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Version: 1.9.8 

/ contrib / admin / locale / io / LC_MESSAGES / django.mo

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All of the following objects and their related items will be deleted:Are you sure?Cannot delete %(name)sChangeChange %sChange history: %sChange my passwordChange passwordChange:Changed "%(object)s" - %(changes)sChanged %(list)s for %(name)s "%(object)s".Changed %s.Clear selectionClick here to select the objects across all pagesConfirm password:Currently:Database errorDate/timeDate:DeleteDelete multiple objectsDelete selected %(verbose_name_plural)sDelete?Deleted "%(object)s."Deleted %(name)s "%(object)s".Deleting %(class_name)s %(instance)s would require deleting the following protected related objects: %(related_objects)sDeleting the %(object_name)s '%(escaped_object)s' would require deleting the following protected related objects:Deleting the %(object_name)s '%(escaped_object)s' would result in deleting related objects, but your account doesn't have permission to delete the following types of objects:Deleting the selected %(objects_name)s would require deleting the following protected related objects:Deleting the selected %(objects_name)s would result in deleting related objects, but your account doesn't have permission to delete the following types of objects:Django administrationDjango site adminDocumentationEmail address:Enter a new password for the user <strong>%(username)s</strong>.Enter a username and password.FilterFirst, enter a username and password. Then, you'll be able to edit more user options.Forgotten your password or username?Forgotten your password? Enter your email address below, and we'll email instructions for setting a new one.GoHistoryHomeIf you don't receive an email, please make sure you've entered the address you registered with, and check your spam folder.Items must be selected in order to perform actions on them. No items have been changed.Log inLog in againLog outLogEntry ObjectLookupModels in the %(name)s applicationMy ActionsNew password:NoNo action selected.No fields changed.NoneNone availablePage not foundPassword changePassword resetPassword reset confirmationPast 7 daysPlease correct the error below.Please correct the errors below.Please enter the correct %(username)s and password for a staff account. Note that both fields may be case-sensitive.Please enter your new password twice so we can verify you typed it in correctly.Please enter your old password, for security's sake, and then enter your new password twice so we can verify you typed it in correctly.Please go to the following page and choose a new password:Recent ActionsRemoveRemove from sortingReset my passwordRun the selected actionSaveSave and add anotherSave and continue editingSave as newSearchSelect %sSelect %s to changeSelect all %(total_count)s %(module_name)sServer Error <em>(500)</em>Server errorServer error (500)Show allSite administrationSomething's wrong with your database installation. Make sure the appropriate database tables have been created, and make sure the database is readable by the appropriate user.Sorting priority: %(priority_number)sSuccessfully deleted %(count)d %(items)s.Thanks for spending some quality time with the Web site today.Thanks for using our site!The %(name)s "%(obj)s" was added successfully.The %(name)s "%(obj)s" was added successfully. You may add another %(name)s below.The %(name)s "%(obj)s" was added successfully. You may edit it again below.The %(name)s "%(obj)s" was changed successfully.The %(name)s "%(obj)s" was changed successfully. You may add another %(name)s below.The %(name)s "%(obj)s" was changed successfully. You may edit it again below.The %(name)s "%(obj)s" was deleted successfully.The %(site_name)s teamThe password reset link was invalid, possibly because it has already been used.  Please request a new password reset.There's been an error. It's been reported to the site administrators via email and should be fixed shortly. Thanks for your patience.This monthThis object doesn't have a change history. It probably wasn't added via this admin site.This yearTime:TodayToggle sortingUnknownUnknown contentUserView on siteWe're sorry, but the requested page could not be found.Welcome,YesYes, I'm sureYou don't have permission to edit anything.You're receiving this email because you requested a password reset for your user account at %(site_name)s.Your password has been set.  You may go ahead and log in now.Your password was changed.Your username, in case you've forgotten:action flagaction timeandchange messagelog entrieslog entryobject idobject reprProject-Id-Version: django
POT-Creation-Date: 2015-11-15 11:06+0100
PO-Revision-Date: 2015-11-16 08:16+0000
Last-Translator: Jannis Leidel <jannis@leidel.info>
Language-Team: Ido (http://www.transifex.com/django/django/language/io/)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Language: io
Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);
