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hemamaps / Django   python

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Version: 1.9.8 

/ contrib / admindocs / locale / gd / LC_MESSAGES / django.mo

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    View function: <code>%(full_name)s</code>. Name: <code>%(url_name)s</code>.
%s does not appear to be a urlpattern object(does not exist)Administrative DocumentationApp %(app_label)r not foundArgumentsBack to DocumentationBack to Model DocumentationBack to Views DocumentationBookmarkletsBoolean (Either True or False)Built-in filtersBuilt-in tagsContext:DescriptionDocumentationDocumentation bookmarkletsDocumentation for this pageEach page on the public site is generated by a view. The view defines which template is used to generate the page and which objects are available to that template.Empty namespaceFieldField of type: %(field_type)sFieldsFiltersFilters are actions which can be applied to variables in a template to alter the output.HomeJump to namespaceJumps you from any page to the documentation for the view that generates that page.List of all the template tags and their functions.MethodMethods with argumentsModel %(model_name)r not found in app %(app_label)rModel documentationModel groupsModel: %(name)sModelsModels are descriptions of all the objects in the system and their associated fields. Each model has a list of fields which can be accessed as template variablesPlease ask your administrators to install <a href="%(link)s">docutils</a>.Please install docutilsSearch path for template "%(name)s":TagsTemplate filter documentationTemplate filtersTemplate tag documentationTemplate tagsTemplate: "%(name)s"Template: %(name)sTemplatesTemplates:The admin documentation system requires Python's <a href="%(link)s">docutils</a> library.To install bookmarklets, drag the link to your bookmarks toolbar, or right-click the link and add it to your bookmarks. Now you can select the bookmarklet from any page in the site.To use these filters, put <code>%(code)s</code> in your template before using the filter.To use these tags, put <code>%(code)s</code> in your template before using the tag.Tools for your browser to quickly access admin functionality.TypeView documentationView: %(name)sViewsViews by empty namespaceViews by namespace %(name)sall %sfilter:model:number of %srelated `%(app_label)s.%(object_name)s` objectstag:the related `%(app_label)s.%(data_type)s` objectview:Project-Id-Version: django
POT-Creation-Date: 2015-10-10 14:49+0200
PO-Revision-Date: 2015-11-27 09:47+0000
Last-Translator: GunChleoc
Language-Team: Gaelic, Scottish (http://www.transifex.com/django/django/language/gd/)
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Language: gd
Plural-Forms: nplurals=4; plural=(n==1 || n==11) ? 0 : (n==2 || n==12) ? 1 : (n > 2 && n < 20) ? 2 : 3;

    Foincsean seallaidh: <code>%(full_name)s</code>. Ainm: <code>%(url_name)s</code>.
Chan eil coltas oibseact urlpattern air %s(chan eil e ann)Docamaideadh na rianachdCha deach aplacaid %(app_label)r a lorgArgamaideanTill gun docamaideadhTill gu docamaideadh modailTill gu docamaideadh nan seallaidheanBookmarkletsBooleach (True no False)Criathragan ’na bhroinnTagaichean ’na bhroinnCo-theacsa:TuairisgeulDocamaideadhBookmarklets an docamaididhDocamaideadh airson na duilleige seoThèid gach duilleag air an làrach phoblach a ghintinn le sealladh. Mìnichidh an sealladh dè an teamplaid a thèid a chleachdadh gus an duilleag a ghintinn agus dè na h-oibseactan as urrainn dhan teamplaid ud a chleachdadh.Ainm-spàs falamhRaoinRaon dhen t-seòrsa: %(field_type)sRaointeanCriathragan’S e gnìomhan a tha sna criathragan as urrainn dhut cur an sàs air caochladairean ann an teamplaid gus an t-às-chur atharrachadh.DhachaighGearr leum dhan ainm-spàsGearraidh tu leum o duilleag sam bith dhan docamaideadh airson an t-seallaidh a ghineas an duilleag sin.Liosta dhe thagaichean nan ùrlaran uile ’s dhe na foincseanan a th’ aca.ModhModhan le argamaideanCha deach modail %(model_name)r a lorg ann an aplacaid %(app_label)rDocamaideadh modailBuidhnean modailModail: %(name)sModailean’S e tuairisgeulan air a h-uile oibseact san t-siostam ’s air na raointean co-cheangailte riutha-san a tha sna modailean. Tha liosta dhe raointean aig gach modail as urrainn dhut inntrigeadh mar chaochladairean teamplaide.Iarr air na rianairean agad gun stàlaich iad <a href="%(link)s">docutils</a>.Stàlaich docutilsSlighe-luirg airson teamplaid “%(name)s”:TagaicheanDocamaideadh air criathragan teamplaidCriathragan teamplaidDocamaideadh air tagaichean teamplaidTagaichean teamplaidTeamplaid: “%(name)s”Teamplaid: %(name)sTeamplaideanTeamplaidean:Tha siostam docamaideadh na rianachd feumach air an leabharlann <a href="%(link)s">docutils</a> aig Python.Gus bookmarklet a stàladh, slaodaich an ceangal gu bàr-inneal nan comharran-lìn agad no dèan briogadh deas air a’ cheangal is cuir e ris na comharran-lìn agad. ’S urrainn dhut am bookmarklet a thaghadh o duilleag sam bith san làrach an uairsin.Gus na criathragan seo a chleachdadh, cuir <code>%(code)s</code> san teamplaid agad mus cleachd thu a’ chriathrag.Gus na tagaichean seo a chleachdadh, cuir <code>%(code)s</code> san teamplaid agad mus cleachd thu an taga.Innealan airson a’ bhrabhsair agad gus gnìomhan nan rianairean inntrigeadh gu luath.SeòrsaDocamaideadh nan seallaidheanSealladh: %(name)sSeallaidheanSeallaidhean a-rèir an ainm-spàis fhalaimhSeallaidhean a-rèir ainm-spàs %(name)sa h-uile %scriathrag:modail:àireamh dhe %sna h-oibseactan `%(app_label)s.%(object_name)s` dàimheachtaga:an t-oibseact `%(app_label)s.%(data_type)s` dàimheachsealladh: