import re
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.gis.db.backends.base.operations import \
from django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis.adapter import PostGISAdapter
from django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis.pgraster import (
from_pgraster, to_pgraster,
from django.contrib.gis.db.backends.utils import SpatialOperator
from django.contrib.gis.geometry.backend import Geometry
from django.contrib.gis.measure import Distance
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.db.backends.postgresql.operations import DatabaseOperations
from django.db.utils import ProgrammingError
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
from .models import PostGISGeometryColumns, PostGISSpatialRefSys
from .pgraster import get_pgraster_srid
class PostGISOperator(SpatialOperator):
def __init__(self, geography=False, **kwargs):
# Only a subset of the operators and functions are available
# for the geography type.
self.geography = geography
super(PostGISOperator, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def as_sql(self, connection, lookup, *args):
if lookup.lhs.output_field.geography and not self.geography:
raise ValueError('PostGIS geography does not support the "%s" '
'function/operator.' % (self.func or self.op,))
return super(PostGISOperator, self).as_sql(connection, lookup, *args)
class PostGISDistanceOperator(PostGISOperator):
sql_template = '%(func)s(%(lhs)s, %(rhs)s) %(op)s %%s'
def as_sql(self, connection, lookup, template_params, sql_params):
if not lookup.lhs.output_field.geography and lookup.lhs.output_field.geodetic(connection):
sql_template = self.sql_template
if len(lookup.rhs) == 3 and lookup.rhs[-1] == 'spheroid':
template_params.update({'op': self.op, 'func': 'ST_Distance_Spheroid'})
sql_template = '%(func)s(%(lhs)s, %(rhs)s, %%s) %(op)s %%s'
template_params.update({'op': self.op, 'func': 'ST_Distance_Sphere'})
return sql_template % template_params, sql_params
return super(PostGISDistanceOperator, self).as_sql(connection, lookup, template_params, sql_params)
class PostGISOperations(BaseSpatialOperations, DatabaseOperations):
name = 'postgis'
postgis = True
geography = True
geom_func_prefix = 'ST_'
version_regex = re.compile(r'^(?P<major>\d)\.(?P<minor1>\d)\.(?P<minor2>\d+)')
Adapter = PostGISAdapter
Adaptor = Adapter # Backwards-compatibility alias.
gis_operators = {
'bbcontains': PostGISOperator(op='~'),
'bboverlaps': PostGISOperator(op='&&', geography=True),
'contained': PostGISOperator(op='@'),
'contains': PostGISOperator(func='ST_Contains'),
'overlaps_left': PostGISOperator(op='&<'),
'overlaps_right': PostGISOperator(op='&>'),
'overlaps_below': PostGISOperator(op='&<|'),
'overlaps_above': PostGISOperator(op='|&>'),
'left': PostGISOperator(op='<<'),
'right': PostGISOperator(op='>>'),
'strictly_below': PostGISOperator(op='<<|'),
'strictly_above': PostGISOperator(op='|>>'),
'same_as': PostGISOperator(op='~='),
'exact': PostGISOperator(op='~='), # alias of same_as
'contains_properly': PostGISOperator(func='ST_ContainsProperly'),
'coveredby': PostGISOperator(func='ST_CoveredBy', geography=True),
'covers': PostGISOperator(func='ST_Covers', geography=True),
'crosses': PostGISOperator(func='ST_Crosses'),
'disjoint': PostGISOperator(func='ST_Disjoint'),
'equals': PostGISOperator(func='ST_Equals'),
'intersects': PostGISOperator(func='ST_Intersects', geography=True),
'overlaps': PostGISOperator(func='ST_Overlaps'),
'relate': PostGISOperator(func='ST_Relate'),
'touches': PostGISOperator(func='ST_Touches'),
'within': PostGISOperator(func='ST_Within'),
'dwithin': PostGISOperator(func='ST_DWithin', geography=True),
'distance_gt': PostGISDistanceOperator(func='ST_Distance', op='>', geography=True),
'distance_gte': PostGISDistanceOperator(func='ST_Distance', op='>=', geography=True),