Per %(filter_title)s %(class_name)s %(instance)s%(count)s %(name)s chanjesis sucesoze.%(count)s %(name)s chanjesis sucesoze.%(counter)s resulto%(counter)s resulti%(full_result_count)s totalaLa %(name)s objekto kun precipua klefo %(key)r ne existas.%(total_count)s selektitaLa %(total_count)s selektitaSelektita 0 di %(cnt)sAgoAgo:AgregarAgregar %(name)sAgregar %sAgregar altra %(verbose_name)s"%(object)s" agregesis.%(name)s "%(object)s" agregesis.OmniOmna datiIrga datoKa vu volas eliminar la %(object_name)s "%(escaped_object)s"? Omna sequanta objekti relatita eliminesos:Ka vu volas eliminar la selektita %(objects_name)s? Omna sequanta objekti ed olia relatita objekti eliminesos:Ka vu esas certa?Onu ne povas eliminar %(name)sModifikarChanjar %sModifikuro historio: %sModifikar mea pasvortoChanjar pasvortoChanjo:"%(object)s" chanjesis - %(changes)s%(list)s chanjesis por la %(name)s "%(object)s".%s chanjesis.Desfacar selektoKliktez hike por selektar la objekti di omna paginiKonfirmez pasvorto:AktualeEroro del datumaroDato/horoDato:EliminarEliminar multopla objektiEliminar selektita %(verbose_name_plural)sKa eliminar?"%(object)s" eliminesis.%(name)s "%(object)s" eliminesis.Por eliminar %(class_name)s %(instance)s on mustas eliminar la sequanta protektita objekti relatita: %(related_objects)sEliminar la %(object_name)s '%(escaped_object)s' eliminus la sequanta protektita objekti relatita:Eliminar la %(object_name)s '%(escaped_object)s' eliminos relatita objekti, ma vua account ne havas permiso por eliminar la sequanta objekti:Eliminar la selektita %(objects_name)s eliminos la sequanta protektita objekti relatita:Eliminar la selektita %(objects_name)s eliminos relatita objekti, ma vua account ne havas permiso por eliminar la sequanta objekti:Django administreyoDjango situo adminDokumentoE-postala adreso:Skribez nova pasvorto por la uzero <strong>%(username)s</strong>.Skribez uzer-nomo ed pasvorto.FiltrarUnesme, skribez uzer-nomo ed pasvorto. Pos, vu povos modifikar altra uzer-selekto.Ka vu obliviis vua pasvorto od uzer-nomo?Ka vu obliviis vua pasvorto? Skribez vua e-posto adreso infre e ni sendos instrucioni por kreadar nova pasvorto.IrarHistorioHemoSe vu ne recevas mesajo, verifikez ke vu skribis la sama e-posto adreso uzita por vua registro e lektez vua spam mesaji.Onu devas selektar la objekti por aplikar oli irga ago. Nula objekto chanjesis.Startar sesionoRistartar sesionoKlozar sesionoLogEntry ObjektoSerchadoModeli en la %(name)s aplikoMea agiNova pasvorto:NoNula ago selektesis.Nula feldo chanjesis.NulaNulo disponeblaLa pagino ne renkontresisPasvorto chanjoPasvorto chanjoPasvorto chanjo konfirmo7 antea diiKorektigez la eroro infre.Korektigez la erori infre.Skribez la korekta %(username)s e pasvorto di kelka staff account. Remarkez ke both feldi darfas rikonocar miniskulo e mayuskulo.Skribez vua nova pasvorto dufoye por verifikar ke olu skribesis korekte.Por kauciono, skribez vua anta pasvorto e pos skribez vua nova pasvorto dufoye por verifikar ke olu skribesis korekte.Irez al sequanta pagino e selektez nova pasvorto:Recenta agiEliminarEskartar de klasifikoChanjar mea pasvortoExekutar la selektita agoSalvarSalvar ed agregar altraSalvar e durar la modifikoSalvar kom novaSercharSelektar %sSelektar %s por chanjarSelektar omna %(total_count)s %(module_name)sEroro del servilo <em>(500)</em>Eroro del serviloEroro del servilo (500)Montrar omniAdministrayo dil ret-situoVua datumaro instaluro esas defektiva. Verifikez ke la datumaro tabeli kreadesis e ke la uzero havas permiso por lektar la datumaro.Precedo dil klasifiko: %(priority_number)s%(count)d %(items)s eliminesis sucesoze.Danko pro vua spensita tempo en la ret-situo hodie.Danko pro uzar nia ret-situo!La %(name)s "%(obj)s" agregesis sucesoze.La %(name)s "%(obj)s" agregesis sucesoze. Vu povas agregar altra %(name)s infre.La %(name)s "%(obj)s" agregesis sucesoze. Vu povas modifikar ol altrafoye infre.La %(name)s "%(obj)s" chanjesis sucesoze.La %(name)s "%(obj)s" chanjesis sucesoze. Vu povas agregar altra %(name)s infre.La %(name)s "%(obj)s" chanjesis sucesoze. Vu povas modifikar ol altrafoye infre.La %(name)s "%(obj)s" eliminesis  sucesoze.La equipo di %(site_name)sLa link por chanjar pasvorto ne esis valida, forsan pro ke olu ja uzesis. Demandez nova pasvorto chanjo.Eroro eventis. Ico informesis per e-posto a la administranti dil ret-situo e la eroro esos korektigata balde. Danko pro vua pacienteso.Ca monatoIca objekto ne havas chanjo-historio. Olu forsan ne agregesis per ica administrala ret-situo.Ca yaroHoro:HodieAktivar/desaktivar klasifikoNekonocatoNekonocata kontenajoUzeroVidar en la ret-situoPardonez, ma la demandita pagino ne renkontresis.Bonvenez,YesYes, me esas certaVu ne havas permiso por facar modifiki.Vu esas recevanta ica mesajo pro ke vu demandis pasvorto chanjo por vua uzero account che %(site_name)s.Vua pasvorto chanjesis. Vu darfas startar sesiono nun.Vua pasvorto chanjesis.Vua uzernomo, se vu obliviis olu:flago dil agohoro dil agoechanjar mesajologo informilogo informoid dil objektorepr dil objekto