x86',
    TUPLE3      = '\x87',
    NEWTRUE     = '\x88',
    NEWFALSE    = '\x89',
    LONG1       = '\x8a',
    LONG4       = '\x8b',

    /* Protocol 3 (Python 3.x) */
    BINBYTES       = 'B',

/* These aren't opcodes -- they're ways to pickle bools before protocol 2
 * so that unpicklers written before bools were introduced unpickle them
 * as ints, but unpicklers after can recognize that bools were intended.
 * Note that protocol 2 added direct ways to pickle bools.
#undef TRUE
#define TRUE  "I01\n"
#undef FALSE
#define FALSE "I00\n"

enum {
   /* Keep in synch with pickle.Pickler._BATCHSIZE.  This is how many elements
      batch_list/dict() pumps out before doing APPENDS/SETITEMS.  Nothing will
      break if this gets out of synch with pickle.py, but it's unclear that would
      help anything either. */
    BATCHSIZE = 1000,

    /* Nesting limit until Pickler, when running in "fast mode", starts
       checking for self-referential data-structures. */

    /* Initial size of the write buffer of Pickler. */
    WRITE_BUF_SIZE = 4096,

    /* Maximum size of the write buffer of Pickler when pickling to a
       stream.  This is ignored for in-memory pickling. */
    MAX_WRITE_BUF_SIZE = 64 * 1024,

    /* Prefetch size when unpickling (disabled on unpeekable streams) */
    PREFETCH = 8192 * 16

/* Exception classes for pickle. These should override the ones defined in
   pickle.py, when the C-optimized Pickler and Unpickler are used. */
static PyObject *PickleError = NULL;
static PyObject *PicklingError = NULL;
static PyObject *UnpicklingError = NULL;

/* copyreg.dispatch_table, {type_object: pickling_function} */
static PyObject *dispatch_table = NULL;
/* For EXT[124] opcodes. */
/* copyreg._extension_registry, {(module_name, function_name): code} */
static PyObject *extension_registry = NULL;
/* copyreg._inverted_registry, {code: (module_name, function_name)} */
static PyObject *inverted_registry = NULL;
/* copyreg._extension_cache, {code: object} */
static PyObject *extension_cache = NULL;

/* _compat_pickle.NAME_MAPPING, {(oldmodule, oldname): (newmodule, newname)} */
static PyObject *name_mapping_2to3 = NULL;
/* _compat_pickle.IMPORT_MAPPING, {oldmodule: newmodule} */
static PyObject *import_mapping_2to3 = NULL;
static PyObject *name_mapping_3to2 = NULL;
static PyObject *import_mapping_3to2 = NULL;

/* XXX: Are these really nescessary? */
/* As the name says, an empty tuple. */
static PyObject *empty_tuple = NULL;
/* For looking up name pairs in copyreg._extension_registry. */
static PyObject *two_tuple = NULL;

static int
    PyErr_SetString(UnpicklingError, "unpickling stack underflow");
    return -1;

/* Internal data type used as the unpickling stack. */
typedef struct {
    PyObject **data;
    Py_ssize_t allocated;  /* number of slots in data allocated */
} Pdata;

static void
Pdata_dealloc(Pdata *self)
    Py_ssize_t i = Py_SIZE(self);
    while (--i >= 0) {

static PyTypeObject Pdata_Type = {
    PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0)
    "_pickle.Pdata",              /*tp_name*/
    sizeof(Pdata),                /*tp_basicsize*/
    0,                            /*tp_itemsize*/
    (destructor)Pdata_dealloc,    /*tp_dealloc*/

static PyObject *
    Pdata *self;

    if (!(self = PyObject_New(Pdata, &Pdata_Type)))
        return NULL;
    Py_SIZE(self) = 0;
    self->allocated = 8;
    self->data = PyMem_MALLOC(self->allocated * sizeof(PyObject *));
    if (self->data)
        return (PyObject *)self;
    return PyErr_NoMemory();

/* Retain only the initial clearto items.  If clearto >= the current
 * number of items, this is a (non-erroneous) NOP.
static int
Pdata_clear(Pdata *self, Py_ssize_t clearto)
    Py_ssize_t i = Py_SIZE(self);

    if (clearto < 0)
        return stack_underflow();
    if (clearto >= i)
        return 0;

    while (--i >= clearto) {
    Py_SIZE(self) = clearto;
    return 0;

static int
Pdata_grow(Pdata *self)
    PyObject **data = self->data;
    Py_ssize_t allocated = self->allocated;
    Py_ssize_t new_allocated;

    new_allocated = (allocated >> 3) + 6;
    /* check for integer overflow */
    if (new_allocated > PY_SSIZE_T_MAX - allocated)
        goto nomemory;
    new_allocated += allocated;
    if ((size_t)new_allocated > ((size_t)PY_SSIZE_T_MAX / sizeof(PyObject *)))
        goto nomemory;
    data = PyMem_REALLOC(data, new_allocated * sizeof(PyObject *));
    if (data == NULL)
        goto nomemory;

    self->data = data;
    self->allocated = new_allocated;
    return 0;

    return -1;

/* D is a Pdata*.  Pop the topmost element and store it into V, which
 * must be an lvalue holding PyObject*.  On stack underflow, UnpicklingError
 * is raised and V is set to NULL.
static PyObject *
Pdata_pop(Pdata *self)
    if (Py_SIZE(self) == 0) {
        PyErr_SetString(UnpicklingError, "bad pickle data");
        return NULL;
    return self->data[--Py_SIZE(self)];
#define PDATA_POP(D, V) do { (V) = Pdata_pop((D)); } while (0)

static int
Pdata_push(Pdata *self, PyObject *obj)
    if (Py_SIZE(self) == self->allocated && Pdata_grow(self) < 0) {
        return -1;
    self->data[Py_SIZE(self)++] = obj;
    return 0;

/* Push an object on stack, transferring its ownership to the stack. */
#define PDATA_PUSH(D, O, ER) do {                               \
        if (Pdata_push((D), (O)) < 0) return (ER); } while(0)

/* Push an object on stack, adding a new reference to the object. */
#define PDATA_APPEND(D, O, ER) do {                             \
        Py_INCREF((O));                                         \
        if (Pdata_push((D), (O)) < 0) return (ER); } while(0)

static PyObject *
Pdata_poptuple(Pdata *self, Py_ssize_t start)
    PyObject *tuple;
    Py_ssize_t len, i, j;

    len = Py_SIZE(self) - start;
    tuple = PyTuple_New(len);
    if (tuple == NULL)
        return NULL;
    for (i = start, j = 0; j < len; i++, j++)
        PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, j, self->data[i]);

    Py_SIZE(self) = start;
    return tuple;

static PyObject *
Pdata_poplist(Pdata *self, Py_ssize_t start)
    PyObject *list;
    Py_ssize_t len, i, j;

    len = Py_SIZE(self) - start;
    list = PyList_New(len);
    if (list == NULL)
        return NULL;
    for (i = start, j = 0; j < len; i++, j++)
        PyList_SET_ITEM(list, j, self->data[i]);

    Py_SIZE(self) = start;
    return list;

typedef struct {
    PyObject *me_key;
    Py_ssize_t me_value;
} PyMemoEntry;

typedef struct {
    Py_ssize_t mt_mask;
    Py_ssize_t mt_used;
    Py_ssize_t mt_allocated;
    PyMemoEntry *mt_table;
} PyMemoTable;

typedef struct PicklerObject {
    PyMemoTable *memo;          /* Memo table, keep track of the seen
                                   objects to support self-referential objects
                                   pickling. */
    PyObject *pers_func;        /* persistent_id() method, can be NULL */
    PyObject *dispatch_table;   /* private dispatch_table, can be NULL */
    PyObject *arg;

    PyObject *write;            /* write() method of the output stream. */
    PyObject *output_buffer;    /* Write into a local bytearray buffer before
                                   flushing to the stream. */
    Py_ssize_t output_len;      /* Length of output_buffer. */
    Py_ssize_t max_output_len;  /* Allocation size of output_buffer. */
    int proto;                  /* Pickle protocol number, >= 0 */
    int bin;                    /* Boolean, true if proto > 0 */
    Py_ssize_t buf_size;               /* Size of the current buffered pickle data */
    int fast;                   /* Enable fast mode if set to a true value.
                                   The fast mode disable the usage of memo,
                                   therefore speeding the pickling process by
                                   not generating superfluous PUT opcodes. It
                                   should not be used if with self-referential
                                   objects. */
    int fast_nesting;
    int fix_imports;            /* Indicate whether Pickler should fix
                                   the name of globals for Python 2.x. */
    PyObject *fast_memo;
} PicklerObject;

typedef struct UnpicklerObject {
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