'distance_lt': PostGISDistanceOperator(func='ST_Distance', op='<', geography=True),
'distance_lte': PostGISDistanceOperator(func='ST_Distance', op='<=', geography=True),
unsupported_functions = set()
function_names = {
'BoundingCircle': 'ST_MinimumBoundingCircle',
'MemSize': 'ST_Mem_Size',
'NumPoints': 'ST_NPoints',
def __init__(self, connection):
super(PostGISOperations, self).__init__(connection)
prefix = self.geom_func_prefix
self.area = prefix + 'Area'
self.bounding_circle = prefix + 'MinimumBoundingCircle'
self.centroid = prefix + 'Centroid'
self.collect = prefix + 'Collect'
self.difference = prefix + 'Difference'
self.distance = prefix + 'Distance'
self.distance_sphere = prefix + 'distance_sphere'
self.distance_spheroid = prefix + 'distance_spheroid'
self.envelope = prefix + 'Envelope'
self.extent = prefix + 'Extent'
self.extent3d = prefix + '3DExtent'
self.force_rhr = prefix + 'ForceRHR'
self.geohash = prefix + 'GeoHash'
self.geojson = prefix + 'AsGeoJson'
self.gml = prefix + 'AsGML'
self.intersection = prefix + 'Intersection'
self.kml = prefix + 'AsKML'
self.length = prefix + 'Length'
self.length3d = prefix + '3DLength'
self.length_spheroid = prefix + 'length_spheroid'
self.makeline = prefix + 'MakeLine'
self.mem_size = prefix + 'mem_size'
self.num_geom = prefix + 'NumGeometries'
self.num_points = prefix + 'npoints'
self.perimeter = prefix + 'Perimeter'
self.perimeter3d = prefix + '3DPerimeter'
self.point_on_surface = prefix + 'PointOnSurface'
self.polygonize = prefix + 'Polygonize'
self.reverse = prefix + 'Reverse'
self.scale = prefix + 'Scale'
self.snap_to_grid = prefix + 'SnapToGrid'
self.svg = prefix + 'AsSVG'
self.sym_difference = prefix + 'SymDifference'
self.transform = prefix + 'Transform'
self.translate = prefix + 'Translate'
self.union = prefix + 'Union'
self.unionagg = prefix + 'Union'
def spatial_version(self):
"""Determine the version of the PostGIS library."""
# Trying to get the PostGIS version because the function
# signatures will depend on the version used. The cost
# here is a database query to determine the version, which
# can be mitigated by setting `POSTGIS_VERSION` with a 3-tuple
# comprising user-supplied values for the major, minor, and
# subminor revision of PostGIS.
if hasattr(settings, 'POSTGIS_VERSION'):
version = settings.POSTGIS_VERSION
# Run a basic query to check the status of the connection so we're
# sure we only raise the error below if the problem comes from
# PostGIS and not from PostgreSQL itself (see #24862).
vtup = self.postgis_version_tuple()
except ProgrammingError:
raise ImproperlyConfigured(
'Cannot determine PostGIS version for database "%s" '
'using command "SELECT postgis_lib_version()". '
'GeoDjango requires at least PostGIS version 2.0. '
'Was the database created from a spatial database '
'template?' % self.connection.settings_dict['NAME']
version = vtup[1:]
return version
def convert_extent(self, box, srid):
Returns a 4-tuple extent for the `Extent` aggregate by converting
the bounding box text returned by PostGIS (`box` argument), for
example: "BOX(-90.0 30.0, -85.0 40.0)".
if box is None:
return None
ll, ur = box[4:-1].split(',')
xmin, ymin = map(float, ll.split())
xmax, ymax = map(float, ur.split())
return (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
def convert_extent3d(self, box3d, srid):
Returns a 6-tuple extent for the `Extent3D` aggregate by converting
the 3d bounding-box text returned by PostGIS (`box3d` argument), for
example: "BOX3D(-90.0 30.0 1, -85.0 40.0 2)".
if box3d is None:
return None
ll, ur = box3d[6:-1].split(',')
xmin, ymin, zmin = map(float, ll.split())
xmax, ymax, zmax = map(float, ur.split())
return (xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax)
def convert_geom(self, hex, geo_field):
Converts the geometry returned from PostGIS aggregates.
if hex:
return Geometry(hex, srid=geo_field.srid)
return None
def geo_db_type(self, f):
Return the database field type for the given spatial field.
if f.geom_type == 'RASTER':
return 'raster'
elif f.geography:
if f.srid != 4326:
raise NotImplementedError('PostGIS only supports geography columns with an SRID of 4326.')
return 'geography(%s,%d)' % (f.geom_type, f.srid)
# Type-based geometries.
# TODO: Support 'M' extension.
if f.dim == 3:
geom_type = f.geom_type + 'Z'
geom_type = f.geom_type
return 'geometry(%s,%d)' % (geom_type, f.srid)
def get_distance(self, f, dist_val, lookup_type):
Retrieve the distance parameters for the given geometry field,
distance lookup value, and the distance lookup type.
This is the most complex implementation of the spatial backends due to
what is supported on geodetic geometry columns vs. what's available on
projected geometry columns. In addition, it has to take into account
the geography column type.
# Getting the distance parameter and any options.
if len(dist_val) == 1:
value, option = dist_val[0], None
value, option = dist_val
# Shorthand boolean flags.
geodetic = f.geodetic(self.connection)
geography = f.geography
if isinstance(value, Distance):
if geography:
dist_param = value.m
elif geodetic:
if lookup_type == 'dwithin':
raise ValueError('Only numeric values of degree units are '
'allowed on geographic DWithin queries.')
dist_param = value.m
dist_param = getattr(value, Distance.unit_attname(f.units_name(self.connection)))
# Assuming the distance is in the units of the field.
dist_param = value
if (not geography and geodetic and lookup_type != 'dwithin'
and option == 'spheroid'):
# using distance_spheroid requires the spheroid of the field as
# a parameter.
return [f._spheroid, dist_param]
return [dist_param]
def get_geom_placeholder(self, f, value, compiler):
Provides a proper substitution value for Geometries that are not in the
SRID of the field. Specifically, this routine will substitute in the
ST_Transform() function call.
# Get the srid for this object
if value is None:
value_srid = None
elif f.geom_type == 'RASTER':
value_srid = get_pgraster_srid(value)
value_srid = value.srid
# Adding Transform() to the SQL placeholder if the value srid
# is not equal to the field srid.
if value_srid is None or value_srid == f.srid:
placeholder = '%s'
elif f.geom_type == 'RASTER':
placeholder = '%s((%%s)::raster, %s)' % (self.transform, f.srid)
placeholder = '%s(%%s, %s)' % (self.transform, f.srid)
if hasattr(value, 'as_sql'):
# If this is an F expression, then we don't really want
# a placeholder and instead substitute in the column
# of the expression.
sql, _ = compiler.compile(value)
placeholder = placeholder % sql
return placeholder
def _get_postgis_func(self, func):
Helper routine for calling PostGIS functions and returning their result.
# Close out the connection. See #9437.
with self.connection.temporary_connection() as cursor:
cursor.execute('SELECT %s()' % func)
return cursor.fetchone()[0]
def postgis_geos_version(self):
"Returns the version of the GEOS library used with PostGIS."
return self._get_postgis_func('postgis_geos_version')
def postgis_lib_version(self):
"Returns the version number of the PostGIS library used with PostgreSQL."
return self._get_postgis_func('postgis_lib_version')
def postgis_proj_version(self):
"Returns the version of the PROJ.4 library used with PostGIS."
return self._get_postgis_func('postgis_proj_version')
def postgis_version(self):
"Returns PostGIS version number and compile-time options."
return self._get_postgis_func('postgis_version')
def postgis_full_version(self):
"Returns PostGIS version number and compile-time options."
return self._get_postgis_func('postgis_full_version')
def postgis_version_tuple(self):
Returns the PostGIS version as a tuple (version string, major,
minor, subminor).
# Getting the PostGIS version
version = self.postgis_lib_version()
m = self.version_regex.match(version)
if m:
major = int('major'))
minor1 = int('minor1'))
minor2 = int('minor2'))
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