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/ contrib / gis / db / backends / mysql / operations.py

from django.contrib.gis.db.backends.base.adapter import WKTAdapter
from django.contrib.gis.db.backends.base.operations import \
from django.contrib.gis.db.backends.utils import SpatialOperator
from django.contrib.gis.db.models import aggregates
from django.db.backends.mysql.operations import DatabaseOperations
from django.utils.functional import cached_property

class MySQLOperations(BaseSpatialOperations, DatabaseOperations):

    mysql = True
    name = 'mysql'
    select = 'AsText(%s)'
    from_wkb = 'GeomFromWKB'
    from_text = 'GeomFromText'

    Adapter = WKTAdapter
    Adaptor = Adapter  # Backwards-compatibility alias.

    gis_operators = {
        'bbcontains': SpatialOperator(func='MBRContains'),  # For consistency w/PostGIS API
        'bboverlaps': SpatialOperator(func='MBROverlaps'),  # .. ..
        'contained': SpatialOperator(func='MBRWithin'),    # .. ..
        'contains': SpatialOperator(func='MBRContains'),
        'disjoint': SpatialOperator(func='MBRDisjoint'),
        'equals': SpatialOperator(func='MBREqual'),
        'exact': SpatialOperator(func='MBREqual'),
        'intersects': SpatialOperator(func='MBRIntersects'),
        'overlaps': SpatialOperator(func='MBROverlaps'),
        'same_as': SpatialOperator(func='MBREqual'),
        'touches': SpatialOperator(func='MBRTouches'),
        'within': SpatialOperator(func='MBRWithin'),

    function_names = {
        'Distance': 'ST_Distance',
        'Length': 'GLength',
        'Union': 'ST_Union',

    disallowed_aggregates = (
        aggregates.Collect, aggregates.Extent, aggregates.Extent3D,
        aggregates.MakeLine, aggregates.Union,

    def unsupported_functions(self):
        unsupported = {
            'AsGeoJSON', 'AsGML', 'AsKML', 'AsSVG', 'BoundingCircle',
            'Difference', 'ForceRHR', 'GeoHash', 'Intersection', 'MemSize',
            'Perimeter', 'PointOnSurface', 'Reverse', 'Scale', 'SnapToGrid',
            'SymDifference', 'Transform', 'Translate',
        if self.connection.mysql_version < (5, 6, 1):
            unsupported.update({'Distance', 'Union'})
        return unsupported

    def geo_db_type(self, f):
        return f.geom_type

    def get_geom_placeholder(self, f, value, compiler):
        The placeholder here has to include MySQL's WKT constructor.  Because
        MySQL does not support spatial transformations, there is no need to
        modify the placeholder based on the contents of the given value.
        if hasattr(value, 'as_sql'):
            placeholder, _ = compiler.compile(value)
            placeholder = '%s(%%s)' % self.from_text
        return placeholder